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Grooming in primates is often considered a “currency” that can be exchanged for other “services” or “commodities” such as reciprocal grooming, coalitionary support, infant handling, tolerance around food sources, active food sharing, or mating opportunities. Previous studies on primate grooming‐for‐sex exchange viewed the males as the demanding class, with the females as suppliers of mating opportunities. In this study, we examine the broader context of grooming‐for‐mating exchange in Barbary macaques in Gibraltar. Our data show that Barbary macaque males groom females with whom they are mating more frequently and for longer periods than other females, and the relationship between grooming and mating remains significant in both sexual and nonsexual contexts. In addition, females groomed males with whom they were mating more frequently and for longer periods than other males. In both sexes, grooming was observed to be far more frequent and to occur for longer durations in sexual compared to nonsexual contexts. We did not find any difference in grooming behavior between presexual and postsexual contexts. Our data suggest that there is no simple model to describe Barbary macaque grooming patterns in sexual contexts. Although our results are partly consistent with male use of grooming as payment for mating, broadly assessed grooming‐mating patterns cannot be solely explained by a male‐driven grooming‐for‐mating exchange.  相似文献   
Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) is a genus of flowering plants with over 800 species distributed throughout Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. On the Hawaiian Islands, 60 named species and over 89 putative hybrids exist, most of which are identified on the basis of morphology. Despite many previous studies on the Hawaiian Cyrtandra lineage, questions regarding the reconciliation of morphology and genetics remain, many of which can be attributed to the relatively young age and evidence of hybridization between species. We utilized targeted enrichment, high‐throughput sequencing, and modern phylogenomics tools to test 31 Hawaiian Cyrtandra samples (22 species, two putative hybrids, four species with two samples each, one species with four samples) and two outgroups for species relationships and hybridization in the presence of incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). Both concatenated and species‐tree methods were used to reconstruct species relationships, and network analyses were conducted to test for hybridization. We expected to see high levels of ILS and putative hybrids intermediate to their parent species. Phylogenies reconstructed from the concatenated and species‐tree methods were highly incongruent, most likely due to high levels of incomplete lineage sorting. Network analyses inferred gene flow within this lineage, but not always between taxa that we expected. Multiple hybridizations were inferred, but many were on deeper branches of the island lineages suggesting a long history of hybridization. We demonstrated the utility of high‐throughput sequencing and a phylogenomic approach using 569 loci to understanding species relationships and gene flow in the presence of ILS.  相似文献   
Tandemly arrayed non-coding sequences or satellite DNAs (satDNAs) are rapidly evolving segments of eukaryotic genomes, including the centromere, and may raise a genetic barrier that leads to speciation. However, determinants and mechanisms of satDNA sequence dynamics are only partially understood. Sequence analyses of a library of five satDNAs common to the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax together with a satDNA, which is specific for M. chitwoodi only revealed low sequence identity (32–64%) among them. However, despite sequence differences, two conserved motifs were recovered. One of them turned out to be highly similar to the CENP-B box of human alpha satDNA, identical in 10–12 out of 17 nucleotides. In addition, organization of nematode satDNAs was comparable to that found in alpha satDNA of human and primates, characterized by monomers concurrently arranged in simple and higher-order repeat (HOR) arrays. In contrast to alpha satDNA, phylogenetic clustering of nematode satDNA monomers extracted either from simple or from HOR array indicated frequent shuffling between these two organizational forms. Comparison of homogeneous simple arrays and complex HORs composed of different satDNAs, enabled, for the first time, the identification of conserved motifs as obligatory components of monomer junctions. This observation highlights the role of short motifs in rearrangements, even among highly divergent sequences. Two mechanisms are proposed to be involved in this process, i.e., putative transposition-related cut-and-paste insertions and/or illegitimate recombination. Possibility for involvement of the nematode CENP-B box-like sequence in the transposition-related mechanism and together with previously established similarity of the human CENP-B protein and pogo-like transposases implicate a novel role of the CENP-B box and related sequence motifs in addition to the known function in centromere protein binding.  相似文献   
Diatoms, an important group of phytoplankton, bloom annually in the Southern Ocean, covering thousands of square kilometers and dominating the region''s phytoplankton communities. In their role as the major food source to marine grazers, diatoms supply carbon, nutrients and energy to the Southern Ocean food web. Prevailing environmental conditions influence diatom phenotypic traits (for example, photophysiology, macromolecular composition and morphology), which in turn affect the transfer of energy, carbon and nutrients to grazers and higher trophic levels, as well as oceanic biogeochemical cycles. The paucity of phenotypic data on Southern Ocean phytoplankton limits our understanding of the ecosystem and how it may respond to future environmental change. Here we used a novel approach to create a ‘snapshot'' of cell phenotype. Using mass spectrometry, we measured nitrogen (a proxy for protein), total carbon and carbon-13 enrichment (carbon productivity), then used this data to build spectroscopy-based predictive models. The models were used to provide phenotypic data for samples from a third sample set. Importantly, this approach enabled the first ever rate determination of carbon productivity from a single time point, circumventing the need for time-series measurements. This study showed that Chaetoceros simplex was less productive and had lower protein and carbon content during short-term periods of high salinity. Applying this new phenomics approach to natural phytoplankton samples could provide valuable insight into understanding phytoplankton productivity and function in the marine system.  相似文献   
Summary Mice selectively bred for either high or low levels of thermoregulatory nest building were cold-acclimated (5°C) for 3 weeks without nesting material; then body weight and food intake were measured. The mice selected for low nest building (Lows) of both sexes showed lower feed efficiencies than the high nest-building mice (Highs), although their body weights were not significantly different (Table 1). This adds to a large body of evidence which suggests that nest building and feed efficiency were influenced by a common mechanism (Lacy et al. 1978; Sulzbach and Lynch 1984; Lunch et al. 1981; Lynch and Roberts 1984).Brown adipose tissue mitochondrial GDP binding and cytochrome c oxidase activity were measured in the above mice. In females, the Lows had 100% higher levels of total GDP binding than the Highs, while no difference between the lines was seen in males (Fig. 2). Thus in the High females, lower energy expenditure through brown fat thermogenesis may account for their greater feed efficiency. In males, the genetic differences in feed efficiency must be due to differences in either thermogenesis in tissues other than brown fat, or mechanisms which reduce heat loss.Abbreviations Highs Mice from lines selectively bred for high levels of nest-building;Lows mice from the low nest-building selected lines  相似文献   
The coordinating properties of open-chain ligands containing alcoholic or ethereal oxygen donors are examined. Addition of oxygen donors usually leads to complex stabilisation for large metal ions (Pb2+, Cd2+) and to less favourable effects on complex stability for small metal ions (Cu2+, Ni2+). The formation constants of these metal ions with the set of ligands RN(CH2CHOH·CH3)2 where R is ---H, ---CH2CHOH·CH3, ---CH2CH2OCH3, ---CH2CH2OCH2CH2OH, and ---CH2---CHOCH2CH2CH2 are reported. The largest stabilisation for each case where R is an O-donor group relative to R = H occurs for Pb2+, the largest metal ion, while Cu2+, the smallest metal ion, shows the smallest stabilisation. The crystal structure of [Ni(HOCH2CH2NHCH2CH2NH2)2] (NO3)2 is reported. The space group is P , with cell constants a = 13.098(3), b = 8.737(4), and c = 7.746(3) Å, β = 112.66(3), β = 90.65(3), and γ = 85.03(2), and Z = 2. Disorder of the nitrate anions hindered refinement, with the result that a final conventional R factor of 0.0903 was achieved. The Ni---N bond lengths average 2.06(1) (secondary nitrogen) and 2.10(2) (primary nitrogen). The Ni---O bond lengths are rather long, averaging 2.15(1) Å, which is used to support the idea that the steric effects are responsible for destabilising the complexes of small metal ions such as Ni(11) when neutral oxygen donors are present.  相似文献   
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