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Correct modeling of root water uptake partitioning over depth is an important issue in hydrological and crop growth models. Recently a physically based model to describe root water uptake was developed at single root scale and upscaled to the root system scale considering a homogeneous distribution of roots per soil layer. Root water uptake partitioning is calculated over soil layers or compartments as a function of respective soil hydraulic conditions, specifically the soil matric flux potential, root characteristics and a root system efficiency factor to compensate for within-layer root system heterogeneities. The performance of this model was tested in an experiment performed in two-compartment split-pot lysimeters with sorghum plants. The compartments were submitted to different irrigation cycles resulting in contrasting water contents over time. The root system efficiency factor was determined to be about 0.05. Release of water from roots to soil was predicted and observed on several occasions during the experiment; however, model predictions suggested root water release to occur more often and at a higher rate than observed. This may be due to not considering internal root system resistances, thus overestimating the ease with which roots can act as conductors of water. Excluding these erroneous predictions from the dataset, statistical indices show model performance to be of good quality.  相似文献   
The kinetics of algal photoadaptation in the context of vertical mixing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The responses of phytoplankton to turbulent motions in the surfacemixed layer can be measured to estimate the rate of verticalmixing. If the time scale for the response (photoadaptation)is shorter than that for vertical mixing, phytoplankton willexhibit a vertical gradient associated with adaptation to ambientlight, whereas if mixing occurs with a time scale shorter thanthat of photoadaptation, the surface mixed layer will be uniformwith respect to the photoadaptive parameter. To examine thephysiological bases for a model of vertical mixing and photoadaptation,we grew the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana (clone 3H)at three photon flux densities and subjected the cultures toreciprocal light shifts, measuring physiological and chemicalchanges over the following 10 h. Several parameters, easilymeasured in nature and attributable primarily to phytoplankton,responded to fluctuating light on different time scales. Aftercultures were exposed to relatively bright light, both the initialslope of the photosynthesis-irradiance curve and in vivo fluorescencewere depressed on a time scale of less than an hour. Photosyntheticcapacity was also reduced transiently, but recovered over manyhours to a high level characteristic of an adapted state. First-orderkinetics (the current model of choice for describing photoadaptation)reasonably described the rapid responses of phytoplankton tobright light, but other parameters (i.e. cellular chemical compositionand photosynthetic capacity) changed as a result of unbalancedgrowth and required much longer to adapt from low to high lightas compared to from high to low light. A logistic model of thisadaptation is presented. The model suggests that hysteresisof adaptation during vertical mixing may have important consequences.The vertical distributions of photoadaptive properties in mixedlayers not only reveal the rate of vertical mixing, but showhow phytoplankton integrate environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   
Infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa foremost among them, constitute a major worldwide health problem. Bioinformatics methodologies are being used to rationally design new antimicrobial peptides, a potential alternative for treating these infections. One of the algorithms used to develop antimicrobial peptides is the Joker, which was used to design the peptide PaDBS1R6. This study evaluates the antibacterial activities of PaDBS1R6 in vitro and in vivo, characterizes the peptide interaction to target membranes, and investigates the PaDBS1R6 structure in contact with mimetic vesicles. Moreover, we demonstrate that PaDBS1R6 exhibits selective antimicrobial activity against Gram-negative bacteria. In the presence of negatively charged and zwitterionic lipids the structural arrangement of PaDBS1R6 transits from random coil to α-helix, as characterized by circular dichroism. The tertiary structure of PaDBS1R6 was determined by NMR in zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. In conclusion, PaDBS1R6 is a candidate for the treatment of nosocomial infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria, as template for producing other antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   
The nervous system communicates with peripheral tissues through nerve fibres and the systemic release of hypothalamic and pituitary neurohormones. Communication between the nervous system and the largest human organ, skin, has traditionally received little attention. In particular, the neuro‐regulation of sebaceous glands (SGs), a major skin appendage, is rarely considered. Yet, it is clear that the SG is under stringent pituitary control, and forms a fascinating, clinically relevant peripheral target organ in which to study the neuroendocrine and neural regulation of epithelia. Sebum, the major secretory product of the SG, is composed of a complex mixture of lipids resulting from the holocrine secretion of specialised epithelial cells (sebocytes). It is indicative of a role of the neuroendocrine system in SG function that excess circulating levels of growth hormone, thyroxine or prolactin result in increased sebum production (seborrhoea). Conversely, growth hormone deficiency, hypothyroidism, and adrenal insufficiency result in reduced sebum production and dry skin. Furthermore, the androgen sensitivity of SGs appears to be under neuroendocrine control, as hypophysectomy (removal of the pituitary) renders SGs largely insensitive to stimulation by testosterone, which is crucial for maintaining SG homeostasis. However, several neurohormones, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone and α‐melanocyte‐stimulating hormone, can stimulate sebum production independently of either the testes or the adrenal glands, further underscoring the importance of neuroendocrine control in SG biology. Moreover, sebocytes synthesise several neurohormones and express their receptors, suggestive of the presence of neuro‐autocrine mechanisms of sebocyte modulation. Aside from the neuroendocrine system, it is conceivable that secretion of neuropeptides and neurotransmitters from cutaneous nerve endings may also act on sebocytes or their progenitors, given that the skin is richly innervated. However, to date, the neural controls of SG development and function remain poorly investigated and incompletely understood. Botulinum toxin‐mediated or facial paresis‐associated reduction of human sebum secretion suggests that cutaneous nerve‐derived substances modulate lipid and inflammatory cytokine synthesis by sebocytes, possibly implicating the nervous system in acne pathogenesis. Additionally, evidence suggests that cutaneous denervation in mice alters the expression of key regulators of SG homeostasis. In this review, we examine the current evidence regarding neuroendocrine and neurobiological regulation of human SG function in physiology and pathology. We further call attention to this line of research as an instructive model for probing and therapeutically manipulating the mechanistic links between the nervous system and mammalian skin.  相似文献   
Reconstructing ecological niche evolution can provide insight into the biogeography and diversification of evolving lineages. However, comparative phylogenetic methods may infer the history of ecological niche evolution inaccurately because (a) species' niches are often poorly characterized; and (b) phylogenetic comparative methods rely on niche summary statistics rather than full estimates of species' environmental tolerances. Here, we propose a new framework for coding ecological niches and reconstructing their evolution that explicitly acknowledges and incorporates the uncertainty introduced by incomplete niche characterization. Then, we modify existing ancestral state inference methods to leverage full estimates of environmental tolerances. We provide a worked empirical example of our method, investigating ecological niche evolution in the New World orioles (Aves: Passeriformes: Icterus spp.). Temperature and precipitation tolerances were generally broad and conserved among orioles, with niche reduction and specialization limited to a few terminal branches. Tools for performing these reconstructions are available in a new R package called nichevol.  相似文献   
Aspidoras azaghal n. sp. was discovered during a multitaxonomic scientific expedition to the remote Amazon Terra do Meio region in tributaries to the rio Xingu basin, Pará, Brazil. The new species can be promptly distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of features: (a) absence of the first dorsal-fin element; (b) parieto-supraoccipital fontanel located medially on bone; (c) absence of a longitudinal dark-brown or black stripe along flank midline; (d) ventral surface of trunk covered by clearly smaller, irregular and/or roundish platelets; (e) inner laminar expansion of infraorbital 1 well developed; (f) relatively wide frontal bone, with width equal to half of entire length; (g) absence of a thick, longitudinal conspicuous dark-brown stripe along dorsal portion of flank; and (h) poorly developed serrations on posterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine. Besides morphological evidence, the molecular analyses indicated significant differences between the new species and its congeners, with A. albater and A. raimundi as its closest species, showing 6.53% of genetic differentiation in both cases. The intraspecific molecular data revealed gene flow (peer fixation index, FST = 0.05249, P > 0.05, for the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) marker and FST = -0.01466, P > 0.05, for the control region) between specimens upstream and downstream from a 30-m height waterfall at the type-locality, which therefore represent a single population. Furthermore, it was possible to observe a unidirectional gene flow pattern, with genetic diversity increasing in the downstream direction.  相似文献   
Microbeam radiation therapy (MRT), a preclinical form of spatially fractionated radiotherapy, uses an array of microbeams of hard synchrotron X-ray radiation. Recently, compact synchrotron X-ray sources got more attention as they provide essential prerequisites for the translation of MRT into clinics while overcoming the limited access to synchrotron facilities. At the Munich compact light source (MuCLS), one of these novel compact X-ray facilities, a proof of principle experiment was conducted applying MRT to a xenograft tumor mouse model. First, subcutaneous tumors derived from the established squamous carcinoma cell line FaDu were irradiated at a conventional X-ray tube using broadbeam geometry to determine a suitable dose range for the tumor growth delay. For irradiations at the MuCLS, FaDu tumors were irradiated with broadbeam and microbeam irradiation at integral doses of either 3 Gy or 5 Gy and tumor growth delay was measured. Microbeams had a width of 50 µm and a center-to-center distance of 350 µm with peak doses of either 21 Gy or 35 Gy. A dose rate of up to 5 Gy/min was delivered to the tumor. Both doses and modalities delayed the tumor growth compared to a sham-irradiated tumor. The irradiated area and microbeam pattern were verified by staining of the DNA double-strand break marker γH2AX. This study demonstrates for the first time that MRT can be successfully performed in vivo at compact inverse Compton sources.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that has generated scientific interest because of its prevalence in the population. Studies indicate that physical exercise promotes neuroplasticity and improves cognitive function in animal models and in human beings. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of strength exercise on the hippocampal protein contents and memory performance in mice subjected to a model of sporadic AD induced by streptozotocin (STZ). Swiss mice received two injections of STZ (3 mg/kg, intracerebroventricular). After 21 days, they began physical training using a ladde. Mice performed this protocol for 4 weeks. After the last exercise training session, mice performed the Morris Water Maze test. The samples of hippocampus were excised and used to determine protein contents of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), extracellular signal-regulated kinase-Ca2+ (ERK), calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CAMKII) and cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) signalling pathway. Strength exercise was effective against the decrease in the time spent and distance travelled in the target quadrant by STZ-injected mice. Strength exercise was also effective against the reduction of mature BDNF, tropomyosin receptor kinase B and neuronal nuclear antigen (NeuN) hippocampal protein levels in STZ mice. The decrease in the hippocampal ratio of pERK/ERK, pCAMKII/CAMKII and pCREB/CREB induced by STZ was reversed by strength exercise. Strength exercise decreased Bax/Bcl2 ratio in the hippocampus of STZ-injected mice. The present study demonstrates that strength exercise modulated the hippocampal BDNF/ERK-CAMKII/CREB signalling pathway and suppressed STZ-induced spatial memory impairment in mice.  相似文献   
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