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Recent imaging studies have reported directional motion biases in human visual cortex when perceiving moving random dot patterns. It has been hypothesized that these biases occur as a result of the integration of motion detector activation along the path of motion in visual cortex. In this study we investigate the nature of such motion integration with functional MRI (fMRI) using different motion stimuli. Three types of moving random dot stimuli were presented, showing either coherent motion, motion with spatial decorrelations or motion with temporal decorrelations. The results from the coherent motion stimulus reproduced the centripetal and centrifugal directional motion biases in V1, V2 and V3 as previously reported. The temporally decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in both centripetal and centrifugal biases similar to coherent motion. In contrast, the spatially decorrelated motion stimulus resulted in small directional motion biases that were only present in parts of visual cortex coding for higher eccentricities of the visual field. In combination with previous results, these findings indicate that biased motion responses in early visual cortical areas most likely depend on the spatial integration of a simultaneously activated motion detector chain.  相似文献   
Pelkmans L  Bürli T  Zerial M  Helenius A 《Cell》2004,118(6):767-780
Endocytosis comprises several routes of internalization. An outstanding question is whether the caveolar and endosomal pathways intersect. Following transport of the caveolar protein Caveolin-1 and two cargo complexes, Simian Virus 40 and Cholera toxin, in live cells, we uncovered a Rab5-dependent pathway in which caveolar vesicles are targeted to early endosomes and form distinct and stable membrane domains. In endosomes, the low pH selectively allowed the toxin to diffuse out of the caveolar domains into the surrounding membrane, while the virus remained trapped. Thus, we conclude that, unlike cyclic assembly and disassembly of coat proteins in vesicular transport, oligomeric complexes of caveolin-1 confer permanent structural stability to caveolar vesicles that transiently interact with endosomes to form subdomains and release cargo selectively by compartment-specific cues.  相似文献   
A broad range of mass spectrometers are used in mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics research. Each type of instrument possesses a unique design, data system and performance specifications, resulting in strengths and weaknesses for different types of experiments. Unfortunately, the native binary data formats produced by each type of mass spectrometer also differ and are usually proprietary. The diverse, nontransparent nature of the data structure complicates the integration of new instruments into preexisting infrastructure, impedes the analysis, exchange, comparison and publication of results from different experiments and laboratories, and prevents the bioinformatics community from accessing data sets required for software development. Here, we introduce the 'mzXML' format, an open, generic XML (extensible markup language) representation of MS data. We have also developed an accompanying suite of supporting programs. We expect that this format will facilitate data management, interpretation and dissemination in proteomics research.  相似文献   
Research on tumor suppressors has for a long time run on two tracks: analysis of the mutations found in human tumor material, and active genetic manipulation in mice. As primary human cells were not easily amenable to genetic alterations, the proof to designate a suspected gene as a tumor suppressor was often by generation of knockout mice and analysis of their phenotypes. In this way, a vast amount of information has been gathered on the actions of major players in carcinogenesis. However, it has recently become apparent that there are major differences in the requirements for oncogenic transformation between human and mouse cells. Among these are the expression of hTERT, SV40 small t, and the response to Ras induced growth arrest by the tumor suppressor pathways involving p53, pRb and the INK4A locus. The potential contribution of these tumor suppressors to the prevention of transformation of human cells can now begin to be unraveled by the recent emergence of novel RNA interference genetic tools.  相似文献   
Secretins are oligomeric proteins that mediate the export of macromolecules across the bacterial outer membrane. The members of the secretin superfamily possess a C-terminal homology domain that is important for oligomerization and channel formation, while their N-terminal halves are thought to be involved in system-specific interactions. The XcpQ secretin of Pseudomonas spp. is a component of the type II secretion pathway. XcpQ from Pseudomonas alcaligenes is not able to functionally replace the secretin of the closely related species Pseudomonas aeruginosa. By analysis of chimeric XcpQ proteins, a region important for species-specific functioning was mapped between amino acid residues 344 and 478 in the C-terminal homology domain. Two chromosomal suppressor mutations were obtained that resulted in the proper functioning in P. aeruginosa of P. alcaligenes XcpQ and inactive hybrids. These mutations caused a defect in the synthesis of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) outer core region. Subsequent analysis of different LPS mutants showed that changes in the outer core and not the loss of O antigen caused the suppressor phenotype. High concentrations of divalent cations in the growth medium also allowed P. alcaligenes XcpQ and inactive hybrids to function properly in P. aeruginosa. Since divalent cations are known to affect the structure of LPS, this observation supports the hypothesis that LPS has a role in the functioning of secretins.  相似文献   
The pathogen Salmonella Typhimurium is a common cause of diarrhea and invades the gut tissue by injecting a cocktail of virulence factors into epithelial cells, triggering actin rearrangements, membrane ruffling and pathogen entry. One of these factors is SopE, a G‐nucleotide exchange factor for the host cellular Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42. How SopE mediates cellular invasion is incompletely understood. Using genome‐scale RNAi screening we identified 72 known and novel host cell proteins affecting SopE‐mediated entry. Follow‐up assays assigned these ‘hits’ to particular steps of the invasion process; i.e., binding, effector injection, membrane ruffling, membrane closure and maturation of the Salmonella‐containing vacuole. Depletion of the COPI complex revealed a unique effect on virulence factor injection and membrane ruffling. Both effects are attributable to mislocalization of cholesterol, sphingolipids, Rac1 and Cdc42 away from the plasma membrane into a large intracellular compartment. Equivalent results were obtained with the vesicular stomatitis virus. Therefore, COPI‐facilitated maintenance of lipids may represent a novel, unifying mechanism essential for a wide range of pathogens, offering opportunities for designing new drugs.  相似文献   
The relatively large number of converts from Islam to evangelical Christianity in post-Soviet Kyrgyzstan is exceptional in the Muslim world and has challenged local confidence that Islam is an inseparable element of Kyrgyz nationality. I argue that part of the missionary success stems from unexpected synergies between communist cultural legacies and new evangelical approaches. Both communists and evangelicals attempted to advance their ideals by disconnecting religion and culture. But although these efforts delivered tangible results, they also had the (unintended) consequence of folklorizing and objectifying 'culture', thereby partly re-inscribing the ethnic boundaries that they intended to overcome.  


Le nombre relativement important de musulmans convertis au christianisme évangélique dans le Kirghizstan post-soviétique est exceptionnel dans le monde musulman et ébranle la croyance locale que l'islam est indissociable de l'identité nationale kirghize. L'auteur affirme qu'une partie du succès des missionnaires provient de la synergie inattendue entre l'héritage culturel communiste et la nouvelle approche évangélique. Les communistes aussi bien que les chrétiens évangéliques ont tenté de faire progresser leurs idéaux en dissociant religion et culture. Bien que ces efforts donnent des résultats tangibles, ils ont aussi eu la conséquence involontaire de folkloriser et d'objectiver la « culture >>, en retraçant ainsi les frontières ethniques qu'ils avaient cherchéà abolir.  相似文献   
BackgroundFormal musical training is known to have positive effects on attentional and executive functioning, processing speed, and working memory. Consequently, one may expect to find differences in the dynamics of temporal attention between musicians and non-musicians. Here we address the question whether that is indeed the case, and whether any beneficial effects of musical training on temporal attention are modality specific or generalize across sensory modalities.Conclusion/SignificanceAB magnitude within one modality can generalize to another modality, but this turns out not to be the case for every individual. Formal musical training seems to have a domain-general, but modality-specific beneficial effect on selective attention. The results fit with the idea that a major source of attentional restriction as reflected in the AB lies in modality-specific, independent sensory systems rather than a central amodal system. The findings demonstrate that individual differences in AB magnitude can provide important information about the modular structure of human cognition.  相似文献   
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