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E. coli genes that contain a high frequency of the tetranucleotide CTAG are also rich in the tetramers CTTG, CCTA, CCAA, TTGG, TAGG, and CAAG (group-I tetramers). Conversely, E. coli genes lacking CTAG are rich in the tetranucleotides CCTG, CCAG, CTGG, and CAGG (group-II tetramers). These two gene samples differ also in codon usage, amino acid composition, frequency of Dcm sites, and contrast vocabularies. Group-I tetramers have in common that they are depleted by very-short-patch repair (VSP), while group-II tetramers are favored by VSP activity. The VSP system repairs G:T mismatches to G:C, thereby increasing the overall G+C content of the genome; for this reason the CTAG-rich sample has a lower G+C content than the CTAG-poor sample. This compositional heterogeneity can be tentatively explained by a low level of VSP activity on the CTAG-rich sample. A negative correlation is found between the frequency of group-I tetramers and the level of gene expression, as measured by the Codon Adaptation Index (CAI). A possible link between the rate of VSP activity and the level of gene expression is considered.Correspondence to: A. Marine  相似文献   
Résumé Un extrait de S. schenckii a été préparé à partir de levures vivantes provenant d'une culture agitée pendant 3 jours à 35° C et à l'obscurité dans du milieu BHI (brain heart infusion). Il a été obtenu par broyage au broyeur cellulaire MSK et amélioré par une congélation-décongélation. Ses constituants, séparés par électrophorèse, ont été révélés par leur activité enzymatique; 30 bandes ont ainsi pu être caractérisées. Ces activités enzymatiques ont été recherchées au niveau des fractions de l'extrait révélées par un hyperimmunsérum de lapin: 16 sur les 22 précipités sont identifiés par leur pouvoir catalytique. L'ordre d'apparition des premiers anticorps chez le lapin immunisé et leur identification complètent cette étude. Les conditions de culture et de préparation permettant d'améliorer la qualité de l'extrait sont également précisées.
An extract from living yeast forms of S. schenckii was prepared. The yeasts originated from a shake culture in B.H.I. broth (Difco) incubated for 3 days at 35°C in darkness; they were harvested, washed and disrupted with glass beads in a model MSK Braun mechanical cell homogenizer; a freezing-thawing was added to improve the extract.After electrophoretic separation in agarose gel, the extract's components were characterized by their enzymic activity; with this technique, 30 bands were revealed. These enzymic activities were also investigated on the antigenic fractions of the extract revealed by a rabbit hyperimmunserum: 16 among 22 immunoprecipitates are identified by their catalytic properties. Study of the earliest precipitating antibodies (appearing-order and enzymic caracterization) in rabbits just immunized completes this work. How to ameliorate the quality of the extract by culture and extraction conditions is also specified.
以实验的方法来研究 Fundulus heteroclitus 卵子分裂球的发育能力,最早的工作是 Morgan 1893和1895年的报告。他在2细胞时期,用针穿破卵膜,刺死一个分裂球。针抽出后,轻轻的抑压卵膜,挤出刺死的分裂球的细胞质,但不损伤下面的卵黄。经过这样手术以后,遗留在膜内的分裂球能继续发育。68个卵子中,20个左右在胚胎形成前死亡,其余都能继续发育,成为正常的胚胎。胚胎的身体一般比正常的小,比正常的二分之一来得大。Morgan 在他1893年的论文中,认为去掉一半分裂球的卵子,发育成为大于二分之一胚胎的原因,是留存的细胞质多于二分之一的结果。因在2细胞时期,  相似文献   
Darevskia praticola differs from the other species of the genus in having a large but disjunct distribution, covering the Balkan and the Caucasus regions. Furthermore, most Darevskia species occupy saxicolous habitats, whereas D. praticola inhabits meadows and forest environments. Here we determine the phylogeographic and phylogenetic relationships of Darevskia praticola sensu lato and evaluate the current, morphology-based taxonomy. We sequenced two mtDNA genes (Cyt-b and ND4) and two nuclear loci (MC1R and RELN) for samples collected across the species range. Because our sequences amplified with the Cyt-b primers appear to represent a nuclear pseudogene we excluded this marker from the final analysis. Our results support monophyly of D. praticola and show its division into three clades. The first divergence, dated to the Late Pliocene, is between the Balkans and the Caucasus. The Caucasus lineage is further subdivided in a western Greater Caucasus and a Transcaucasia clade, likely due to subsequent differentiation during the Pleistocene. Our findings do not support the current taxonomic arrangement within D. praticola. The main geographic divergence likely happened due to a vicariance event associated with Plio-Pleistocene climatic and vegetation oscillations.  相似文献   
Breathing is maintained and controlled by a network of automatic neurons in the brainstem that generate respiratory rhythm and receive regulatory inputs. Breathing complexity therefore arises from respiratory central pattern generators modulated by peripheral and supra-spinal inputs. Very little is known on the brainstem neural substrates underlying breathing complexity in humans. We used both experimental and theoretical approaches to decipher these mechanisms in healthy humans and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is the most frequent chronic lung disease in the general population mainly due to tobacco smoke. In patients, airflow obstruction associated with hyperinflation and respiratory muscles weakness are key factors contributing to load-capacity imbalance and hence increased respiratory drive. Unexpectedly, we found that the patients breathed with a higher level of complexity during inspiration and expiration than controls. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we scanned the brain of the participants to analyze the activity of two small regions involved in respiratory rhythmogenesis, the rostral ventro-lateral (VL) medulla (pre-Bötzinger complex) and the caudal VL pons (parafacial group). fMRI revealed in controls higher activity of the VL medulla suggesting active inspiration, while in patients higher activity of the VL pons suggesting active expiration. COPD patients reactivate the parafacial to sustain ventilation. These findings may be involved in the onset of respiratory failure when the neural network becomes overwhelmed by respiratory overload We show that central neural activity correlates with airflow complexity in healthy subjects and COPD patients, at rest and during inspiratory loading. We finally used a theoretical approach of respiratory rhythmogenesis that reproduces the kernel activity of neurons involved in the automatic breathing. The model reveals how a chaotic activity in neurons can contribute to chaos in airflow and reproduces key experimental fMRI findings.  相似文献   
In the present work, the adsorption kinetics of extended ligands on DNA duplexes at small fillings when molecules of DNA duplexes are on the underlayer within diffusion layer has been investigated. Both diffusion of ligands in solution (diffusion stage) and adsorption of ligands (kinetic stage) are taken into consideration at adsorption of ligands on DNA duplexes. Nonlinear system of differential equations describing adsorption of ligands where not only diffusion stage but also kinetic stage is taken into account, is obtained, moreover the equations allow localizing duplexes in arbitrary place within diffusion layer. Numeric solution of the equations makes possible to investigate the filling kinetics of DNA duplexes by ligands depending on parameters controlling adsorption process. It has been shown that depending on relation between adsorption parameters different kinetic regimes of adsorption – kinetic, complex, and diffusion regimes may be realized.  相似文献   
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