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Summary This study reports the selection and characterization of osteogenic precursors from human bone marrow which were isolated by two “clonings” and successive subculturing. These cell lines express alkaline phosphatase activity. Gel electrophoresis of [3H]-proline labeled cultures showed that the cloned cells produce only type I collagen. They synthetize osteocalcin and osteonectin. They respond to 1,25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 by increasing osteocalcin synthesis and secretion, and to parathyroid hormone by increasing cyclic AMP synthesis. After the third subculture in the absence of β-glycerophosphate, these cell lines formed lots of clusters which exhibit high alkaline phosphatase activity and positive von Kossa staining. X-ray energy spectrum shows that these cells are surrounded by “budding” structures containing calcium and phosphorus with a ratio Ca:P identical to those of pure hydroxyapatite. This process was associated with45Ca uptake into the cells. All these data support the selection of osteogenic cells which may be of considerable clinical importance.  相似文献   
The mediatophore is a presynaptic membrane protein that has been shown to translocate acetylcholine (ACh) under calcium stimulation when reconstituted into artificial membranes. The mediatophore subunit, a 15-kDa proteolipid, presents a very high sequence homology with the N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD)-binding proteolipid subunit of the vacuolar-type H(+)-ATPase. This prompted us to study the effect of DCCD, a potent blocker of proton translocation, on calcium-dependent ACh release. The present work shows that DCCD has no effect on ACh translocation either from Torpedo synaptosomes or from proteoliposomes reconstituted with purified mediatophore. However, using [14C]DCCD, we were able to demonstrate that the drug does bind to the 15-kDa proteolipid subunit of the mediatophore. These results suggest that although the 15-kDa proteolipid subunits of the mediatophore and the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase may be identical, different domains of these proteins are involved in proton translocation and calcium-dependent ACh release and that the two proteins have a different membrane organization.  相似文献   
Over millions of years, living organisms have explored and optimized the digestion of a wide variety of substrates. Engineers who develop anaerobic digestion processes for waste treatment and energy production can learn much from this accumulated ‘experience’. The aim of this work is a survey based on the comparison of 190 digestive tracts (vertebrate and insect) considered as ‘reactors’ and their anaerobic processes. Within a digestive tract, each organ is modeled as a type of reactor (continuous stirred-tank, such reactors in series, plug-flow or batch) associated with chemical aspects such as pH or enzymes. Based on this analysis, each complete digestion process has been rebuilt and classified in accordance with basic structures which take into account the relative size of the different reactors. The results show that all animal digestive structures can be grouped within four basic types. Size and/or position in the structure of the different reactors (pre/post treatment and anaerobic microbial digestion) are closely correlated to the degradability of the feed (substrate). Major common features are: (i) grinding, (ii) an extreme pH compartment, and (iii) correlation between the size of the microbial compartment and the degradability of the feed. Thus, shared answers found by animals during their evolution can be a source of inspiration for engineers in designing optimal anaerobic processes.  相似文献   
Loss-of-function mutations in parkin are the major cause of early-onset familial Parkinson's disease. To investigate the pathogenic mechanism by which loss of parkin function causes Parkinson's disease, we generated a mouse model bearing a germline disruption in parkin. Parkin-/- mice are viable and exhibit grossly normal brain morphology. Quantitative in vivo microdialysis revealed an increase in extracellular dopamine concentration in the striatum of parkin-/- mice. Intracellular recordings of medium-sized striatal spiny neurons showed that greater currents are required to induce synaptic responses, suggesting a reduction in synaptic excitability in the absence of parkin. Furthermore, parkin-/- mice exhibit deficits in behavioral paradigms sensitive to dysfunction of the nigrostriatal pathway. The number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra of parkin-/- mice, however, is normal up to the age of 24 months, in contrast to the substantial loss of nigral neurons characteristic of Parkinson's disease. Steady-state levels of CDCrel-1, synphilin-1, and alpha-synuclein, which were identified previously as substrates of the E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of parkin, are unaltered in parkin-/- brains. Together these findings provide the first evidence for a novel role of parkin in dopamine regulation and nigrostriatal function, and a non-essential role of parkin in the survival of nigral neurons in mice.  相似文献   
Proteolytic fragments of huntingtin (htt) in human lymphoblast cell lines from HD and control cases were compared to those in human HD striatal and cortical brain regions, by western blots with epitope-specific antibodies. HD lymphoblast cell lines were heterozygous and homozygous for the expanded CAG triplet repeat mutations, which represented adult onset and juvenile HD. Lymphoblasts contained NH(2)- and COOH-terminal htt fragments of 20-100 kDa, with many similar htt fragments in HD compared to control lymphoblast cell lines. Detection of htt fragments in a homozygous HD lymphoblast cell line demonstrated proteolysis of mutant htt. It was of interest that adult HD lymphoblasts showed a 63-64 kDa htt fragment detected by the NH(2)-domain antibody, which was not found in controls. In addition, control and HD heterozygous cells showed a common 60-61 kDa band (detected by the NH(2)-domain antibody), which was absent in homozygous HD lymphoblast cells. These results suggest that the 63-64 kDa and 60-61 kDa NH(2)-domain htt fragments may be associated with mutant and normal htt, respectively. In juvenile HD lymphoblasts, the presence of a 66-kDa, instead of the 63-64 kDa N-domain htt fragment, may be consistent with the larger polyglutamine expansion of mutant htt in the juvenile case of HD. Lymphoblasts and striatal or cortical regions from HD brains showed similarities and differences in NH(2)- and COOH-terminal htt fragments. HD striatum showed elevated levels of 50 and 45 kDa NH(2)-terminal htt fragments [detected with anti(1-17) serum] compared to controls. Cortex from HD and control brains showed similar NH(2)-terminal htt fragments of 50, 43, 40, and 20 kDa; lymphoblasts also showed NH(2)-terminal htt fragments of 50, 43, 40, and 20 kDa. In addition, a 48-kDa COOH-terminal htt band was elevated in HD striatum, which was also detected in lymphoblasts. Overall, results demonstrate that mutant and normal htt undergo extensive proteolysis in lymphoblast cell lines, with similarities and differences compared to htt fragments observed in HD striatal and cortical brain regions. These data for in vivo proteolysis of htt are consistent with the observed neurotoxicity of recombinant NH(2)-terminal mutant htt fragments expressed in transgenic mice and in transfected cell lines that may be related to the pathogenesis of HD.  相似文献   
Cognitive abilities and techno-economic behaviours of hominids in the time period between 2.6-2.3 Myr have become increasingly well-documented. This time period corresponds to the oldest evidence for stone tools at Gona (Kada Gona, West Gona, EG 10-12, OGS 6-7), Hadar (AL 666), lower Omo valley (Ftji1, 2 & 5, Omo 57, Omo 123) in Ethiopia, and West Turkana (Lokalalei sites -LA1 & LA2C-) in Kenya. In 2002 a new palaeoanthropological site (LA1alpha), 100 meters south of the LA1 archaeological site, produced a first right lower molar of a juvenile hominid (KNM-WT 42718). The relative small size of the crown, its marked MD elongation and BL reduction, the relative position of the cusps, the lack of a C6 and the mild expression of a protostylid, reinforced by metrical analyses, demonstrate the distinctiveness of this tooth compared with Australopithecus afarensis, A. anamensis, A. africanus and Paranthropus boisei, and its similarity to early Homo. The LA1alpha site lies 2.2 m above the Ekalalei Tuff which is slightly younger than Tuff F dated to 2.34+/-0.04 Myr. This juvenile specimen represents the oldest occurrence of the genus Homo in West Turkana.  相似文献   
Extracts of Laetia procera (Flacourtiaceae) displayed significant in vitro activity against Plasmodium falciparum. P. falciparum bioassay guided fractionation of a trunk bark extract of this plant led to the isolation of six clerodane diterpenoids (1-6) and a butanolide (7). Five of these compounds are new and called Laetiaprocerine A-D (3-6) and Laetianolide A (7). Their structures were established on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR experiments. Absolute configurations of 1 and 2 were determined by a modified Mosher's method and the absolute configuration of 5 by chemical correlation. The clerodane diterpenoids displayed activities against P. falciparum with an IC50 down to 0.5 microM on FCb1 and F32 strains, and also cytotoxicity toward human tumor cell line MCF7. The most active compound showed a selectivity index of 6.8. Some of these compounds also displayed activities against Leishmania amazonensis amastigote axenic stages and promastigote.  相似文献   
The etiology of Parkinson disease (PD) is unclear but may involve environmental toxins such as pesticides leading to dysfunction of the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Here, we measured the relative toxicity of ziram (a UPS inhibitor) and analogs to dopaminergic neurons and examined the mechanism of cell death. UPS (26 S) activity was measured in cell lines after exposure to ziram and related compounds. Dimethyl- and diethyldithiocarbamates including ziram were potent UPS inhibitors. Primary ventral mesencephalic cultures were exposed to ziram, and cell toxicity was assessed by staining for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and NeuN antigen. Ziram caused a preferential damage to TH+ neurons and elevated alpha-synuclein levels but did not increase aggregate formation. Mechanistically, ziram altered UPS function through interfering with the targeting of substrates by inhibiting ubiquitin E1 ligase. Sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate administered to mice for 2 weeks resulted in persistent motor deficits and a mild reduction in striatal TH staining but no nigral cell loss. These results demonstrate that ziram causes selective dopaminergic cell damage in vitro by inhibiting an important degradative pathway implicated in the etiology of PD. Chronic exposure to widely used dithiocarbamate fungicides may contribute to the development of PD, and elucidation of its mechanism would identify a new potential therapeutic target.  相似文献   
Composting, an environmentally-sound treatment option for confined animal feeding operations (CAFO)-derived wastes, provides opportunities for stabilisation and hygienisation. A 110-day systematic composting study investigated Salmonella presence and survival of total coliforms, faecal coliforms, Escherichia coli and faecal enterococci in three experimental windrows consisting of SBL/bagasse mixture in a close-sided roofed facility. Salmonella was absent throughout the experiment. Log(10) reductions of -6.98, -8.03, -8.18 and -5.96 occurred in TC, FC, E. coli and FE concentrations respectively. As expected, FE exhibited resistance to high temperature compared to E. coli especially for the first 21 days. Temperature histories revealed hygienisation attainment. Differences in mean, representing benchmark stages of composting, were highly significant (P<0.05) for all pathogen indicators. VSRed (%) proved effective in depicting system progress. Final respiration rate of 0.000206 mg CO(2)g(-1) organic-C day(-1) with no phytotoxicity showed the stability achieved. Besides stabilisation, quantitative analysis of the sanitisation potential of composting is elemental for hygienic compliance.  相似文献   
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