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Summary Plasmid DNA containing the replication origin of the Escherichia coli chromosome (oriC) has been shown to be inefficient as a template for DNA synthesis in vitro when isolated from dam mutants. here, we extend this study to hemimethylated oriC plasmids and to replication in dam-3 mutant enzyme extracts. The results show that: (1) hemimethylated oriC plasmids replicate with the same low efficiency as nonmethylated DNA; (2) DNA synthesis starts at oriC regardless of the methylated state of the template; (3) replication in dam-3 enzyme extracts is inefficient because this strain is deficient in DnaA protein; and (4) consistent with this observation, the copy number of the oriC plasmid pFH271 is reduced in the dam-3 mutant. However, we have found that low DnaA protein levels in dam-3 mutants are not sufficient to explain the reduced transformation efficiency of oriC plasmids. We suggest that there must exist in vivo inhibitory factors not present or present in low quantities in vitro which specifically recognize the hemimethylated or nonmethylated forms of the oric region.  相似文献   
The differentiation of peripheral blood B lymphocytes into immunoglobulin-producing cells (Ig-PC) by pokeweed mitogen (PWM) and the function of concanavalin A (Con A)-induced suppressor T lymphocytes were examined to elucidate the late effects of atomic bomb radiation. A total of 140 individuals, 70 with an exposure dose of 100 rad or more and an equal number with an exposure dose of 0 rad matched by sex and age, were selected from the Nagasaki Adult Health Study (AHS) sample. Both the differentiation of peripheral blood B lymphocytes into Ig-PC by PWM and the function of Con A-induced suppressor T lymphocytes tended to be more depressed in the exposed group than in the control group, but a statistically significant difference could not be observed between the two groups. The function of Con A-induced suppressor T lymphocytes tended to decrease with age, but a statistical significance was detected only for percentage suppression against IgM-PC.  相似文献   
Human T-cell leukemia virus producer cell line MT-2 was labeled with [32P]phosphoric acid, and its cell extracts were immunoprecipitated with mouse monoclonal antibodies (GIN-7, and KK-1) and rabbit sera (anti-p24, and anti-gp68). Analysis of the immunocomplexes on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gell electrophoresis revealed that p53, p28, and p19 of adult T-cell leukemia-associated antigens were phosphorylated in vivo. Immunocomplexes of MT-2 cell extract with monoclonal antibody KK-1 were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP in vitro and it was revealed that the phosphokinase activity was associated with p28. The phosphokinase activity of p28 was specific to the serine residue but was not to the tyrosine residue.  相似文献   
Summary The DNA binding protein B' preparation, isolated from the membrane of E. coli, recognizes two sites, one of which is locatd in the minimum oriC (35–270 bp) and the other between base pairs 417 and 488. Recognition is only possible when restriction fragments containing these sites are in single-stranded state. At the first site the strand reading 3OH-5P in the direction of the E. coli genetic map is recognized, at the second site the 5P-3OH strand.  相似文献   
Hybrid cell lines were prepared by the fusion of BALB/c myeloma NS-1 cells with the lymphocytes of BALB/c mice that were immunized with partially purified androgen receptor (AR) from human prostates. Nine clones of the hybrid progeny were determined for the production of antibodies against AR by immunoprecipitation assay. One of the clones, referred to as "5F4", was chosen for analysis of the detailed specificity. The clone "5F4" secreted IgM class antibodies against AR. Competition study demonstrated that "5F4" antibody inhibited androgen binding of AR, suggesting that the antibody identifies androgen binding site of AR. Immunoblotting analysis showed that the antibody identified the ARs as two proteins, 95 kD and 41 kD proteins, on a sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel. It is suspected that a 95 kD protein should be a monomeric AR and a 41 kD protein is a proteolytic fragment of AR. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated that androgen-dependent tissues--human prostatic hypertrophy tissues, an AR abundant prostatic cancer tissue and fibroblast cells from human genital skin--were stained intensely with "5F4" monoclonal antibody, while androgen-independent tissues--fibroblast cells from lymph nodes, an AR deficient prostatic cancer tissue and human prostatic cancer cell line, PC-3--showed no staining. These results also support the specificity of the antibody for AR.  相似文献   
During periods of water deficit, plants accumulate late embryogenesis-abundant (LEA) proteins which are thought to protect cells from stresses associated with dehydration. One of these genes, le25, is expressed in tomato leaves and roots in response to water deficit and abscisic acid accumulation. To study the function of this protein and to test the effect of overproduction of the LE25 protein in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc), a recombinant plasmid in which le25 is expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter was constructed. The content of LE25 was high in Sc cells transformed with the recombinant plasmid. The transformant exhibited several stress-tolerant phenotypes. Growth of the transformant in a medium with 1.2 M NaCl was improved, as compared to a control strain. While the control strain showed a long lag phase of 40 h, le25-expressing cells showed a shortened lag phase of 10 h. However, no growth improvement was observed in a medium with 2 M sorbitol. In addition, the transformant had an increased survival rate after freezing stress, but not after high-temperature stress. These results, together with its predicted secondary structure, may indicate that LE25 functions as an ion scavenger.  相似文献   
Anaaki disease causes severe damage to the red algae Porphyra yezoensis from which the Japanese traditional food 'nori'is produced. The causative agent of anaaki disease was isolated by several repeats of single-colony isolation and infection experiments, and was identified as Flavobacterium sp. LAD-1. The bacterium showed hydrolytic activity toward porphyran but not toward other polysaccharides composing the thallus of Porphyra , such as β-1,3-xylan or β-1,4-mannan. The bacterium also showed β-D-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   
A continuous culture system for a benthic food diatom Nitzschia sp. wasestablished by using properties of high nutrient and clean of deep seawater(DSW). DSW collected from 320 m depth in Muroto City, Japan, was introducedinto a glass-pipe bioreactor (14 cm length, 3 cm diam.) containing glassbeads of 0.5 cm diam. as substrata for the alga, and it was incubated at18°C · 80Em–2sec–1 · L:D=14:10. The chlorophyll a yield of benthicdiatoms in a reactor as a unit of surface area of the substratum was only0.001–0.003 g cm–2 when the flow rate of DSW was 0(batch culture conditions). However, when DSW was supplied continuously to areactor, the yield increased to 1.4 g-chl.a cm–2 alongwith the increase in flow rate of DSW. Moreover, amounts of chl.a washed outof the system were negligible, 0.0014 to 0.0045%, even though theflow rate of DSW was as much as 25 times h–1, suggesting thatsloughing of benthic diatoms from the substratum was minimized. Although theyield of diatoms fluctuated significantly at the time that the DSW wascollected, the variation could be minimized by increasing the flow rate ofDSW. These results indicate that the continuous culturing system with DSWsupports the stable and effective mass culture of benthic food diatom.  相似文献   
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