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The acrosome of marsupial spermatozoa is a robust structure which, unlike its placental counterpart, resists disruption by detergent or freeze/thawing and does not undergo a calcium ionophore induced acrosome reaction. In this study specific fluorescent thiol labels, bromobimanes, were used to detect reactive thiols in the intact marsupial spermatozoon and examine whether disulfides play a role in the stability of the acrosome. Ejaculated brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) and tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii) spermatozoa were washed by swim up and incubated with or without dithiothreitol (DTT) in order to reduce disulfides to reactive thiols. Spermatozoa were then washed by centrifugation and treated with monobromobimane (mBBr), a membranepermeable bromobimane, or with monobromotrimethylammoniobimane (qBBr), a membrane-impermeable bromobimane. Labelled spermatozoa were examined by fluorescence microscopy and sperm proteins (whole sperm proteins and basic nuclear proteins) were analysed by gel electrophoresis. The membrane-permeable agent mBBr lightly labelled the perimeter of the acrosome of non-DTT-treated possum and wallaby spermatozoa, indicating the presence of peri-acrosomal thiol groups. After reduction of sperm disulfides by DTT, mBBr labelled the entire acrosome of both species. The membrane-impermeable agent qBBr did not label any part of the acrosome in non-DTT or DTT-treated wallaby or possum spermatozoa. Thiols and disulfides are thus associated with the marsupial acrosome. They are not found on the overlying plasma membrane but are either in the acrosomal membranes and/or matrix. The sperm midpiece and tail were labelled by mBBr, with increased fluorescence observed in DTT-treated spermatozoa. The nucleus was not labelled in non-DTT or DTT-treated spermatozoa. Electrophoretic analysis confirmed the microscopic observations: Basic nuclear protein (protamines) lacked thiols or disulfide groups. Based on these findings, the stability of the marsupial acrosome may be due in part to disulfide stabilization of the acrosomal membranes and/or acrosomal matrix. In common with placental mammals, thiol and disulfide containing proteins appear to play a role in the stability of sperm tail structures. It was confirmed that the fragile marsupial sperm nucleus lacked thiols and disulfides. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
An adult, female bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops trucncatus ) was radio tagged and monitored via satellite-based Argos receivers for 25 d from 28 June to 23 July 1990, in Tampa Bay, Florida. A total of 794 transmissions were obtained during 106 satellite passes. A mean of 3.9 (SE = 0.24) locations/day were determined by Service Argos and showed the animal remained in the bay, usually close to the southeastern shore. The dolphin moved at least 581 km at a minimum mean speed of 1.2 (SE = 0.1) km/h. Data from 63, 922 dives were recorded. The animal spent an average of 87.1 (SE = 0.6)% of the time submerged, with a mean dive duration of 25.8 (SE = 0.5) sec. Mean dive duration differed significantly between four periods of the day, as did the mean percent of time spent submerged. During the early morning the animal spent more time at the surface, averaged shorter dives, and was submerged less than other times of day. This is the first study to demonstrate die1 dive cycles in a bottlenose dolphin. Four months after tag loss, the dolphin was photographed with no evidence of necrosis or disfigurement of the dorsal fin. Satellite telemetry was demonstrated as an effective means of documenting the movements and dive behavior of a small inshore cetacean.  相似文献   
During examination of maturing preovulatory marsupial oocytes we noted that oocyte diameters were invariably about 50% greater than the figures reported in earlier histological studies. As all previous investigations were limited to small follicles (at most 25% the size of the ovulating follicle), the present study was initiated to examine oocyte growth during the whole period of follicular development. Oocyte and follicle diameters were measured for three Australian (Trichosurus vulpecula, Macropus eugenii and Bettongia penicillata--fresh nonfixed material) and one American marsupial species (Monodelphis domestica--histological sections) in which multiple follicle development had been induced by exogenous gonadotrophin treatment. In all species oocytes were obtained from follicles ranging from pre-antral to immediately pre-ovulatory (maximum follicle sizes obtained were: T. vulpecula, 4.5 mm; M. eugenii, 4.3 mm; B. penicillata, 2.5 mm; M. domestica, 0.7 mm). In two of the species (T. vulpecula and B. penicillata) ovulated oocytes were also examined. In T. vulpecula and M. eugenii oocytes were found to achieve much greater diameters than previously reported from histological studies of small follicles (< 0.8 mm) and similar patterns of growth were found in the other two species. In the four species oocytes reached diameters about two to three times that found for eutherian mammals. It was concluded that the marsupial oocyte continued to grow after formation of the follicular antrum and that, although the rate of oocyte growth slowed in larger follicles, it continued into the period immediately before ovulation. In B. penicillata the largest oocytes were obtained after ovulation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Formation of cortical granules was examined in superovulated oocytes from three marsupial species, brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) tammar wallabies (Macropus eugeniii) and grey short-tailed opossums (Monodelphis domestica) and in oocytes obtained during natural cycles in Macropus eugenii. Superovulation was induced by pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin/gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (PMSG/GnRH) protocols and natural ovulation by removal of pouch young. Oocytes were collected after ovariectomy or by laparoscopically guided follicle aspiration into Hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS) supplemented with either 2.5% fetal calf serum (FCS) or 2.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA). Ovulated oocytes were collected by removing and flushing the oviducts with HBSS and fixed immediately for electron microscopy. There were no differences in the morphology or timing of formation of cortical granules between superovulated and naturally cycling animals. Cortical granules were absent from germinal vesicle (GV) stage follicular oocytes before the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge in all species. Dark cortical granules, similar in appearance to those seen in the oocytes of eutherian mammals, were found just beneath the plasma membrane (9 per 100 microns of plasma membrane) of preovulatory oocytes at germinal vesicle, metaphase 1 or anaphase 1 stages. In addition, they contained a number of less electron-dense cortical granules (12 per 100 microns plasma membrane). The cortical cytoplasm of preovulatory oocytes was rich in Golgi complexes actively involved in vesicle formation. Large numbers of dark cortical granules (90 per 100 microns plasma membrane) were found only in ovulated oocytes. A small number of cortical granules of lighter electron density were also present in ovulated oocytes. This suggests that the marsupial oocyte is following a very different timetable for cortical granule formation and accumulation from eutherian mammals and that oocytes of marsupials may not achieve cytoplasmic maturity until after ovulation. The significance of these events for fertilization and development remains to be established.  相似文献   
High throughput screening led to the identification of a novel series of quinolone α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonists. Optimization of an HTS hit (1) led to 4-phenyl-1-(quinuclidin-3-ylmethyl)quinolin-2(1H)-one, which was found to be potent and selective. Poor brain penetrance in this series was attributed to transporter-mediated efflux, which was in turn due to high pKa. A novel 4-fluoroquinuclidine significantly lowered the pKa of the quinuclidine moiety, reducing efflux as measured by a Caco-2 assay.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders as well as the delirium caused by abstinence from alcohol and accute state of drunkenness appear at the very top of the list of factors, which are positively correlated with involuntary hospitalization of patients. This is at the same time a confirmation of the data found in literature considering psychosis an essential factor of involuntary hospitalization; the same referring to the male sex was not, however, confirmed by the results obtained in the first and second research period. Regarding the positive correlation between schizophrenia and other psychotic disturbances, dementia, delirium and other cognitive impairments including the delirium caused by abstinence from alcohol and an accute state of drunkenness on the one side and the high rate of involuntary hospitalization on the other, there is no statistically significant difference between the period preceding and the period following the alterations and amendments to the Law on the protection of patients with mental disorders.  相似文献   
NF-kappaB regulates the expression of the human complement receptor 2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CR2 is a key regulator of the B cell response to Ag. Here we show that NF-kappaB enhances the expression of the human CR2 gene. Promoter truncation, deletion, and mutagenesis studies indicated a functional role for a consensus NF-kappaB promoter element, as well as a heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D element and an overlapping X box/E box. By supershift analysis, the first two elements bound NF-kappaB p50 and p65 and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein RNP D, respectively. The X box/E box bound regulatory factor X5 and, surprisingly, NF-kappaB p50 and p65. Overexpression of NF-kappaB p50 enhanced the activity of the CR2 promoter in B cell lines and primary B cells, suggesting a direct role for NF-kappaB in regulating promoter activity. Importantly, mutation of the NF-kappaB element or the X box/E box rendered the promoter unresponsive to NF-kappaB p50. Using chromatin immunoprecipitation in live B cell lines and primary B cells, we found that NF-kappaB proteins p50, p65, and c-Rel bound to the genomic promoter at two locations that overlap with the consensus NF-kappaB element or the X box/E box. Finally, stimuli that activate NF-kappaB enhanced the activity of the CR2 promoter, and LPS rapidly increased the number of CR2 proteins on the surface of primary B cells. We propose that the NF-kappaB signaling pathway enhances the expression of the CR2 gene, as a result of NF-kappaB proteins binding to two CR2 promoter elements. Thus, at the onset of an infection, LPS could sensitize the B cell to Ag by enhancing the level of CR2-costimulatory molecules on the cell surface.  相似文献   
Sperm capacitation and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) have been achieved in most eutherian mammals and American marsupials under relatively simple culture conditions. In contrast sperm capacitation in Australian marsupials has not been achieved in vitro and attempts at IVF have previously been characterised by a complete lack of sperm-zona pellucida (ZP) binding. Recently, co-culture of sperm with oviduct epithelial cell monolayers or with oviductal explant conditioned media has been shown to prolong the viability and motility of brushtail possum spermatozoa, as well as to induce capacitation-associated changes such as transformation of sperm to the T-shape orientation. In this study we report that these in vitro produced T-shaped sperm, and in vivo derived T-shaped sperm flushed from the oviduct of artificially inseminated possums as a control, are able to bind to and penetrate the ZP of approximately 25% of eggs recovered from PMSG/LH-superovulated possums in vitro. Development of ZP receptivity and penetrability towards sperm was also identified as a major factor affecting the outcome of IVF. Neither in vivo nor in vitro derived T-shaped sperm were able to bind to or penetrate the ZP if eggs were obtained from animals that were treated with pLH less than 76 h after PMSG. Thus this study provides preliminary evidence for the necessity of sperm-oviduct epithelial cell interactions for capacitation in Australian species and lends further support to the suggestion that the T-shape head orientation is indicative of sperm capacitation. Despite the occurrence of sperm-ZP binding and penetration, sperm-egg membrane fusion and egg activation were not observed. Although the factor(s) responsible for the lack of sperm-egg membrane fusion in the possum have not been identified it is possible that egg capacity for membrane fusion develops independently of zona receptivity and is defective in these eggs, or alternatively that membrane fusion requires strictly defined ionic conditions which are not provided by the IVF media used in this study.  相似文献   
When considering all trees irrespective of their species, natural tropical rain forests typically exhibit spatial patterns that range from random to regular. The regularity is often interpreted as a footprint of tree competition. Using 23 permanent sample plots totalling 61 ha in the rain forests of central Africa, we characterized their spatial patterns and modelled those that exhibited regularity by a Strauss point process. This Strauss process is obtained as a Markov point process whose interaction function is an exponential function of a competition index commonly used in forestry. The parameter of this Strauss process characterizes the strength of competition. The 23 plots in central Africa differed in tree density and basal area, and could be discriminated depending on the type of spatial patterns: plots having a large basal area with respect to their density had a non regular pattern, whereas those having a small basal area with respect to their density had a regular pattern. For those plots that exhibited regularity, average tree size could be used to predict the strength of competition. The parameter of the Strauss process was significantly related to the average size by a linear relationship, such that competition decreases as average tree size increases. This relationship extrapolated to a null value of the Strauss parameter when average tree size reaches 32 cm in diameter. This relationship between average tree size and spatial pattern is a testable feature for future studies on the relationship between competition and spatial pattern in natural forests.  相似文献   
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