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Summary Anti-mitochondrial autoantibody and fluorescent derivatives of insulin stain phase-dense mitochondria in acetone-fixed monolayers of fibroblasts. Double fluorochrome studies show mitochondria in close topographic association with intermediate filaments. In cells treated with vinblastine or colchicine, mitochondria are relocated in sites closely associated with coils of perinuclear intermediate filaments. In contrast, autoantibody to polyribosomes stains granules aligned in the long axis of well spread embryonic cells, in the direction of actin-containing fibrils, an arrangement that is lost in cells pretreated with the actin filament disrupting drug cytochalasin B. In more mature fibroblasts, antiribosomal antibody reacts with phase-dense rough endoplasmic reticulum and this staining pattern is not affected by cytochalasin B. The observations suggest that mitochondria are associated with intermediate filaments and that free polyribosomes, but not polyribosomes attached to rough endoplasmic reticulum, are associated with cytoplasmic actin.Supported by a grant from the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria. We thank Mrs. I. Burns for technical assistance and Dr. H.A. Ward and staff for preparation of fluorescent conjugates  相似文献   
Human recombinant myeloperoxidase (recMPO), purified from an engineered Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line, has been characterized and compared to the mature enzyme isolated from polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Both molecules appear essentially similar in physicochemical enzymatic terms according to the following observations. 1. The unprocessed recombinant protein displays the characteristic light absorption spectra of ferric mature MPO and exhibits its typical spectral changes in the presence of dithionite or hydrogen peroxide. 2. The addition of 14C-labeled 5-aminolevulinic acid, a heme precursor, to the culture medium of recombinant CHO cells yields labeled recMPO, indicating the presence of a heme-like structure in the molecule. 3. Like mature MPO, recMPO has a peroxidatic activity and catalyzes the oxidation of chloride ions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, producing hypochlorous acid as measured by the monochlorodimedon assay. For both enzymes, the chlorinating activity optimally occurs around pH 5.0 at about 100 microM of hydrogen peroxide and is strongly inhibited by methimazole. 4. Diethylpyrocarbonate significantly reduces the enzymatic activity of both molecules, suggesting that histidine residues may be of prime importance in the active site of the enzymes. 5. According to infrared spectroscopy data, both enzymes present a very similar secondary structure organization. In conclusion, the data suggest that the processing of the precursor enzyme (recMPO) into the mature form occurs without major structural and functional consequences.  相似文献   
Using a physiologic model of mouse cranial suture fusion, the authors' laboratory has previously demonstrated that transforming growth factor (TGF)-betas appear to be more abundantly expressed in the suture complex of the fusing posterior frontal compared with the patent sagittal suture. Furthermore, the authors have shown that by blocking TGF-beta signaling with a replication-deficient adenovirus encoding a defective, dominant negative type II TGF-beta receptor (AdDN-TbetaRII), posterior frontal suture fusion was inhibited. In this study, the authors attempt to further elucidate the role of TGF-beta in cranial suture fusion by investigating possible mechanisms of AdDN-TbetaRII-mediated cranial suture patency using both an established organ culture model and a novel in vitro co-culture system that recapitulates the in vivo anatomic dura mater/cranial suture relationship. In this article, the authors demonstrate that blocking TGF-beta signaling with the AdDN-TbetaRII construct led to inhibition of cellular proliferation in the suture mesenchyme and subjacent dura mater during the early period of predicted posterior frontal suture fusion. Interestingly, co-culture experiments revealed that transfecting osteoblasts with AdDN-TbetaRII led to alterations in the gene expression levels of two important bone-related molecules (Msx2 and osteopontin). Inhibiting TGF-beta signaling prevented time-dependent suppression of Msx2 and prevented induction of osteopontin, thereby retarding osteoblast differentiation. Furthermore, the authors demonstrated that the AdDN-TbetaRII construct was capable of blocking TGF-beta -mediated up-regulation of collagen IalphaI, an extracellular matrix molecule important for bone formation. Collectively, these data strongly suggest that AdDN-TbetaRII maintains posterior frontal patency, in part by altering early events in de novo bone formation, including cellular proliferation and early extracellular matrix production.  相似文献   
Polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase), a homotrimeric exoribonuclease present in bacteria, is involved in mRNA degradation. In Escherichia coli, expression of this enzyme is autocontrolled at the translational level. We introduced about 30 mutations in the pnp gene by site-directed mutagenesis, most of them in phylogenetically conserved residues, and determined their effects on the three catalytic activities of PNPase, phosphorolysis, polymerisation and phosphate exchange, as well as on the efficiency of translational repression. The data are presented and discussed in the light of the crystallographic structure of PNPase from Streptomyces antibioticus. The results show that both PNPase activity and the presence of the KH and S1 RNA-binding domains are required for autocontrol. Deletions of these RNA-binding domains do not abolish any of the three catalytic activities, indicating that they are contained in a domain independent of the catalytic centre. Moreover, the catalytic centre was located around the tungsten-binding site identified by crystallography. Some mutations affect the three catalytic activities differently, an observation consistent with the presence of different subsites.  相似文献   
Temperature is one of the main factors that determine sexual reproduction in terrestrial and emergent aquatic plant species. The effect of temperature on sexual reproduction and seed production of Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmb. in the southern hemisphere is unknown. Glyceria maxima collections in February 2010 at three isolated infestations in KwaZulu-Natal failed to yield a single seed, only empty panicles. Laboratory experiments showed that vernalisation had no consistent effect on seed production. Field- and laboratory-grown plants produced seeds in the 2010/2011 season, because of having sufficient time at optimum temperatures required for seed production (1 491 and 1 585 hours, respectively), compared to a shorter period (1 352 hours) of suitable temperatures during the 2009/2010 growing season. An inadequate period of optimum temperatures (15–25°C) during seed production resulted in the lack of seeds in the field in the 2009/2010 growing season. This study showed that temperature and duration of exposure thereto during the seed-production period play vital roles in G. maxima sexual reproduction.  相似文献   
The endemic New Zealand ground wētā (Hemiandrus sp. ‘promontorius’) has a Naturally Uncommon conservation status. This is because of the paucity of information on its density and distribution. Here, the biology, density and distribution of a population of this wētā found in and around vineyards in the Awatere Valley, Marlborough was studied. Wētā density was assessed in vineyards, paddocks and shrublands in this valley. Soil moisture, penetration resistance, pH and organic matter were recorded at locations with and without wētā. Wētā density in vineyards was significantly higher than in either paddocks or shrub habitats. In vineyards, the density of this insect was significantly higher under-vines than in the inter-rows. Higher numbers of this wētā were found in moist soils that required lower force to burrow. Females laid an average of 55 eggs between March and April, which hatched in September. These findings highlight the intersection between agriculture and conservation.  相似文献   
We have broadly defined the DNA regions regulating esterase6 activity in several life stages and tissue types of D. melanogaster using P- element-mediated transformation of constructs that contain the esterase6 coding region and deletions or substitutions in 5' or 3' flanking DNA. Hemolymph is a conserved ancestral site of EST6 activity in Drosophila and the primary sequences regulating its activity lie between -171 and -25 bp relative to the translation initiation site: deletion of these sequences decrease activity approximately 20-fold. Hemolymph activity is also modulated by four other DNA regions, three of which lie 5' and one of which lies 3' of the coding region. Of these, two have positive and two have negative effects, each of approximately twofold. Esterase6 activity is present also in two male reproductive tract tissues; the ejaculatory bulb, which is another ancestral activity site, and the ejaculatory duct, which is a recently acquired site within the melanogaster species subgroup. Activities in these tissues are at least in part independently regulated: activity in the ejaculatory bulb is conferred by sequences between -273 and -172 bp (threefold decrease when deleted), while activity in the ejaculatory duct is conferred by more distal sequences between -844 and -614 bp (fourfold decrease when deleted). The reproductive tract activity is further modulated by two additional DNA regions, one in 5' DNA (-613 to -284 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) and the other in 3' DNA (+1860 to +2731 bp; threefold decrease when deleted) that probably overlaps the adjacent esteraseP gene. Collating these data with previous studies suggests that expression of EST6 in the ancestral sites is mainly regulated by conserved proximal sequences while more variable distal sequences regulate expression in the acquired ejaculatory duct site.   相似文献   
Beta-D-galactofuranosidase is a good chemotherapeutic target for the design of inhibitors, since beta-D-galactofuranose is a constituent of important parasite glycoconjugates but is not present in the host mammals. With this aim, we have synthesized for the first time alkyl, benzyl and aryl 1-thio-beta-D-galactofuranosides by condensation of penta-O-benzoyl-alpha,beta-D-galactofuranose with the corresponding thiols, in the presence of SnCl4as catalyst. The complete chemical and spectroscopical characterization of these compounds showed that the reaction was stereoselective. Debenzoylation with sodium methoxide afforded the beta-S-galactofuranosides in high yield. The thioglycosides were tested as inhibitors of the beta-D- galactofuranosidase of Penicillium fellutanum, using for the first time 4-nitrophenyl-beta-D-galactofuranoside as chromogenic substrate. The 4- aminophenyl-1-thio-beta-D-galactofuranoside, obtained by catalytic hydrogenation of the nitrophenyl derivative, was the best inhibitor being then an adequate ligand for the preparation of an affinity phase aimed at the isolation of beta-d-galactofuranosidases from different sources. Also the inhibitory activity of d-galactono-1, 4-lactone was shown.   相似文献   
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