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Interposon mutagenesis of a region upstream of the petABC(fbcFBC) operon, encoding the ubiquinol: cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase (bc1 complex) of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus revealed the presence of two genes, petP and petR. DNA nucleotide sequence determination of this region indicated that petP and petR are transcribed in the same direction as the petABC(fbcFBC) operon, and are translationally coupled. A silent insertion located in the interoperonal region separating petPR and the petABC(fbcFBC) genes indicated that these clusters have separate promoters. The deduced amino acid sequence of the putative petR gene product is homologous to various bacterial response regulators, especially to those of the OmpR subgroup. Moreover, it was found that PetR mutants are unable to grow on rich or minimal media by either photosynthesis or respiration, demonstrating that these gene products are essential for growth of R. capsulatus.  相似文献   
Acetylcholine receptor (AChR) purified from human skeletal muscle affinity-alkylated with bromoacetyl[methyl-3H]choline bromide ([3H]BAC) in mildly reducing conditions to yield a specifically radiolabeled polypeptide, Mr 44,000, the alpha-subunit. The binding of [125I]alpha-bungarotoxin to AChR was completely inhibited by affinity-alkylation, indicating that the human AChR's binding site for alpha-bungarotoxin is closely associated with the alpha-subunit's acetylcholine binding site. Structures in the vicinity of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of AChRs from human muscle and Torpedo electric organ were compared by varying the conditions of alkylation. Under optimal conditions of reduction and alkylation, both human and Torpedo AChR incorporated BAC in equivalence to the number of alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites. However, with limited conditions of reduction but sufficient BAC to alkylate 100% of the alpha-bungarotoxin binding sites of human AChR, only 71% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. In optimal conditions of reduction but with the minimal concentration of BAC that permitted 100% alkylation of the human AChR's alpha-bungarotoxin sites, only 74% of the Torpedo AChR's binding sites were alkylated. These data suggest that the neurotransmitter binding region of human muscle AChR is structurally dissimilar from that of Torpedo electric organ, having a higher binding affinity for BAC and an adjacent disulfide bond that is more readily accessible to reducing agents.  相似文献   
Phase memory relaxation times (T(M) or T(2)) of spin labels in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) are reported. Spin labels (N-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolidinyl)iodoacetamide, IPSL) were introduced at cysteines, by site-directed mutagenesis at seven different positions in the protein. By two pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin echo decays at 45 K are measured and fitted by stretched exponentials, resulting in relaxation parameters T(M) and x. T(M) values of seven positions are between 1.6 micros for the most buried residue (L79C) and 4.7 micros for a residue at the protein surface (W245C). In deuteriated buffer, longer T(M) are found for all but the most buried residues (L79C and W97C), and electron spin echo envelop modulation (ESEEM) of deuterium nuclei is observed. Different deuterium ESEEM patterns for W95C and W16C (surface residue) indicate differences in the local water concentration, or accessibility, of the spin label by deuterium. We propose T(M) as a parameter to determine the spin label location in proteins. Furthermore, these systems are interesting for studying the pertaining relaxation mechanism.  相似文献   
Summary The effect of artificial acid rain on the reproduction and survival of the aphid Euceraphis betulae on silver birch was studied in Turku, southern Finland. Eight bioassays were done during 1984–1986. In four of the bioassays the aphids produced 40% to over 100% more progeny on birches watered with dilute sulphuric acid (pH 3.5) than on control trees. In four other cases the performance of aphids did not differ between the treatments. An index of aphid reproduction pooled over the whole study was significantly higher on acid-treated than on control birches. The reproduction of aphids on acid-treated birches was enhanced when precipitation was below long term average, suggesting an interaction between the stress caused by acid treatment and dry periods.  相似文献   
Twenty strains of the genus Lactobacillus were isolated from pig intestines and characterized with phenotypic tests. Eleven of these strains, together with selected reference strains, were subjected to DNA homology studies. Three major groups could be distinguished by biochemical/physiological tests and by DNA homology studies: one homofermentative group of the subgenus Thermobacterium and two heterofermentative groups. The DNA homology studies revealed that strains from the homofermentative group were related to Lactobacillus acidophilus strain VPI 1754, but showed a low relationship to the type strain of Lact. acidophilus. One One group of the heterofermentative strains was related to the type strain of Lact. reuteri; the other group, consisting of three strains, showed a low relationship to all reference strains used. These three strains had the unusual property of producing succinic acid in large amounts.  相似文献   
A Pseudomonas aeruginosa transposon insertion mutant with defective release of several exoenzymes has been characterized. The Tn5-751 insertion mutation was located in the previously described xcp-1 locus at 0 min on the chromosomal map and caused several exoenzymes to remain in cell-bound form. At least one of the exoenzymes, elastase, was accumulated in the periplasmic space. The periplasmic elastase had the same Mr as the extracellular enzyme produced by the wild-type strain. The virulence of the mutant was comparable to that of wild-type strains in experimental burn infection in mice. The presence of an easily selectable antibiotic resistance marker in the xcp-1 locus offers the possibility of cloning the gene(s) involved in exoprotein secretion.  相似文献   
The effects of defoliation treatments on plant growth in sunflower (Helianthus annuus) were studied in the field. Four defoliation treatments, 0 (control), 37.4, 56.1 and 93.4% of the total leaf dry weight, were applied to plants that had small third leaves. Decreased leaf weight/whole plant weight (F/W) ratios in defoliated plants rapidly recovered to almost the same ratio as that observed in the control within 12 to 16 days after defoliation according to the degree of defoliation. The mechanism involved in the recovery of the F/W ratio in defoliated plants mainly consisted of three parameters: enhancement of (1) carbon distribution ratios in the leaves, (2) photosynthetic activity in the remaining leaves, and (3) retranslocation of carbon from the stem and/or roots to leaves. Inhibitive effects of defoliation on relative growth rate and net assimilation rate were seen at an early stage, but subsequently both rates became larger in defoliated plants than in controls. Defoliated plants tended to show rapid development and expansion of new leaves, and to show increased specific leaf area and protein synthesis in individual leaves. The sugar content of leaves in defoliated plants was higher than that in controls, while the content in both stem and roots was lower. These responses seem to be advantageous for development of the photosynthetic system. Heights of defoliated plants were clearly depressed according to the degree of defoliation, and this was attributed largely to differences in the elongation rates of the internodes resulting from defoliation.  相似文献   
Subpopulations of mouse lens epithelial cells, differing in proliferative status, were irradiated with either X rays or fission spectrum neutrons given singly or in four weekly fractions. After various times, epithelia were mitogenically stimulated by wounding and DNA synthesis responses were determined by incorporation of [3H]thymidine. At 1 h following both X and neutron irradiations, significant suppression of the wound response after single doses and a sparing effect of fractionation were evident in both the mitotically quiescent and the slowly proliferating subpopulations. At 1 week following single or fractionated doses of both radiations, recovery was evident in both subpopulations. By 4 weeks, the quiescent subpopulation showed significant recovery after both single and fractionated doses of X rays or neutrons. In contrast, a marked decreased ability to respond after neutron irradiation and, in addition, a significant enhancement effect of neutron fractionation were observed for the slowly proliferating subpopulation. Per gray, neutrons were about 7.5 times more effective than X rays as a single dose and 25 times more effective in four equal fractions. The shift from an initial sparing to a final enhancing effect of neutron fractionation for the slowly proliferating subpopulation has importance for understanding divergent early and late radiation responses following dose fractionation.  相似文献   
The main objective for a reinvestigation of rhamnose was to devise a mechanistic link between the trapped electron detected previously and the secondary radicals observed at 77 K and at room temperature. Single crystals of rhamnose were X-irradiated at temperatures between 15 and 300 K and examined using ESR, ENDOR, and field-swept ENDOR techniques. After low-temperature irradiation a C3 H-abstraction radical is formed following the visible light-induced decay of the trapped electron. This species was previously assigned erroneously to a C2 H-abstraction species. At temperatures above 120 K, this radical deprotonates at the C3 hydroxy group. Furthermore, a C2 H-abstraction radical is formed following the thermally induced decay of the trapped electron. The C2 and C3 H-abstraction radicals did not convert into each other. A third radical species formed at low temperatures is a C5 H-abstraction radical. It is unstable above 250 K and decays without any apparent successor. The C2 and C3 H-abstraction radicals are formed thermally and photochemically from the parent trapped electron. The conversions are mediated by hydrogen atoms formed intermediately or by elimination of hydride ions. The thermal decomposition pathway requires further studies, in particular with respect to the possible role of water. Recently, Box et al. analyzed the site of the trapped electron in rhamnose crystals. The present results support the results obtained by these authors (Radiat. Res. 121, 262 (1990)). In particular, trapped electron vs proton distances closely match the conversion mechanisms suggested.  相似文献   
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