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In contrast with previous reports, it was found that membrane-protein phosphorylation by the catalytic subunit (CS) of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase had no effect on Ca2+ uptake into platelet membrane vesicles or on subsequent Ca2+ release by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3). Furthermore, IP-20, a highly potent synthetic peptide inhibitor of CS, which totally abolished membrane protein phosphorylation by endogenous or exogenous CS, also had no effect on either Ca2+ uptake or release by IP3. Commercial preparations of protein kinase inhibitor protein (PKI) usually had no effect, but one preparation partially inhibited Ca2+ uptake, which is attributable to the gross impurity of the commercial PKI preparation. IP3-induced release of Ca2+ was also unaffected by the absence of ATP from the medium, supporting the conclusion that Ca2+ release by IP3 does not require the phosphorylation of membrane protein.  相似文献   
Effect of Light on the Metabolism of Lipids in the Rat Retina   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effect of light on the in vitro incorporation of a variety of radioactive precursors into glycerolipids was tested in isolated retinas of albino rats. There was an increase in the incorporation of [2-3H]myo-inositol, 32Pi, [2-3H]glycerol, and [methyl-3H]choline into retinal phospholipids in light compared to that in darkness. [2-3H]myo-Inositol was incorporated primarily into phosphatidylinositol. 32Pi was incorporated primarily into the phosphoinositides, although there were significant increases in the specific activities of all retinal phospholipids in light compared to those in darkness. Likewise, [2-3H]glycerol incorporation into all retinal phospholipids and diglycerides was greater in light than in the dark. There was no effect of light on the incorporation of [2-3H]ethanolamine into phosphatidylethanolamine or of [3-3H]serine into phosphatidylserine, although these phospholipids were labeled to a greater extent in light with [2-3H]glycerol. There was no effect of light on the incorporation of [3H]palmitic acid into diglycerides and phospholipids, with the exception of phosphatidylinositol. Light also had no effect on the uptake of [2-3H]glycerol, [2-3H]inositol, or [methyl-3H]choline into the retina. We conclude from these studies that light stimulates the phosphoinositide effect in the rat retina. Although some of the results are consistent with a stimulation of de novo synthesis of all lipid classes, our studies with [3H]palmitate, [2-3H]ethanolamine, and [3-3H]serine do not support this conclusion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Following incubation of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) with suspensions of guinea pig brain membranes, analysis of the supernatants by HPLC has shown that both peptides are degraded at 25 degrees C and at 0 degrees C. Bestatin and captopril reduce degradation at 0 degrees C but for a similar degree of protection at 25 degrees C arginine-containing dipeptides are also required. The effects of these peptidase inhibitors on the degradation profiles indicate that [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) has three main sites of cleavage: the Tyr1-Gly2, Arg6-Arg7, and Leu5-Arg6 bonds. With [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) as substrate the Arg7-Ile8 and Ile8-Arg9 bonds are also liable to cleavage. In binding assays, in contrast to the effects of peptidase inhibitors on the degradation of unbound [3H]dynorphin A (1-8) and [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), bestatin and captopril have little effect on the binding characteristics of the tritiated dynorphin A fragments at the kappa-site at 0 degrees C. However, at 25 degrees C binding is low in the absence of peptidase inhibitors. When binding at mu- and delta-sites is prevented, the maximal binding capacities of [3H]dynorphin A (1-8), [3H]dynorphin A (1-9), and [3H](-)-bremazocine at the kappa-site are similar; [3H]dynorphin A (1-9) has 5-10 times higher affinity for the kappa-site than [3H]dynorphin A (1-8). Comparison of the effects of peptidase inhibitors on unbound dynorphin A fragments with their effects in binding assays suggests that the bound peptides are protected from the action of peptidases.  相似文献   
We screened cryostat sections of tissues from 10 inbred strains of mice with a panel of conjugated lectins, in a search for polymorphisms which could be used as markers in mouse chimeras. In DDK and RIII mice, but not the other strains tested, there are binding sites on the membrane of vascular endothelial cells for Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), which is specific for terminal nonreducing N-acetyl galactosamine residues. The expression of DBA binding sites on RIII and DDK endothelium is not, however, uniform: there are consistent differences between blood vessels in different organs. These observations provide evidence of an organ-related heterogeneity in vascular endothelium which is open to biochemical analysis, and which raises the possibility that endothelial cells carry a “tissue address.”  相似文献   
Summary Eight species of Olpidium are reported from freshwater algae and from soils in Iceland. Similarities between Olpidium endogenum and O. entophytum are discussed. On the basis of the specimens at hand and the substrates in which they occur, O. zygnemicola and O. spirogyrae are reduced to synonymy with O. entophytum and O. endogenum respectively. Olpidioid fungi in Oedogonium and sterilized pine pollen are tentatively assigned to the doubtfully distinct species O. saccatum and O. utriculiforme. Olpidium pendulum, O. luxurians, and O. longicollum occur in pine pollen bait in gross water cultures of soil. These three species are only doubtfully distinct entities. Olpidium rhizophlyctidis is reported for the first time from Iceland.  相似文献   
Summary We have analyzed the ability of the physical substratum to modulate both the ultrastructural and protein synthetic characteristics of the Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) renal cell line. When MDCK cells were seeded on Millipore Millicell CM microporous membrane cell culture inserts they demonstrated a more columnar organization with an increase in cell density sixfold greater than the same cells seeded on conventional plastic substrata. After 1 wk postseeding on the microporous membrane a partial basal lamina was noted, with a contiguous basement membrane being apparent after 2 wk. One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis was used to analyze detergent-solubilized proteins from MDCK cells maintained on plastic substrata vs. microporous membranes. When proteins were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine, a 55 kDa protein was evident in the cytosolic extract of cells grown on collagen, laminin, and nontreated plastic substrata; but this labeled protein was not evident in similar extracts from cells grown on collagen and laminin-coated microporous membranes. To test if the polarized, basement-membrane secreting phenotype of the MDCK cells could be generated on a microporous membrane without pretreatment with any extracellular matrix (ECM) components, cells were seeded on the Millipore Millicell HA (cellulosic) microporous membrane. This type of substrata does not need a coating of ECM components for cell attachment. A partial basement membrane was formed below cells where the basal surface of the cell was planar, but not in areas where the cell formed large cytoplasmic extensions into the filter. This led us to the conclusion that the microporous nature of the substrata can dictate both ultrastructural and protein synthetic activities of MDCK cells. Furthermore, we suggest that both the planar nature of the basal surface and the microporosity of the substrate are corequisites for the deposition of the basement membrane.  相似文献   
Recent data indicate that BMY 7378 demonstrates high affinity, selectivity and low intrinsic activity at hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors, suggesting that BMY 7378 may represent the first selective 5-HT1A functional antagonist. The present study examined the agonist and antagonist properties of BMY 7378 at spinal cord 5-HT1A receptors. In electrophysiological studies, iontophoretic administration of either the 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT (43.8 ± 5.4 nA) or BMY 7378 (46.3 ± 5.2 nA) significantly inhibited the firing rate of wide-dynamic-range dorsal horn units indicating that BMY 7378 demonstrates significant intrinsic activity at spinal cord 5-HT1A receptors. Concomitant BMY 7378 and 8-OH-DPAT administration identified no BMY 7378 ejection current (20–100 nA) which antagonized the 8-OH-DPAT induced inhibition of dorsal horn unit activity. In behavioral studies in the spinal rat, 8-OH-DPAT increased the animals' sensitivity to noxious levels of mechanical stimulation (ED50 = 269 ± 24 nmol/kg) as did BMY 7378 (ED50 = 295 ± 70 nmol/kg) with no statistically significant difference in the maximal response (Ymax) observed. Concomitant BMY 7378 and 8-OH-DPAT administration identified no BMY 7378 dose (10–1100 nmol/kg) which blocked the hyperalgesic effect of 8-OH-DPAT, rather, each drug produced similar effects which were additive. Further, the 5-HT1A agonist effects of BMY 7378 were blocked by the 5-HT1A antagonist, spiperone. Therefore, both the electrophysiologic and reflex data indicate that BMY 7378 possesses significant intrinsic activity at spinal cord 5-HT1A receptors, and like 8-OH-DPAT is a partial agonist at these receptors. Differences in BMY 7378 intrinsic activity at spinal cord as opposed to hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors are discussed in terms of regional differences in G-proteins coupled to 5-HT1A receptors in these two CNS regions.  相似文献   
The SH2 domain from Fyn tyrosine kinase, corresponding to residues 155–270 of the human enzyme, was expressed as a GST-fusion protein in a pGEX-E. coli system. After thrombin cleavage and removal of GST, the protein was studied by heteronuclear NMR. Two different phosphotyrosyl-peptides were synthesized and added to the SH2 domain. One peptide corresponded to the regulatory C-terminal tail region of Fyn. Sequence-specific assignment of NMR spectra was achieved using a combination of1H-15N-correlated 2D HSQC,15N-edited 3D TOCSY-HMQC, and15N-edited 3D NOESY-HMQC spectra. By analysis of the -proton chemical shifts and NOE intensities, the positions of secondary structural elements were determined and found to correspond closely to that seen in the crystal structure of the, homologous, Src-SH2 domain.To investigate the internal dynamics of the protein backbone, T1 and T2 relaxation parameters were measured on the free protein, as well as on both peptide complexes. Analytical ultracentrifugation and dynamic light scattering were employed to measure the effect of concentration and peptide-binding on self-association. The results suggest that, at NMR-sample concentrations, the free protein is present in at least dimeric form. Phosphopeptide binding and lower concentration significantly, but not completely, shift the equilibrium towards monomers. The possible role of this protein association in the regulation of the Src-family tyrosine kinases is discussed.Abbreviations SH Src homology - GST glutathione-S-transferase - IPTG isopropyl--D-galactopyranoside - DTT dithiothreitol - PMSF phenyl-methyl-sulphonyl-fluoride - TBS 50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM DTT, pH 8.0 - MWCO molecular weight cut off - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum correlation - NOESY nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy  相似文献   
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