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Flow cytometric analysis of isolated rat liver nuclei during growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of hepatocyte polyploidy in rats aged up to 4 months was analyzed by flow cytometry using both scatter and fluorescent parameters to distinguish DNA diploid and DNA tetraploid populations and to discriminate between parenchymal and non-parenchymal compartments. The precise origin of each class of nuclei was assessed in whole liver homogenate using purified hepatocytes, obtained by liver perfusion followed by separation on Percoll gradient, and identifying the peaks corresponding to parenchymal nuclei. The results indicate that preparative procedures involving homogenization of the rat liver tissue caused loss of the DNA octaploid population. Data on the relative proportion of the different DNA ploidy elements during rat liver development, which are in good agreement with those observed by cell analysis by means of microspectrophotometry, indicate the usefulness of flow cytometry as a choice method for the analysis of ploidy distribution.  相似文献   
Summary From a study of two areas, Jesira and the Bajuni Archipelago, about 400 km apart, a general pattern can be established for the Recent facies, together with the morphological and taxonomic features of the corals. Present day coral development is characterized by true fringing reefs in the Bajuni Archipelago and by scattered patches and knolls in the Jesira area. The coral fauna, consisting of 27 genera and 63 species so far (including all uncertainties, but not sight records), is rather poor, though coral communities are locally well developed. These figures probably reflect incomplete study and sampling. Although comparison with other areas may therefore be premature, a preliminary biogeographical analysis suggests that this fauna is more closely related to that of the Red Sea than to East Africa and the Seychelles. This differs from other published biogeographical work on Indian Ocean coral faunas, but further study of the corals in this and neighbouring areas of the Indian Ocean is needed in order to resolve this apparent anomaly.  相似文献   
Summary— In the sperm nuclei the DNA is packaged into a highly condensed form and is not organized into nucleosome and solenoid but is bound and stabilized mainly by the protamines that arrange the DNA in an almost crystalline state. As demonstrated for somatic cells, the sperm DNA has been reported to be organized in loop domains attached to the nuclear matrix structures. However, the possible role of the sperm head matrix in maintaining the loop organization in absence of a typical nucleosomal structures has not been fully elucidated. By using in situ nick translation at confocal and electron microscope level, we analyzed the organization of the DNAprotamine complex and its association with the sperm nuclear matrix. The data obtained indicate that the chromatin organization in sperm nuclei is maintained during the sperm condensation by means of interactions with the nuclear matrix at fixed sites. The fine stucture of sperm nucleus and of sperm nuclear matrix, investigated on sections and replicas of freeze-fractured specimens, suggests that the lamellar array, observed by freeze-fracturing in the sperm nuclei, could depend on the inner matrix which presents a regular organization of globular structures possibly involved in the maintenance of chromatin domains in highly condensed sperm nuclei also.  相似文献   
A sensitive and precise automated assay of urinary lactate dehydrogenase (EC, alkaline phosphatase (EC and gamma-glutamyltransferase (EC is described. For this purpose, we used a BM/Hitachi System 704 model and reagents for automated analysis of serum enzymes from Boehringer Mannheim. However, the schedules of enzyme chemistry parameters recorded by the autoanalyzer and the spectrophotometric calibration are reprogrammed to meet requirements deriving from urine adoption and to optimize the enzyme assay in this unusual medium.  相似文献   
Sera from feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected cats exhibited extremely low levels of neutralizing antibodies against virus passaged a few times in vitro (low passage), when residual infectivity was assayed in the CD3+ CD4- CD8- MBM lymphoid cell line or mitogen-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. By sharp contrast, elevated titers of highly efficient neutralizing activity against FIV were measured, by use of high-passage virus, in assays on either the fibroblastoid CrFK or MBM cell line. However, high-passage virus behaved the same as low-passage virus after one in vivo passage in a specific-pathogen-free cat and reisolation. Subneutralizing concentrations of infected cat sera enhanced the production of low-passage virus by MBM cells, an effect not seen with high-passage virus in CrFK cells. These qualitative and quantitative discrepancies could not be attributed to differences in the amount of immunoreactive viral material, to the amount of infectious virus present in the viral stocks, or to the presence of anti-cell antibodies. The observed effects were most likely due to the different passage history of the viral preparations used. The observation that neutralizing antibodies detected with high-passage virus were broadly cross-reactive in assays with CrFK cells but isolate specific in MBM cells suggests also that the cell substrate can influence the result of FIV neutralization assays. This possibility could not be tested directly because FIV adapted to grow in CrFK cells had little infectivity for lymphoid cells and vice versa. In vitro exposure to infected cat sera had little or no effect on the ability of in vivo-passaged FIV to infect cats. These data reveal no obvious relationship between titers against high-passage virus and ability to block infectivity of FIV in cats and suggest caution in the use of such assays to measure vaccine efficacy. In conclusion, by contrast with what has been previously reported for the use of CrFK cells and high-passage virus, both natural and experimental infections of cats with FIV generate poor neutralizing antibody responses with regard to in vivo protection.  相似文献   
Two simplifying hypotheses have been proposed for whole‐plant respiration. One links respiration to photosynthesis; the other to biomass. Using a first‐principles carbon balance model with a prescribed live woody biomass turnover, applied at a forest research site where multidecadal measurements are available for comparison, we show that if turnover is fast the accumulation of respiring biomass is low and respiration depends primarily on photosynthesis; while if turnover is slow the accumulation of respiring biomass is high and respiration depends primarily on biomass. But the first scenario is inconsistent with evidence for substantial carry‐over of fixed carbon between years, while the second implies far too great an increase in respiration during stand development—leading to depleted carbohydrate reserves and an unrealistically high mortality risk. These two mutually incompatible hypotheses are thus both incorrect. Respiration is not linearly related either to photosynthesis or to biomass, but it is more strongly controlled by recent photosynthates (and reserve availability) than by total biomass.  相似文献   
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) exerts a cytostatic effect on HepG2 and B16-F1 cell lines. To evaluate the possible involvement of the apoptotic process in this effect, we performed studies at cellular and molecular levels. HGF induced apoptosis only in HepG2 hepatoma cells at day 3 in about 20% of the cells undergoing growth inhibition, while hallmarks of apoptosis did not occur in B16-F1 melanoma cells. During the first 24 h after HGF treatment, enhanced expression of the pro-apoptotic genes bax and c-Myc was observed at level of mRNA and protein. Concomitant induction of antizyme (AZ) might lower ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) protein level though a huge increase in ODC mRNA level took place. This was suggested as a signal for apoptosis decisional phase. The levels of the proteins examined except that of AZ fell down thereafter when HepG2 cells underwent apoptosis. In B16-F1 cells, only ODC and AZ protein levels were elevated probably in relation to the initial elevated growth rate and the absence of apoptosis involvement in the following cytostatic effect of HGF in melanoma cells. Consistent with this hypothesis, bax mRNA and protein levels were unchanged or even lower relative to control values.  相似文献   
The response of forest ecosystems to increased atmospheric CO2 is constrained by nutrient availability. It is thus crucial to account for nutrient limitation when studying the forest response to climate change. The objectives of this study were to describe the nutritional status of the main European tree species, to identify growth‐limiting nutrients and to assess changes in tree nutrition during the past two decades. We analysed the foliar nutrition data collected during 1992–2009 on the intensive forest monitoring plots of the ICP Forests programme. Of the 22 significant temporal trends that were observed in foliar nutrient concentrations, 20 were decreasing and two were increasing. Some of these trends were alarming, among which the foliar P concentration in F. sylvatica, Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris that significantly deteriorated during 1992–2009. In Q. Petraea and P. sylvestris, the decrease in foliar P concentration was more pronounced on plots with low foliar P status, meaning that trees with latent P deficiency could become deficient in the near future. Increased tree productivity, possibly resulting from high N deposition and from the global increase in atmospheric CO2, has led to higher nutrient demand by trees. As the soil nutrient supply was not always sufficient to meet the demands of faster growing trees, this could partly explain the deterioration of tree mineral nutrition. The results suggest that when evaluating forest carbon storage capacity and when planning to reduce CO2 emissions by increasing use of wood biomass for bioenergy, it is crucial that nutrient limitations for forest growth are considered.  相似文献   
Cats immunized with cells infected with a primary isolate of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and fixed with paraformaldehyde were challenged with cell-free or cell-associated homologous virus obtained ex vivo. Complete protection was observed in animals challenged with cell-free virus 4 months after completion of vaccination (p.v.) or with cell-associated virus 12 months p.v. In contrast, no protection was observed in cats challenged with cell-free virus 12 or 28 months p.v. or with cell-associated virus 37.5 months p.v. Prior to the 28- and 37.5-month challenges, the animals had received a booster dose of vaccine that had elicited a robust anamnestic immune response. These results show that vaccine-induced protection against ex vivo FIV is achievable but is relatively short-lived and can be difficult to boost.  相似文献   
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