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Summary The distribution and development of serotonin-and RFamide-like immunoreactivities in the nervous system of Chaetognatha, Paraspadella gotoi, were examined in whole-mount preparations. In adults, a single serotonin-like immunoreactive (5HTLI) neuron and numerous RFamide-like immunoreactive (RFaLI) neurons were found in the central nervous system. Based on the structure of the fins, hooks, and eyes, seven postembryonic developmental stages were recognized. The most obvious features of the stages are: stage 1, newly hatched young; stage 2, elongation of a continuous lateral tail fin; stage 3, separation of the lateral and tail fins; stage 4, appearance of hooks; stage 5, pigmentation of eyes, stage 6, attachment by tail adhesive fins; stage 7, prey capture. Stage 1 did not show any immunoreactivity. The 5HTLI neuron first appeared at stage 4 and its axonal pathway became similar to the adult at stage 6. On the other hand, the RFaLI neurons appeared at stage 3 in the ventral ganglion. Some of their somata disappeared at stage 5 and the neuronal architecture resembled the adult at stage 7 although the RFaLI neurons in the cerebral ganglion were complete at the juvenile stage.We are sad to announce that Dr. M. Yoshida died on 29 October 1988  相似文献   
As a quantitative approach to the life histories of fishes, the present paper attempted to predict a relation among reproduction, growth and mortality numerically with a technique of control theory, the discrete maximum principle. A method for predicting the relation was derived on the postulate that natural selection maximized the net reproductive rate subject to a few constraints. The derived method was applied to Atlantic cod and Atlantic herring populations in the Southern Gulf of St. Lawrence as numerical examples. The examples demonstrated that the theoretical reproductive effort and body weight were well consistent with the observed ones every age but the theoretical survival rates were slightly different from the observed ones. For the reasons mentioned below, however, it should be interpreted that the examples rather support the adopted postulate to a certain degree. First, in general, it is very difficult to obtain good estimates of the rates with traditional methods. Second, intense fishing pressure possibly changes the life history parameters to some extent in fish populations. Moreover, the examples also suggested that, to examine the postulate in further detail, similar analyses had to be made with the data of many fish populations on which intense fishing pressure had not been exerted.  相似文献   
Nuclear protein 1 (NUPR1) is a stress-induced protein activated by various stresses, such as inflammation and oxidative stress. We previously reported that Nupr1 deficiency increased bone volume by enhancing bone formation in 11-week-old mice. Analysis of differentially expressed genes between wild-type (WT) and Nupr1-knockout (Nupr1-KO) osteocytes revealed that high temperature requirement A 1 (HTRA1), a serine protease implicated in osteogenesis and transforming growth factor-β signaling was markedly downregulated in Nupr1-KO osteocytes. Nupr1 deficiency also markedly reduced HtrA1 expression, but enhanced SMAD1 signaling in in vitro-cultured primary osteoblasts. In contrast, Nupr1 overexpression enhanced HtrA1 expression in osteoblasts, suggesting that Nupr1 regulates HtrA1 expression, thereby suppressing osteoblastogenesis. Since HtrA1 is also involved in cellular senescence and age-related diseases, we analyzed aging-related bone loss in Nupr1-KO mice. Significant spine trabecular bone loss was noted in WT male and female mice during 6−19 months of age, whereas aging-related trabecular bone loss was attenuated, especially in Nupr1-KO male mice. Moreover, cellular senescence-related markers were upregulated in the osteocytes of 6−19-month-old WT male mice but markedly downregulated in the osteocytes of 19-month-old Nupr1-KO male mice. Oxidative stress-induced cellular senescence stimulated Nupr1 and HtrA1 expression in in vitro-cultured primary osteoblasts, and Nupr1 overexpression enhanced p16ink4a expression in osteoblasts. Finally, NUPR1 expression in osteocytes isolated from the bones of patients with osteoarthritis was correlated with age. Collectively, these results indicate that Nupr1 regulates HtrA1-mediated osteoblast differentiation and senescence. Our findings unveil a novel Nupr1/HtrA1 axis, which may play pivotal roles in bone formation and age-related bone loss.  相似文献   
Isolated tea chloroplasts utilized linoleic acid, linolenicacid and their 13-hydroperoxides as substrates for volatileC6-aldehyde formation. Optimal pH values for oxygen uptake,hydroperoxide lyase and the overall reaction from C18-fattyacids to C6-aldehydes were 6.3, 7.0 and 6.3, respectively. Methyllinoleate, linoleyl alcohol and -linolenic acid were poor substratesfor the overall reaction, but linoleic and linolenic acids weregood substrates. The 13-hydroperoxides of the above fatty acidsand alcohol also showed substrate specificity similar to thatof fatty acids. Oxygen uptakes (relative Vmax) with methyl linoleate,linoleyl alcohol, linolenic acid, -linolenic acid and arachidonicacid were comparable to or higher than that with linoleic acid.In winter leaves, the activity for C6-aldehyde formation fromC18-fatty acids was raduced to almost zero. This was due tothe reduction in oxygenation. The findings presented here provideevidence for the involvement of lipoxygenase and hydroperoxidelyase in C6-aldehyde formation in isolated chloroplasts. (Received July 11, 1981; Accepted November 5, 1981)  相似文献   
We prepared methyl 2,5-dihydroxycinnamate as a stable analogue of erbstatin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. This analogue was about 4 times more stable than erbstatin in calf serum. It inhibited epidermal growth factor receptor-associated tyrosine kinase in vitro with an IC50 of 0.15 μg/ml. It also inhibited in situ autophosphorylation of epidermal growth factor receptor in A431 cells. Methyl 2,5-dihydroxycinnamate was shown to delay the S-phase induction by epidermal growth factor in quiescent normal rat kidney cells, without affecting the total amount ofDNA synthesis. The effect of erbstatin on S-phase induction was smaller, possibly because of its shorter life time.  相似文献   
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