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In a previous study on doubly transformed tobacco plants, we observed the unexpected inactivation in trans of T-DNA-I (encoding KanrNOS) following the introduction into the same genome of an unlinked copy of T-DNA-II (encoding HygrOCS). This inactivation, which probably resulted from interactions between homologous regions on each T-DNA, was correlated with methylation in the nos pro, which controlled the expression of both the nptII and nos genes. In this paper, we show that the inactivation and methylation of the nos pro nptII gene in the presence of a suppressor T-DNA-II locus can be either complete (epistasis) or partial (cellular mosaicism). In plants showing partial suppression, the strength of the Kanr phenotype, which apparently reflected the proportion of cells expressing the nptII gene, was inversely correlated with the degree of methylation of the nos pro. The extent of nos pro methylation decreased progressively in successive generations as suppressor T-DNA-II loci were crossed out. The strength of the Kanr phenotype was improved and nos pro methylation was less extensive in first generation Kanr progeny obtained from outcrossing with untransformed tobacco than from self-fertilization.  相似文献   
We have used combined fluorescent and genomic in situ hybridization (FISH/GISH) together with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) counterstaining to determine simultaneously the chromosome integration site and subgenomic allocation of a transgene in-sert in amphidiploid tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum, 2n = 4x = 48). The procedure provides sufficient information on physical markers to identify at least 20 out of 24 chromosome pairs of two tobacco cultivars commonly used in studies on transgene expression and silencing (cv. Petit Havana SR1 and cv. Gatersleben). The chromosomes can be distinguished on the basis of diploid parental ancestry, size, morphology, the presence of rDNA loci and/or intergenomic exchanges, and the DAPI banding pattern, which is shown here for the first time for N. tabacum. From a single ISH experiment, it should now be possible in most cases to identify a tobacco chromosome carrying a transgene insert, thus permitting systematic studies of how the chromosome location of transgenes influences expression levels. Received: 23 April 1996; in revised form: 11 June 1996 / Accepted: 18 June 1996  相似文献   
A T-DNA locus comprising nptII, uidA and nos genes — all under the control of the nos promoter (this locus was designated K because it encodes resistance to Kanamycin) - was found to be inherited erratically in a transgenic tobacco line. This anomalous behavior was partially explained following a karyotype analysis of plants representing several generations: these plants were aneuploids, presumably for the K-containing chromosome. During four generations of sexual propagation, transgenic plants that were either trisomic or tetrasomic for the K-containing chromosome (i.e. 2n=49 or 2n=50, respectively) were obtained. The trisomic plants (2n=48+1) were virtually indistinguishable phenotypically from normal euploids (2n=4x=48), whereas the tetrasomic plants (2n=48+2) were smaller, had somewhat misshapen leaves and exhibited reduced fertility. Although the amount of NPTH protein in different trisomic (K--, KK-, KKK) and tetrasomic (KK--, KKK-) plants was generally consistent with a K dosage effect, the genetic behavior of each trisomic — with respect to segregation of KanR and marker gene activity in progeny — was unique and not completely explicable by invoking aneuploidy. Specifically, unexpected gains or losses of K could occur, suggesting the formation of double reductional gametes and/or frequent gene conversion at this locus. The susceptibility of K locus marker genes to trans-inactivation in the trisomic and tetrasomic lines was tested by crossing in partially homologous silencing loci. In all transgenotypes tested, the three K marker genes were sensitive to trans-silencing, which was accompanied by methylation in all copies of the nos promoter. In addition to this directed inactivation/methylation, the K locus could also undergo infrequent, spontaneous partial methylation, which produced stable epialleles. In most plants, however, the multiple copies of the nos promoter at this locus remained unmethylated and active through four generations in all transgenotypes examined. The significance of these results for irregular inheritance patterns, aneuploid syndromes and homology-dependent gene silencing is discussed.  相似文献   
The content of hepatitis B virus (HBV) replicative forms and HBV core protein in the liver of HBV transgenic mice is transiently reduced during massive liver regeneration following partial hepatectomy while the steady-state content of viral RNA is unchanged. This antiviral effect is triggered by interferon and tumor necrosis factor that are induced in the liver following hepatectomy and either prevent the formation or accelerate the degradation of viral nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm of the hepatocyte. Despite massive hepatocellular turnover, this effect is independent of liver cell division, indicating that HBV replicates efficiently in resting and dividing hepatocytes.  相似文献   
Summary A method (termed co-cultivation) for transforming plant cells in vitro with A. tumefaciens strains, which was originally developed by Marton et al. (1978) Nature 277: 129–131, has been modified by the incorporation of a novel feeder plate culture system and been extended to use with petunia protoplasts. Using efficient cell plating and selection conditions for phytohormone-independent growth, large numbers of independent transformed calli can be obtained efficiently (10-1) and in less than 3 weeks following protoplast isolation. Southern hybridization analysis has confirmed that the majority of the resulting in vitro transformants contain a single copy of full length T-DNA.The high efficiency of this procedure allows simple screening to identify plant cells transformed by Ti plasmids attenuated by deletion of internal T-DNA regions. Results are presented that demonstrate the co-cultivation method can be used in conjunction with short term assays for monitoring plant gene expression.  相似文献   
Summary The present investigation was designed to allow a critical comparison of the cytochemical behaviour of commercially available acriflavine dye samples and pure acriflavine and proflavine dyes, regarding their application in automated cell analysis. Thin layer chromatography, NMR-spectroscopy and mass-spectrometry were applied for the identification of the dye composition.This study includes (1) a column chromatographic technique for the purification of larger dye quantities, (2) the investigation of the photodecomposition of different dye samples, and (3) the evaluation of the influence of various acriflavine/proflavine dye concentrations (1.6·10–3–4·10–6 mol/l) on to the emission spectrum of stained unhydrolyzed and hydrolyzed chicken erythrocytes.The commercially available acriflavine dye samples showed a much higher reduction in fluorescence intensity than the pure dyes, whereby proflavine faded less than acriflavine. Photodecomposition is markably influenced by dye impurities. Fluorescence emission spectra were registered at various acriflavine and proflavine dye concentrations for unhydrolyzed and hydrolyzed chicken erythrocytes in order to investigate the dye-dye interaction and the behaviour of the cellular DNA-dye complex. Proflavine showed a similar spectral behaviour as acriflavine. The dye concentration-dependent spectral behaviour of the DNA-dye complex of these fluorochromes seems to be a very critical factor. A comparison of quantitative fluorescence measurements can only be performed by staining cells with the same dye quality, because automated cytology requires reproducible information of cells in machinesensible terms.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (01 VH 065)  相似文献   
Within the lactose permease, an arginine residue is found on a transmembrane segment at position 302. Based upon the effects of mutations at or in the vicinity of Arg-302, this residue has been implicated to be involved with H+ and/or sugar recognition. To further elucidate the role of this residue, we have substituted Arg-302 with serine, histidine, and leucine via site-directed mutagenesis. All three of these substitutions result in an impaired ability to transport galactosides as evidenced by their poor growth on minimal plates supplemented with lactose or melibiose. Furthermore, in vitro transport assays revealed substantial alterations in the kinetic constants for downhill lactose transport. The wild-type strain exhibited a Km for lactose transport of 0.30 mM and a Vmax of 267 nmol of lactose/min.mg of protein. The Ser-302, His-302, and Leu-302 were observed to have Km values of 0.18, 2.3, and 2.8 mM, and Vmax values of 11.6, 56.4, and 22.0 nmol of lactose/min.mg of protein, respectively. In uphill transport assays, all three mutants were unable to accumulate beta-methyl-D-thiogalactoside. However, both the Ser-302 and His-302 mutants were able to accumulate lactose against a concentration gradient. During H+ transport assays, all three mutants were shown to transport H+ in conjunction with thiodigalactoside. In addition, the Ser-302 and His-302 strains exhibited small alkalinizations upon the addition of lactose. However, for the Leu-302 mutant, the addition of lactose did not result in a significant level of H+ transport. Finally, experiments were conducted which were aimed at measuring the ability of the mutant permeases to catalyze an H+ leak. In this regard, a comparison was made between the wild-type and mutant strains concerning their steady state pH gradient and their rates of H+ influx following oxygen pulses. The results of these experiments suggest that mutations at position 302 cause a sugar-dependent H+ leak.  相似文献   
Summary The present investigation was designed to allow a critical comparison of the dye purity of six commerical acriflavine samples. Thin layer chromatography, absorption-, IR- and NMR-spectroscopy were applied for the identification of dye components and impurities. Ambiguities regarding the purity of the acriflavine samples have been resolved, showing that: (a) The finding permits the conclusion, that all analyzed samples of the fluorochrome acriflavine are characterized by a two-component dye pattern (acriflavine II and proflavine III), and contain fluorescent impurities. (b) The dye component III was the main component of only one dye sample.The effectiveness of these experiments is concerned with making automated microfluorometric measurement of cells stained with pure dye fractions more quantitative and reproduceable.This investigation was supported by a grant from the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie (01 VH 065)  相似文献   
In this study, we examined the ability of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) precore, envelope, and X gene products to modulate HBV replication in the livers of transgenic mice that replicate the virus. Hepatic HBV replication was not affected by overexpression of the envelope or X gene products when these animals were crossed with transgenic mice that express the corresponding viral genes in the hepatocyte. Overexpression of the precore protein, however, eliminated nucleocapsid particles from the cytoplasm of the hepatocytes and abolished HBV replication without affecting the hepatic steady-state content of pregenomic HBV RNA. These observations suggest that the precore protein can exert a dominant negative effect on HBV replication, presumably at the level of nucleocapsid particle maturation or stability, suggesting an important role for this enigmatic viral protein in the HBV life cycle.  相似文献   
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