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Dysfunctional pulmonary homeostasis and repair, including diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis (PF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and tumorigenesis have been increasing over the past decade, a fact that heavily implicates environmental influences. Several investigations have suggested that in response to increased transforming growth factor - beta (TGFβ) signaling, the alveolar type II (ATII) epithelial cell undergoes phenotypic changes that may contribute to the complex pathobiology of PF. We have previously demonstrated that increased tissue stiffness associated with PF is a potent extracellular matrix (ECM) signal for epithelial cell activation of TGFβ. The work reported here explores the relationship between tissue stiffness and exposure to environmental stimuli in the activation of TGFβ. We hypothesized that exposure of ATII cells to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will result in enhanced cell contractility, TGFβ activation, and subsequent changes to ATII cell phenotype. ATII cells were cultured on increasingly stiff substrates with or without addition of PM2.5. Exposure to PM2.5 resulted in increased activation of TGFβ, increased cell contractility, and elongation of ATII cells. Most notably, on 8 kPa substrates, a stiffness greater than normal but less than established fibrotic lung, addition of PM2.5 resulted in increased cortical cell stiffness, enhanced actin staining and cell elongation; a result not seen in the absence of PM2.5. Our work suggests that PM2.5 exposure additionally enhances the existing interaction between ECM stiffness and TGFβ that has been previously reported. Furthermore, we show that this additional enhancement is likely a consequence of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to increased TGFβ signaling events. These results highlight the importance of both the micromechanical and biochemical environment in lung disease initiation and suggest that individuals in early stages of lung remodeling during fibrosis may be more susceptible than healthy individuals when exposed to environmental injury adjuvants.  相似文献   
Accumulation of lead and zinc was studied in the moss Funariahygrometrica Hedw. collected from mine tailings. Heavy metalaccumulation in gametophytes and sporophytes was quantifiedby graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) andinductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES).Pb and Zn accumulation in the placental zone was analysed byx-ray scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM) microanalysis. Spectrometry showed that whilemoss gametophytes accumulated considerable concentrations ofheavy metals, sporophytes accumulated only small concentrationsof metals. X-ray SEM and TEM showed that the two metals accumulatedin placental transfer cells on both the gametophytic and sporophyticsides. To investigate the uptake pattern for both metals undercontrolled conditions, F. hygrometrica plants collected froma non-polluted site were treated in the laboratory with separatesolutions of Pb and Zn at two concentrations (10-2and 10-4 M)for 24 or 168 h. Metal accumulation was analysed separatelyin gametophytes and sporophytes using GFAAS and ICP–AES.Each generation had a different accumulation quotient for bothmetals, and gametophytes accumulated significantly more metalthan sporophytes. Concentrations of Zn in sporophytes were alwayshigher than concentrations of Pb. The findings are discussedin relation to the role performed by the gametophyte and theplacenta in the accumulation and sequestration of Pb and Zn.Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Atomic spectroscopy, Funaria hygrometrica, gametophyte, Pb and Zn accumulation, sporophyte, x-ray TEM and SEM microanalysis  相似文献   
The soluble subcellular fraction of a chlB mutant contains an inactive precursor form of the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase, which can be activated by the addition to the soluble fraction of protein FA, which is thought to be the active product of the chlB locus. Dialysis or desalting of the chlB soluble fraction leads to the loss of nitrate reductase activation, indicating that some low-molecular-weight material is required for the activation. The protein FA-dependent activation of nitrate reductase can be restored to the desalted chlB soluble fraction by the addition of a clarified extract obtained after heating the chlB soluble fraction at 100 degrees C for 8 min. The heat-stable substance present in this preparation has a molecular weight of approximately 1,000. This substance is distinct from the active molybdenum cofactor since its activity is unimpaired in heat-treated extracts prepared from the organism grown in the presence of tungstate, which leads to loss of cofactor activity. Mutations at the chlA or chlE locus, which are required for molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis, similarly do not affect the activity of the heat-treated extract in the in vitro activation process. Moreover, the active material can be separated from the molybdenum cofactor activity by gel filtration. None of the other known pleiotropic chlorate resistance loci (chlD, chlG) are required for the expression of its activity. Magnesium ATP appears to have a role in the formation of the active substance. We conclude that a low-molecular-weight substance, distinct from the active molybdenum cofactor, is required to bestow activity on the molybdoenzyme nitrate reductase during its biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Chlorate-resistant mutants are pleiotropically defective in molybdoenzyme activities. The inactive derivative of the molybdoenzyme, respiratory nitrate reductase (nitrite: (acceptor) oxidoreductase, EC, which is present in cell-free extracts of chlA mutants can be activated by addition of purified protein PA, the presumed active product of the chlA+ locus, but the activity of the purified protein PA is low, since comparatively large amounts of protein PA are required for the activation. Addition of 10 mM tungstate to the growth medium of a chlBchlC double mutant leads to inactivation of both the molybdenum cofactor and protein PA. Protein PA prepared from such cells was unable to potentiate the in vitro activation of nitrate reductase present in the soluble fraction of a chlA mutant. Quantitation of inactive protein PA was determined immunologically using protein PA-specific antiserum. When a heat-treated extract of a wild-type strain was added to purified protein PA or to the supernatant fraction of a chlBchlC double mutant grown with tungstate, a large stimulation in the ability of these preparations to activate chlA nitrate reductase was found. We equate the activator of protein PA with molybdenum cofactor because: (1) both are absent from heated extracts of tungstate-grown chlBchlC double mutant and cofactor defective chlA and chlE mutants; (2) both are present in heated extracts of wild-type strain; and (3) they behave identically on molecular-sieve columns.  相似文献   
The chlorate-resistant (chlR) mutants are pleiotropically defective in molybdoenzyme activity. The inactive derivative of the molybdoenzyme, respiratory nitrate reductase, present in the cell-free extract of a chlB mutant, can be activated by the addition of protein FA, the probable active product of the chlB locus. Protein FA addition, however, cannot bring about the activation if 10 mM sodium tungstate is included in the culture medium for the chlB strain. The inclusion of a heat-treated preparation of a wild-type or chlB strain prepared after growth in the absence of tungstate, restores the protein-FA-dependent activation of nitrate reductase. All attempts to activate nitrate reductase in extracts prepared from tungstate-grown wild-type Escherichia coli strains failed. It appears that during growth with tungstate, the possession of the active chlB gene product leads to the synthesis of a nitrate reductase derivative which is distinct from that present in the tungstate-grown chlB mutant. Heat-treated preparations from chlA and chlE mutants which do not possess molybdenum cofactor activity fail to restore the activation. Fractionation by gel filtration of the heat-treated preparation from a wild-type strain produced two active peaks in the eluate of approximate Mr 12000 and less than or equal to 1500. The active material in the heat-treated extract was resistant to exposure to proteinases, but after such treatment the active component, previously of approximate Mr 12000, eluted from the gel filtration column with the material of Mr less than or equal to 1500. The active material is therefore of low molecular mass and can exist either in a protein-bound form or in an apparently free state. Molybdenum cofactor activity, assayed by the complementation of the apoprotein of NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase in an extract of the nit-1 mutant of Neurospora crassa, gave a profile following gel filtration similar to that of the ability to restore respiratory nitrate reductase activity to the tungstate-grown chlB mutant soluble fraction. This was the case even after proteinase treatment of the heat-stable fraction. Analysis of the chlC (narC) mutant, defective in the structural gene for nitrate reductase, revealed that heat treatment is not necessary for the expression of the active component. Furthermore both the active component and molybdenum cofactor activity are present in corresponding bound and free fractions in the non-heat-treated soluble subcellular fraction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The receptors for polypeptide growth factors and proteins coded by oncogenes of the src family are endowed with protein kinase activity and share the uncommon property of autophosphorylating at tyrosine residues. It is unclear whether the tyrosine kinase activity is also directed towards other targets of physiological significance. In this work, phosphotyrosine antibodies were used to detect, by Western blots and immunoprecipitation, proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine in fibroblasts either stimulated by growth factors (PDGF and EGF) or transformed by oncogene-coded tyrosine kinases. In stimulated cells the antibodies detected the autophosphorylated receptors, but only trace amounts of other proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine. In fibroblasts transformed by retroviral oncogenes (v-src, v-abl, v-fps or v-fes) proteins other than the corresponding oncogene-coded kinase, were found. A p70 was found to be heavily phosphorylated in fibroblasts transformed by v-src, v-fes and v-fps. A p130 and a p36 were found in cells transformed by v-src and v-abl. A unique p70 was phosphorylated in v-abl-transformed fibroblasts. These proteins were also phosphorylated in vitro in an immunocomplex kinase reaction. This reaction was blocked by the specific kinase inhibitors. These data strongly suggest that tyrosine kinases phosphorylate protein targets other than themselves. These targets are barely detectable in normal cells stimulated by growth factors, where the kinase activity is triggered rapidly and transiently. By contrast, a number of intracellular proteins phosphorylated at tyrosine accumulate in cells transformed by v-onc-coded kinases, endowed with constitutive and non-regulated enzymatic activity.  相似文献   
Histamine caused a triphasic response of human pulmonary artery strips in vitro, consisting of a small initial contraction followed by pronounced relaxation preceding a second contractile response. These characteristics were not seen with other contractile stimuli including 5-hdyroxytryptamine, leukotriene D4, and KC1. The relaxant component of this response was ablated by removal of endothelium from the vascular strips or by pretreatment of the tissues with 1μM indomethacin. Measurement of the PGI2 degradation product 6-keto-PGF in supernatants from histamine-challenged tissues confirmed the synthesis of PGI2. Supernatants from unstimulated or leukotriene-challenged tissues contained no detectable amounts of 6-keto-PGF. The histamine H1 antagonist diphenhydramine inhibited both the contractile and relaxant responses to histamine whereas the H2 antagonist cimetidine affected neither component. The released PGI2 significantly altered the dose-respons curve to histamine without inhibiting the maximal contractile responses. We conclude that histamine induces PGI2 formation from pulmonary arterial endothelium via an H1 receptor.  相似文献   
Propidium iodide (PI) DNA distribution of bone marrow (BM) cells was studied by flow cytometry (FCM) in 36 patients without hematologic or malignant disease (normal BM) and in 172 patients with anemias (36 pts), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) (33 pts) and acute leukemia (AL) at diagnosis (60 pts), remission (24 pts) and relapse (19 pts). White blood cells from normal male subjects were used as an external diploid reference standard (median CV = 3.8). Patients with normal BM, anemias, MDS and acute leukemia at diagnosis had tritiated thymidine labeling index (LI) and most with MDS and AL had also evaluable cytogenetics performed on the same BM sample used for FCM. In normal BM, median aliquot of cells with PI-DNA content intermediate between the diploid and the tetraploid value (2n-4n cells %) was 15.7. The ratio between the fluorescence intensity of the G0/1 peak of normal BM cells and the fluorescence intensity of the G0/1 peak of the reference standard (FI ratio) ranged from 93 to 1.05 (mean +/- 2SD). The 2n-4n cell % was higher than normal in anemias (p less than .001), lower in leukemias (p less than .001) and widely scattered in MDS. A linear correlation was found between 2n-4n cell % and LI, with 2n-4n cell % value higher than LI. The FI ratio was lower than normal in anemias (p less than .05), higher in AL with normal cytogenetics (p less than .02) and broadly scattered in MDS with normal cytogenetics. From our experience, PI-DNA-FCM is a simple and adequate method to evaluate proliferative activity in hematologic diseases. Nevertheless, caution must be taken in attributing small changes in FI ratio to aneuploidy, since they are found in anemias and in MDS and AL with normal cytogenetics, possibly due to differences in PI uptake by different cell types.  相似文献   
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