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Aegilops tauschii is the diploid progenitor of the wheat D subgenome and a valuable resource for wheat breeding, yet, genetic analysis of resistance against Fusarium head blight (FHB) and the major Fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) is lacking. We treated a panel of 147 Ae. tauschii accessions with either Fusarium graminearum spores or DON solution and recorded the associated disease spread or toxin-induced bleaching. A k-mer-based association mapping pipeline dissected the genetic basis of resistance and identified candidate genes. After DON infiltration nine accessions revealed severe bleaching symptoms concomitant with lower conversion rates of DON into the non-toxic DON-3-O-glucoside. We identified the gene AET5Gv20385300 on chromosome 5D encoding a uridine diphosphate (UDP)-glucosyltransferase (UGT) as the causal variant and the mutant allele resulting in a truncated protein was only found in the nine susceptible accessions. This UGT is also polymorphic in hexaploid wheat and when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae only the full-length gene conferred resistance against DON. Analysing the D subgenome helped to elucidate the genetic control of FHB resistance and identified a UGT involved in DON detoxification in Ae. tauschii and hexaploid wheat. This resistance mechanism is highly conserved since the UGT is orthologous to the barley UGT HvUGT13248 indicating descent from a common ancestor of wheat and barley.  相似文献   
Conjugational crosses trigger SOS induction in Escherichia coli F(-) cells mated with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Hfr donors. Using an epigenetic indicator of SOS induction, we showed that a strong SOS response occurring in a subpopulation of mated mismatch repair-deficient cells totally abolishes genetic barriers between these two genera.  相似文献   


Human primary cells originating from different locations within the body could differ greatly in their metabolic phenotypes, influencing both how they act during physiological/pathological processes and how susceptible/resistant they are to a variety of disease risk factors. A novel way to monitor cellular metabolism is through cell energetics assays, so we explored this approach with human primary cell types, as models of sclerotic disorders.


In order to better understand pathophysiological processes at the cellular level, our goals were to measure metabolic pathway activities of endothelial cells and fibroblasts, and determine their metabolic phenotype profiles.


Biolog Phenotype MicroArray? technology was used for the first time to characterize metabolic phenotypes of diverse primary cells. These colorimetric assays enable detection of utilization of 367 specific biochemical substrates by human endothelial cells from the coronary artery (HCAEC), umbilical vein (HUVEC) and normal, healthy lung fibroblasts (NHLF).


Adenosine, inosine, d-mannose and dextrin were strongly utilized by all three cell types, comparable to glucose. Substrates metabolized solely by HCAEC were mannan, pectin, gelatin and prevalently tricarballylic acid. HUVEC did not show any uniquely metabolized substrates whereas NHLF exhibited strong utilization of sugars and carboxylic acids along with amino acids and peptides.


Taken together, we show for the first time that this simple energetics assay platform enables metabolic characterization of primary cells and that each of the three human cell types examined gives a unique and distinguishable profile.
The family of ammonia and ammonium channel proteins comprises the Amt proteins, which are present in all three domains of life with the notable exception of vertebrates, and the homologous Rh proteins (Rh50 and Rh30) that have been described thus far only in eukaryotes. The existence of an RH50 gene in bacteria was first revealed by the genome sequencing of the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea. Here we have used a phylogenetic approach to study the evolution of the N. europaea RH50 gene, and we show that this gene, probably as a component of an integron cassette, has been transferred to the N. europaea genome by horizontal gene transfer. In addition, by functionally characterizing the Rh50Ne protein and the corresponding knockout mutant, we determined that NeRh50 can mediate ammonium uptake. The RH50Ne gene may thus have replaced functionally the AMT gene, which is missing in the genome of N. europaea and may be regarded as a case of nonorthologous gene displacement.  相似文献   
By comparing kinetic parameters of plasma membrane proton pumps from two Aspergillus niger strains, significant differences in specific activities were observed. In low citric acid producing A158 strain the H+ -ATPase activity was about four-fold higher than in a high yielding A60 strain. Previously pH homeostasis was reported in A158 strain while in A60 strain spontaneous drop of intracellular pH was observed. During the growth in the medium with ammonium ions more rapid drop of extracellular pH was recorded with A158 strain and not so fast proton accumulation in the medium with A60 strain, indicating that proton pumps from later strain perhaps can not extrude all the protons that are released in the cytosol after the assimilation of ammonium ions. Vanadium ions were found to be potent inhibitors of both H+ -ATPases. By adding sodium vanadate in millimolar concentrations to the chemically defined medium that induces citric acid accumulation by A. niger, reduced pHi and increased rate of acid production was observed in A158 strain while in A60 strain intracellular pH decreased below 6.5 and concomitantly citric acid overflow was suppressed. The presented results suggest that one of the mechanisms stimulating citric acid accumulation by A. niger could be also a slight cytoplasmic acidification.  相似文献   
Listeria monocytogenes is a food and soil-borne pathogen that secretes a pore-forming toxin listeriolysin O (LLO) as its major virulence factor. We tested the effects of LLO on an intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2 and compared them to an unrelated pore-forming toxin equinatoxin II (EqtII). Results showed that apical application of both toxins causes a significant drop in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), with higher LLO concentrations or prolonged exposure time needed to achieve the same magnitude of response than with EqtII. The drop in TEER was due to pore formation and coincided with rearrangement of claudin-1 within tight junctions and associated actin cytoskeleton; however, no significant increase in permeability to fluorescein or 3 kDa FITC-dextran was observed. Influx of calcium after pore formation affected the magnitude of the drop in TEER. Both toxins exhibit similar effects on epithelium morphology and physiology. Importantly, LLO action upon the membrane is much slower and results in compromised epithelium on a longer time scale at lower concentrations than EqtII. This could favor listerial invasion in hosts resistant to E-cadherin related infection.  相似文献   
The evolutionary success of bacteria depends greatly on their capacity to continually generate phenotypic diversity. Structured environments are particularly favorable for diversification because of attenuated clonal interference, which renders selective sweeps nearly impossible and enhances opportunities for adaptive radiation. We examined at the microscale level the emergence and the spatial and temporal dynamics of phenotypic diversity and their underlying causes in Escherichia coli colonies. An important dynamic heterogeneity in the growth, metabolic activity, morphology, gene expression patterns, stress response induction, and death patterns among cells within colonies was observed. Genetic analysis indicated that the phenotypic variation resulted mostly from mutations and that indole production, oxidative stress, and the RpoS-regulated general stress response played an important role in the generation of diversity. We observed the emergence and persistence of phenotypic variants within single colonies that exhibited variable fitness compared to the parental strain. Some variants showed improved capacity to produce biofilms, whereas others were able to use different nutrients or to tolerate antibiotics or oxidative stress. Taken together, our data show that bacterial colonies provide an ecological opportunity for the generation and maintenance of vast phenotypic diversity, which may increase the probability of population survival in unpredictable environments.  相似文献   
We introduce a novel framework for conceptualising, quantifying and unifying discordant patterns of species richness along geographical gradients. While not itself explicitly mechanistic, this approach offers a path towards understanding mechanisms. In this study, we focused on the diverse patterns of species richness on mountainsides. We conjectured that elevational range midpoints of species may be drawn towards a single midpoint attractor – a unimodal gradient of environmental favourability. The midpoint attractor interacts with geometric constraints imposed by sea level and the mountaintop to produce taxon‐specific patterns of species richness. We developed a Bayesian simulation model to estimate the location and strength of the midpoint attractor from species occurrence data sampled along mountainsides. We also constructed midpoint predictor models to test whether environmental variables could directly account for the observed patterns of species range midpoints. We challenged these models with 16 elevational data sets, comprising 4500 species of insects, vertebrates and plants. The midpoint predictor models generally failed to predict the pattern of species midpoints. In contrast, the midpoint attractor model closely reproduced empirical spatial patterns of species richness and range midpoints. Gradients of environmental favourability, subject to geometric constraints, may parsimoniously account for elevational and other patterns of species richness.  相似文献   
Phosphofructokinase (EC and aldolase (EC have been highly purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by improved protocols. Partitioning of the enzymes in aqueous polymer two-phase systems was used to detect complex formation. The partition of each enzyme was found to be affected by the presence of the other enzyme. AMP affected the partition of the individual enzymes as well as the mixture of the two. The activities of the respective enzymes were stimulated in the putative complex in an AMP-dependent manner. Two strictly conserved residues belonging to an acidic surface loop of class II aldolases, are a potential site for electrostatic interaction with the positively charged regions close to the active site in phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   
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