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Triiodothyronine (T3) effects on the activity, rate of synthesis and mRNA content of the key lipogenic enzyme, fatty acid synthetase, were studied in differentiating ob17 preadipocytes cloned from ob/ob mouse epididymal adipose tissue. During differentiation in the presence of insulin, a 6–10-fold increase in both fatty acid synthetase specific activity and synthesis rate were reproducibly observed and occurred concomitantly. The relative synthesis rate exhibited a progressive elevation from 0.5% at confluence to a maximum level of 2% in the presence of insulin. The rate of the enzyme degradation determined by pulse-chase experiments was similar in differentiating cells and insulin-untreated cells of the same age (t12, 40–42 h). Furthermore, the increase in the enzyme synthesis rate was preceded by a progressively elevating amount of mRNA encoding for this protein as detected by translation in a reticulocyte lysate cell-free system. It is thus suggested that the increment in total and neosynthesized fatty acid synthetase in essentially due to an increased enzyme synthesis, reflecting an increased relative content of its specific mRNA. T3 included at a physiological concentration (1.5 nM) in the culture medium enhanced significantly both enzyme synthesis and its specific mRNA. The most important T3 effect was an acceleration of both processes, a stimulation of the mRNA level being detected as early as day 3 post-confluence and maximum at day 5 when the effect on the synthetase synthesis rate and activity began to be enhanced. This suggests that T3 would mainly affect fatty acid synthetase as a pretranslational level.  相似文献   
To mount an immune response, T cells must first find rare antigens present at the surface of antigen-presenting cells (APCs). They achieve this by migrating rapidly through the crowded space of tissues and constantly sampling the surface of APCs. Upon antigen recognition, T cells decelerate and polarise towards the APC, ultimately forming a specialised interface known as the immunological synapse. These conjugates form as the result of the interaction between pairs of receptors/ligands that are under mechanical stress due to the continuously reorganising cell cytoskeleton. In this review, we discuss the involvement of mechanical forces during antigen recognition by migrating T cells. We will explore this question from a conceptual and technical perspective, with the aim of providing new insights into the emerging field of mechanobiology.  相似文献   
Our hypothesis is that the development of lesional areas of skin in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc) originates from the selection of profibrotic cell subpopulations within their non-lesional skin areas, due to their greater resistance to apoptosis. Sensitivity to apoptosis of early-stage or late-stage SSc fibroblasts as well as of healthy cells was compared using extrinsic or intrinsic apoptotic pathway-inducers. Subpopulations of non-lesional SSc cells and healthy cells obtained after repeated Fas-induced apoptosis were compared with respect to their fibrotic parameters such as collagen and MMP secretion. Only late-stage lesional SSc cells were more resistant to Fas-induced apoptosis than their non-lesional counterparts isolated from the same patient. This result correlated with an increase in the levels of the anti-apoptotic proteins cFLIPs and cIAP in lesional cells compared to non-lesional cells. Healthy and non-lesional cell populations could be selected to generate a subpopulation that was more resistant to apoptosis. However, only the late-stage non-lesional SSc fibroblast populations showed a significant decrease in MMP secretion, one of parameters of the fibrosis. Our results show that resistance to apoptosis is an important characteristic of the late-stage lesional SSc fibroblast phenotype. We thus hypothesized that a selection of specific fibroblast subpopulations from late-stage non-lesional SSc skin areas could be at the origin of lesional populations. These cells should become independent of any exogenous stimuli and can induce or maintain SSc skin lesions.  相似文献   
In the mammalian olfactory system, oscillations related to odour representation have been described in field potential activities. Previous results showed that in olfactory bulb (OB) of awake rats engaged in an olfactory learning, odour presentation produced a decrease of oscillations in gamma frequency range (60-90 Hz) associated with a power increase in beta frequency range (15-40 Hz). This response pattern was strongly amplified in trained animals. The aim of this work was twofold: whether learning also induces similar changes in OB target structures and whether such OB response depends on its centrifugal inputs. Local field potentials (LFPs) were recorded through chronically implanted electrodes in the OB, piriform and enthorhinal cortices of freely moving rats performing an olfactory discrimination. Oscillatory activities characteristics (amplitude, frequency and time-course) were extracted in beta and gamma range by a wavelet analysis. First, we found that odour induced beta oscillatory activity was present not only in the OB, but also in the other olfactory structures. In each recording site, characteristics of the beta oscillatory responses were dependent of odour, structure and learning level. Unilateral section of the olfactory peduncle was made before training, and LFPs were symmetrically recorded in the two bulbs all along the acquisition of the learning task. Data showed that deprivation of centrifugal feedback led to an increase of spontaneous gamma activity. Moreover, under this condition olfactory learning was no longer associated with the typical large beta band. As a whole, learning modulation of the beta oscillatory response in olfactory structures may reflect activity of a distributed functional network involved in odour representation.  相似文献   
In this study, we address the question of the cross-talk between two chemokines that are cosecreted during inflammation, namely monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and soluble fractalkine (s-FKN), toward monocyte migration. We found that s-FKN fails to induce MonoMac6 cell migration per se. Interestingly, this chemokine antagonizes transendothelial migration and chemotaxis of MonoMac6 cells and freshly isolated human monocytes induced by MCP-1, indicating a direct effect of s-FKN on monocytic cells. In this study, we found that stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 and SAPK2/p38 are involved in the control of MCP-1-induced MonoMac6 cell migration. We demonstrated that s-FKN abrogates the MCP-1-induced SAPK2/p38 activation as well as the upstream Pyk2 activity. Furthermore, we observed that s-FKN also inhibits the activity of a major matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), namely MMP-2. Taken collectively, our results indicate that the s-FKN antagonizes the chemoattractant effect of MCP-1 on monocytes, likely by inhibiting crucial signaling pathways, like SAPK2/p38 and MMP-2 activities.  相似文献   
Thyroglobulin (Tg), the thyroid hormone precursor, is sulfated both on tyrosines and on carbohydrates. We showed recently that sulfated tyrosines were involved in thyroid hormone synthesis. Moreover, we also reported that Tg sulfation is downregulated by thyrotropin (TSH), especially on tyrosines. This control may occur at each step in the sulfation process. In this paper, we studied the regulation of the concentration of cytosolic inorganic sulfate, the first substrate, in porcine thyroid cells stimulated by TSH with or without iodide. The amounts of cytosolic sulfate and the cytosolic volumes measured showed that the sulfate concentration depends only on cytosolic volume changes in response to TSH and iodide treatment. After the cells were labelled with [35S]-sulfate, the specific radioactivity (SRA) of cytosolic sulfate was determined. When cells were treated with only TSH, the concentration and SRA of cytosolic sulfate decreased by 30%, and by about 15% when cells were incubated with both TSH and iodide. TSH decreased more conspicuously the rate of [35S]-sulfate incorporation into Tg (by 57% without iodide, by 43% with iodide) than the concentration and SRA of cytosolic sulfate, while iodide altered these parameters to the same extent (15%). These findings suggest that TSH regulates other steps in the sulfation process, such as specific substrate and enzyme levels, while iodide controls mainly the sulfate concentration.  相似文献   
Medicago truncatula, a diploid autogamous legume, is currently being developed as a model plant for the study of root endosymbiotic associations, including nodulation and mycorrhizal colonization. An important requirement for such a plant is the possibility of rapidly introducing and analyzing chimeric gene constructs in root tissues. For this reason, we developed and optimized a convenient protocol for Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of M. truncatula. This unusual protocol, which involves the inoculation of sectioned seedling radicles, results in rapid and efficient hairy root organogenesis and the subsequent development of vigorous "composite plants." In addition, we found that kanamycin can be used to select for the cotransformation of hairy roots directly with gene constructs of interest. M. truncatula composite plant hairy roots have a similar morphology to normal roots and can be nodulated successfully by their nitrogen-fixing symbiotic partner, Sinorhizobium meliloti. Furthermore, spatiotemporal expression of the Nod factor-responsive reporter pMtENOD11-gusA in hairy root epidermal tissues is indistinguishable from that observed in Agrobacterium tumefaciens-transformed lines. M. truncatula hairy root explants can be propagated in vitro, and we demonstrate that these clonal lines can be colonized by endomycorrhizal fungi such as Glomus intraradices with the formation of arbuscules within cortical cells. Our results suggest that M. truncatula hairy roots represent a particularly attractive system with which to study endosymbiotic associations in transgenically modified roots.  相似文献   
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