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Vanadium uptake by whole cells and isolated cell walls of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was studied. When orthovanadate was added to wild-type S. cerevisiae cells growing in rich medium, growth was inhibited as a function of the VO4 3- concentration and the growth was completely arrested at a concentration of 20 mM of VO4 3- in YEPD. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to obtain structural and dynamic information about the cell-associated paramagnetic vanadyl ion. The presence of EPR signals indicated that vanadate was reduced by whole cells to the vanadyl ion. On the contrary, no EPR signals were detected after interaction of vanadate with isolated cell walls. A mobile and an immobile species associated in cells with small chelates and with macromolecular sites, respectively, were identified. The value of rotational correlation time r indicated the relative motional freedom at the macromolecular site. A strongly immobilized vanadyl species bound to polar sites mainly through coulombic attractions was detected after interaction of VO2+ ions with isolated cell walls.  相似文献   
Human skin melanin pigmentation is regulated by systemic and local factors. According to the type of melanin produced by melanocytes, the transfer and degradation of melanosomes differ, thus accounting for most variations between ethnicities. We made the surprising observation that in a drastically changed environment, white and black phenotypes are reversible since Caucasian skin grafted onto nude mice can become black with all black phenotypic characteristics. Black xenografts differed essentially from other grafts by the levels of epidermal FGF‐2 and keratin 5. In vitro analysis confirmed that FGF‐2 directly regulates keratin 5. Interestingly, this phenomenon may be involved in human pathology. Keratin 5 mutations in Dowling–Degos Disease (DDD) have already been associated with the pheomelanosome–eumelanosome transition. In a DDD patient, keratin 5 was expressed in the basal and spinous layers, as observed in black xenografts. Furthermore, in a common age‐related hyperpigmentation disorder like senile lentigo (SL), keratin 5 distribution is also altered. In conclusion, modulation of keratin 5 expression and distribution either due to mutations or factors may account for the development of pigmentary disorders.  相似文献   
The olive tree ( Olea europaea L.) is commonly grown in the Mediterranean basin and is able to resist severe and prolonged drought. Levels of proline (PRO) and malondialdehyde (MDA), and the lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in 2-year-old olive plants (cv. 'Coratina') grown in environmental conditions characterized by high temperatures and high photosynthetic photon flux density levels and gradually subjected to a controlled water deficit for 20 days. Before and during the experimental period, leaf and root samples were collected and analysed for PRO and MDA. The levels of PRO increased in parallel with the severity of drought stress in both leaves and roots. Significant increases of LOX activity and MDA content were also observed during the progressive increment of drought stress in both leaf and root tissues. Measurements of transpiration and photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and substomatal CO2 concentration were carried out during the experiment. The accumulation of PRO indicates a possible role of PRO in drought tolerance. The increases of MDA content and LOX activity show that the water deficit is associated with lipid peroxidation mechanisms.  相似文献   
Two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) methods were used to explore conductive transport pathways in principal cells, the dominant cell type in Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito. The basolateral membrane of principal cells had a voltage (Vbl) of -85.1 mV in 49 principal cells under control conditions. Measures of the input resistance Rpc together with membrane fractional resistance yielded estimates of the conductance of the basolateral membrane (gbl = 1.48 μS) and the apical membrane (ga = 3.13 μS). K+ channels blocked by barium accounted for 0.94 μS of gbl. Estimates of transference numbers yielded the basolateral membrane Na+ conductance of 0.24 μS, leaving 0.30 μS (20%) of gbl unaccounted. The secretagogue db-cAMP (0.1 mM), a known activator of the basolateral membrane Na+ conductance, significantly depolarized Vbl to -65.0 mV and significantly increased gbl from 1.48 μS to 2.47 μS. The increase was blocked with amiloride (1 mM), a known blocker of epithelial Na+ transport. The inhibition of metabolism with di-nitrophenol significantly depolarized Vbl to -9.7 mV and significantly increased Rpc from 391.6 kΩ to 2612.5 kΩ. Similar results were obtained with cyanide, but it remains unclear whether the large increases in Rpc stem from the uncoupling of epithelial cells and/or the shutdown of conductive transport pathways in basolateral and apical membranes. Our results indicate that the apical membrane of principal cells is more than twice as conductive as the basolateral membrane. Partial ionic conductances suggest the rate-limiting step for transepithelial Na+ secretion at the basolateral membrane.  相似文献   
The transepithelial voltage (V(t)) of isolated Malpighian tubules of the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti spontaneously oscillates in more than half the tubules. Typically, V(t) decreases and then rises at a frequency of 2 oscillations/min with a duration of 16 s. In 6 isolated perfused tubules studied in detail, V(t) oscillates between 50.5 mV and 15.7 mV in parallel with (1) oscillations of the transepithelial resistance (R(t)) between 7.61 kOmegacm and 3.63 kOmegacm, (2) oscillations of the basolateral membrane voltage of principal cells between -56.7 mV and -72.2 mV, and (3) oscillations of the apical membrane voltage between 107.2 mV and 87.8 mV. The oscillations are dependent on the Cl concentration in the extracellular solutions. As R(t) decreases during the oscillations V(t) goes to the transepithelial equilibrium potential of Cl (E(cl)) indicating transient changes in transepithelial Cl conductance as the mechanism of voltage and resistance oscillations. Since the largest voltage oscillations take place across the whole epithelium and not across cell membranes, oscillating Cl conductances are localized to a single transepithelial Cl diffusion barrier such as the paracellular pathway. This conclusion is supported by the analysis of electrically equivalent circuits that identify the shunt pathway as the site of oscillating Cl conductances.  相似文献   
Effect of some plant growth regulator treatments on apple fruit ripening   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The activity of IAA oxidase (IAAox), peroxidases (POD), and polyphenoloxidases (PPO), as affected by different pre-harvest growth regulator treatments (ABA, AVG, NAA, PDJ), was determined in on-tree ripening apples (cv. Golden Delicious) before and during the ethylene climacteric. The production of ethylene was inhibited by AVG and delayed by NAA, whereas ABA and PDJ treatments caused, in the on-tree remaining fruits, a marked fruit drop and a decrease or a slight increase in ethylene levels respectively. While all treatments reduced POD activity, jasmonate increased IAAox and PPO activity. The inhibitory effect of NAA on all enzyme activity seems related to interference with C2H2 action or to a reduced sensitivity of the fruit abscission zone tissues to the hormone. The observed high fruit drop induced by ABA treatment made it impossible to detect differences in enzyme activity. AVG-treated fruits showed no substantial effects on IAAox and PPO activity in comparison to the control, a finding that seems to be related to a delay in all senescence processes caused by the very low level of the inhibited ethylene production. In control fruits IAAox activity increased during the initial ripening stages and decreased thereafter, POD activity increased throughout ripening and PPO showed little variation.  相似文献   
Abscisic acid (ABA) is a major phytohormone involved in important stress‐related and developmental plant processes. Recent phosphoproteomic analyses revealed a large set of ABA‐triggered phosphoproteins as putative mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) targets, although the evidence for MAPKs involved in ABA signalling is still scarce. Here, we identified and reconstituted in vivo a complete ABA‐activated MAPK cascade, composed of the MAP3Ks MAP3K17/18, the MAP2K MKK3 and the four C group MAPKs MPK1/2/7/14. In planta, we show that ABA activation of MPK7 is blocked in mkk3‐1 and map3k17mapk3k18 plants. Coherently, both mutants exhibit hypersensitivity to ABA and altered expression of a set of ABA‐dependent genes. A genetic analysis further reveals that this MAPK cascade is activated by the PYR/PYL/RCAR‐SnRK2‐PP2C ABA core signalling module through protein synthesis of the MAP3Ks, unveiling an atypical mechanism for MAPK activation in eukaryotes. Our work provides evidence for a role of an ABA‐induced MAPK pathway in plant stress signalling.  相似文献   
Anti-Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug-resistance, mainly multi-drug resistance (MDR-TB), represents an important public health problem in several countries. Aim of our study is to identify the presence of these mutations in M. tuberculosis isoniazid- and rifampin-resistant strains isolated in our Institute; to evaluate linkage between type of mutation and level of resistance; to determine the usefulness of easy molecular techniques for rapid detection of such mutations on body specimens. Isoniazid- and rifampin-resistance was tested on 67 M. tuberculosis strains by Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) assays, using HaeIII, PstuI, BsteII, BstuI enzymes. Drug-resistance of control strains was determined by cultural techniques (fluorimetry- BACTEC 9120). Cultural assay showed isoniazid- and rifampin-resistance in 6.12 and 2%, respectively (data confirmed by SSCP assay). Mutation of katG, linked to isoniazid resistance, was detected using BstuI enzyme, and mutation of rpoB, expression of reduced sensitivity to rifampin, using HaeIII. 15 body specimens, M. tuberculosis-positive to conventional assays, were tested by SSCP technique. Epidemiologic reports of numerous cases of tuberculosis due to MDR strains induce to detect quickly both Mycobacteria and drug-resistance, in order to start prompt effective therapy. On this basis, molecular assays are useful for a rapid therapeutic decision.  相似文献   
ATP-sensitive K(+) (K(ATP)) channels modulate their activity as a function of inhibitory ATP and stimulatory Mg-nucleotides. They are constituted by two proteins: a pore-forming K(+) channel subunit (Kir6.1, Kir6.2) and a regulatory sulfonylurea receptor (SUR) subunit, an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter that confers MgADP stimulation to the channel. Channel regulation by MgADP is dependent on nucleotide interaction with the cytoplasmic nucleotide binding folds (NBF1 and NBF2) of the SUR subunit. Crystal structures of bacterial ABC proteins indicate that NBFs form as dimers, suggesting that NBF1-NBF2 heterodimers may form in SUR and other eukaryotic ABC proteins. We have modeled SUR1 NBF1 and NBF2 as a heterodimer, and tested the validity of the predicted dimer interface by systematic mutagenesis. Engineered cysteine mutations in this region have significant effects, both positive and negative, on MgADP stimulation of K(ATP) channels in excised patches and on macroscopic channel activity in intact cells. Additionally, the mutations cluster in the model structure according to their functional effect, such that patterns of alteration emerge. Of note, three gain-of-function mutations, leading to MgADP hyperstimulation of the channel, are located in the D-loop region at the center of the predicted dimer interface. Overall, the data support the idea that SUR1 NBFs assemble as heterodimers and that this interaction is functionally critical.  相似文献   
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