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Grooming in primates is often considered a “currency” that can be exchanged for other “services” or “commodities” such as reciprocal grooming, coalitionary support, infant handling, tolerance around food sources, active food sharing, or mating opportunities. Previous studies on primate grooming‐for‐sex exchange viewed the males as the demanding class, with the females as suppliers of mating opportunities. In this study, we examine the broader context of grooming‐for‐mating exchange in Barbary macaques in Gibraltar. Our data show that Barbary macaque males groom females with whom they are mating more frequently and for longer periods than other females, and the relationship between grooming and mating remains significant in both sexual and nonsexual contexts. In addition, females groomed males with whom they were mating more frequently and for longer periods than other males. In both sexes, grooming was observed to be far more frequent and to occur for longer durations in sexual compared to nonsexual contexts. We did not find any difference in grooming behavior between presexual and postsexual contexts. Our data suggest that there is no simple model to describe Barbary macaque grooming patterns in sexual contexts. Although our results are partly consistent with male use of grooming as payment for mating, broadly assessed grooming‐mating patterns cannot be solely explained by a male‐driven grooming‐for‐mating exchange.  相似文献   
Abstract Electrofusion between cells of yeast strains with different genetic markers in isotonic sorbitol solutions leads to high yields of hybrids when 0.1 mM Ca2+ and 0.5 mM Mg2+ salts are aded. On average, 1000–2000 hybrids are obtained when electrofusion is performed (in a helical chamber) compared to a yield of about 40–120 in the absence of these bivalent cations. A further increase in yield can be achieved by the addition of 1 mg/ml albumin, which results in up to 4000 hybrids per experimental run. The entire fusion process leads to very reproducible results in the presence of these substances.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the legal status of unmanned instruments (particularly, floats and gliders) for observation purposes in the ocean environment. These new kinds of instruments are being deployed by the thousands into the oceans, not the least as part of the Argo Project of the International Oceanographic Commission. Their uncontrolled drifting has raised legal questions, especially when such instruments enter waters subject to the jurisdiction of foreign states. The authors argue that the current international legal framework is insufficient to address the pertinent issues, and that a new legal regime is needed.  相似文献   
Tandemly arrayed non-coding sequences or satellite DNAs (satDNAs) are rapidly evolving segments of eukaryotic genomes, including the centromere, and may raise a genetic barrier that leads to speciation. However, determinants and mechanisms of satDNA sequence dynamics are only partially understood. Sequence analyses of a library of five satDNAs common to the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax together with a satDNA, which is specific for M. chitwoodi only revealed low sequence identity (32–64%) among them. However, despite sequence differences, two conserved motifs were recovered. One of them turned out to be highly similar to the CENP-B box of human alpha satDNA, identical in 10–12 out of 17 nucleotides. In addition, organization of nematode satDNAs was comparable to that found in alpha satDNA of human and primates, characterized by monomers concurrently arranged in simple and higher-order repeat (HOR) arrays. In contrast to alpha satDNA, phylogenetic clustering of nematode satDNA monomers extracted either from simple or from HOR array indicated frequent shuffling between these two organizational forms. Comparison of homogeneous simple arrays and complex HORs composed of different satDNAs, enabled, for the first time, the identification of conserved motifs as obligatory components of monomer junctions. This observation highlights the role of short motifs in rearrangements, even among highly divergent sequences. Two mechanisms are proposed to be involved in this process, i.e., putative transposition-related cut-and-paste insertions and/or illegitimate recombination. Possibility for involvement of the nematode CENP-B box-like sequence in the transposition-related mechanism and together with previously established similarity of the human CENP-B protein and pogo-like transposases implicate a novel role of the CENP-B box and related sequence motifs in addition to the known function in centromere protein binding.  相似文献   
OmpA is a major protein of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli. It is made as a larger precursor, pro-OmpA, which requires a membrane potential for processing. We now show that pro-OmpA accumulates in the cytoplasm of cells treated with carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an uncouple which lowers the membrane potential. Upon restoration of the potential, this pro-OmpA is secreted, processed, and assembled into the outer membrane. Pro-OmpA made in vitro is also recovered with the postribosomal supernatant. It is efficiently processed to OmpA by liposomes which have bacterial leader peptidase that is exclusively internally oriented. These experiments show that: (i) the insertion of pro-OmpA into the plasma membrane is not coupled to its synthesis; (ii) insertion is promoted by the transmembrane electrochemical potential; (iii) pro-OmpA can cross a bilayer spontaneously; and (iv) pro-OmpA is processed by the same leader peptidase which converts M13 procoat to coat.  相似文献   
Aim During recent and future climate change, shifts in large‐scale species ranges are expected due to the hypothesized major role of climatic factors in regulating species distributions. The stress‐gradient hypothesis suggests that biotic interactions may act as major constraints on species distributions under more favourable growing conditions, while climatic constraints may dominate under unfavourable conditions. We tested this hypothesis for one focal tree species having three major competitors using broad‐scale environmental data. We evaluated the variation of species co‐occurrence patterns in climate space and estimated the influence of these patterns on the distribution of the focal species for current and projected future climates. Location Europe. Methods We used ICP Forest Level 1 data as well as climatic, topographic and edaphic variables. First, correlations between the relative abundance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and three major competitor species (Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris and Quercus robur) were analysed in environmental space, and then projected to geographic space. Second, a sensitivity analysis was performed using generalized additive models (GAM) to evaluate where and how much the predicted F. sylvatica distribution varied under current and future climates if potential competitor species were included or excluded. We evaluated if these areas coincide with current species co‐occurrence patterns. Results Correlation analyses supported the stress‐gradient hypothesis: towards favourable growing conditions of F. sylvatica, its abundance was strongly linked to the abundance of its competitors, while this link weakened towards unfavourable growing conditions, with stronger correlations in the south and at low elevations than in the north and at high elevations. The sensitivity analysis showed a potential spatial segregation of species with changing climate and a pronounced shift of zones where co‐occurrence patterns may play a major role. Main conclusions Our results demonstrate the importance of species co‐occurrence patterns for calibrating improved species distribution models for use in projections of climate effects. The correlation approach is able to localize European areas where inclusion of biotic predictors is effective. The climate‐induced spatial segregation of the major tree species could have ecological and economic consequences.  相似文献   
Diatoms, an important group of phytoplankton, bloom annually in the Southern Ocean, covering thousands of square kilometers and dominating the region''s phytoplankton communities. In their role as the major food source to marine grazers, diatoms supply carbon, nutrients and energy to the Southern Ocean food web. Prevailing environmental conditions influence diatom phenotypic traits (for example, photophysiology, macromolecular composition and morphology), which in turn affect the transfer of energy, carbon and nutrients to grazers and higher trophic levels, as well as oceanic biogeochemical cycles. The paucity of phenotypic data on Southern Ocean phytoplankton limits our understanding of the ecosystem and how it may respond to future environmental change. Here we used a novel approach to create a ‘snapshot'' of cell phenotype. Using mass spectrometry, we measured nitrogen (a proxy for protein), total carbon and carbon-13 enrichment (carbon productivity), then used this data to build spectroscopy-based predictive models. The models were used to provide phenotypic data for samples from a third sample set. Importantly, this approach enabled the first ever rate determination of carbon productivity from a single time point, circumventing the need for time-series measurements. This study showed that Chaetoceros simplex was less productive and had lower protein and carbon content during short-term periods of high salinity. Applying this new phenomics approach to natural phytoplankton samples could provide valuable insight into understanding phytoplankton productivity and function in the marine system.  相似文献   
The interaction of human red blood cells (RBCs) with diethylenetriamine-pentaacetic acid (DTPA) or its Gd-complex (Magnevist, a widely used clinical magnetic resonance contrast agent containing free DTPA ligands) led to the following, obviously interrelated phenomena. (i) Both compounds protected erythrocytes against electrohemolysis in isotonic solutions caused by a high-intensity DC electric field pulse. (ii) The inhibition of electrohemolysis was observed only when cells were electropulsed in low-conductivity solutions. (iii) The uptake of Gd-DTPA by electropulsed RBCs was relatively low. (iv) (Gd-) DTPA reduced markedly deformability of erythrocytes, as revealed by the electrodeformation experiments using high-frequency electric fields. Taken together, the results indicate that (Gd-) DTPA produce stiffer erythrocytes that are more resistant to electric field exposure. The observed effects of the chelating agents on the mechanical properties and the electropermeabilization of RBCs must have an origin in molecular changes of the bilayer or membrane-coupled cytoskeleton, which, in turn, appear to result from an alteration of the ionic equilibrium (e.g., Ca2+ sequestration) in the vicinity of the cell membrane. Received: 19 January 1999/Revised: 1 April 1999  相似文献   
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