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Thermal resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was found to be drastically dependent on the kinetics of heat perturbation. Yeasts were found to be more resistant to a plateau of 1 h at 50 degrees C after a slope of temperature increase (slow and linear temperature increments) than after a shock (sudden temperature change). Thermotolerance was mainly acquired between 40-50 degrees C during a heat slope, i.e., above the maximal temperature of growth. The death of the yeasts subjected to a heat shock might be related to the loss of membrane integrity: intracellular contents extrusion, i.e., membrane permeabilization, was found to precede cell death. However, the permeabilization did not precede cell death during a heat slope and, therefore, membrane permeabilization was a consequence rather than a cause of cell death. During a slow temperature increase, yeasts which remain viable may have time to adapt their plasma membrane and thus maintain membrane integrity.  相似文献   
The effects of changes in arterial pressure and in circulating volume on Plasma Renin Activity (PRA) in the intact rat were compared by two experimental procedures. Gradual volume depletion was induced by intraperitoneal injection of a hyperoncotic polyethyleneglycol solution (PEG) in absence of acute changes in Systolic Arterial Pressure (SAP). SAP was measured in the conscious state by the tail cuff technique. Plasma Protein Concentration (PPC) and Hematocrit (Hct) increases after PEG injection were compared as the index for measuring the Plasma Volume Reduction (PVR). PRA showed a significant (p less than 0.001) linear relationship with PPC, suggesting a direct dependence of renin secretion on volume depletion. Acute changes in the circulating volume were induced by controlled hemorrhages of 5.0, 10.0, 15.0 and 20.0 ml of blood/kg body weight. The increase in PRA showed a significant relationship with the changes in circulating volume, but it did not show any dependence on the changes in Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP). Our results suggest that, in the intact and conscious rat, renin secretion responds to the information from the cardiopulmonary volume receptors rather than to that from the high pressure receptors.  相似文献   
Visual species identification of cetacean strandings is difficult, especially when dead specimens are degraded and/or species are morphologically similar. The two recognised pilot whale species (Globicephala melas and Globicephala macrorhynchus) are sympatric in the North Atlantic Ocean. These species are very similar in external appearance and their morphometric characteristics partially overlap; thus visual identification is not always reliable. Genetic species identification ensures correct identification of specimens. Here we have employed one mitochondrial (D-Loop region) and eight nuclear loci (microsatellites) as genetic markers to identify six stranded pilot whales found in Galicia (Northwest Spain), one of them of ambiguous phenotype. DNA analyses yielded positive amplification of all loci and enabled species identification. Nuclear microsatellite DNA genotypes revealed mixed ancestry for one individual, identified as a post-F1 interspecific hybrid employing two different Bayesian methods. From the mitochondrial sequence the maternal species was Globicephala melas. This is the first hybrid documented between Globicephala melas and G. macrorhynchus, and the first post-F1 hybrid genetically identified between cetaceans, revealing interspecific genetic introgression in marine mammals. We propose to add nuclear loci to genetic databases for cetacean species identification in order to detect hybrid individuals.  相似文献   
Many vertebrate species show display behaviors when predators are in their vicinity. Some of these displays may inform the predator of the improbability of capturing the prey (i.e., pursuit-deterrent displays) and are potentially advantageous to both predator and prey. Here we present data on a tail display performed by Gonatodes albogularis, a diurnal tropical gecko. We performed transect surveys in three habitats near Bogotá in Colombia. Geckos detected during transects were approached by the observer in a standardized way, and details of their tail-waving displays were recorded. In control recordings animals were watched from a distant site without approaching them. Results showed sexual differences in tail-waving display: when approached by the observer, males performed this behavior more frequently than females. We found no significant differences between males and females in flight-initiation distances and height above the substratum when they were initially located. Results also showed that males displayed more frequently when approached than when the simulated predator remained stationary. We interpret these results as evidence that the display functions as a pursuit-deterrent signal to potential predators. However, as some tail displays were performed in the presence of conspecifics, the display may also have a social function.  相似文献   
The pmr spectra of fully acetylated 2S: 3R-2 amino-trans-4 octadecene-1, 3 diol (sphingosine) (lb), 2S : 3R-2 aminooctadecane-1, 3 diol (dihydrosphingosine) (2b), 1-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-2S : 3R-2 tetracosanoylamido-trans-4 octadecene-1, 3 diol (cerasine) (3b), and 1-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-2S : 3R-2 (2′ hydroxy) tetracosanoylamido-trans-4 octadecene-1, 3 diol (phrenosine) (4b), were determined in chloroform-d, acetone-d6, and benzene-d6 at 220 MHz. The relative chemical shifts of the various protons in the three solvents were different enough as to permit configurational and conformational information to be derived by partial first order analysis.  相似文献   
The functional state of erythrocytes from hen during their conservation with a preserving solution for 24 days at 4 degrees C, has been estimated by studying some biochemical and hemorheological parameters. Results show an initial phase in the preservation period (4-5 days) in which red blood cells maintain their values at levels similar to those at the beginning of the experience, except for osmotic resistance. Furthermore a progressive erythrocyte deformability loss, linked to ATP depletion (with rise in inorganic phosphate levels) as well as a gradually higher rate of hemolysis, were detected.  相似文献   
Changes in H1 complement in differentiating rat-brain cortical neurons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Neuronal nuclei have a low H1 content. A stoichiometry of 0.47 molecule/nucleosome, on average, is calculated for rat brain cortical neurons by comparing its H1 content with that of liver nuclei. The H1 fraction of rat cerebral cortex neurons has been resolved into five subtypes, H1a--e, that have the same mobility as the unphosphorylated H1 forms of other rat tissues. The subtypes H1a--d decay exponentially during postnatal development and are substituted to different extents by H1e. The higher replacement rate is shown by H1a with an apparent half-lifetime of about 5 days. The corresponding values for H1b, H1c and H1d are 11, 21 and 15 days. Several conclusions can be drawn from the observation of postnatal changes in H1 subtype proportions. The low H1 content of neuronal nuclei does not imply the presence of notable peculiarities in subtype composition or in subtype substitution pattern. There is turnover of H1 in differentiating neurons once cell proliferation and DNA replication have ceased. The relative rates of synthesis and/or degradation of the subtypes differ in germinal cells and in neurons. Comparison with previous results on H1 degrees accumulation also shows that in cortical neurons the regulation of the subtypes H1a--e differs from that of H1 degrees.  相似文献   
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