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Chemical modification of plastocyanin was carried out using 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid, which has the effect of replacing positive charges on amino groups with negatively charged carboxyl groups. Four singly-modified forms were obtained which were separated using anion exchange FPLC. The four forms were modified at the N-terminal valine and at lysines 54, 71 and 77. The rates of reaction with mammalian cytochrome c were increased for all four modified plastocyanins. In contrast, the rates of reaction with cytochrome f were inhibited for the forms modified at residues 1, 54 and 77, whereas no effect was observed for the form modified at residue 71. Modification had no effect on either the midpoint redox potential or the reaction with K3Fe(CN)6. These results are consistent with a model in which charged residues on plastocyanin located at or near the binding site for cytochrome f recognize the positively-charged binding site on cytochrome f. In contrast, charged residues located at points on plastocyanin distant from the cytochrome f binding site recognize the net negative charge on the cytochrome f molecule. Based on these considerations, Glu-68 may be within the interaction sphere of cytochrome f, suggesting that cytochrome f may donate electrons to plastocyanin at either Tyr-83 or His-87.  相似文献   
No consensus exists concerning the mechanisms, distribution,or adaptive significance of consciousness. Agreement on anyone of these issues would aid in resolving others. Given a reliablebehavioral or neuroanatomical test for consciousness, we couldmap its distribution and describe its evolution. Conversely,if we knew its distribution, we could assess its adaptive valueand look for similarly distributed neuroanatomies to help usget at its mechanisms. Morgan's Canon—the rule that we should avoid attributinghumanlike mental states to other animals whenever possible—impedesthe use of the comparative method in unraveling this knot. Ifinterpreted in this context as a parsimony criterion, Morgan'sCanon is logically equivalent to epiphenomenalism. It is parsimoniousif and only if conscious mental events play no causal role inhuman behavior and human consciousness has no adaptive significance.Rejecting this conclusion entails rejecting the parsimony interpretationof Morgan's Canon.  相似文献   
The gene coding for human anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) was localized to subbands p13.2----p13.3 on chromosome 19, using in situ hybridization and Southern blot analysis of a panel of man-mouse and man-hamster somatic cell hybrids.  相似文献   
Mutations in the genes encoding the type 1 fimbriae of Salmonella typhimurium were isolated by selecting for the deletion of Tn10 inserted adjacent to the chromosomal fim+ genes and screening for the loss of mannose-sensitive haemagglutination (HA) activity. S. typhimurium strains with Tn10 insertions in ahp were hypersensitive to peroxides, and tetracycline-sensitive derivatives of ahp::Tn10 mutants displayed two fim mutant phenotypes. The predominant class of fim mutants did not synthesize type 1 fimbriae. A second type of fim mutant synthesized type 1 fimbriae and exhibited a conditional lipoic acid requirement for HA. A fim-lip conditional mutant synthesized type 1 fimbriae when grown in Mueller-Hinton broth but the haemagglutinating activity of the fimbriae was dependent upon the addition of lipoic acid to the growth medium. Independently isolated lip mutations did not demonstrate a similar pleiotropic effect on HA. Western blots of fimbriae extracted from a fim-lip conditional mutant that was grown under permissive and restrictive conditions indicated the presence of 33 and 36.6 kDa proteins in HA+ fimbriae that were absent in HA- fimbriae. The HA+ phenotype of both conditional and non-fimbriated mutants was restored by transformation with cloned genes encoding S. typhimurium type 1 fimbriae.  相似文献   
To understand the structure of apolipoprotein A-I, we have used an immunochemical approach and identified specific regions of apoA-I that may be exposed on the apoprotein as it exists on high density lipoprotein (HDL). Twelve mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for human apoA-I were generated from six fusions. Thirteen synthetic peptides of between 5 and 16 amino acid residues in length, which span the amino-terminal two-thirds of apoA-I, were tested for their ability to react with each of the 12 antibodies. In a competitive solid-phase radioimmunoassay, a synthetic peptide, which represented residues 1-15 of mature apoA-I, inhibited the binding of antibody AI-16 to immobilized HDL. Similarly, a synthetic peptide, which represented residues 90-105 of apoA-I, inhibited the binding of antibody AI-18 to immobilized HDL. Using systematic changes in the size and sequence of the oligopeptides, the limits and essential amino acid residues of these epitopes were defined. Comparisons of the slopes of the competition curves obtained with immunoreactive peptides, isolated apoA-I, and HDL verified that these two regions of apoA-I are exposed on the surface of apoA-I as it exists on native HDL.  相似文献   
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) inhibits phagocytosis of certain negatively charged particulates and also inhibits subsequent cellular secretory and oxidative responses to these particulates. In the present work, we have defined the structural features of LDL involved in this activity. Starch-heptane extraction depleted greater than 95% of neutral lipids but had little effect on the capacity of LDL to inhibit monosodium urate crystal- or polystyrene latex bead-induced neutrophil chemiluminescence (CL). Liposomes containing gamma-palmitoyl-beta-oleoylphosphatidylcholine (PC) with unesterified cholesterol (PC:cholesterol = 2:1), PC and sphingomyelin (PC:sphingomyelin = 2.3:1), or PC alone lacked the capacity to inhibit urate-induced CL. However, incorporation of apoB-100 into liposomes via cholate dialysis rendered them nearly as inhibitory for urate-induced neutrophil CL as LDL on a protein weight basis. Moreover, delipidated apoB-100, containing less than 3% residual phospholipid, inhibited neutrophil responses to urate crystals or latex beads (degranulation and superoxide anion release) in a stimulus-specific manner. Modifications of the lysine residues of apoB (e.g. acetylation) reduced both the capacity of LDL to inhibit urate crystal-induced CL and to bind to urate crystals. The effects of apoB lysine residue modification were reversible, proportional to the extent of modification, and were not attributable to alteration of the net charge of apoB. Thus, the apoB-100 of LDL both mediates and shares the capacity of native LDL to inhibit certain neutrophil responses to particulates.  相似文献   
To examine the effects of prepubertal steroid environment on subsequent estrous cyclicity and gonadotropin secretion, Silastic implants containing 25, 50 or 100% 17 beta-estradiol (E2;n=34), 50% diethylstilbestrol (DES; n=16) or 50% testosterone (T; n=17) were placed into female rats at 12 days of age and removed on the day of vaginal opening (18-24 days of age). At 80 days of age, the percentages of regularly cycling females in the E2-(three groups combined), DES- and T-implanted groups were 59%, 0% and 59%, respectively. By 110 days of age, the percentages were reduced to 24%, 0% and 0%, and at 140 days of age 6%, 0% and 0%, respectively. Many of these females displayed irregular estrous cycles followed by a persistent estrous (PE) state. By contrast, 89% of the control females (blank implants or no implant) maintained regular cycles up to 140 days of age. At 150 days of age, an i.p. injection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH; 100 ng/100 g BW) markedly increased serum luteinizing hormone (LH), but not follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), in intact PE females treated prepubertally with E2 implants. After the test with GnRH, PE rats were ovariectomized (OVX). Thirty days after OVX, similar GnRH administration significantly increased serum levels of both LH and FSH, but these responses were significantly (P less than 0.01) reduced when compared with those in OVX controls. Progesterone administration to estradiol benzoate-primed, acutely (3 days) OVX, or long-term (43 days) OVX-PE females did not increase LH or FSH release. These results indicate that exposure to exogenous estrogen or T prior to puberty precipitates the decline in estrous cyclicity associated with the loss of gonadotropin surge response, presumably due to an alteration in hypothalamic GnRH release.  相似文献   
Haploid recombinant yield is reduced in matings conducted at 42.5 C between deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) temperature-sensitive [dna(TS)] recipients unable to synthesize DNA at 42.5 C and any of the three major donor types (Hfr, F+, F′) of Escherichia coli. No such reduction is observed in matings conducted at 42.5 C when the dna(TS) mutation is in the donor parent. Evidence is presented which indicates that chromosome transfer from donors to recipients unable to replicate DNA at 42.5 C during vegetative growth occurs at normal frequencies when the mating is conducted at 42.5 C. It is concluded that some stage in haploid recombinant formation is adversely affected in dna(TS) recipients mated at the temperature restrictive for DNA synthesis.  相似文献   
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