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Indirect immunostaining of avian reovirus S1133-infected L-cell monolayers showed that most of the cells can support viral replication. However, the number of cells in which the virus was actually replicating depended on the multiplicity of virus infection. The presence of actinomycin D during infection increased viral protein synthesis, viral growth, and the number of actively infected cells at late infection times. The antibiotic elicited these effects by triggering viral replication in cells that already contained unproductive cytoplasmic virus but that would not get productively infected in the absence of the drug. From these results, we propose a model for the interaction between L cells and avian reovirus S1133 in which viral versus host mRNA competition for the translational machinery determines the fate of the virus infection.  相似文献   
In order to study the relationships among mammalian alpha-globin genes, we have determined the sequence of the 3' flanking region of the human alpha 1 globin gene and have made pairwise comparisons between sequenced alpha-globin genes. The flanking regions were examined in detail because sequence matches in these regions could be interpreted with the least complication from the gene duplications and conversions that have occurred frequently in mammalian alpha-like globin gene clusters. We found good matches between the flanking regions of human alpha 1 and rabbit alpha 1, human psi alpha 1 and goat I alpha, human alpha 2 and goat II alpha, and horse alpha 1 and goat II alpha. These matches were used to align the alpha-globin genes in gene clusters from different mammals. This alignment shows that genes at equivalent positions in the gene clusters of different mammals can be functional or nonfunctional, depending on whether they corrected against a functional alpha-globin gene in recent evolutionary history. The number of alpha-globin genes (including pseudogenes) appears to differ among species, although highly divergent pseudogenes may not have been detected in all species examined. Although matching sequences could be found in interspecies comparisons of the flanking regions of alpha- globin genes, these matches are not as extensive as those found in the flanking regions of mammalian beta-like globin genes. This observation suggests that the noncoding sequences in the mammalian alpha-globin gene clusters are evolving at a faster rate than those in the beta-like globin gene clusters. The proposed faster rate of evolution fits with the poor conservation of the genetic linkage map around alpha-globin gene clusters when compared to that of the beta-like globin gene clusters. Analysis of the 3' flanking regions of alpha-globin genes has revealed a conserved sequence approximately 100-150 bp 3' to the polyadenylation site; this sequence may be involved in the expression or regulation of alpha-globin genes.   相似文献   
Several in vitro studies have demonstrated diminished post-thaw functional activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the consequences of thawing and storage method used on the post-thaw functional activity of cryopreserved pig aortas with the aim of adjusting the freezing and thawing protocol so that the vascular segments are preserved in the best possible state, maintaining structure and functionality so that they can later be transplanted with success. In vitro responses of frozen, thawed pig aortas were used to investigate the functional activity after thawing at 15 degrees C and 100 degrees C/min and after storage in gas or liquid phase of liquid nitrogen. Cryopreservation was performed in RPMI 1640 medium + 10% dimethylsulfoxide and the rate of cooling was -1 degrees C/min, until -150 degrees C was reached.After thawing the maximal contractile responses to all the contracting agonists tested (KCl, noradrenaline) were in the ranges of 13-27% compared with the responses in unfrozen pig aortas. Contractile responses were slightly better when thawing was performed at 15 degrees C/min compared with 100 degrees C/min. The endothelium independent relaxant responses to sodium nitroprusside were reduced ( P < 0.05). Cryostorage of pig arteries also resulted in a loss of the endothelium-dependent relaxant response to acetylcholine. The cryopreservation method used provided a limited preservation of pig aorta contractibility, a reduction of the endothelium independent relaxant responses, and no apparent preservation of the endothelium-dependent relaxation. It is possible that further refinements of the cryopreservation protocol might allow better post-thaw functional recovery of pig aortas.  相似文献   
We surveyed nine diallelic polymorphic sites on the Y chromosomes of 1,544 individuals from Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, and the New World. Phylogenetic analyses of these nine sites resulted in a tree for 10 distinct Y haplotypes with a coalescence time of approximately 150,000 years. The 10 haplotypes were unevenly distributed among human populations: 5 were restricted to a particular continent, 2 were shared between Africa and Europe, 1 was present only in the Old World, and 2 were found in all geographic regions surveyed. The ancestral haplotype was limited to African populations. Random permutation procedures revealed statistically significant patterns of geographical structuring of this paternal genetic variation. The results of a nested cladistic analysis indicated that these geographical associations arose through a combination of processes, including restricted, recurrent gene flow (isolation by distance) and range expansions. We inferred that one of the oldest events in the nested cladistic analysis was a range expansion out of Africa which resulted in the complete replacement of Y chromosomes throughout the Old World, a finding consistent with many versions of the Out of Africa Replacement Model. A second and more recent range expansion brought Asian Y chromosomes back to Africa without replacing the indigenous African male gene pool. Thus, the previously observed high levels of Y chromosomal genetic diversity in Africa may be due in part to bidirectional population movements. Finally, a comparison of our results with those from nested cladistic analyses of human mtDNA and beta-globin data revealed different patterns of inferences for males and females concerning the relative roles of population history (range expansions) and population structure (recurrent gene flow), thereby adding a new sex-specific component to models of human evolution.   相似文献   
Extension of the vertebrate body results from the concerted activity of many signals in the posterior embryonic end. Among them, Wnt3a has been shown to play relevant roles in the regulation of axial progenitor activity, mesoderm formation and somitogenesis. However, its impact on axial growth remains to be fully understood. Using a transgenic approach in the mouse, we found that the effect of Wnt3a signaling varies depending on the target tissue. High levels of Wnt3a in the epiblast prevented formation of neural tissues, but did not impair axial progenitors from producing different mesodermal lineages. These mesodermal tissues maintained a remarkable degree of organization, even within a severely malformed embryo. However, from the cells that failed to take a neural fate, only those that left the epithelial layer of the epiblast activated a mesodermal program. The remaining tissue accumulated as a folded epithelium that kept some epiblast-like characteristics. Together with previously published observations, our results suggest a dose-dependent role for Wnt3a in regulating the balance between renewal and selection of differentiation fates of axial progenitors in the epiblast. In the paraxial mesoderm, appropriate regulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling was required not only for somitogenesis, but also for providing proper anterior–posterior polarity to the somites. Both processes seem to rely on mechanisms with different requirements for feedback modulation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, once segmentation occurred in the presence of high levels of Wnt3a in the presomitic mesoderm, but not after permanent expression of a constitutively active form of β-catenin. Together, our findings suggest that Wnt3a/β-catenin signaling plays sequential roles during posterior extension, which are strongly dependent on the target tissue. This provides an additional example of how much the functional output of signaling systems depends on the competence of the responding cells.  相似文献   
The opisthokonts are one of the major super groups of eukaryotes. It comprises two major clades: (i) the Metazoa and their unicellular relatives and (ii) the Fungi and their unicellular relatives. There is, however, little knowledge of the role of opisthokont microbes in many natural environments, especially among non‐metazoan and non‐fungal opisthokonts. Here, we begin to address this gap by analysing high‐throughput 18S rDNA and 18S rRNA sequencing data from different European coastal sites, sampled at different size fractions and depths. In particular, we analyse the diversity and abundance of choanoflagellates, filastereans, ichthyosporeans, nucleariids, corallochytreans and their related lineages. Our results show the great diversity of choanoflagellates in coastal waters as well as a relevant representation of the ichthyosporeans and the uncultured marine opisthokonts (MAOP). Furthermore, we describe a new lineage of marine fonticulids (MAFO) that appears to be abundant in sediments. Taken together, our work points to a greater potential ecological role for unicellular opisthokonts than previously appreciated in marine environments, both in water column and sediments, and also provides evidence of novel opisthokont phylogenetic lineages. This study highlights the importance of high‐throughput sequencing approaches to unravel the diversity and distribution of both known and novel eukaryotic lineages.  相似文献   
The alpha-like globin gene cluster in rabbits contains embryonic zeta- globin genes, an adult alpha-globin gene, and theta-globin genes of undetermined function. The basic arrangement of genes, deduced from analysis of cloned DNA fragments, is 5'-zeta 0-zeta 1-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3'. However, the pattern of restriction fragments containing zeta- and theta-globin genes varies among individual rabbits. Analysis of BamHI fragments of genomic DNA from 24 New Zealand white rabbits revealed eight different patterns of fragments containing zeta-globin genes. The large BamHI fragments containing genes zeta 0 and zeta 1 are polymorphic in length, whereas a 1.9-kb fragment containing the zeta 2 gene and the 3.5-kb fragment containing the zeta 3 gene do not vary in size. In contrast to this constancy in the size of the restriction fragments, the copy number of the zeta 2 and zeta 3 genes does vary among different rabbits. No length polymorphism was detected in the BamHI fragments containing the theta-globin genes, but again the copy number varies for restriction fragments containing the theta 2 gene. The alpha 1- and theta 1-globin genes are located in a nonpolymorphic 7.2-kb BamHI fragment. The combined data from hybridization with both zeta and theta probes shows that the BamHI cleavage pattern does not vary within the region 5'-alpha 1-theta 1- zeta 2-zeta 3-theta 2-3', but the pattern genomic blot-hybridization patterns for the progeny of parental rabbits with different zeta-globin gene patterns shows that the polymorphic patterns are inherited in a Mendelian fashion. Two different haplotypes have been mapped based on the genomic blot-hybridization data. The variation in the alpha-like globin gene cluster in the rabbit population results both from differences in the copy number of the duplication block containing the zeta-zeta-theta gene set and from the presence or absence of polymorphic BamHI sites.   相似文献   
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