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The epistatic interactions that underlie evolutionary constraint have mainly been studied for constant external conditions. However, environmental changes may modulate epistasis and hence affect genetic constraints. Here we investigate genetic constraints in the adaptive evolution of a novel regulatory function in variable environments, using the lac repressor, LacI, as a model system. We have systematically reconstructed mutational trajectories from wild type LacI to three different variants that each exhibit an inverse response to the inducing ligand IPTG, and analyzed the higher-order interactions between genetic and environmental changes. We find epistasis to depend strongly on the environment. As a result, mutational steps essential to inversion but inaccessible by positive selection in one environment, become accessible in another. We present a graphical method to analyze the observed complex higher-order interactions between multiple mutations and environmental change, and show how the interactions can be explained by a combination of mutational effects on allostery and thermodynamic stability. This dependency of genetic constraint on the environment should fundamentally affect evolutionary dynamics and affects the interpretation of phylogenetic data.  相似文献   
We present an extension of the two-class multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) algorithm that enables detection and characterization of epistatic SNP-SNP interactions in the context of a quantitative trait. The proposed Quantitative MDR (QMDR) method handles continuous data by modifying MDR’s constructive induction algorithm to use a T-test. QMDR replaces the balanced accuracy metric with a T-test statistic as the score to determine the best interaction model. We used a simulation to identify the empirical distribution of QMDR’s testing score. We then applied QMDR to genetic data from the ongoing prospective Prevention of Renal and Vascular End-Stage Disease (PREVEND) study.  相似文献   
The diversity of nitrogen-fixing bacteria was assessed in the rhizospheres of two cultivars of sorghum (IS 5322-C and IPA 1011) sown in Cerrado soil amended with two levels of nitrogen fertilizer (12 and 120 kg ha(-1)). The nifH gene was amplified directly from DNA extracted from the rhizospheres, and the PCR products cloned and sequenced. Four clone libraries were generated from the nifH fragments and 245 sequences were obtained. Most of the clones (57%) were closely related to nifH genes of uncultured bacteria. NifH clones affiliated with Azohydromonas spp., Ideonella sp., Rhizobium etli and Bradyrhizobium sp. were found in all libraries. Sequences affiliated with Delftia tsuruhatensis were found in the rhizosphere of both cultivars sown with high levels of nitrogen, while clones affiliated with Methylocystis sp. were detected only in plants sown under low levels of nitrogen. Moreover, clones affiliated with Paenibacillus durus could be found in libraries from the cultivar IS 5322-C sown either in high or low amounts of fertilizer. This study showed that the amount of nitrogen used for fertilization is the overriding determinative factor that influenced the nitrogen-fixing community structures in sorghum rhizospheres cultivated in Cerrado soil.  相似文献   
Previously it was shown that the HHV-8-encoded chemokine receptor ORF74 shows considerable agonist-independent, constitutive activity giving rise to oncogenic transformation (Arvanitakis, L., Geras-Raaka, E., Varma, A., Gershengorn, M. C., and Cesarman, E. (1997) Nature 385, 347-350). In this study we report that a second viral-encoded chemokine receptor, the human cytomegalovirus-encoded US28, also efficiently signals in an agonist-independent manner. Transient expression of US28 in COS-7 cells leads to the constitutive activation of phospholipase C and NF-kappaB signaling via G(q/11) protein-dependent pathways. Whereas phospholipase C activation is mediated via Galpha(q/11) subunits, the activation of NF-kappaB strongly depends on betagamma subunits with a preference for the beta(2)gamma(1) dimer. The CC chemokines RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and MCP-1 (monocyte chemotactic protein-1) act as neutral antagonists at US28, whereas the CX(3)C chemokine fractalkine acts as a partial inverse agonist with IC(50) values of 1-5 nm. Our data suggest that a high level of constitutive activity might be a more general characteristic of viral G protein-coupled receptors and that human cytomegalovirus might exploit this G protein-coupled receptor property to modulate the homeostasis of infected cells via the early gene product US28.  相似文献   
An isolate of L. monocytogenes Scott A that is tolerant to high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), named AK01, was isolated upon a single pressurization treatment of 400 MPa for 20 min and was further characterized. The survival of exponential- and stationary-phase cells of AK01 in ACES [N-(2-acetamido)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid] buffer was at least 2 log units higher than that of the wild type over a broad range of pressures (150 to 500 MPa), while both strains showed higher HHP tolerance (piezotolerance) in the stationary than in the exponential phase of growth. In semiskim milk, exponential-phase cells of both strains showed lower reductions upon pressurization than in buffer, but again, AK01 was more piezotolerant than the wild type. The piezotolerance of AK01 was retained for at least 40 generations in rich medium, suggesting a stable phenotype. Interestingly, cells of AK01 lacked flagella, were elongated, and showed slightly lower maximum specific growth rates than the wild type at 8, 22, and 30 degrees C. Moreover, the piezotolerant strain AK01 showed increased resistance to heat, acid, and H(2)O(2) compared with the wild type. The difference in HHP tolerance between the piezotolerant strain and the wild-type strain could not be attributed to differences in membrane fluidity, since strain AK01 and the wild type had identical in situ lipid melting curves as determined by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The demonstrated occurrence of a piezotolerant isolate of L. monocytogenes underscores the need to further investigate the mechanisms underlying HHP resistance of food-borne microorganisms, which in turn will contribute to the appropriate design of safe, accurate, and feasible HHP treatments.  相似文献   
HLA B57 and the closely related HLA B5801 are over-represented among HIV-1 infected long-term nonprogressors (LTNPs). It has been suggested that this association between HLA B57/5801 and asymptomatic survival is a consequence of strong CTL responses against epitopes in the viral Gag protein. Moreover, CTL escape mutations in Gag would coincide with viral attenuation, resulting in low viral load despite evasion from immune control. In this study we compared HLA B57/5801 HIV-1 infected progressors and LTNPs for sequence variation in four dominant epitopes in Gag and their ability to generate CTL responses against these epitopes and the autologous escape variants. Prevalence and appearance of escape mutations in Gag epitopes and potential compensatory mutations were similar in HLA B57/5801 LTNPs and progressors. Both groups were also indistinguishable in the magnitude of CD8+ IFN-gamma responses directed against the wild-type or autologous escape mutant Gag epitopes in IFN-gamma ELISPOT analysis. Interestingly, HIV-1 variants from HLA B57/5801 LTNPs had much lower replication capacity than the viruses from HLA B57/5801 progressors, which did not correlate with specific mutations in Gag. In conclusion, the different clinical course of HLA B57/5801 LTNPs and progressors was not associated with differences in CTL escape mutations or CTL activity against epitopes in Gag but rather with differences in HIV-1 replication capacity.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The proportion of serum carnosinase (CN-1) recognized by RYSK173 monoclonal antibody negatively correlates with CN-1 activity. We thus hypothesized that the epitope recognized by RYSK173 is accessible only in a catalytically incompetent conformation of the zinc dependent enzyme and we mapped its position in the CN-1 structure. Since patients with kidney failure are often deficient in zinc and other trace elements we also assessed the RYSK173 CN-1 proportion in serum of these patients and studied the influence of hemodialysis hereon in relation to Zn2+ and Cu2+ concentration during hemodialysis.

Methods and Results

Epitope mapping using myc-tagged CN-1 fragments and overlapping peptides revealed that the RYSK173 epitope directly contributes to the formation of the dinuclear Zn center in the catalytic domain of homodimeric CN-1. Binding of RYSK173 to CN-1 was however not influenced by addition of Zn2+ or Cu2+ to serum. In serum of healthy controls the proportion of CN-1 recognized by RYSK173 was significantly lower compared to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients (1.12 ± 0.17 vs. 1.56 ± 0.40% of total CN-1; p<0.001). During hemodialysis the relative proportion of RYSK173 CN-1 decreased in parallel with increased serum Zn2+ and Cu2+ concentrations after dialysis.


Our study clearly indicates that RYSK173 recognizes a sequence within the transition metal binding site of CN-1, thus supporting our hypothesis that metal binding to CN-1 masks the epitope. The CN-1 RYSK173 proportion appears overall increased in ESRD patients, yet it decreases during hemodialysis possibly as a consequence of a relative increase in transition metal bound enzyme.  相似文献   
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