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BackgroundThe epidemiology of childhood SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-related illness remains little studied in high-transmission tropical settings, partly due to the less severe clinical manifestations typically developed by children and the limited availability of diagnostic tests. To address this knowledge gap, we investigate the prevalence and predictors of SARS-CoV-2 infection (either symptomatic or not) and disease in 5 years-old Amazonian children.Methodology/Principal findingsWe retrospectively estimated SARS-CoV-2 attack rates and the proportion of infections leading to COVID-19-related illness among 660 participants in a population-based birth cohort study in the Juruá Valley, Amazonian Brazil. Children were physically examined, tested for SARS-CoV-2 IgG and IgM antibodies, and had a comprehensive health questionnaire administered during a follow-up visit at the age of 5 years carried out in January or June-July 2021. We found serological evidence of past SARS-CoV-2 infection in 297 (45.0%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 41.2–48.9%) of 660 cohort participants, but only 15 (5.1%; 95% CI, 2.9–8.2%) seropositive children had a prior medical diagnosis of COVID-19 reported by their mothers or guardians. The period prevalence of clinically apparent COVID-19, defined as the presence of specific antibodies plus one or more clinical symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath, and loss of taste or smell) reported by their mothers or guardians since the pandemic onset, was estimated at 7.3% (95% CI, 5.4–9.5%). Importantly, children from the poorest households and those with less educated mothers were significantly more likely to be seropositive, after controlling for potential confounders by mixed-effects multiple Poisson regression analysis. Likewise, the period prevalence of COVID-19 was 1.8-fold (95%, CI 1.2–2.6-fold) higher among cohort participants exposed to food insecurity and 3.0-fold (95% CI, 2.8–3.5-fold) higher among those born to non-White mothers. Finally, children exposed to household and family contacts who had COVID-19 were at an increased risk of being SARS-CoV-2 seropositive and–even more markedly–of having had clinically apparent COVID-19 by the age of 5 years.Conclusions/SignificanceChildhood SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19-associated illness are substantially underdiagnosed and underreported in the Amazon. Children in the most socioeconomically vulnerable households are disproportionately affected by SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease.  相似文献   
Asymptomatic Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis carrier state in poultry has serious consequences on food safety and public health due to the risks of food poisoning following consumption of contaminated products. An understanding the mechanisms of persistence of Salmonella in the digestive tract of chicken can be achieved by a better knowledge of the defects in the control of infection in susceptible versus resistant animals. The gene expression of innate immune response factors including anti-microbial molecules, inflammatory and anti-infectious cytokines was studied in the caecal lymphoid tissue associated with the carrier state. Expression levels of these genes were assessed by real-time PCR and were compared in two inbred lines of chickens differing in resistance to the carrier state following oral inoculation of S. enterica serovar Enteritidis at 1 week of age. No correlation was observed between resistance/susceptibility to caecal carrier state and level of interleukin (IL)-1beta, IL-8, IL-18, inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and natural resistance associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1). A high baseline level of defensin gene expression was recorded in young animals from the susceptible line. In contrast, a significantly low expression of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) gene was observed in these susceptible infected animals in comparison to resistant ones and healthy counterparts. IFN-gamma expression level represents a valuable indication of immunodeficiency associated with persistence of Salmonella in the chicken digestive tract, and IFN-gamma thus represents a factor to consider in the development of prophylactic measures for the reduction of Salmonella carrier state.  相似文献   
An in vitro study of morphological alterations between sound dental structure and artificially induced white spot lesions in human teeth, was performed through the loss of fluorescence by Quantitative Light‐Induced Fluorescence (QLF) and the alterations of the light attenuation coefficient by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). To analyze the OCT images using a commercially available system, a special algorithm was applied, whereas the QLF images were analyzed using the software available in the commercial system employed. When analyzing the sound region against white spot lesions region by QLF, a reduction in the fluorescence intensity was observed, whilst an increase of light attenuation by the OCT system occurred. Comparison of the percentage of alteration between optical properties of sound and artificial enamel caries regions showed that OCT processed images through the attenuation of light enhanced the tooth optical alterations more than fluorescence detected by QLF System.

QLF versus OCT imaging of enamel caries: a photonics assessment  相似文献   

Understanding the structural origins of differences in reduction potentials is crucial to understanding how various electron transfer proteins modulate their reduction potentials and how they evolve for diverse functional roles. Here, the high-resolution structures of several Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin (Cp Rd) variants with changes in the vicinity of the redox site are reported in order to increase this understanding. Our crystal structures of [V44L] (at 1.8 A resolution), [V44A] (1.6 A), [V44G] (2.0 A) and [V44A, G45P] (1.5 A) Rd (all in their oxidized states) show that there is a gradual decrease in the distance between Fe and the amide nitrogen of residue 44 upon reduction in the size of the side chain of residue 44; the decrease occurs from leucine to valine, alanine or glycine and is accompanied by a gradual increase in their reduction potentials. Mutation of Cp Rd at position 44 also changes the hydrogen-bond distance between the amide nitrogen of residue 44 and the sulfur of cysteine 42 in a size-dependent manner. Our results suggest that residue 44 is an important determinant of Rd reduction potential in a manner dictated by side-chain size. Along with the electric dipole moment of the 43-44 peptide bond and the 44-42 NH--S type hydrogen bond, a modulation mechanism for solvent accessibility through residue 41 might regulate the redox reaction of the Rds.  相似文献   
The extent and strength of the hydrogen bond networks in rubredoxins from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus (PfRd), and its mesophilic analogue Clostridium pasteurianum (CpRd), are examined and compared using NMR spectroscopy. NMR parameters examined in this study include through-hydrogen bond (h3)J(NC)(') scalar couplings and (1)H, (13)C, and (15)N chemical shifts, as well as covalent (1)J(NH) and (1)J(NC)(') scalar couplings. These parameters have allowed the characterization in solution of 12 hydrogen bonds in each protein. Despite a 83% sequence homology and a low RMSD for the backbone heavy atoms (0.648 A) in the crystalline state, subtle, but definite, changes have been identified in the detailed hydrogen-bonding patterns. CpRd shows an increased number of hydrogen bonds in the triple-stranded beta-sheet and an additional hydrogen bond in the multiple-turn segment including residues 14-32. On the other hand, PfRd exhibits an overall strengthening of N-H...O=C hydrogen bonds in the loops involved at the metal binding site as well as evidence for an additional NH...S(Cys) hydrogen bond involving the alanine residue 44. These data, as well as temperature dependence of the NMR parameters, suggest that the particular NMR hydrogen bond pattern found in the hyperthermophile rubredoxin leads to an increased stabilization at the metal binding pocket. It seems to result from a subtle redistribution of hydrogen-bonding interactions between the triple-stranded beta-sheet and the actual metal binding site.  相似文献   
Adoptive transfer of TCR gene-modified T cells has been proposed as an attractive approach to target tumors for which it is difficult or impossible to induce strong tumor-specific T cell responses by vaccination. Whereas the feasibility of generating tumor Ag-specific T cells by gene transfer has been demonstrated, the factors that determine the in vivo effectiveness of TCR-modified T cells are largely unknown. We have analyzed the value of a number of clinically feasible strategies to enhance the antitumor potential of TCR modified T cells. These experiments reveal three factors that contribute greatly to the in vivo potency of TCR-modified T cells. First, irradiation-induced host conditioning is superior to vaccine-induced activation of genetically modified T cells. Second, increasing TCR expression through genetic optimization of TCR sequences has a profound effect on in vivo antitumor activity. Third, a high precursor frequency of TCR modified T cells within the graft is essential. Tumors that ultimately progress in animals treated with this optimized regimen for TCR-based adoptive cell transfer invariably display a reduced expression of the target Ag. This suggests TCR gene therapy can achieve a sufficiently strong selective pressure to warrant the simultaneous targeting of multiple Ags. The strategies outlined in this study should be of value to enhance the antitumor activity of TCR-modified T cells in clinical trials.  相似文献   
Selection for increased resistance to Salmonella colonisation and excretion could reduce the risk of foodborne Salmonella infection. In order to identify potential loci affecting resistance, differences in resistance were identified between the N and 61 inbred lines and two QTL research performed. In an F2 cross, the animals were inoculated at one week of age with Salmonella enteritidis and cloacal swabs were carried out 4 and 5 wk post inoculation (thereafter called CSW4F2 and CSW4F2) and caecal contamination (CAECF2) was assessed 1 week later. The animals from the (N × 61) × N backcross were inoculated at six weeks of age with Salmonella typhimurium and cloacal swabs were studied from wk 1 to 4 (thereafter called CSW1BC to CSW4BC). A total of 33 F2 and 46 backcross progeny were selectively genotyped for 103 and 135 microsatellite markers respectively. The analysis used least-squares-based and non-parametric interval mapping. Two genome-wise significant QTL were observed on Chromosome 1 for CSW2BC and on Chromosome 2 for CSW4F2, and four suggestive QTL for CSW5F2 on Chromosome 2, for CSW5F2 and CSW2BC on chromosome 5 and for CAECF2 on chromosome 16. These results suggest new regions of interest and the putative role of SAL1.  相似文献   
Rubredoxin is a small iron-sulfur (FeS4) protein involved in oxidation–reduction reactions. The side chain of Leu41 near the iron-sulfur center has two conformations, which we suggested previously serve as a gate for a water molecule during the electron transfer process. To establish the role of residue 41 in electron transfer, an [L41A] mutant of Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin was constructed and crystallized in both oxidation states. Despite the lack of the gating side chain in this protein, the structure of the reduced [L41A] rubredoxin reveals a specific water molecule in the same position as observed in the reduced wild-type rubredoxin. In contrast, both the wild-type and [L41A] rubredoxins in the oxidized state do not have water molecules in this location. The reduction potential of the [L41A] variant was ~50 mV more positive than wild-type. Based on these observations, it is proposed that the site around the S of Cys9 serves as a port for an electron acceptor. Lastly, the Fe–S distances of the reduced rubredoxin are expanded, while the hydrogen bonds between S of the cysteines and the backbone amide nitrogens are shortened compared to its oxidized counterpart. This small structural perturbation in the Fe(II)/Fe(III) transition is closely related to the small energy difference which is important in an effective electron transfer agent.  相似文献   
The solution structure of reduced Clostridium pasteurianum rubredoxin (MW 6100) is reported here. The protein is highly paramagnetic, with iron(II) being in the S=2 spin state. The Hβ protons of the ligating cysteines are barely observed, and not specifically assigned. Seventy-six percent of the protons have been assigned and 1267 NOESY peaks (of which 1037 are meaningful) have been observed. Nonselective T 1 measurements have been measured by recording four nonselective 180°-τ-NOESY at different τ values, and fitting the intensity recoveries to an exponential recovery. Thirty-six metal-proton upper and lower distance constraints have been obtained from the above measurements. The use of such constraints is assessed with respect to spin delocalization on the sulfur donor atoms. The solution structure obtained with the program DYANA has been refined through restrained energy minimization. A final family of 20 conformers is obtained with no distance violations larger than 0.24?Å, and RMSD values to the mean structure of 0.58 and 1.03?Å for backbone and all heavy atoms, respectively (measured on residues 3–53). The structure is compared to the X-ray structure of the oxidized and of the zinc substituted protein, and to the available structures of other rubredoxins. In particular, the comparison with the crystal structure and the solution structure of the Zn derivative of the highly thermostable Pyrococcus furiosus rubredoxin suggested that the relatively low thermal stability of the clostridial rubredoxin may be tentatively ascribed to the loosening of its secondary structure elements. This research is a further achievement at the frontier of solution structure determinations of paramagnetic proteins.  相似文献   
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