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Existing approaches that quantify cytotoxic T cell responses rely on bulk or surrogate measurements which impede the direct identification of single activated T cells of interest. Single cell microscopy or flow cytometry methodologies typically rely on fluorescent labeling, which limits applicability to primary cells such as human derived T lymphocytes. Here, we introduce a quantitative method to track single T lymphocyte mediated cytotoxic events within a mixed population of cells using live cell interferometry (LCI), a label-free microscopy technique that maintains cell viability. LCI quantifies the mass distribution within individual cells by measuring the phase shift caused by the interaction of light with intracellular biomass. Using LCI, we imaged cytotoxic T cells killing cognate target cells. In addition to a characteristic target cell mass decrease of 20–60% over 1–4 h following attack by a T cell, there was a significant 4-fold increase in T cell mass accumulation rate at the start of the cytotoxic event and a 2–3 fold increase in T cell mass relative to the mass of unresponsive T cells. Direct, label-free measurement of CD8+ T and target cell mass changes provides a kinetic, quantitative assessment of T cell activation and a relatively rapid approach to identify specific, activated patient-derived T cells for applications in cancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   
The oxidation-reduction potential of P-700 has been determined in chloroplast lamellae and in subchloroplast particles by measuring the magnitude of flash-induced absorption changes at 820 or at 703 nm (due to the oxidation of P-700) in the presence of known concentrations of potassium ferro- and ferricyanide. A midpoint potential of about +490 mV was determined in chloroplast lamellae and in particles prepared with digitonin (D-144) or Triton (TSF-1). A lower potential was determined with Photosystem I particles obtained after harsher treatments with Triton or a mixture of detergents. The potential is even lower in chlorophyll-protein complex I particles prepared with sodium dodecyl sulfate (about +430 mV). Very similar values were determined from oxidized minus reduced spectra measured with a double-beam spectrophotometer. Titrations were also made with D-144 and TSF-I particles, with 66% glyeerol in the buffer, at 21 °C and at 77 °K. P-700 was found to be half-oxidized at ferricyanide/ferrocyanide ratios of about 60 at 21 °C and of about 1 at 77 °K. This shows that the redox equilibrium is largely perturbed by the cooling process.  相似文献   
急性脑梗死约占全部脑卒中的70%,病死率和致残率高,且极易复发。但目前针对急性脑梗死在时间窗内溶栓、抗凝等治疗手段不能从根本上切实有效地修复受损脑组织,且伴有出血等风险。寻找脑梗死形成发展的原因并予以治疗迫在眉睫。酸中毒是引起缺血性脑损伤的重要机制。大量实验研究表明,酸中毒能加重神经元的缺血性损伤,且其梗死面积与酸中毒的程度直接相关。但缺血产生的酸中毒如何引起神经元损伤的确切机制尚不明确。最近研究发现酸中毒能激活一种在中枢及周围神经中广泛存在的膜通道,即酸敏感离子通道,它对Ca2+通透,能引起细胞内Ca2+超载,同时能激活胞内酶引起细胞内蛋白质、脂类及核酸的降解,加重缺血后脑损伤。本文就酸敏感离子通道1a与脑梗死做一综述。  相似文献   
黑龙江省三江平原丹顶鹤的数量分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在地面调查的基础上,我们使用Y-11轻型飞机对黑龙江省三江平原地区的丹顶鹤的数量分布近行了调查,调查时飞行高度80米,航速140公里/小时,续航里程共3748公里。调查结果表明,丹顶鹤在三江平原主要分布在8个地区,其中嘟噜河下游、洪河自然保护区、七星河流域和兴凯湖低地是主要繁殖地,总数量共309只。  相似文献   
The effect of gibberellic acid (GA) on light-induced greening of etiolated pea plants (Pisum sativum [L.] cultivars Alaska and Progress) was characterized. Progress, a GA-deficient dwarf of Alaska, was found to accumulate chlorophyll and light harvesting chlorophyll protein associated with photosystem II (LHC-II) more rapidly than Alaska, Alaska treated with GA, or Progress treated with GA. A slightly lower chlorophyll content was noted after 24 hours of light induced greening for Alaska treated with GA relative to untreated Alaska. GA-treated Progress, Alaska, and GA-treated Alaska all gave essentially identical patterns for LHC-II accumulation. Similar patterns of LHC-II mRNA induction were found in all four treatments indicating that differences in mRNA induction did not cause differences in LHC-II accumulation. Chlorophyll and LHC-II accumulation in each treatment followed the same patterns of accumulation and a significant correlation (at the 0.01 level of significance) was found between chlorophyll and LHC-II content. Since Progress treated with GA accumulated LHC-II and chlorophyll in a manner similar to that of Alaska, it is clear that GA alters the process of greening either directly or indirectly.  相似文献   
Herbicides of the triazine class block electron transfer in the photosynthetic reaction centers of purple bacteria and PSII of higher plants. They are thought to act by competing with one of the electron acceptors, the secondary quinone, QB, for its binding site. Several mutants of the purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas viridis resistant to terbutryn [2-(methylthio)-4-(ethylamino)-6-(tert-butylamino)-s-triazine] have been isolated by their ability to grow photosynthetically in the presence of the herbicide. Sequence analysis of the genes coding for the L and M subunits of the reaction center showed that four different mutants were obtained, two of them being double mutated: T1 (SerL223----Ala and ArgL217----His), T3 (PheL216----Ser and ValM263----Phe), T4 (TyrL222----Phe), and T6 (PheL216----Ser). The residues L223 and L216 are involved in binding of QB, whereas L217 and L222 are not. M263 is part of the binding pocket of the primary quinone, QA. The affinity of the reaction centers for terbutryn and the electron transfer inhibitor o-phenanthroline, determined via the biphasic charge recombination after one flash, is decreased for all mutants. The affinity for ubiquinone 9 is also decreased, except in T1. Characterization by EPR spectroscopy showed that the QB.-Fe2+ signal of T4, having a g = 1.93 peak, is different from the signals obtained with the wild type and the other mutants but very similar to those of Rhodospirillum rubrum and PSII. The results obtained by the combination of these different techniques are discussed with respect to the three-dimensional structure of the wild type and the mode of binding of ubiquinone, terbutryn, and o-phenanthroline as determined by X-ray structure analysis.  相似文献   
Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   
本文报导四川省西部鱼类寄生粘孢子虫粘体虫属六新种,即异型粘体虫,新种Myxosoma disparis sp.nov.,四川粘体虫,新种Myxosoma sichuanensis sp.nov.,光唇粘体虫,新种Myxosoma acrossochilusi sp.nov.鳅粘体虫,新种Myxosoma nemachilusi sp.nov.斜囊粘体虫,新种Myxosoma obliqua sp.nov.,雅安粘体虫,新种Myxosoma yaanensis sp.nov.。  相似文献   
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