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We have used a quantitative titration assay for mixed lymphocyte interactions to determine the additivity of responses of rat lymphocyte populations to simultaneous stimulation with major histocompatibility complex alloantigens from pairs of apparently unrelated rat strains. Our inability to detect strict additive stimulation led us to investigate inclusion among allo-reactive lymphocyte populations. After specific depletion of reactivity to PVG by negative selection through an AO × PVG F1 hybrid rat, AO thoracic duct lymphocytes showed an asymmetrical loss of reactivity to the unrelated strains DA and F344. We suggest that this differential loss of reactivity probably reflects alloantigen sharing among rat strains which had been previously undetected using other less sensitive techniques for the quantitation of lymphocyte reactivity after specific depletion of allo-reactive cells.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of static magnetic fields (SMF) on reactive oxygen species induced by X‐ray radiation. The experiments were performed on lymphocytes from male albino Wistar rats. After exposure to 3 Gy X‐ray radiation (with a dose rate of 560 mGy/min) the measurement of intracellular reactive oxygen species in lymphocytes, using a fluorescent probe, was done before exposure to the SMF, and after 15 min, 1 and 2 h of exposure to the SMF or a corresponding incubation time. For SMF exposure, 0 mT (50 µT magnetic field induction opposite to the geomagnetic field) and 5 mT fields were chosen. The trend of SMF effects for 0 mT was always opposite that of 5 mT. The first one decreased the rate of fluorescence change, while the latter one increased it. Bioelectromagnetics 34:333–336, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies to Streptococcus faecalis cell surface antigens were constructed. Some of the antibodies isolated were directed against surface components involved in pheromone-induced mating. This paper describes the use of the monoclonal antibodies to identify antigenically related surface components detected by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting, their use in pheromone response assays, and their use as functional inhibitors in mating experiments.  相似文献   
Chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) have been used extensively to study the transformation parameters of a number of avian sarcoma-leukemia viruses. Previously, oncogene transformation of CEF has been conducted almost exclusively with replicating viruses, because of perceived difficulties with direct DNA transfection. Here, we show that CEF can be efficiently and stably transfected by selection for the neomycin resistance gene (neo). Cotransfection of neo with various oncogenes resulted in CEF transformation in vitro and, in several instances, sarcoma formation in vivo. Transfection of src, myc, erbB, and ras, either singly or in combination, resulted in soft-agar colonies with unique morphologies. Transfection of a family of v-src, c-src, and v/c-src chimeric constructs demonstrated the ability of the assay to discriminate between transforming and nontransforming genes. Transfection of a number of erbB variants showed that internal mutations, primarily in the kinase domain, contribute significantly to the ability to transform fibroblasts. The tumorigenic potential detected by transfection of oncogenes faithfully reproduced those previously reported by using viral infections. Our studies establish the utility of CEF transformation by direct DNA transfection. This method should prove useful in analyzing oncogenes, (e.g., myc) that do not readily transform rodent cell lines and in studying host-range mutants of oncogenes, such as those recently identified for src and erbB.  相似文献   
Cryoconite, the dark sediment on the surface of glaciers, often aggregates into oval or irregular granules serving as biogeochemical factories. They reduce a glacier's albedo, act as biodiversity hotspots by supporting aerobic and anaerobic microbial communities, constitute one of the organic matter (OM) sources on glaciers, and are a feeder for micrometazoans. Although cryoconite granules have multiple roles on glaciers, their formation is poorly understood. Cyanobacteria are ubiquitous and abundant engineers of cryoconite hole ecosystems. This study tested whether cyanobacteria may be responsible for cryoconite granulation as a sole biotic element. Incubation of Greenlandic, Svalbard, and Scandinavian cyanobacteria in different nutrient availabilities and substrata for growth (distilled water alone and water with quartz powder, furnaced cryoconite without OM, or powdered rocks from glacial catchment) revealed that cyanobacteria bind mineral particles into granules. The structures formed in the experiment resembled those commonly observed in natural cryoconite holes: they contained numerous cyanobacterial filaments protruding from aggregated mineral particles. Moreover, all examined strains were confirmed to produce extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which suggests that cryoconite granulation is most likely due to EPS secretion by gliding cyanobacteria. In the presence of water as the only substrate for growth, cyanobacteria formed mostly carpet-like mats. Our data empirically prove that EPS-producing oscillatorialean cyanobacteria isolated from the diverse community of cryoconite microorganisms can form granules from mineral substrate and that the presence of the mineral substrate increases the probability of the formation of these important and complex biogeochemical microstructures on glaciers.  相似文献   
Human cells that appear capable of metabolizing various classes of carcinogens have been identified using one of two methods: metabolism of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene to aqueous-acetone soluble forms or inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis. Each of the assay systems was optimized and the results on 15 human epithelial cell lines were compared. One or more cell lines were found to activate each of four classes of carcinogens examined: polycyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, heterocyclic hydrocarbons, and nitrosamines. Cells that appeared capable of metabolizing polycyclic hydrocarbons or aromatic amines by these methods were also found to produce metabolites which were cytotoxic to cocultivated human xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts after a 48-hr exposure to the carcinogen.  相似文献   
Interest in cortical excitability—the ability of the cell cortex to generate traveling waves of protein activity—has grown considerably over the past 20 years. Attributing biological functions to cortical excitability requires an understanding of the natural behavior of excitable waves and the ability to accurately quantify wave properties. Here we have investigated and quantified the onset of cortical excitability in Xenopus laevis eggs and embryos and the changes in cortical excitability throughout early development. We found that cortical excitability begins to manifest shortly after egg activation. Further, we identified a close relationship between wave properties—such as wave frequency and amplitude—and cell cycle progression as well as cell size. Finally, we identified quantitative differences between cortical excitability in the cleavage furrow relative to nonfurrow cortical excitability and showed that these wave regimes are mutually exclusive.  相似文献   
Plasmodiophora brassicae is a soil‐borne biotroph whose life cycle involves reprogramming host developmental processes leading to the formation of galls on its underground parts. Formation of such structures involves modification of the host cell cycle leading initially to hyperplasia, increasing the number of cells to be invaded, followed by overgrowth of cells colonised by the pathogen. Here we show that P. brassicae infection stimulates formation of the E2Fa/RBR1 complex and upregulation of MYB3R1, MYB3R4 and A‐ and B‐type cyclin expression. These factors were previously described as important regulators of the G2?M cell cycle checkpoint. As a consequence of this manipulation, a large population of host hypocotyl cells are delayed in cell cycle exit and maintained in the proliferative state. We also report that, during further maturation of galls, enlargement of host cells invaded by the pathogen involves endoreduplication leading to increased ploidy levels. This study characterises two aspects of the cell cycle reprogramming efforts of P. brassicae: systemic, related to the disturbance of host hypocotyl developmental programs by preventing cell cycle exit; and local, related to the stimulation of cell enlargement via increased endocycle activity.  相似文献   
Lipopeptide biosurfactants are surface active biomolecules that are produced by a variety of microorganisms. Microbial lipopeptides have gained the interest of microbiologists, chemists and biochemists for their high biodiversity as well as efficient action, low toxicity and good biodegradability in comparison to synthetic counterparts. In this report, we review methods for the production, isolation and screening, purification and structural characterization of microbial lipopeptides. Several techniques are currently available for each step, and we describe the most commonly utilized and recently developed techniques in this review. Investigations on lipopeptide biosurfactants in natural products require efficient isolation techniques for the characterization and evaluation of chemical and biological properties. A combination of chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques offer opportunities for a better characterization of lipopeptide structures, which in turn can lead to the application of lipopeptides in food, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agricultural and bioremediation industries.  相似文献   
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