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The effect of neurotensin on submaximally-stimulated hepatobiliary and pancreatic secretion was studied in 6 healthy subjects. An intravenous infusion of neurotensin 1.4 ± 0.3 pmol/kg/min, designed to reproduce plasma neurotensin immunoreactivity levels within the physiological range, produced a significant increase in pancreatic bicarbonate output. Plasma concentrations of pancreatic polypeptide rose by 83 ± 16 pmol/l and were associated with a small reduction in trypsin, but no significant change in bilirubin outputs.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of the follow-up cytogenetic survey and biological dosimetry carried out in inhabitants of Pripiat' town and nearby villages, who were departured from the Chernobyl NPP 30-km exclusive zone during first days after the Chernobyl catastrophe. The unstable chromosome aberration level in inhabitants were significantly increased above control in terms up to 1 year after evacuation and declined gardually during next 14 years. In early period the cytogenetic damage frequency in evacuees showed no dependence on gender. The chromosome type aberration level appeared to be lower in young persons comparing with adults. The dicentrics plus centric rings yield had a positive correlation with duration of staying at Chernobyl zone. The average doses of protracted exposure were calculated from the dicentrics and centric rings yields; the dose estimations appeared to be 1.4 times higher in persons evacuated 3-11 days after the accident than that of in persons with shorter departure time. Uing the Bayesian analysis the probabilistic distribution of biological doses was constructed for the studied evacuees group. This distribution was characterized by a mean dose of 360 mGy, the modal doses of 200-450 mGy and 80% of probability density within the dose range 0-1000 mGy, that seems to be sufficient for considering the increased risk of late somatic radiation effects for this cohort.  相似文献   
Data are presented for a subset of lymphocytes characterized by FISH as missing painted chromosomal material. These lymphocytes occur in both control and irradiated subjects. These cells have a much greater frequency of one-way translocations than cells in which all of the painted chromosomal material is present. Their presence contributes to interindividual variability in control translocation yields. These cells do not appear to be more prevalent in persons exposed to high radiation doses. It is suggested that their exclusion when selecting cells for analysis may improve the sensitivity of FISH as a biological dosimeter at low doses. Mechanisms for the production of these one-way translocations in vivo are also discussed, with a proposal that their variable frequency in individuals may be consistent with exposure to chemical clastogens.  相似文献   
A 25-year-old previously asymptomatic pregnant woman at 36 weeks'' gestation was noticed to have repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. A dilated left ventricle with moderately reduced systolic function was found on echocardiographic examination. This is a very rare presentation of peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCMP) presenting with repetitive monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.  相似文献   
A recently silenced, duplicate PgiC locus in Clarkia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous electrophoretic analysis showed that 17 diploid species of the wildflower Clarkia (Onagraceae) have two cytosolic isozymes of phosphoglucose isomerase (PGIC; EC, whereas 15 other diploid species have a single PGIC. Molecular studies revealed that the two isozymes in the former species are encoded by duplicate genes, PgiC1 and PgiC2, whereas the single isozyme in the latter is always encoded by PgiC1. Phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences implied that PgiC2 was silenced four times independently in the genus. Here we describe a psi PgiC2 from C. mildrediae, a species in which only PgiC1 is expressed. The discovery of the psi PgiC2 is significant because it confirms a formal prediction of the phylogenetic analysis. The psi PgiC2 includes 5,039 nucleotides corresponding to 18 of the 23 exons of PgiC, as well as the intervening introns and 3' nontranslated region. The absence of an increase of nucleotide substitutions in its "exons" suggests that the gene was silenced recently. The present study appears to be the first to establish that a specific duplicate gene locus regularly expressed in a group of related plant species has been silenced in one of them. The multiple independent silencings of PgiC2 suggest that it remained functional but inessential in ancestral lineages. We discuss the possibility that PgiC2 may have been preserved in these lineages by selection against mutants causing defective PGIC1- PGIC2 heterodimers.   相似文献   


Coffee is an important crop and is crucial to the economy of many developing countries, generating around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the < i > Coffea < /i > genus, but only two, < i > C. arabica < /i > and < i > C. canephora < /i > , are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer ( < i > Hypotheneumus hampei < /i > ), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the Coffea genus, but only two, C. arabica and C. canephora, are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer (Hypotheneumus hampei), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US500 million. The coffee berry borer exclusively damages the coffee berries, and it is mainly controlled by organochlorine insecticides that are both toxic and carcinogenic. Unfortunately, natural resistance in the genus Coffea to H. hampei has not been documented. To overcome these problems, biotechnological strategies can be used to introduce an α-amylase inhibitor gene (α-AI1), which confers resistance against the coffee berry borer insect-pest, into C. arabica plants.  相似文献   
Eighteen Ukrainian evacuees from the Chernobyl exclusive zone, twenty one inhabitants of radioactively contaminated areas of Belarus and twelve control donors age-matched to the exposed persons were investigated 14-15 years after the Chernobyl accident for chromosomal aberration yields detected in blood lymphocytes by fluorescence in situ hybridisation technique. Unstable aberration yields measured in both Chernobyl cohorts were close to the background frequencies. Positive age-dependence trends in control donors were determined for the all type stable aberration levels. In evacuees the tendency for diminishing the difference between them and controls for stable aberration levels with persons' age increasing was found. The total stable chromosome exchange yields in evacuees 46-55 years old and inhabitants of areas with low contamination level didn't exceed the control values, but for younger evacuees and inhabitants of sufficiently contaminated regions the statistical increase above the age relevant background meanings was detected for this end-point. The advantages of using the FISH-detectable stable aberrations and particularly the total level of stable chromosome exchanges as the end-points for retrospective biological indication of past radiation exposure in Chernobyl cohorts were discussed.  相似文献   


Palmitoylation is a 16-carbon lipid post-translational modification that increases protein hydrophobicity. This form of protein fatty acylation is emerging as a critical regulatory modification for multiple aspects of cellular interactions and signaling. Despite recent advances in the development of chemical tools for the rapid identification and visualization of palmitoylated proteins, the palmitoyl proteome has not been fully defined. Here we sought to identify and compare the palmitoylated proteins in murine fibroblasts and dendritic cells.


A total of 563 putative palmitoylation substrates were identified, more than 200 of which have not been previously suggested to be palmitoylated in past proteomic studies. Here we validate the palmitoylation of several new proteins including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 2, 5 and 10, CD80, CD86, and NEDD4. Palmitoylation of TLR2, which was uniquely identified in dendritic cells, was mapped to a transmembrane domain-proximal cysteine. Inhibition of TLR2 S-palmitoylation pharmacologically or by cysteine mutagenesis led to decreased cell surface expression and a decreased inflammatory response to microbial ligands.


This work identifies many fatty acylated proteins involved in fundamental cellular processes as well as cell type-specific functions, highlighting the value of examining the palmitoyl proteomes of multiple cell types. S-palmitoylation of TLR2 is a previously unknown immunoregulatory mechanism that represents an entirely novel avenue for modulation of TLR2 inflammatory activity.
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