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Distribution dynamics of the Tnt1 retrotransposon in tobacco   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Retrotransposons contribute significantly to the size, organization and genetic diversity of plant genomes. Although many retrotransposon families have been reported in plants, to this day, the tobacco Tnt1 retrotransposon remains one of the few elements for which active transposition has been shown. Demonstration that Tnt1 activation can be induced by stress has lent support to the hypothesis that, under adverse conditions, transposition can be an important source of genetic variability. Here, we compared the insertion site preference of a collection of newly transposed and pre-existing Tnt1 copies identified in plants regenerated from protoplasts or tissue culture. We find that newly transposed Tnt1 copies are targeted within or close to host gene coding sequences and that the distribution of pre-existing insertions does not vary significantly from this trend. Therefore, in spite of their potential to disrupt neighboring genes, insertions within or near CDS are not preferentially removed with age. Elimination of Tnt1 insertions within or near coding sequences may be relaxed due to the polyploid nature of the tobacco genome. Tnt1 insertions within or near CDS are thus better tolerated and can putatively contribute to the diversification of tobacco gene function. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Transposable elements are the major component of the maize genome and presumably highly polymorphic yet they have not been used in population genetics and association analyses. Using the Transposon Display method, we isolated and converted into PCR-based markers 33 Miniature Inverted Repeat Transposable Elements (MITE) polymorphic insertions. These polymorphisms were genotyped on a population-based sample of 26 American landraces for a total of 322 plants. Genetic diversity was high and partitioned within and among landraces. The genetic groups identified using Bayesian clustering were in agreement with published data based on SNPs and SSRs, indicating that MITE polymorphisms reflect maize genetic history. To explore the contribution of MITEs to phenotypic variation, we undertook an association mapping approach in a panel of 367 maize lines phenotyped for 26 traits. We found a highly significant association between the marker ZmV1-9, on chromosome 1, and male flowering time. The variance explained by this association is consistent with a flowering delay of +123 degree-days. This MITE insertion is located at only 289 nucleotides from the 3′ end of a Cytochrome P450-like gene, a region that was never identified in previous association mapping or QTL surveys. Interestingly, we found (i) a non-synonymous mutation located in the exon 2 of the gene in strong linkage disequilibrium with the MITE polymorphism, and (ii) a perfect sequence homology between the MITE sequence and a maize siRNA that could therefore potentially interfere with the expression of the Cytochrome P450-like gene. Those two observations among others offer exciting perspectives to validate functionally the role of this region on phenotypic variation.  相似文献   
LTR-retrotransposons contribute substantially to the structural diversity of plant genomes. Recent models of genome evolution suggest that retrotransposon amplification is offset by removal of retrotransposon sequences, leading to a turnover of retrotransposon populations. While bursts of amplification have been documented, it is not known whether removal of retrotransposon sequences occurs continuously, or is triggered by specific stimuli over short evolutionary periods. In this work, we have characterized the evolutionary dynamics of four populations of copia-type retrotransposons in allotetraploid tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and its two diploid progenitors Nicotiana sylvestris and Nicotiana tomentosiformis. We have used SSAP (Sequence-Specific Amplification Polymorphism) to evaluate the contribution retrotransposons have made to the diversity of tobacco and its diploid progenitor species, to quantify the contribution each diploid progenitor has made to tobacco's retrotransposon populations, and to estimate losses or amplifications of retrotransposon sequences subsequent to tobacco's formation. Our results show that the tobacco genome derives from a turnover of retrotransposon sequences with removals concomitant with new insertions. We have detected unique behaviour specific to each retrotransposon population, with differences likely reflecting distinct evolutionary histories and activities of particular elements. Our results indicate that the retrotransposon content of a given plant species is strongly influenced by the host evolutionary history, with periods of rapid turnover of retrotransposon sequences stimulated by allopolyploidy.  相似文献   
Plant genetic resources often constitute the foundation of successful breeding programs. Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) is one of the most economically important and diversely utilized Solanaceous crop species worldwide, but less studied compared to tomato and potato. We developed and used molecular markers based on two copia-type retrotransposons, Tnt1 and T135, in a set of Capsicum species and wild relatives from diverse geographical origins. Results showed that Tnt1 and T135 insertion polymorphisms are very useful for studying genetic diversity and relationships within and among pepper species. Clusters of accessions correspond to cultivar types based on fruit shape, pungency, geographic origin and pedigree. Genetic diversity values, normally reflective of past transposition activity and population dynamics, showed positive correlation with the average number of insertions per accession. Similar evolutionary relationships are observed to that inferred by previous karyosystematics studies. These observations support the possibility that retrotransposons have contributed to genome inflation during Capsicum evolution.  相似文献   
Miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs) are short, non autonomous DNA elements that are widespread and abundant in plant genomes. The high sequence and size conservation observed in many MITE families suggest that they have spread recently throughout their respective host genomes. Here we present a maize genome wide analysis of three Tourist-like MITE families, mPIF, and two previously uncharacterized families, ZmV1 and Zead8. We undertook a bioinformatic analysis of MITE insertion sites, developed methyl-sensitive transposon display (M-STD) assays to estimate the associated level of CpG methylation at MITE flanking regions, and conducted a population genetics approach to investigate MITE patterns of expansion. Our results reveal that the three MITE families insert into genomic regions that present specific molecular features: they are preferentially AT rich, present low level of cytosine methylation as compared to the LTR retrotransposon Grande, and target site duplications are flanked by large and conserved palindromic sequences. Moreover, the analysis of MITE distances from predicted genes shows that 73% of 263 copies are inserted at less than 5 kb from the nearest predicted gene, and copies from Zead8 family are significantly more abundant upstream of genes. By employing a population genetic approach we identified contrasting patterns of expansion among the three MITE families. All elements seem to have inserted roughly 1 million years ago but ZmV1 and Zead8 families present evidences for activity of several master copies within the last 0.4 Mya.  相似文献   
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