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E. coli genes that contain a high frequency of the tetranucleotide CTAG are also rich in the tetramers CTTG, CCTA, CCAA, TTGG, TAGG, and CAAG (group-I tetramers). Conversely, E. coli genes lacking CTAG are rich in the tetranucleotides CCTG, CCAG, CTGG, and CAGG (group-II tetramers). These two gene samples differ also in codon usage, amino acid composition, frequency of Dcm sites, and contrast vocabularies. Group-I tetramers have in common that they are depleted by very-short-patch repair (VSP), while group-II tetramers are favored by VSP activity. The VSP system repairs G:T mismatches to G:C, thereby increasing the overall G+C content of the genome; for this reason the CTAG-rich sample has a lower G+C content than the CTAG-poor sample. This compositional heterogeneity can be tentatively explained by a low level of VSP activity on the CTAG-rich sample. A negative correlation is found between the frequency of group-I tetramers and the level of gene expression, as measured by the Codon Adaptation Index (CAI). A possible link between the rate of VSP activity and the level of gene expression is considered.Correspondence to: A. Marine  相似文献   
Résumé Un extrait de S. schenckii a été préparé à partir de levures vivantes provenant d'une culture agitée pendant 3 jours à 35° C et à l'obscurité dans du milieu BHI (brain heart infusion). Il a été obtenu par broyage au broyeur cellulaire MSK et amélioré par une congélation-décongélation. Ses constituants, séparés par électrophorèse, ont été révélés par leur activité enzymatique; 30 bandes ont ainsi pu être caractérisées. Ces activités enzymatiques ont été recherchées au niveau des fractions de l'extrait révélées par un hyperimmunsérum de lapin: 16 sur les 22 précipités sont identifiés par leur pouvoir catalytique. L'ordre d'apparition des premiers anticorps chez le lapin immunisé et leur identification complètent cette étude. Les conditions de culture et de préparation permettant d'améliorer la qualité de l'extrait sont également précisées.
An extract from living yeast forms of S. schenckii was prepared. The yeasts originated from a shake culture in B.H.I. broth (Difco) incubated for 3 days at 35°C in darkness; they were harvested, washed and disrupted with glass beads in a model MSK Braun mechanical cell homogenizer; a freezing-thawing was added to improve the extract.After electrophoretic separation in agarose gel, the extract's components were characterized by their enzymic activity; with this technique, 30 bands were revealed. These enzymic activities were also investigated on the antigenic fractions of the extract revealed by a rabbit hyperimmunserum: 16 among 22 immunoprecipitates are identified by their catalytic properties. Study of the earliest precipitating antibodies (appearing-order and enzymic caracterization) in rabbits just immunized completes this work. How to ameliorate the quality of the extract by culture and extraction conditions is also specified.
以实验的方法来研究 Fundulus heteroclitus 卵子分裂球的发育能力,最早的工作是 Morgan 1893和1895年的报告。他在2细胞时期,用针穿破卵膜,刺死一个分裂球。针抽出后,轻轻的抑压卵膜,挤出刺死的分裂球的细胞质,但不损伤下面的卵黄。经过这样手术以后,遗留在膜内的分裂球能继续发育。68个卵子中,20个左右在胚胎形成前死亡,其余都能继续发育,成为正常的胚胎。胚胎的身体一般比正常的小,比正常的二分之一来得大。Morgan 在他1893年的论文中,认为去掉一半分裂球的卵子,发育成为大于二分之一胚胎的原因,是留存的细胞质多于二分之一的结果。因在2细胞时期,  相似文献   
Marine microbes have a pivotal role in the marine biogeochemical cycle of carbon, because they regulate the turnover of dissolved organic matter (DOM), one of the largest carbon reservoirs on Earth. Microbial communities and DOM are both highly diverse components of the ocean system, yet the role of microbial diversity for carbon processing remains thus far poorly understood. We report here results from an exploration of a mosaic of phytoplankton blooms induced by large-scale natural iron fertilization in the Southern Ocean. We show that in this unique ecosystem where concentrations of DOM are lowest in the global ocean, a patchwork of blooms is associated with diverse and distinct bacterial communities. By using on-board continuous cultures, we identify preferences in the degradation of DOM of different reactivity for taxa associated with contrasting blooms. We used the spatial and temporal variability provided by this natural laboratory to demonstrate that the magnitude of bacterial production is linked to the extent of compositional changes. Our results suggest that partitioning of the DOM resource could be a mechanism that structures bacterial communities with a positive feedback on carbon cycling. Our study, focused on bacterial carbon processing, highlights the potential role of diversity as a driving force for the cycling of biogeochemical elements.  相似文献   
Many epidemics involve plants infected with more than one pathogen, but few experiments address climate change scenarios that influence mixed infections. This study addresses the interactive effects of co‐infection and temperature on disease development in plants of the annual pasture species subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum), which is widely sown in different world regions. Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) and the fungus Kabatiella caulivora are two important pathogens causing considerable production losses in pastures containing this species. Both occur together in such pastures causing a severe necrotic disease when mixed infection occurs. Effects of temperature on symptom expression were investigated in subterranean clover plants infected singly or in mixed infection with these pathogens. Plants were maintained in controlled environment rooms at 18°C, 20°C or 22.5°C after sap inoculation with BYMV. K. caulivora conidia suspensions were inoculated to plants once systemic BYMV symptoms developed. Plants were assessed for three disease assessment parameters, dead petioles numbers, marginal leaflet necrosis and overall plant damage. In general, mixed infection caused most severe symptoms, K. caulivora least severe symptoms, and BYMV symptoms of intermediate severity. In single infections, effects of temperature on disease severity differed between pathogens: BYMV symptoms were most pronounced at 18°C, but K. caulivora induced more severe symptoms at 20°C and 22.5°C. In mixed infections, disease severity generally followed the pattern developed with BYMV alone as temperature increased. Also, synergistic increase in disease severity sometimes occurred at 18°C, but increases were only additive at 20°C and 22.5°C. These results reflected the greater BYMV multiplication detected in infected leaves at 18°C compared with 20°C or 22.5°C. Our findings indicate that in rainfed subterranean clover pastures, as global warming progresses disease severity from infection with BYMV and K. caulivora alone may decline or increase, respectively, and mixed infection with them may become less damaging.  相似文献   
Control of stem cell fate to either enter terminal differentiation versus returning to quiescence (self‐renewal) is crucial for tissue repair. Here, we showed that AMP‐activated protein kinase (AMPK), the master metabolic regulator of the cell, controls muscle stem cell (MuSC) self‐renewal. AMPKα1?/? MuSCs displayed a high self‐renewal rate, which impairs muscle regeneration. AMPKα1?/? MuSCs showed a Warburg‐like switch of their metabolism to higher glycolysis. We identified lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as a new functional target of AMPKα1. LDH, which is a non‐limiting enzyme of glycolysis in differentiated cells, was tightly regulated in stem cells. In functional experiments, LDH overexpression phenocopied AMPKα1?/? phenotype, that is shifted MuSC metabolism toward glycolysis triggering their return to quiescence, while inhibition of LDH activity rescued AMPKα1?/? MuSC self‐renewal. Finally, providing specific nutrients (galactose/glucose) to MuSCs directly controlled their fate through the AMPKα1/LDH pathway, emphasizing the importance of metabolism in stem cell fate.  相似文献   
Annexin A2 (AnxA2) is a phospholipid binding protein that has been implicated in many membrane-related cellular functions. AnxA2 is able to bind different acidic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PI2P). This binding is mediated by Ca2 +-dependent and Ca2 +-independent mechanisms. The specific functions of annexin A2 related to these two phospholipids and the molecular mechanisms involved in their interaction remain obscure. Herein we studied the influence of lipid composition on the Ca2 +-dependency of AnxA2-mediated membrane bridging and on membrane fluidity. Membrane models of ten different lipid compositions and detergent-resistant membranes from two cellular sources were investigated. The results show that the AnxA2-mediated membrane bridging requires 3 to 50 times less calcium for PS-membranes than for PI2P-membranes. Membrane fluidity was measured by the ratiometric fluorescence parameter generalized polarization method with two fluorescent probes. Compared to controls containing low phospholipid ligand, AnxA2 was found to reduce the membrane fluidity of PI2P-membranes twice as much as the PS-membranes in the presence of calcium. On the contrary, at mild acidic pH in the absence of calcium AnxA2 reduces the fluidity of the PS-membranes more than the PI2P-membranes. The presence of cholesterol on the bilayer reduced the AnxA2 capacity to reduce membrane fluidity. The presented data shed light on the specific roles of PI2P, PS and cholesterol present on membranes related to the action of annexin A2 as a membrane bridging molecule during exocytosis and endocytosis events and as a plasma membrane domain phospholipid packing regulator.  相似文献   
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of liver disease, but therapeutic options are limited and there are no prevention strategies. Viral entry is the first step of infection and requires the cooperative interaction of several host cell factors. Using a functional RNAi kinase screen, we identified epidermal growth factor receptor and ephrin receptor A2 as host cofactors for HCV entry. Blocking receptor kinase activity by approved inhibitors broadly impaired infection by all major HCV genotypes and viral escape variants in cell culture and in a human liver chimeric mouse model in vivo. The identified receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) mediate HCV entry by regulating CD81-claudin-1 co-receptor associations and viral glycoprotein-dependent membrane fusion. These results identify RTKs as previously unknown HCV entry cofactors and show that tyrosine kinase inhibitors have substantial antiviral activity. Inhibition of RTK function may constitute a new approach for prevention and treatment of HCV infection.  相似文献   
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