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Granule-bound starch synthase: structure, function, and phylogenetic utility   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
Interest in the use of low-copy nuclear genes for phylogenetic analyses of plants has grown rapidly, because highly repetitive genes such as those commonly used are limited in number. Furthermore, because low- copy genes are subject to different evolutionary processes than are plastid genes or highly repetitive nuclear markers, they provide a valuable source of independent phylogenetic evidence. The gene for granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI or waxy) exists in a single copy in nearly all plants examined so far. Our study of GBSSI had three parts: (1) Amino acid sequences were compared across a broad taxonomic range, including grasses, four dicotyledons, and the microbial homologs of GBSSI. Inferred structural information was used to aid in the alignment of these very divergent sequences. The informed alignments highlight amino acids that are conserved across all sequences, and demonstrate that structural motifs can be highly conserved in spite of marked divergence in amino acid sequence. (2) Maximum-likelihood (ML) analyses were used to examine exon sequence evolution throughout grasses. Differences in probabilities among substitution types and marked among-site rate variation contributed to the observed pattern of variation. Of the parameters examined in our set of likelihood models, the inclusion of among-site rate variation following a gamma distribution caused the greatest improvement in likelihood score. (3) We performed cladistic parsimony analyses of GBSSI sequences throughout grasses, within tribes, and within genera to examine the phylogenetic utility of the gene. Introns provide useful information among very closely related species, but quickly become difficult to align among more divergent taxa. Exons are variable enough to provide extensive resolution within the family, but with low bootstrap support. The combined results of amino acid sequence comparisons, maximum-likelihood analyses, and phylogenetic studies underscore factors that might affect phylogenetic reconstruction. In this case, accommodation of the variable rate of evolution among sites might be the first step in maximizing the phylogenetic utility of GBSSI.   相似文献   


Stowaway elements are short, non-autonomous DNA transposons categorized as miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). The high MITE copy number in grass genomes suggests an active history of amplification and insertion, but ongoing MITE activity has only rarely been seen, and ongoing Stowaway activity has never been observed. Thus, a phylogenetic perspective on presence vs. absence of elements in an aligned data set can provide valuable historical insights into the dynamics of MITE acquisition and loss.  相似文献   
There are two forms of β-amylase in the Triticeae crop plants wheat, barley, and rye: an endosperm-specific form encoded by two or three closely linked genes, and a tissue-ubiquitous form encoded by a single gene. Both rice and corn have one ubiquitously expressed form encoded by a single gene. This study focuses on two phylogenetic analyses of β-amylase gene sequences. First, a phylogenetic analysis of coding sequences from wheat, barley, rye, rice, and corn was expected to clarify the relationship between the endosperm-specific and tissue-ubiquitous forms of the protein. Instead, it illustrates possible effects of distant outgroups, based on conflicting patterns of character state variation consistent with different root positions. Next, a broad sample of the monogenomic Triticeae was included in a phylogenetic analysis based on sequences from a portion of the tissue-ubiquitous β-amylase gene. The results were compared to existing Triticeae gene trees, among which extensive conflict had been noted in the past. One additional gene tree has not completely clarified the complexity of the group, but has shed additional light on reticulate phylogenetic patterns within the tribe, including relationships involving Eremopyrum, Thinopyrum, and the Triticum/Aegilops group.  相似文献   
The phylogenetic relationships of multiple enterobacterial species were reconstructed based on 16S rDNA gene sequences to evaluate the robustness of this housekeeping gene in the taxonomic placement of the enteric plant pathogens Erwinia, Brenneria, Pectobacterium, and Pantoea. Four data sets were compiled, two of which consisted of previously published data. The data sets were designed in order to evaluate how 16S rDNA gene phylogenies are affected by the use of different plant pathogen accessions and varying numbers of animal pathogen and outgroup sequences. DNA data matrices were analyzed using maximum likelihood (ML) algorithms, and character support was determined by ML bootstrap and Bayesian analyses. As additional animal pathogen sequences were added to the phylogenetic analyses, taxon placement changed. Further, the phylogenies varied in their placement of the plant pathogen species, and only the genus Pantoea was monophyletic in all four trees. Finally, bootstrap and Bayesian support values were low for most of the nodes, and all nonterminal branches collapsed in strict consensus trees. Inspection of 16S rDNA nucleotide alignments revealed several highly variable blocks punctuated by regions of conserved sequence. These data suggest that 16S rDNA, while effective for both species-level and family-level phylogenetic reconstruction, may underperform for genus-level phylogenetic analyses in the Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   
This phylogenetic study focuses on a subset of the species in Elymus—specifically, the endemic Asian tetraploids presumed to combine the St genome from Pseudoroegneria with the Y genome from an unknown donor. The primary goals were to (1) determine whether the St and Y genomes are derived from phylogenetically distinct donors; (2) identify the closest relative, and potentially the likely donor, of the Y genome; and (3) interpret variation among StStYY species in terms of multiple origins and/or introgression. The goals were addressed using phylogenetic analyses of sequences from three low-copy nuclear genes: phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, β-amylase, and granule-bound starch synthase I. Data sets include 16 StStYY individuals representing nine species, along with a broad sample of representatives from most of the monogenomic (i.e., non-allopolyploid) genera in the tribe. To briefly summarize the results: (1) the data clearly support an allopolyploid origin for the Asian tetraploids, involving two distinct donors; (2) the Y genome was contributed by a single donor, or multiple closely-related donors; (3) the phylogenetic position of the Elymus Y genome varies among the three trees and its position is not strongly supported, so the identity of the donor remains a mystery; and (4) conflicts among the gene trees with regard to the St-genome sequences suggest introgression involving both Elymus and Pseudoroegneria.  相似文献   


Elymus (Poaceae) is a large genus of polyploid species in the wheat tribe Triticeae. It is polyphyletic, exhibiting many distinct allopolyploid genome combinations, and its history might be further complicated by introgression and lineage sorting. We focus on a subset of Elymus species with a tetraploid genome complement derived from Pseudoroegneria (genome St) and Hordeum (H). We confirm the species'' allopolyploidy, identify possible genome donors, and pinpoint instances of apparent introgression or incomplete lineage sorting.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We sequenced portions of three unlinked nuclear genes—phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, β-amylase, and granule-bound starch synthase I—from 27 individuals, representing 14 Eurasian and North American StStHH Elymus species. Elymus sequences were combined with existing data from monogenomic representatives of the tribe, and gene trees were estimated separately for each data set using maximum likelihood. Trees were examined for evidence of allopolyploidy and additional reticulate patterns. All trees confirm the StStHH genome configuration of the Elymus species. They suggest that the StStHH group originated in North America, and do not support separate North American and European origins. Our results point to North American Pseudoroegneria and Hordeum species as potential genome donors to Elymus. Diploid P. spicata is a prospective St-genome donor, though conflict among trees involving P. spicata and the Eurasian P. strigosa suggests either introgression of GBSSI sequences from P. strigosa into North American Elymus and Pseudoroegneria, or incomplete lineage sorting of ancestral GBSSI polymorphism. Diploid H. californicum and/or allotetraploid H. jubatum are possible H-genome donors; direct involvement of an allotetraploid Hordeum species would simultaneously introduce two distinct H genomes to Elymus, consistent with some of the relationships among H-genome sequences in Hordeum and Elymus.


Comparisons among molecular phylogenetic trees confirm allopolyploidy, identify potential genome donors, and highlight cases of apparent introgression or incomplete lineage sorting. The complicated history of this group emphasizes an inherent problem with interpreting conflicts among bifurcating trees—identifying introgression and determining its direction depend on which tree is chosen as a starting point of comparison. In spite of difficulties with interpretation, differences among gene trees allow us to identify reticulate species and develop hypotheses about underlying evolutionary processes.  相似文献   
The eukaryotic family of ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf) GTPases plays a key role in the regulation of protein trafficking, and guanine-nucleotide exchange is crucial for Arf function. Exchange is stimulated by members of another family of proteins characterized by a 200-amino acid Sec7 domain, which alone is sufficient to catalyze exchange on Arf. Here, we analyzed the phylogeny of Sec7-domain-containing proteins in seven model organisms, representing fungi, plants, and animals. The phylogenetic tree has seven main groups, of which two include members from all seven model systems. Three groups are specific for animals, whereas two are specific for fungi. Based on this grouping, we propose a phylogenetically consistent set of names for members of the Sec7-domain family. Each group, except for one, contains proteins with known Arf exchange activity, implying that all members of this family have this activity. Contrary to the current convention, the sensitivity of Arf exchange activity to the inhibitor brefeldin A probably cannot be predicted by group membership. Multiple alignment reveals group-specific domains outside the Sec7 domain and a set of highly conserved amino acids within it. Determination of the importance of these conserved elements in Arf exchange activity and other cellular functions is now possible.  相似文献   
Recent molecular phylogenetic studies of polyploid plants have successfully clarified complex patterns of reticulate evolution. In this study of Elymus repens, an allohexaploid member of the wheat tribe Triticeae, chloroplast and nuclear DNA data reveal an extreme reticulate pattern, revealing at least five distinct gene lineages coexisting within the species, acquired through a possible combination of allohexaploidy and introgression from both within and beyond the Triticeae. Earlier cytogenetic studies of E. repens suggested that Hordeum (genome H) and Pseudoroegneria (St) were genome donors to E. repens. Chloroplast DNA data presented here (from the rpoA gene and from the region between trnT and trnF) identify three potential maternal genome donors (Pseudoroegneria, Thinopyrum, and Dasypyrum), and information from previous molecular work suggests that, of these, Pseudoroegneria is the most likely maternal donor. Nuclear starch synthase gene data indicate that both Hordeum and Pseudoroegneria have contributed to the nuclear genome of E. repens, in agreement with cytogenetic data. However, these data also show unexpected contributions from Taeniatherum, and from two additional donors of unknown identity. One of the sequences of unknown origin falls within the Triticeae, but is not closely associated with any of the sampled diploid genera. The second falls outside of the clade containing Triticeae and its outgroup Bromus, suggesting the acquisition of genetic material from a surprisingly divergent source. Bias toward the amplification of certain starch synthase variants has complicated attempts to thoroughly sample from within individuals, but the data clearly indicate a complex pattern of reticulate evolution, consistent not only with allohexaploidy, but also with introgression from unexpectedly divergent sources.  相似文献   
Existing methods for analyzing nucleotide diversity require investigators to identify relevant hierarchical levels before beginning the analysis. We describe a method that partitions diversity into hierarchical components while allowing any structure present in the data to emerge naturally. We present an unbiased version of NEI's nucleotide diversity statistics and show that our modification has the same properties as WRIGHT's F(ST). We compare its statistical properties with several other F(ST) estimators, and we describe how to use these statistics to produce a rooted tree of relationships among the sampled populations in which the mean time to coalescence of haplotypes drawn from populations belonging to the same node is smaller than the mean time to coalescence of haplotypes drawn from populations belonging to different nodes. We illustrate the method by applying it to data from a recent survey of restriction site variation in the chloroplast genome of Coreopsis grandiflora.  相似文献   
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