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The Yersinia pestis adhesin Ail mediates host cell binding and facilitates delivery of cytotoxic Yop proteins. Ail from Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis is identical except for one or two amino acids at positions 43 and 126 depending on the Y. pseudotuberculosis strain. Ail from Y. pseudotuberculosis strain YPIII has been reported to lack host cell binding ability, thus we sought to determine which amino acid difference(s) are responsible for the difference in cell adhesion. Y. pseudotuberculosis YPIII Ail expressed in Escherichia coli bound host cells, albeit at ∼50% the capacity of Y. pestis Ail. Y. pestis Ail single mutants, Ail-E43D and Ail-F126V, both have decreased adhesion and invasion in E. coli when compared to wild-type Y. pestis Ail. Y. pseudotuberculosis YPIII Ail also had decreased binding to the Ail substrate fibronectin, relative to Y. pestis Ail in E. coli. When expressed in Y. pestis, there was a 30–50% decrease in adhesion and invasion depending on the substitution. Ail-mediated Yop delivery by both Y. pestis Ail and Y. pseudotuberculosis Ail were similar when expressed in Y. pestis, with only Ail-F126V giving a statistically significant reduction in Yop delivery of 25%. In contrast to results in E. coli and Y. pestis, expression of Ail in Y. pseudotuberculosis led to no measurable adhesion or invasion, suggesting the longer LPS of Y. pseudotuberculosis interferes with Ail cell-binding activity. Thus, host context affects the binding activities of Ail and both Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis Ail can mediate cell binding, cell invasion and facilitate Yop delivery.  相似文献   

Type B aortic dissection (TBAD) carries a high risk of complications, particularly with a partially thrombosed or patent false lumen (FL). Therefore, uncovering the risk factors leading to FL thrombosis is crucial to identify high-risk patients. Although studies have shown that morphological parameters of the dissected aorta are related to FL thrombosis, often conflicting results have been reported. We show that recent models of thrombus evolution in combination with sensitivity analysis methods can provide valuable insights into how combinations of morphological parameters affect the prospect of FL thrombosis. Based on clinical data, an idealized geometry of a TBAD is generated and parameterized. After implementing the thrombus model in computational fluid dynamics simulations, a global sensitivity analysis for selected morphological parameters is performed. We then introduce dimensionless morphological parameters to scale the results to individual patients. The sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the most sensitive parameters influencing FL thrombosis are the FL diameter and the size and location of intimal tears. A higher risk of partial thrombosis is observed when the FL diameter is larger than the true lumen diameter. Reducing the ratio of the distal to proximal tear size increases the risk of FL patency. In summary, these parameters play a dominant role in classifying morphologies into patent, partially thrombosed, and fully thrombosed FL. In this study, we point out the predictive role of morphological parameters for FL thrombosis in TBAD and show that the results are in good agreement with available clinical studies.

Counting statistics in the form of the variance-time curve provides an alternative to spectral analysis for point processes exhibiting 1/f β-fluctuations, such as the heart beat. However, this is true only for β<1. Here, the case of general β is considered. To that end, the mathematical relation between the variance-time curve and power spectral density in the presence of 1/f β-noise is worked out in detail. A modified version of the variance-time curve is presented, which allows us to deal also with the case β?1. Some applications to the analysis of heart rate variability are given.  相似文献   
Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris), which nest solitarily as well as in colonies, offer an opportunity to assess within one species the relative advantages of clumping versus spacing out. An experiment with artificial, egg-baited nests showed that predation in the absence of fieldfares was higher on clumped than on scattered nests. In another experiment, we tested whether artificial nests run a higher risk of predation near solitary fieldfare pairs than near fieldfare colonies. Nest predation was higher near solitary fieldfare pairs than outside and inside fieldfare colonies. The risk probably was higher outside than inside colonies. Communal antipredator attacks is the likely cause of reduced predation near colonies. Even solitary fieldfare pairs confer some degree of protection, because predation was lower at artificial nests near solitary fieldfare pairs than at nests without neighbouring fieldfares.  相似文献   
The Yersinia pestis adhesin molecule Ail interacts with the extracellular matrix protein fibronectin (Fn) on host cells to facilitate efficient delivery of cytotoxic Yop proteins, a process essential for plague virulence. A number of bacterial pathogens are known to bind to the N-terminal region of Fn, comprising type I Fn (FNI) repeats. Using proteolytically generated Fn fragments and purified recombinant Fn fragments, we demonstrated that Ail binds the centrally located 120-kDa fragment containing type III Fn (FNIII) repeats. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that recognize specific epitopes within the 120-kDa fragment demonstrated that mAb binding to (9)FNIII blocks Ail-mediated bacterial binding to Fn. Epitopes of three mAbs that blocked Ail binding to Fn were mapped to a similar face of (9)FNIII. Antibodies directed against (9)FNIII also inhibited Ail-dependent cell binding activity, thus demonstrating the biological relevance of this Ail binding region on Fn. Bacteria expressing Ail on their surface could also bind a minimal fragment of Fn containing repeats (9-10)FNIII, and this binding was blocked by a mAb specific for (9)FNIII. These data demonstrate that Ail binds to (9)FNIII of Fn and presents Fn to host cells to facilitate cell binding and delivery of Yops (cytotoxins of Y. pestis), a novel interaction, distinct from other bacterial Fn-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Deforestation, plantation expansion and other human activities in tropical ecosystems are often associated with biological invasions. These processes have been studied for above-ground organisms, but associated changes below the ground have received little attention. We surveyed rainforest and plantation systems in Jambi province, Sumatra, Indonesia, to investigate effects of land-use change on the diversity and abundance of earthworms—a major group of soil-ecosystem engineers that often is associated with human activities. Density and biomass of earthworms increased 4—30-fold in oil palm and rubber monoculture plantations compared to rainforest. Despite much higher abundance, earthworm communities in plantations were less diverse and dominated by the peregrine morphospecies Pontoscolex corethrurus, often recorded as invasive. Considering the high deforestation rate in Indonesia, invasive earthworms are expected to dominate soil communities across the region in the near future, in lieu of native soil biodiversity. Ecologically-friendly management approaches, increasing structural habitat complexity and plant diversity, may foster beneficial effects of invasive earthworms on plant growth while mitigating negative effects on below-ground biodiversity and the functioning of the native soil animal community.

Assessments of bacterial community diversity and dynamics are fundamental for the understanding of microbial ecology as well as biotechnological applications. We show that the choice of PCR primers has great impact on the results of analyses of diversity and dynamics using gene libraries and DNA fingerprinting. Two universal primer pairs targeting the 16S rRNA gene, 27F&1492R and 63F&M1387R, were compared and evaluated by analyzing the bacterial community in the activated sludge of a large-scale wastewater treatment plant. The two primer pairs targeted distinct parts of the bacterial community, none encompassing the other, both with similar richness. Had only one primer pair been used, very different conclusions had been drawn regarding dominant phylogenetic and putative functional groups. With 27F&1492R, Betaproteobacteria would have been determined to be the dominating taxa while 63F&M1387R would have described Alphaproteobacteria as the most common taxa. Microscopy and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that both Alphaproteobacteria and Betaproteobacteria were abundant in the activated sludge, confirming that the two primer pairs target two different fractions of the bacterial community. Furthermore, terminal restriction fragment polymorphism analyses of a series of four activated sludge samples showed that the two primer pairs would have resulted in different conclusions about community stability and the factors contributing to changes in community composition. In conclusion, different PCR primer pairs, although considered universal, target different ranges of bacteria and will thus show the diversity and dynamics of different fractions of the bacterial community in the analyzed sample. We also show that while a database search can serve as an indicator of how universal a primer pair is, an experimental assessment is necessary to evaluate the suitability for a specific environmental sample.  相似文献   
Evidence can provide support for or against a particular biogeographical hypothesis. Treating a hypothesis as if it were evidence or an empirical observation confounds many biogeographical analyses. We focus on two recent publications that address, in part, the evolution of the biota of Sulawesi, the large Indonesian island in the centre of the Indo‐Australian Archipelago. Many biogeographical explanations are hampered by invoking simple notions of mechanism or process – dispersal and vicariance – or constraints, such as dispersal from a centre of origin, and, in so doing, dismiss more complex geological phenomena such as emergent volcanoes within island chains or composite areas as irrelevant. Moreover, they do not search for, therefore never discover, biogeographical patterns that may better explain the distribution of biota through time.  相似文献   
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