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Tandemly arrayed non-coding sequences or satellite DNAs (satDNAs) are rapidly evolving segments of eukaryotic genomes, including the centromere, and may raise a genetic barrier that leads to speciation. However, determinants and mechanisms of satDNA sequence dynamics are only partially understood. Sequence analyses of a library of five satDNAs common to the root-knot nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax together with a satDNA, which is specific for M. chitwoodi only revealed low sequence identity (32–64%) among them. However, despite sequence differences, two conserved motifs were recovered. One of them turned out to be highly similar to the CENP-B box of human alpha satDNA, identical in 10–12 out of 17 nucleotides. In addition, organization of nematode satDNAs was comparable to that found in alpha satDNA of human and primates, characterized by monomers concurrently arranged in simple and higher-order repeat (HOR) arrays. In contrast to alpha satDNA, phylogenetic clustering of nematode satDNA monomers extracted either from simple or from HOR array indicated frequent shuffling between these two organizational forms. Comparison of homogeneous simple arrays and complex HORs composed of different satDNAs, enabled, for the first time, the identification of conserved motifs as obligatory components of monomer junctions. This observation highlights the role of short motifs in rearrangements, even among highly divergent sequences. Two mechanisms are proposed to be involved in this process, i.e., putative transposition-related cut-and-paste insertions and/or illegitimate recombination. Possibility for involvement of the nematode CENP-B box-like sequence in the transposition-related mechanism and together with previously established similarity of the human CENP-B protein and pogo-like transposases implicate a novel role of the CENP-B box and related sequence motifs in addition to the known function in centromere protein binding.  相似文献   
Molecular heterogeneity of D-end products detected by anti-H-2.28 sera   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunoprecipitation of NP-40 lysates of 125I-labeled lymph-node cells with different anti-H-2 sera and with anti-Qa-2 serum has shown that the BALB/cByA strain (H-2d, Qa-2-negative) expresses, besides H-2Ld, another molecule that is not detectable in the BALB/c-H-2dm2 strain. Electrophoresis in SDS polyacrylamide gels indicated that this molecule, provisionally designated Lq, has an apparent molecular weight of 41000 daltons, in contrast to approximately 49000 daltons for H-2Kd and H-2Ld, and 47000 daltons for H-2Dd molecules. The anti-Qa-2 serum precipitated from the Qa-2-positive strains BALB/cHeA but not from the Qa-2-negative strains BALB/cByA and BALB/c-H-2dm2 a protein that gave a very strong band corresponding to the molecular weight 41000 daltons in the gel electrophoresis. The biochemical characteristics of the Lq molecule are thus more similar to those of Qa-2 than of H-2 antigens.  相似文献   
Rat liver macrophages express a galactose-specific receptor which mediates endocytosis of particles or neuraminidase-treated blood cells. From rat serum we now have isolated and purified a galactose-specific lectin by affinity chromatography. Comparative analysis of this serum galactose-binding protein with the galactose-particle receptor protein purified from rat liver macrophages and with C-reactive protein (CRP) reveals close relation or identity of these proteins. An apparent m.w. of 30,000 was determined for all three proteins by SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions and m.w. of about 130,000 by native PAGE. All three proteins exhibit the same pentameric, ring-shaped structure in electron microscopy after negative staining. Antibodies raised against the serum galactose-binding protein or against the macrophage receptor cross-react. A mAb specific for rat neo-CRP labels liver macrophages but not hepatocytes and reacts with the isolated protein in a Western blot assay. Furthermore, the galactose-particle receptor can be functionally replaced by purified CRP: the binding capacity for neuraminidase-treated E of receptor-depleted liver macrophages can be restored by preincubation with purified rat CRP. We therefore conclude that CRP occurs as a membrane-associated protein constitutively expressed on liver macrophages functioning as a receptor mediating galactose-specific binding of particulate ligands.  相似文献   
To study the cytotoxic reactions responsible for mediating eosinophil damage to schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni, we have used cytoplasts (eosinophil or neutrophil vesicles devoid of granules and nuclei, with an intact oxidase in their plasma membrane) in combination with purified eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) or major basic protein (MBP) in a cytotoxicity test toward schistosomula. Suboptimal concentrations of ECP (10(-6) M) or MBP (10(-6) M) resulting in less than 10% killing were used in combination with cytoplasts. Cytoplasts alone in the presence of immune serum tested over a wide range of cytoplast:schistosomula ratios generated superoxide and hydrogen peroxide, but were unable to damage schistosomula. However, when a suboptimal ECP concentration (10(-6) M) was combined with neutroplasts or eosinoplasts, 43.9% +/- 8.5 (n = 7) and 24.7% +/- 9.8 (n = 3), respectively, of the schistosomula were killed. Oxygen metabolites were responsible for the synergism, because cytoplasts from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease were unable to act in synergy with ECP. In contrast to ECP, no synergism was found between cytoplasts and MBP (10(-6) to 2 X 10(-5)M). These results show that oxygen metabolites are important for the killing of schistosomula by lowering the concentration of ECP needed to inflict damage.  相似文献   
Biological characterization of purified native 20-kDa human growth hormone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Because of the propensity of the 20-kDa variant of human growth hormone (GH) to aggregate with itself and with 22-kDa human GH, it has been difficult to prepare monomeric 20-kDa GH in highly purified form. This has been a major complicating factor in determining whether 20-kDa GH has a biological activity profile distinct from that of 22-kDa GH. In the present study, native 20-kDa GH was isolated from a human GH dimer concentrate and purified by a procedure that included column electrophoresis in agarose suspension as a final separation step. This procedure yielded highly purified monomeric 20-kDa GH, which was contaminated to an extent of less than 1% with 22-kDa GH, and which exhibited only a small degree of dimerization upon storage. The native 20-kDa GH was quite active in stimulating growth in hypophysectomized rats, when growth was assessed by body weight gain, longitudinal bone growth, the stimulation of sulfation of cartilage, and the elevation of serum IGF-1 level. However, in all of these growth assays, the 20-kDa GH was somewhat less active than the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared; e.g., in the body weight gain and longitudinal bone growth assays, it had an estimated potency of 0.6 relative to the 22-kDa GH. The 20-kDa GH exhibited substantial diabetogenic activity when tested for the ability to raise fasting blood glucose concentration and to impair glucose tolerance in ob/ob mice. Also, the native 20-kDa GH had significant in vitro insulin-like activity, although its potency was approximately 20% that of the native 22-kDa GH to which it was compared. Thus, the biological activity profile of native 20-kDa GH differs from that of 22-kDa GH primarily in that insulin-like activity is markedly attenuated.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effects of adrenergic agonists and mitochondrial energy state on the activities of the Ca2+ transport systems of female rat liver mitochondria. Tissue perfusion with the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine and with adrenaline, but not with the beta-adrenergic agonist isoprenaline, induced significant activation of the uniporter and the respiratory chain. Uniporter activation was evident under two sets of experimental conditions that excluded influences of delta psi, i.e., at high delta psi, where uniporter activity was delta psi independent, and at low delta psi, where uniporter conductance was measured. Preincubation of mitochondria with extracts from phenylephrine-perfused tissue quantitatively reproduced uniporter activation when comparison was made with mitochondria treated similarly with extracts from tissue perfused without agonist. Similar, but more extensive, data were obtained with heart mitochondria pretreated with extracts from hearts perfused with the alpha-adrenergic agonist methoxamine. Phenylephrine did not affect Ca2+ efflux mediated by the Na+-Ca2+ carrier or the Na+-independent system. In contrast, the liver mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ carrier was activated by tissue perfusion with isoprenaline; the Na+-independent system was unaffected. Na+-Ca2+ carrier activation was not associated with any change in a number of basic bioenergetic parameters. It is concluded that the Ca2+ transport systems of liver mitochondria may be controlled in an opposing manner by alpha-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ influx) and beta-adrenergic agonists (promotion of Ca2+ efflux). At delta psi values greater than 110 mV, the Na+-independent system was activated by increase in delta psi; the uniporter and Na+-Ca2+ carrier activities were insensitive to delta psi changes in this range.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A- and I-band striation positions have been obtained, three-dimensionally reconstructed, and statistically analyzed from the volumes of resting isolated heart cells. Striation patterns from optically discrete subvolumes are imaged along the length of these myocytes with a computer-interfaced optical microscope imaging system. Planar striation maps are reconstructed by the computer from sequentially obtained striation pattern images displaced across the width or depth of the cell in controlled steps. Multiple planar maps are combined to form full three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructions that illustrate the sarcomeric structure and ordering throughout the volume of the cell. These reconstructions demonstrate a high degree of striation registration throughout most regions of cardiac cells. The striation registration is often slightly (less than 10 degrees) skewed across the width or depth of nearly every cell and is occasionally disrupted between adjacent groups of sarcomeres. These disruptions in registration are always associated with the locations of the nuclei. Rigorous statistical analyses indicate small volumetric regions of the cell delineated by these disruptions can have significantly (0.014-0.113 micron) shorter or longer average sarcomere length periodicities. Unlike skeletal muscle "fibrillenstruktur," these data from cardiac cells exhibit no evidence of helical packing schemes for sarcomere order. These observations suggest that the relatively large nuclei displace and disrupt the normal registration of the sarcomeres, which is probably mediated by internal cytoskeletal structures.  相似文献   
Summary Under normal and ischemic conditions backdiffusion of radiolabeled non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) has been demonstrated. In the fasted normal canine heart the extraction fraction (EF) during interventions with glucose or lactate loading, vasodilation, and metabolic level augmentation was determined, and compared with the control EF. Backdiffusion alterations were deduced from the EF changes. After iv injection of 17-iodo-131 heptadecanoic acid (IHDA), 11 blood samples were drawn from aorta and coronary sinus in a time period of 60 minutes. In the control and vasodilation group the EF slowly decreased from 40 to 10%. In contrast, the EF in the noradrenaline group was constant. During glucose and lactate infusion the EF became negative within 10 min and remained negative. These results suggest that during physiological circumstances backdiffusion is determined by the metabolic level of the heart and its substrate availability.  相似文献   
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