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The regulation of GTP cyclohydrolase I would lead to the regulation of tetrahydrobiopterin, an important cofactor for synthesis of neurotransmitters. In an attempt to extend a previous finding [Bellahsene, Dhondt, & Farriaux (1984) Biochem. J. 217, 59-65] that GTP cyclohydrolase I of rat liver is inhibited by subnanomolar concentrations of reduced biopterin and sepiapterin, we found that this could not be verified with the enzyme from mouse liver, fruit-fly (Drosophila) heads or, indeed, from rat liver. It was shown, however, that 12 microM-sepiapterin inhibited mouse liver GTP cyclohydrolase I. Another compound, namely 6-acetyldihydrohomopterin, was also employed in the present study to explore its effect on enzymes that lead to its synthesis in Drosophila and for effects on mammalian systems; at 2-5 microM this compound was shown to stimulate one form of mouse liver GTP cyclohydrolase I and then to inhibit at higher concentrations (40 microM). Neither sepiapterin nor 6-acetyldihydrohomopterin caused any effect on the Drosophila head enzyme. On the other hand, the sigmoid GTP concentration curve for the Drosophila enzyme may indicate a regulatory characteristic of this enzyme. Another report, on the lower level of GTP cyclohydrolase I in mutant mouse liver [McDonald, Cotton, Jennings, Ledley, Woo & Bode (1988) J. Neurochem. 50, 655-657], was confirmed and extended. Instead of having 10% activity, we find that the hph-1 mouse mutant has less than 2% activity in the liver. These studies demonstrate that micromolar levels of reduced pterins may have regulatory effects on GTP cyclohydrolase I and that a mouse mutant is available that has low enough activity to be considered as a model for human atypical phenylketonuria.  相似文献   
Removing cultures from roller tubes before staining eliminates the destaining which often occurs when the cells are first stained and then removed by embedding in collodion. The cells are fixed in situ, dehydrated, and covered with collodion (Merk's flexible) for 10 min. The collodion is poured off, the fluid residue lining the tube allowed to dry for 10 min, and the tube is filled with tap water. The collodion cast containing the cells is loosened and removed, cut into strips, placed on slides and blotted into firm contact. The collodion is then dehydrated and dissolved with absolute alcohol followed by a 1:1 mixture of alcohol and ether. The slides can then be rehydrated and stained by conventional methods.  相似文献   
To study the role of the biochemical and physiological activities of simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen in the lytic and transformation processes, we have analyzed DNA replication-defective, transformation-competent T-antigen mutants. Here we describe two such mutants, C8/SV40 and T22/SV40, and also summarize the properties of all of the mutants in this collection. C8/SV40 and T22/SV40 were isolated from C8 and T22 cells (simian cell lines transformed with UV-irradiated SV40). Early regions encoding the defective T antigens were cloned into a plasmid vector to generate pC8 and pT22. The mutations responsible for the defects in viral DNA replication were localized by marker rescue, and subsequent DNA sequencing revealed missense and one nonsense mutation. The T22 mutation predicts a change of histidine to glutamine at residue 203. C8 has two mutations, one predicts lysine224 to glutamamic acid and the other changes the codon for glutamic acid660 to a stop codon; therefore, C8 T antigen lacks the 49 carboxy-terminal amino acids. pC8A and pC8B were constructed to contain the C8 mutations separately. Plasmids pT22, pC8, pC8A, and pC8B were able to transform primary rodent cell cultures. T22 T antigen is defective in binding to the SV40 origin. C8B (49-amino-acid truncation) is a host-range mutant defective in a late function in CV-1 but not BSC cells. Analysis of T antigens in mutant SV40-transformed mouse cells suggests that the replicative function of T antigen is important in generating SV40 DNA rearrangements that allow the expression of "100K" variant T antigens in the transformants.  相似文献   
Biological Trace Element Research - Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered as the hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome. Its global prevalence is estimated between 25 and 45%,...  相似文献   
The regulatory subunit 1-alpha (RIalpha) of protein kinase A (PKA) and the mTOR kinase are involved in a common pathway regulating mammalian autophagy. RIalpha was found to localize on Rab7-positive late endosomes and on LC3-positive autophagosomal membranes in cultured cells. RIalpha was also shown to physically interact with mTOR kinase and affect its phosphorylation and activity. In this addendum, we further explore the subcellular distribution of mTOR related to RIalpha and LC3. We present experiments showing that mTOR colocalizes with RIalpha-, Rab7- and LC3-positive membranes in cultured cells. Because RIalpha regulates the phosphorylation and activity of mTOR kinase, which we now show localizes on autophagosomal membranes, the possibility emerges that the RIalpha-mTOR complex acts at the level of autophagosome maturation.  相似文献   
Antagonists of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) coreceptor, CCR5, are being developed as the first anti-HIV agents acting on a host cell target. We monitored the coreceptor tropism of circulating virus, screened at baseline for coreceptor tropism, in 64 HIV-1-infected patients who received maraviroc (MVC, UK-427,857) as monotherapy for 10 days. Sixty-two patients harbored CCR5-tropic virus at baseline and had a posttreatment phenotype result. Circulating virus remained CCR5 tropic in 60/62 patients, 51 of whom experienced an HIV RNA reduction from baseline of >1 log(10) copies/ml, indicating that CXCR4-using variants were not rapidly selected despite CCR5-specific drug pressure. In two patients, viral load declined during treatment and CXCR4-using virus was detected at day 11. No pretreatment factor predicted the emergence of CXCR4-tropic virus during maraviroc therapy in these two patients. Phylogenetic analysis of envelope (Env) clones from pre- and posttreatment time points indicated that the CXCR4-using variants probably emerged by outgrowth of a pretreatment CXCR4-using reservoir, rather than via coreceptor switch of a CCR5-tropic clone under selection pressure from maraviroc. Phylogenetic analysis was also performed on Env clones from a third patient harboring CXCR4-using virus prior to treatment. This patient was enrolled due to a sample labeling error. Although this patient experienced no overall reduction in viral load in response to treatment, the CCR5-tropic components of the circulating virus did appear to be suppressed while receiving maraviroc as monotherapy. Importantly, in all three patients, circulating virus reverted to predominantly CCR5 tropic following cessation of maraviroc.  相似文献   
Rats were fasted or fasted and refed simple purified diets so the effects of individual carbohydrates or fats could be studied. Freshly isolated hepatocytes from these animals were used to measure both apoE synthesis and mRNA levels so any changes in apoE synthesis that might occur without changes in its mRNA could be detected. Some of these experiments were done with both sexes. Both fasting and fasting and refeeding a 60% glucose fat-free diet significantly increased spoE synthesis. However, cyclic AMP is not likely to rapidly mediate the effect of fasting since dibutyryl cAMP slightly lowered (rather than increased) apoE synthesis and mRNA when injected into rats for 4.5 h. Dietary fat had no effect either in the absence of carbohydrate or when consumption of carbohydrate was constant in pair-fed rats. ApoE mRNA levels remained normal for 4 days in primary hepatocytes cultured in medium that had only amino acids as an energy source. Added hormones or fructose had no significant effect. Thus, only fasting and fasting and refeeding glucose were able to significantly change apoE synthesis or mRNA levels. Synthesis of apoE may be regulated to increase when apoE is secreted with very low density lipoprotein or when apoE in secreted high density lipoprotein is needed to acquire cholesteryl esters for the synthesis of bile salts and acids by liver.  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in revascularization and angiogenesis. EPC can be cultured in vitro from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood or bone marrow; they also can be transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We isolated EPCs from Wharton's jelly (WJ) using two methods. The first method was by obtaining MSC from WJ and characterizing them by flow cytometry and their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, then applying endothelial growth differentiating media. The second method was by direct culture of cells derived from WJ into endothelial differentiating media. EPCs were characterized by morphology, Dil-LDL uptake/UEA-1 immunostaining and testing the expression of endothelial markers by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. We found that MSC derived from WJ differentiated into endothelial-like cells using simple culture conditions with endothelium induction agents in the medium.  相似文献   
Classical studies on spore release within the Saprolegniaceae (Oomycetes) led to the proposition that different mechanisms of sporangial emptying represent steps in an evolutionary transition series. We have reevaluated this idea in a phylogenetic framework using internal transcribed spacer sequences of four genera. These data were compared with the response to osmotic stress exhibited by each taxon. Saprolegnia emerges as the most basal genus, sister to Achlya, Thraustotheca, and Dictyuchus. Achlya and Thraustotheca are most closely related, while Dictyuchus appears to have evolved along a separate evolutionary lineage. The resulting phylogenetic framework is consistent with the idea that the mechanism of sporangial emptying exhibited by Saprolegnia represents the plesiomorphic condition from which the other mechanisms were derived independently. These alternative mechanisms of spore release may have resulted from a small number of mutations that inhibited axonemal development and altered the temporal and spatial expression of lytic enzymes that degrade the sporangial wall. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   
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