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Dysfunctional pulmonary homeostasis and repair, including diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis (PF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and tumorigenesis have been increasing over the past decade, a fact that heavily implicates environmental influences. Several investigations have suggested that in response to increased transforming growth factor - beta (TGFβ) signaling, the alveolar type II (ATII) epithelial cell undergoes phenotypic changes that may contribute to the complex pathobiology of PF. We have previously demonstrated that increased tissue stiffness associated with PF is a potent extracellular matrix (ECM) signal for epithelial cell activation of TGFβ. The work reported here explores the relationship between tissue stiffness and exposure to environmental stimuli in the activation of TGFβ. We hypothesized that exposure of ATII cells to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) will result in enhanced cell contractility, TGFβ activation, and subsequent changes to ATII cell phenotype. ATII cells were cultured on increasingly stiff substrates with or without addition of PM2.5. Exposure to PM2.5 resulted in increased activation of TGFβ, increased cell contractility, and elongation of ATII cells. Most notably, on 8 kPa substrates, a stiffness greater than normal but less than established fibrotic lung, addition of PM2.5 resulted in increased cortical cell stiffness, enhanced actin staining and cell elongation; a result not seen in the absence of PM2.5. Our work suggests that PM2.5 exposure additionally enhances the existing interaction between ECM stiffness and TGFβ that has been previously reported. Furthermore, we show that this additional enhancement is likely a consequence of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) leading to increased TGFβ signaling events. These results highlight the importance of both the micromechanical and biochemical environment in lung disease initiation and suggest that individuals in early stages of lung remodeling during fibrosis may be more susceptible than healthy individuals when exposed to environmental injury adjuvants.  相似文献   
The diploid yeast strain D61.M was used to study induction of mitotic chromosome loss. The test relies upon the uncovering and expression of multiple recessive markers reflecting the presumptive loss of the chromosome VII homologue carrying the corresponding wild-type alleles. The underlying 'loss event' is probably complex since the predicted centromere-linked lethal tetrad segregations for chromosome VII are not recovered. Instead, the homologue bearing the multiple recessive markers is patently homozygous. An interlaboratory study was performed in which 16 chemicals were tested under code in 2 laboratories. The results generated by the Berkeley and Darmstadt laboratories were in close agreement. Acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, 4-acetylpyridine, propionitrile and nocodazole were identified as potent inducers of mitotic chromosome loss. Acetone, dimethyl sulfoxide and 2-methoxyethyl acetate either elicited weak responses or yielded ambiguous results. Water, carbon tetrachloride, 4-fluoro-D,L-phenylalanine, amphotericin B, griseofulvin, cadmium chloride, ethyl methanesulfonate and methylmercury(II) chloride failed to induce chromosome loss. These data suggest that the system described herein represents a reliable assay for chemically induced chromosome loss in yeast.  相似文献   
The ability of leaves to acclimate photosynthetically to low temperature was examined during leaf development in winter rye plants ( Secale cereale L. cv. Puma) grown at 20°C or at 6°C. All leaves grown at 6°C exhibit increased chlorophyll (Chl) levels per leaf area, higher rates of uncoupled, light-saturated photosystem I (PSI) electron transport, and slower increases in photosystem II (PSII) electron transport capacity, when compared with 20°C leaves. The stoiehiometry of PSI and PSII was estimated for each leaf age class by quantifying Chl in elcctrophorctic separations of Chl-protein complexes. The ratio of PSII/PSI electron transport in 20°C leaves is highly correlated with the ratio of core Chl a -proteins associated with PSII (CPa) to those associated with PSI (CP1). In contrast, PSII/PSI electron transport in 6°C leaves is not as well correlated with CPa/CP1 and is related, in part, to the amount and organization of light-harvesting Chl a/b -proteins associated with PSII. CPa/CP1 increases slowly in 6°C leaves, although the ratio of CPa/CP1 in mature 20°C and 6°C leaves is not different. The results suggest that increased PSI activity at low temperature is not related to an increase in the relative proportion of PSI and may reflect, instead, a regulatory change. Photosynthetic acclimation to low environmental temperature involves increased PSI activity in mature leaves shifted to 6°C. In leaves grown entirely at 6°C, however, acclimation includes both increased PSI activity and modifications in the rate of accumlation of PSII and in the organization of LHCII.  相似文献   
A method is described for preparation of a species of β tropomyosin that is sulfhydryl-blocked at C36 and disulfide-cross-linked at C190. Five steps are involved: (1) Rabbit skeletal muscle tropomyosin, comprising αα and αβ species, is oxidized with ferricyanide, disulfide-cross-linking both species at C190. (2) The product is treated with iodoacetamide, blocking the only remaining free sulfhydryl, i.e., C36 of the β-chains. (3) The C36-blocked, C190-cross-linked product is reduced with dithiothreitol (DTT), unfolded in urea, and α and β chains separated by ion-exchange chromatography. (4) The C36-blocked β chains are refolded by dialysis. (5) The refolded, C36-blocked ββ species are cross-linked at C190 by ferricyanide oxidation. The resulting C36-blocked, C190-cross-linked ββ product is separated from contaminating species—mostly completely blocked β-chains and multichain cross-linked molecules—by size-exclusion chromatography in denaturing (guanidinium chloride) solvent. The five-step process and the final product were monitored by titration of free sulfhydryls and by NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Thermal unfolding curves from CD are reported for the resulting pure, C36-blocked, C190-cross-linked ββ species and for its DTT-reduction product, the noncross-linked C36-blocked species. The latter shows almost the same thermal unfolding transition as intact, noncross-linked ββ species. The former shows a pretransition similar to, but larger in extent than, the one well known to occur in the analogous case of C190-cross-linked αα tropomyosin. These unfolding transitions are compared with one another and with that previously reported for doubly cross-linked (at C36 and C190) ββ species. These comparisons are made in the light of current physical models for coiled-coil unfolding equilibria. It is concluded that although no extent model is demonstrably satisfactory, any successful model must include strain at the cross-link, loop entropy, and regional nonuniformities as essential parts of the physics.  相似文献   
Rainbow trout chromosomes were treated with nine restriction endonucleases, stained with Giemsa, and examined for banding patterns. The enzymes AluI, MboI, HaeIII, HinfI (recognizing four base sequences), and PvuII (recognizing a six base sequence) revealed banding patterns similar to the C-bands produced by treatment with barium hydroxide. The PvuII recognition sequence contains an internal sequence of 4 bp identical to the recognition sequence of AluI. Both enzymes produced centromeric and telomeric banding patterns but the interstitial regions stained less intensely after AluI treatment. After digestion with AluI, silver grains were distributed on chromosomes labeled with [3H]thymidine in a pattern like that seen after AluI-digested chromosomes are stained with Giemsa. Similarly, acridine orange (a dye specific for DNA) stained chromosomes digested with AluI or PvuII in patterns resembling those produced with Giemsa stain. These results support the theory that restriction endonucleases produce bands by cutting the DNA at specific base pairs and the subsequent removal of the fragments results in diminished staining by Giemsa. This technique is simple, reproducible, and in rainbow trout produces a more distinct pattern than that obtained with conventional C-banding methods.  相似文献   
Histamine caused a triphasic response of human pulmonary artery strips in vitro, consisting of a small initial contraction followed by pronounced relaxation preceding a second contractile response. These characteristics were not seen with other contractile stimuli including 5-hdyroxytryptamine, leukotriene D4, and KC1. The relaxant component of this response was ablated by removal of endothelium from the vascular strips or by pretreatment of the tissues with 1μM indomethacin. Measurement of the PGI2 degradation product 6-keto-PGF in supernatants from histamine-challenged tissues confirmed the synthesis of PGI2. Supernatants from unstimulated or leukotriene-challenged tissues contained no detectable amounts of 6-keto-PGF. The histamine H1 antagonist diphenhydramine inhibited both the contractile and relaxant responses to histamine whereas the H2 antagonist cimetidine affected neither component. The released PGI2 significantly altered the dose-respons curve to histamine without inhibiting the maximal contractile responses. We conclude that histamine induces PGI2 formation from pulmonary arterial endothelium via an H1 receptor.  相似文献   
The release of radioactive metabolites from isolated rat superior cervical ganglia was measured under various conditions following preloading with 3H-adenosine. The 3H label was recovered primarily in the adenosine metabolites, ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, and inosine, rather than in adenosine itself. Increased release was evoked by preganglionic stimulation or by exposure to a high-K+ medium, whereas in a low-Ca2+-high-Mg2+ medium, both spontaneous release and evoked release of most metabolites were inhibited. Exposure of the ganglion to an atmosphere of N2 also increased the release of most labeled metabolites, but this release was not substantially affected by a low-Ca2+ medium. The fluorescent derivatives of the endogenous adenine-containing compounds present in the ganglion were prepared from homogenates and separated by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). By the end of the testing period (6 hr), levels of ATP in the isolated ganglia had dropped to 10-20% of the initial values, while levels of ADP, AMP, and adenosine increased. There was little difference in these values between nonstimulated ganglia and those exposed to N2 or to a high-K+ medium.  相似文献   
We have generated a new series of monoclonal antibodies recognizing allotypic determinants on mouse IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b. In this communication we describe their reactivities with immunoglobulins of the inbred mouse strains. Comparison with serology charts indicates that many of these monoclonal antibodies detect allotypic specificities previously defined by conventional antisera; others define previously undescribed specificities. Strain and isotype distribution allows us to assign five new allotypic specificities to Igh-1 and three new specificities to Igh-3. In addition, on the basis of reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies, we have defined a new Igh haplotype in SWR/J mice, Igh p.Abbreviations used in this paper Igh immunoglobulin heavy chain - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate  相似文献   
Chemical Detection of Microbial Prey by Bacterial Predators   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A motile, predacious bacterium which degraded Pythium debaryanum was strongly attracted to substances released into the medium by the fungus. A nonpredacious bacterium was not attracted to these substances. The predator bacterium was specifically attracted to cellulose and its oligomers which are known to be components of the cell wall of Pythium. Ethanol inhibited chemotaxis of the bacterium without affecting either its motility or its ability to degrade cellulose. A second predacious bacterium was isolated for the alga, Skeletonema costatum. The role of chemoreception in the detection of microbial prey by bacterial predators in natural habitats is discussed.  相似文献   
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