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Peritoneal resident cells of mice normally contain small populations of NK cells and NK1.1(+) alphabetaT cells. These populations increased after either 3LL or EL4 tumor inoculations into the peritoneal cavity. In vivo depletion of NK cell alone by anti-asialo GM1 (ASGM1) Ab significantly decreased survival time of tumor-injected mice, while depletion of both NK cells and NK1.1(+) T cells by anti-NK 1.1 Ab greatly shortened mouse survival time. NK1. 1(+) T cells in peritoneal cavity consist of a larger proportion of double-negative T cells and smaller populations of CD4(+) T cells and Vbeta8(+) T cells compared with liver NK1.1(+) T cells and normally lack Vbeta2(+) T cells. Tumor inoculation induced rapid IL-12 and IFN-gamma mRNA in tumor-infiltrating mononuclear cells (TIM). Although anti-NK1 Ab pretreatment in vivo abrogated IFN-gamma mRNA expression and IFN-gamma production of TIM, NK cell depletion alone by anti-ASGM1 Ab pretreatment retained IFN-gamma mRNA expression and partly inhibited IFN-gamma production of TIM. Peritoneal NK cells as well as NK1.1(+) T cells but not NK1.1(-) T cells of 3LL cell- or EL4 cell-injected mice showed cytotoxicities against the same tumor cells. Further, either anti-IL-12 Ab or anti-IFN-gamma Ab ip injection significantly shortened EL4 cell-inoculated mouse survival time. Our findings suggest that peritoneal macrophages activated by tumors produce IL-12 which activates NK cells and NK1.1(+) T cells to produce IFN-gamma and both NK cells and NK1.1(+) T cells are important in suppressing the growth of the intraperitoneal tumors.  相似文献   
Development of a novel method for the synthesis of DNA conjugates is described. Oligonucleotides were successfully conjugated with a variety of functional molecules on a solid phase (Solid Phase Fragment Condensation) using an amino, a hydroxyl, a thiol, and a carboxyl group. DNA-peptide conjugate was obtained as a pure from by a single RPHPLC purification approximately in 20% yield. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the present method was effective for the preparation of conjugate molecules, DNA-sugar, DNA-polyamine, DNA-lipid and so on. The study to create new intelligent DNAs by accumulation various biofunctions on the molecule by SPFC is now in progress in our laboratory.  相似文献   
By using a hydroxyapatite column, the five major Photosystem I (PSI) subunits (PsaA,-B,-C,-D,-E) solubilized by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were fractionated from a spinach PSI reaction center preparation. Another small (5-6 kDa) polypeptide was also separated, and purified to homogeneity. Mass spectroscopy yielded its molecular weight to be 5942 +/- 10. This polypeptide had an N-terminal sequence homologous to those of previously reported 5-kDa subunits from spinach and wheat and a 6.1-kDa subunit of Chlamydomonas, which had all been assigned to Photosystem II (PSII) and designated as PsbW. However, we found similar 5-kDa polypeptides with highly conserved N-terminal sequences ubiquitously in PSI particles from other plants including Daikon (Raphanus sativus, Japanese radish), Chingensai (Brassica parachinensis, Chinese cabbage), parsley and Shungiku (Chrysanthemum coronarium, Garland chrysanthemum) as well. Preparations of spinach PSI particles prepared by using a mild detergent (digitonin) had this 5-kDa subunit, while PSII particles did not. Moreover, a bare-bone PSI reaction center preparation consisting of PsaA/B alone had a more than stoichiometric amount of this 5-kDa polypeptide. A mechanically (without detergent) fractionated stroma thylakoid preparation from Phytolacca americana, which lacked other PSII subunits, also contained this 5-kDa subunit. Thus, we propose that this 5-kDa polypeptide, previously designated as a PSII subunit (PsbW), is an integral subunit of PSI as well.  相似文献   
Although CD8+ IL-2Rbeta (CD122)+ T cells with intermediate TCR reportedly develop extrathymically, their functions still remain largely unknown. In the present study, we characterized the function of CD8+ CD122+ T cells with intermediate TCR of C57BL/6 mice. The proportion of CD8+ CD122+ T cells in splenocytes gradually increased with age, whereas CD8+ IL-2Rbeta-negative or -low (CD122-) T cells conversely decreased. The IFN-gamma production from splenocytes stimulated with immobilized anti-CD3 Ab in vitro increased with age, whereas the IL-4 production decreased. When sorted CD8+ CD122+ T cells were stimulated in vitro by the anti-CD3 Ab, they promptly produced a much larger amount of IFN-gamma than did CD8+ CD122- T cells or CD4+ T cells, whereas only CD4+ T cells produced IL-4. The depletion of CD8+ CD122+ T cells from whole splenocytes greatly decreased the CD3-stimulated IFN-gamma production and increased the IL-4 production, whereas the addition of sorted CD8+ CD122+ T cells to CD8+ CD122+ T cell-depleted splenocytes restored the IFN-gamma production and partially decreased IL-4 production. It is of interest that CD8+ CD122+ T cells stimulated CD4+ T cells to produce IFN-gamma. The CD3-stimulated IFN-gamma production from each T cell subset was augmented by macrophages. Furthermore, CD3-stimulated CD8+ CD122+ T cells produced an even greater amount of IFN-gamma than did liver NK1.1+ T cells and also showed antitumor cytotoxicity. These results show that CD8+ CD122+ T cells may thus be an important source of early IFN-gamma production and are suggested to be involved in the immunological changes with aging.  相似文献   
Hepatitis E virus (HEV) genotypes 3 and 4 are zoonotic pathogens, with pigs predominantly implicated in disease transmission. The rapid rise in human cases in developed countries over the past decade indicates a change in epidemiology of HEV, and it has been suggested that additional animal species may be involved in transmission of infection. Multiple studies have identified contact with dogs as a risk factor for HEV infection in industrialised nations, and a low seroprevalence to HEV has previously been reported in dogs in low-income countries. In this study we aimed to evaluate the possibility that dogs are susceptible to HEV, and determine the frequency with which this occurs. Serum samples from UK dogs with and without hepatitis were screened for HEV-specific antibodies, and canine liver and stool samples were analysed by qPCR for the presence of HEV RNA. We describe evidence to show HEV infection occurs at low levels in dogs in the UK, but the strain of origin is undetermined. The low seroprevalence level of HEV in dogs implies the risk of zoonotic disease transmission is likely to be limited, but further investigations will be required to determine if HEV-infected dogs can transmit HEV to man.  相似文献   
In previous research, we devised a specific culture chamber to examine the effect of continuously applied compressive pressure (CCP) on bone formation and resorption. The chamber was infused with compressed mixed gases with different O2 and CO2 composition to maintain the pO2, pCO2, and pH in the culture medium under pressures of +0.5 atm (1.5 atm total) to +2.0 atm (3.0 atm total) at the same levels as those at the ordinary pressure (1 atm). Using the specific culture chamber, we demonstrated that CCP greatly suppressed the differentiation of mouse osteoblast-like MC3T3-E1 cells. The inhibition by CCP appeared to be mediated by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). In the present study, we examined the effect of CCP on osteoclastic bone resorption. CCP treatment of mouse bone marrow culture markedly increased both the PGE2 production and the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP)-positive mononuclear cells (possibly precursors of multinucleated osteoclasts). An autoradiographic study using [125I]-salmon calcitonin showed clearly that those TRACP-positive cells had calcitonin receptors. The CCP effect was the greatest at +1.0 atm (2.0 atm total). Isobutylmethylxanthine potentiated the production of TRACP-positive cells induced by CCP. Adding indomethacin completely inhibited both the TRACP-positive cell formation and the PGE2 production induced by CCP. CCP also increased the release of 45Ca from prelabeled mouse calvaria during later stages (2-6 days) of the 6-day culture period. CCP markedly increased PGE2 but not interleukin 1 in the culture media of mouse calvaria. These results indicate that, besides inhibiting osteoblast differentiation, CCP stimulates bone resorption by generating new osteoclasts through a mechanism involving PGE2 production.  相似文献   
Bone metabolism is often affected by a variety of mechanical forces, but the cytological basis of their action is not known. In this study, we examined the effect of a continuously applied compressive pressure (CCP) on the growth and differentiation of clonal mouse osteoblast-like cells (MC3T3-E1) cultured in a specifically devised culture chamber. The gas phase of the chamber was maintained at a pressure of 2 atmospheres (atm) above ambient (3 atm total, 3.1 kg/cm2; 3.0 x 10(5) Pa) by continuously infusing a compressed mixed gas (O2: N2:CO2 = 7.0%:91.3%:1.7%). The pO2, pCO2, and pH in the culture medium at 37 degrees C under 3 atm were maintained at the same levels as those under 1 atm. MC3T3-E1 cells were cultured in alpha-minimal essential medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum under either 3 atm in the CCP culture chamber or 1 atm in an ordinary CO2 incubator. Alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker of osteoblasts, was greatly suppressed by the CCP treatment. The inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity was rapidly restored when the cells were transferred to an ordinary CO2 incubator under 1 atm, indicating that the inhibition of alkaline phosphatase activity by CCP is reversible. Cell growth was not altered under CCP. The CCP treatment greatly increased the production and secretion of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Adding either conditioned medium from the CCP culture or exogenous PGE2 to the control culture under 1 atm suppressed alkaline phosphatase activity dose-dependently. The CCP treatment also suppressed collagen synthesis and calcification. These results suggest that CCP causes the cells to produce and secrete PGE2, which, in turn, inhibits differentiation of osteoblasts and the concomitant calcification.  相似文献   
Fucosylation is an important type of glycosylation involved in cancer, and fucosylated proteins could be employed as cancer biomarkers. Previously, we reported that fucosylated N-glycans on haptoglobin in the sera of patients with pancreatic cancer were increased by lectin-ELISA and mass spectrometry analyses. However, an increase in fucosylated haptoglobin has been reported in various types of cancer. To ascertain if characteristic fucosylation is observed in each cancer type, we undertook site-specific analyses of N-glycans on haptoglobin in the sera of patients with five types of operable gastroenterological cancer (esophageal, gastric, colon, gallbladder, pancreatic), a non-gastroenterological cancer (prostate cancer) and normal controls using ODS column LC-ESI MS. Haptoglobin has four potential glycosylation sites (Asn184, Asn207, Asn211, Asn241). In all cancer samples, monofucosylated N-glycans were significantly increased at all glycosylation sites. Moreover, difucosylated N-glycans were detected at Asn 184, Asn207 and Asn241 only in cancer samples. Remarkable differences in N-glycan structure among cancer types were not observed. We next analyzed N-glycan alditols released from haptoglobin using graphitized carbon column LC-ESI MS to identify the linkage of fucosylation. Lewis-type and core-type fucosylated N-glycans were increased in gastroenterological cancer samples, but only core-type fucosylated N-glycan was relatively increased in prostate cancer samples. In metastatic prostate cancer, Lewis-type fucosylated N-glycan was also increased. These data suggest that the original tissue/cell producing fucosylated haptoglobin is different in each cancer type and linkage of fucosylation might be a clue of primary lesion, thereby enabling a differential diagnosis between gastroenterological cancers and non-gastroenterological cancers.  相似文献   
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