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  1. The logistic function has been generally used to describe the reproductive process of a “population” of animal. However, this model can not give us any information about the reproductive process of “individuals” in the population. In this study a statistical model on the basis of the reproduction of individuals of barley aphid is presented to find the proportion of the mature individuals, the heterogeneity in reproductive ability of the aphids, etc.
  2. The model is constructed as follows:
  3. The probability that j insects are found on a plant at time t0 is represented as Q(j).
  4. The probability that h individuals of j have reproductive ability, say, mature individuals, in the period t0 to t1 is represented as B(h/j)=jChwh(1−w)j−h, where w is the proportion of mature individuals.
  5. In a population with a homogeneous reproductive ability, the probability that each parent lays i offspring in the period t0 to t1 is represented as P(i/m)=e−mmi/i!, where m is mean. And, in a population, m changes according to the gamma distribution. Hence the probability that a parent lays i offspring between t0 and t1 is represented as , where p and k are parameters of negative binomial distribution. The probability that h parents on a plant lays s offspring is represented as .
  6. From the assumptions mentioned above, the probability that s offspring are to be found at time t1 on a plant with the original j individuals at time t0 is represented by
  7. The experimental populations were demonstrated to fit well to the model.
Almost all of the methodologies developed to date to assay the potential mutagenicity of chemical substances are based on detection of altered phenotypic traits. The alternative approach of directly screening the whole genome for mutations is not feasible because of the logistics of carrying out mass sequencing of genes. Here we describe a novel and highly sensitive mutation assay, which we term the 'genome profiling-based mutation assay' (GPMA) that directly detects mutations generated in genomic DNA. We used GPMA to detect mutations caused by known mutagens such as AF2 and ethidium bromide even at concentrations of 30 ppb. The number of mutations detected was dependent on the number of generations in culture and the concentrations of the mutagens. Almost complete agreement was observed between GPMA and the Ames test in the discrimination of mutagens (63 out of 64). Owing to the high sensitivity of GPMA, the effects of long-term and low-dose exposures and the influence of chemicals of low solubility can also be screened. Thus, genotype-based GPMA can complement the Ames test, which is the standard technology in this field and is based on phenotypic traits.  相似文献   
This study aimed to test the hypothesis that a segmental bioelectrical impedance (BI) analysis can predict whole body skeletal muscle (SM) volume more accurately than a whole body BI analysis. Thirty males (19-34 yr) participated in this study. They were divided into validation (n = 20) and cross-validation groups (n = 10). The BI values were obtained using two methods: whole body BI analysis, which determines impedance between the wrist and ankle; and segmental BI analysis, which determines the impedance of every body segment in both sides of the upper arm, lower arm, upper leg and lower leg, and five parts of the trunk. Using a magnetic resonance imaging method, whole body SM volume was determined as a reference (SMV(MRI)). Simple and multiple regression analyses were applied to (length)(2)/Z (BI index) for the whole body and for every body segment, respectively, to develop the prediction equations of SMV(MRI). In the validation group, there were no significant differences between the measured and estimated SMV and no systematic errors in either BI analysis. In the cross-validation group, the whole body BI analysis produced systematic errors and resulted in the overestimation of SMV(MRI), but the segmental BI analysis was cross-validated. In the pooled data, the segmental BI analysis produced a prediction equation, which involves the BI indexes of the trunk and upper thigh as independent variables, with a SE of estimation of 1,693.8 cm(3) (6.1%). Thus the findings obtained here indicated that the segmental BI analysis is superior to the whole body BI analysis for estimating SMV(MRI).  相似文献   
Spatial pattern changes in aboveground plant biomass in a grazing pasture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using gamma distribution and spatial autocorrelation, it was demonstrated that plant biomass per unit area of a pasture grazed by cattle exhibited two kinds of spatial heterogeneity: small-scale heterogeneity caused by grazing and large-scale heterogeneity caused by topography, land aspect, etc. For each of the 10 measurement times from May to August, 100 quadrats 50cm × 50cm were arranged along a straight line 50m long in a pasture, and the plants within the quadrats were harvested at the height of 3cm above the ground surface to measure the dry weight. The data were aggregated into frequency distributions, and gamma distribution and the parameter values were estimated. This analysis showed that with the progression of grazing the amount of biomass decreased and the degree of spatial heterogeneity in biomass, measured per 0.25m2, increased, and due to plant regrowth the trends were reversed. By rearranging the 100 biomass data in order of weight, it was suggested that plots with an extremely large biomass were not grazed by cattle and remained in the pasture. For the same data, variations of biomass along the straight line were divided into two parts based on the moving average: the spatial trend and the residuals which cannot be explained by the trend. In this analysis, 48–75% of the total spatial variation was explained by the trend along the straight line. Analysis using spatial autocorrelation for the actual biomass changes showed that the biomass changes within a range of about 10m on the straight line gave a positive correlation, which indicates a topographical trend in biomass. Spatial autocorrelation for residuals suggested that the spatial changes in biomass along the straight line followed a wave-like or checker-board pattern. Small-scale spatial heterogeneity in plant biomass may be caused by the uneven deposition of excreta by grazing animals, uneven use of the grassland by grazing animals, and uneven dispersal of plant seeds through faeces over the grassland. The possibility that such unevenness might accelerate energy flow in the grassland ecosystem and contribute to grassland sustainability is discussed.  相似文献   
Severe stress decreases the resistance of hosts exposed to microbial infections. As compared with two groups of control mice (normal mice, food-and-water-deprived mice [FWD mice]), restraint-stressed mice (RST mice) were shown to be greatly susceptible to intracerebral growth of Cryptococcus neoformans. The susceptibility of FWD mice to cerebral cryptococcosis increased to the level shown in RST mice, when these groups of mice were inoculated with microglial cells from the brains of RST mice. However, the susceptibility of FWD mice to cerebral cryptococcosis was not influenced by the adoptive transfer of microglial cells from normal mice or FWD mice. Microglial cells from RST mice produced CC-chemokine ligand-2 (CCL-2/monocyte chemoattractant protein 1), but not microglial cells from FWD mice. The resistance of RST mice to cerebral cryptococcosis was improved to the extent shown in FWD mice, when they were treated with anti-CCL-2 antibody. However, the susceptibility of normal mice and FWD mice to cerebral cryptococcosis increased to that shown in RST mice, when they were treated with rCCL-2. Microglial cells from RST mice were discriminated from the same cell preparations derived from FWD mice by their abilities to produce CCL-2, to phagocytize C. neoformans cells and to express Toll-like receptor 2. These results indicate that the resistance of RST mice to cerebral cryptococcosis is diminished by CCL-2 produced by microglial cells that are influenced by restraint stress.  相似文献   
NADP-malic enzyme (EC [EC] ), which is involved in Crassulaceanacid metabolism (CAM), was purified to electrophoretic homogeneityfrom the leaves of the inducible CAM plant Mesembryanthemumcrystallinum. The NADP-malic enzyme, which was purified 1,146-fold,has a specific activity of 68.8 µmol (mg protein)–1min–1. The molecular weight of the subunits of the enzymewas 64 kDa. The native molecular weight of the enzyme was determinedby gel-filtration to be 390 kDa, indicating that the purifiedNADP-malic enzyme is a hexamer of identical subunits. The optimalpH for activity of the enzyme was around 7.2. Double-reciprocalplots of the enzymatic activity as a function of the concentrationof L-malate yielded straight lines both at pH 7.2 and at pH7.8 and did not reveal any evidence for cooperativity of bindingof L-malate. The Km value for L-malate was 0.35 mM. Hill plotsof the activity as a function of the concentration of NADP+indicated positive cooperativity in the binding of NADP+ tothe enzyme with a Hill coefficient (nH) of 2.0. An S0.5 value(the concentration giving half-maximal activity) of 9.9 µMfor NADP+ was obtained. Oxaloacetate inhibited the activityof the NADP-malic enzyme. Effects of succinate and NaHCO3 onthe activity of NADP-malic enzyme were small. (Received October 30, 1991; Accepted May 1, 1992)  相似文献   
We previously showed that Ca2+-induced cyclosporin A-sensitive membrane permeability transition (MPT) of mitochondria occurred with concomitant generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and release of cytochrome c (Free Rad. Res.38, 29-35, 2004). To elucidate the role of alpha-tocopherol in MPT, we investigated the effect of alpha-tocopherol on mitochondrial ROS generation, swelling and cytochrome c release induced by Ca2+ or hydroxyl radicals. Biochemical analysis revealed that alpha-tocopherol suppressed Ca2+-induced ROS generation and oxidation of critical thiol groups of mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) but not swelling and cytochrome c release. Hydroxyl radicals also induced cyclosporin A-sensitive MPT of mitochondria. alpha-Tocopherol suppressed the hydroxyl radical-induced lipid peroxidation, swelling and cytochrome c release from mitochondria. These results indicate that alpha-tocopherol inhibits ROS generation, ANT oxidation, lipid peroxidation and the opening of MPT, thereby playing important roles in the prevention of oxidative cell death.  相似文献   
Steroid degradation genes of Comamonas testosteroni TA441 are encoded in at least two gene clusters: one containing the meta-cleavage enzyme gene tesB; and another consisting of ORF18, 17, tesI, H, ORF11, 12, and tesDEFG. TesH and I are, respectively, the Delta(1)- and Delta(4)(5alpha)-dehydrogenase of the 3-ketosteroid, TesD is the hydrolase for the product of meta-cleavage reaction, and TesEFG degrade one of the product of TesD. In this report, we describe the identification of the function of ORF11 (tesA2) and 12 (tesA1). The TesA1- and TesA2-disrupted mutant accumulated two characteristic intermediate compounds, which were identified as 3-hydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione (3-HSA) and its hydroxylated derivative, 3,17-dihydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione by MS and NMR analysis. A complementation experiment using a broad-host range plasmid showed that both TesA1 and A2 are necessary for hydroxylation of 3-HSA to 3,4-dihydroxy-9,10-secoandrosta-1,3,5(10)-triene-9,17-dione (3,4-DHSA).  相似文献   
Searching for proteins in platelets that can interact with the N-terminal SH3 domain of CrkL (using a combination of a pull-down assay followed by mass spectrometry), we have found that human platelets express an ADP-ribosylation factor (Arf)-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP), ASAP1, as a CrkL-binding protein. In spreading platelets, most endogenous ASAP1 is localized at peripheral focal adhesions. To determine the physiologic significance of the CrkL-ASAP1 association, we overexpressed CrkL, ASAP1, or both in combination in COS7 cells. Unlike endogenous ASAP1 in platelets, overexpressed ASAP1 showed diffuse cytoplasmic distribution. However, when co-expressed with wild-type CrkL, both endogenous and expressed ASAP1 accumulated at CrkL-induced focal adhesions. An SH2-mutated CrkL, which cannot localize at focal adhesions, failed to recruit ASAP1 into focal adhesions. Thus, CrkL appears to be a lynchpin between ASAP1 and peripheral focal adhesions.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To investigate estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) levels in imprint specimens obtained at breast surgery and to compare their correlation with that of standard methods. STUDY DESIGN: Imprint specimens for cytology were obtained from 101 mass-forming lesions in 66 patients, and specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen for later assay. The imprint specimens were immunocytochemically (ICC) stained by monoclonal antibody to ER or PR; diaminobenzidine-stained cell nuclei in clusters were regarded as positive. Tissue specimens were assayed by the standard method of dextran-coated charcoal assay (DCC) and enzyme immunoassay. RESULTS: Forty-five primary breast cancer lesions, 2 contralateral breast cancer, 49 dissected nodes and 5 benign breast lesions were collected. The correlation between DCC and ICC was 81% (82/101) for ER and 74% (66/101) for PR. That between EIA and ICC was 88% (88/99) for ER and 80% (79/100) for PR, higher than that between DCC and ICC for ER and PR. CONCLUSION: ICC assessment of ER or PR on imprint cytology is a promising clinical test with an acceptable correlation.  相似文献   
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