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Nonenzymatically glycated proteins are preferentially transported across the glomerular filtration barrier, and the glomerular mesangium in diabetes is bathed with serum containing increased concentrations of glycated albumin. We investigated effects of glycated albumin on mesangial cells, which are involved in diabetic nephropathy. [3H]-thymidine incorporation was significantly inhibited when murine mesangial cells were grown in culture media containing human serum that had been nonenzymatically glycated by incubation for 4 days with 28 mM glucose. This inhibition was reversed when monoclonal antibodies that selectively react with Amadori products of glycated albumin were added to the culture media. Purified glycated albumin containing Amadori adducts of the glycation reaction induced significant inhibition of thymidine incorporation and stimulation of Type IV collagen secretion compared with cells cultured in the presence of purified nonglycated albumin. These changes were prevented when monoclonal antibodies specifically reactive with fructosyl-lysine epitopes in glycated albumin were added to the cultures. The antibodies had no effect on growth or collagen production in the presence of nonglycated albumin. The results provide the first evidence directly implicating Amadori adducts in glycated albumin in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy, which is characterized by decreased cellularity in association with expansion of the mesangial matrix.  相似文献   
To assess the relative importance of lake chemistry, morphometry and zoogeography on limnetic zooplankton, we collected zooplankton, water, and morphometric data from 132 headwater Canadian Shield lakes in 6 regions across north-central Ontario. A subset of these lakes (n = 52) were fished with gill nets. We clustered lakes based on their zooplankton species composition (presence/absence). Discriminant analysis was employed to determine how well lake characteristics could predict zooplankton community types. Correct classification of zooplankton communities for three models ranged from 72 to 91%. Lake size, lake location, and buffering capacity were ranked as the most important factors separating lake groups. Fish abundance (CPUE) was not significant in distinguishing between zooplankton communities. Though the range of lake sizes was limited (1–110 ha), larger lakes tended to support more species. Lake location (zoogeography) also influenced species composition patterns. Although Algoma lakes tended to be larger (\-x = 18.0 ha, other lakes \-x = 2.5 ha), they supported relatively depauperate zooplankton communities. Buffering capacity was ranked third in the discriminant analysis models, but pH and alkalinity were not significantly different between lake groups.  相似文献   
We observed radio-implanted Merriam's kangaroo rats disposingof 10-g bonanzas of rolled oats in 48 trials in the field. Theprincipal determinant of the initial disposition of discoveredfood was apparently its distance from the day burrow: food foundwithin about 10m was mainly larder hoarded, whereas food encounteredfarther afield was usually dispersed immediately in shallowcaches. Cache sites were newly dug for the purpose and not reused;most caches were nearer the current day burrow than was thefood source, but a few were placed far from both the cacher'sday burrow and its habitual nocturnal range. An experiment withartificial caches indicated that security from discovery increaseswith spacing and with proximity to perennial shrubs. Nine kangaroorats cached dyed food, and fecal dye traces revealed extensivepilferage from five of them, by both conspecifics and otherrodent species. Limited evidence indicates that food encounterednearer home and initially larder hoarded was more secure frompilferage than food initially scattered, and yet kangaroo ratswere observed to scatter caches soon after initial larder hoarding.A kangaroo rat whose dyed stores escaped pilferage fed fromthem at intervals for at least 12 days. Even cachers who incurredpilferage made as much, or more, use of their caches as anythief, suggesting that scattering caches may be a defense againstcatastrophic losses.  相似文献   
RNA viruses are a leading cause of human infectious diseases and the prediction of where new RNA viruses are likely to be discovered is a significant public health concern. Here, we geocoded the first peer-reviewed reports of 223 human RNA viruses. Using a boosted regression tree model, we matched these virus data with 33 explanatory factors related to natural virus distribution and research effort to predict the probability of virus discovery across the globe in 2010–2019. Stratified analyses by virus transmissibility and transmission mode were also performed. The historical discovery of human RNA viruses has been concentrated in eastern North America, Europe, central Africa, eastern Australia, and north-eastern South America. The virus discovery can be predicted by a combination of socio-economic, land use, climate, and biodiversity variables. Remarkably, vector-borne viruses and strictly zoonotic viruses are more associated with climate and biodiversity whereas non-vector-borne viruses and human transmissible viruses are more associated with GDP and urbanization. The areas with the highest predicted probability for 2010–2019 include three new regions including East and Southeast Asia, India, and Central America, which likely reflect both increasing surveillance and diversity of their virome. Our findings can inform priority regions for investment in surveillance systems for new human RNA viruses.  相似文献   
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