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The important role of histone posttranslational modifications, particularly methylation and acetylation, in Plasmodium falciparum gene regulation has been established. However, the role of histone phosphorylation remains understudied. Here, we investigate histone phosphorylation utilizing liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry to analyze histones extracted from asexual blood stages using two improved protocols to enhance preservation of PTMs. Enrichment for phosphopeptides lead to the detection of 14 histone phospho-modifications in P. falciparum. The majority of phosphorylation sites were observed at the N-terminal regions of various histones and were frequently observed adjacent to acetylated lysines. We also report the identification of one novel member of the P. falciparum histone phosphosite binding protein repertoire, Pf14-3-3I. Recombinant Pf14-3-3I protein bound to purified parasite histones. In silico structural analysis of Pf14-3-3 proteins revealed that residues responsible for binding to histone H3 S10ph and/or S28ph are conserved at the primary and the tertiary structure levels. Using a battery of H3 specific phosphopeptides, we demonstrate that Pf14-3-3I preferentially binds to H3S28ph over H3S10ph, independent of modification of neighbouring residues like H3S10phK14ac and H3S28phS32ph. Our data provide key insight into histone phosphorylation sites. The identification of a second member of the histone modification reading machinery suggests a widespread use of histone phosphorylation in the control of various nuclear processes in malaria parasites.  相似文献   
CCN5 Expression in mammals. II. Adult rodent tissues   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
CCN5 is a secreted heparin- and estrogen-regulated matricellular protein that inhibits vertebrate smooth muscle cell proliferation and motility. CCN5 is expressed throughout murine embryonic development in most organs and tissues. However, after embryonic development is complete, we hypothesized that CCN5 distribution would be largely restricted to small set of tissues, including smooth muscle cells of the arteries, uterus, airway, and digestive tract. Because CCN5 inhibits proliferation of smooth muscle cells in vitro, it might function to prevent excessive growth in vivo. In contrast, another member of the CCN family, CCN2, promotes smooth muscle cell proliferation in vitro, and thus it was expected that its expression levels would be low in uninjured normal adult tissues. Frozen sections from adult tissues and organs were analyzed immunohistochemically using anti-CCN5 and anti-CCN2 antibodies. Both proteins were detected in arteries, the uterus, bronchioles, and the digestive tract as expected, and also in many other tissues including the pancreas, spleen, liver, skeletal muscle, ovary, testis, thymus, brain, olfactory epithelium, and kidney. CCN5 and CCN2 protein was found in smooth muscle, endothelial cells, epithelial cells, skeletal muscle, cells of the nervous system, and numerous other cell types. In many cells, both CCN5 and CCN2 was present in the nucleus. Rather than having opposite patterns of localization, CCN5 and CCN2 often had similar sites of expression. The wide distribution of both CCN5 and CCN2 suggests that both proteins have additional biological functions beyond those previously identified in specific cellular and pathological models.  相似文献   
中国环境管理分区:方法与方案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国生态环境可持续性及其影响因素的区域差异显著,各地区环境管理面临的主要挑战和需要优先解决的生态环境问题不同。进行环境管理分区,根据各地区生态环境特征及其影响因素的差异性,制定有针对性的环境管理政策,将有效促进我国区域生态环境的整体优化。采取定性和定量分析相结合的方法进行我国环境管理分区。首先,在我国3大自然区的基础上,根据我国的自然地理格局和已有的相关区划成果,把我国划分为4个环境管理大区,包括:南部季风区、北部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高寒区。其次,通过建立的包含13个指标的环境管理分区指标体系,采用一维化欧式距离法分析各环境管理大区下相邻省级行政区环境特征的相似性,把环境特征相似性大的相邻地区划分到同一分区,得到以省级行政区为基本单元的我国环境管理分区方案。然后,结合地区间历史渊源和区域未来发展趋势分析,对基于相似性分析的初步分区方案进行调整,把我国划分为8个以省级行政区为基本单元环境管理区。最后,根据相关调整原则和方法,对以省级行政区为基本单元的分区方案的边界线进行调整,得到以地级行政区为基本单元的分区方案,把我国划分为东北地区、华北平原区、华北山地与高原区、东南沿海地区、长江流域中游地区、西南地区、西北干旱区和青藏高寒区8个环境管理区。  相似文献   
The survival of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is dependent upon the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines. P. falciparum dihydroorotate dehydrogenase (PfDHODH) catalyzes the fourth step in this pathway in an FMN-dependent reaction. The full-length enzyme is associated with the inner mitochondrial membrane, where ubiquinone (CoQ) serves as the terminal electron acceptor. The lipophilic nature of the co-substrate suggests that electron transfer to CoQ occurs at the two-dimensional lipid-solution interface. Here we show that PfDHODH associates with liposomes even in the absence of the N-terminal transmembrane-spanning domain. The association of a series of ubiquinone substrates with detergent micelles was studied by isothermal titration calorimetry, and the data reveal that CoQ analogs with long decyl (CoQ(D)) or geranyl (CoQ(2)) tails partition into detergent micelles, whereas that with a short prenyl tail (CoQ(1)) remains in solution. PfDHODH-catalyzed reduction of CoQ(D) and CoQ(2), but not CoQ(1), is stimulated as detergent concentrations (Tween 80 or Triton X-100) are increased up to their critical micelle concentrations, beyond which activity declines. Steady-state kinetic data acquired for the reaction with CoQ(D) and CoQ(2) in substrate-detergent mixed micelles fit well to a surface dilution kinetic model. In contrast, the data for CoQ(1) as a substrate were well described by solution steady-state kinetics. Our results suggest that the partitioning of lipophilic ubiquinone analogues into detergent micelles needs to be an important consideration in the kinetic analysis of enzymes that utilize these substrates.  相似文献   
目的 探讨鼠李糖乳杆菌LV108及其发酵乳对免疫抑制小鼠免疫功能的调节作用。 方法 将BALB/c小鼠随机分为5组,每组10只,即空白组(正常小鼠)、模型组(免疫抑制小鼠)、药物组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加左旋咪唑)、LV108菌悬液组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加LV108菌悬液)和LV108发酵乳组(免疫抑制小鼠食物中添加LV108发酵乳),除空白组外其余组构建免疫抑制小鼠模型。干预4周后,分别测定各组小鼠体质量和脏器指数,血清中白细胞介素2(IL2)、肿瘤坏死因子α(TNFα)和免疫球蛋白G(IgG)含量,血清溶血素含量、耳肿胀度和肝、脾巨噬细胞吞噬能力。 结果 相比模型组,LV108菌悬液组和LV108发酵乳组小鼠体质量增长速度、脏器指数、血清IL2与IgG水平、血清溶血值、耳肿胀度和巨噬细胞吞噬能力显著升高(均P结论 LV108菌体及发酵乳对免疫抑制小鼠具备较全面的免疫调节作用,均可提高小鼠的自身免疫力;LV108发酵乳对小鼠的免疫调节作用强于LV108菌体。  相似文献   
土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)是参与植物光合作用和影响生态系统初级生产力的主要元素。甘南高原是黄河流域重要的生态屏障,为了解该区不同林分土壤养分状况的差异,选取该区4种典型林分:云杉林、华北落叶松林、巴山冷杉林以及岷江冷杉糙皮桦混交林为研究对象,研究土壤C、N、P化学计量特征。结果表明:(1)岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤C、N含量最高,云杉林土壤N、P含量最低。不同林分间P含量差异显著(P<0.05),不同土层间C、N含量差异均显著(P<0.05)。(2)云杉林土壤C : N值显著高于其他林分,岷江冷杉及糙皮桦混交林土壤N : P及C : P高于其他林分。(3)海拔、土壤pH、容重与土壤含水量是影响土壤养分的重要因素。土壤C含量与N、P含量均显著相关(P<0.05)。总体来说,不同林分土壤化学计量特征具有显著差异,混交林土壤养分状况较纯林好,未来森林管理和植被建设中,可以通过选择合适的树种和提高树种多样性有效改善森林土壤质量。  相似文献   
在1.5L搅拌式发酵罐中,使用葡萄糖质量浓度分别为120、200、280g/L的培养基进行酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae连续发酵生成酒精的动力学研究。研究发现,当培养基中葡萄糖浓度为200和280g/L时,发酵液中残糖浓度、酒精浓度以及菌体生物量从小幅度波动的准稳态发展到大幅度波动的振荡状态。提出了伴有周期性振荡现象准稳态过程的概念,并针对该过程,建立了兼有底物和产物抑制的酵母细胞生长和产物酒精生成动力学模型。  相似文献   
Synopsis Population densities of age-0 arctic chaff in the surf zone averaged 1.83 and 4.70 fish m-2 in August 1984 and June 1985, respectively. Length variation of the littoral fish was low in early summer, increasing in late summer and autumn. Newly emerged charr, ∼ 20 mm long, appeared in the stony shallow water zone during both May and June. From length variation and variation in mouth position of the young charr, it is concluded that at least two of the four chaff morphs in the lake are present in the surf zone during spring and summer. In August, some of the larger age-0 charr had moved out from the surf zone, into the pelagic and the deeper epibenthic waters. The food of young littoral charr was dominated by large chironomid larvae (instar 3 and 4) and pupae Contribution from the Thingvallavatn project  相似文献   
The helminth endoparasite fauna in four Arctic charr morphs, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), small benthivorous (SB), large benthivorous (LB), planktivorous (PL) and piscivorous (PI) charr, from Thingvallavatn, Iceland consisted of: Crepidostomum farionis (Trematoda: Allocreadiidae); Diplosttomum sp. (Trematoda: Diplostomatidae); Eubothrium salvelini; Diphyllobothrium dendriticum; D. ditremum (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidae); Proteocephalus longicollis (Cestoda: Proteocepha-lidae): and Philonema oncorhynchi (Nematoda: Filariidae). The morphs exhibited distinctive patterns in prevalences and parasite burdens (mean intensity and mean relative density of parasites). SB charr had high prevalence and parasite burden of the eye fluke Diplostomum sp. and none to very light infections of the other parasite species. LB charr had relatively high prevalence and parasite burden of the intestinal fluke C. farionis , whereas infections of the remaining parasite species were light to moderate. PL and PI charr had high prevalences and worm burdens of Diphyllobothrium spp. and P. longicollis . PL charr differed from PI charr in higher worm burden off P. longicollis and lighter burden of £. salvelini . Prevalences of P. oncorhynchi were high in PL and PI charr. Association of parasite intensities and age and length offish were investigated. The different infection patterns among the morphs agree well with their partitioning in food and habitat utilization, and confirm that there is a high degree of ecological segregation between the morphs. The results demonstrate the importance of ecological factors influencing transmission efficiency of parasites to the fish host.  相似文献   
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