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The appearance and cooking quality of rice determine its acceptability and price to a large extent. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 12 grain quality traits were mapped in 2 mapping populations derived from Oryza sativa cv Swarna × O. nivara. The BC(2)F(2) population of the cross Swarna × O. nivara IRGC81848 (population 1) was evaluated during 2005 and that from Swarna × O. nivara IRGC81832 (population 2) was evaluated during 2006. Linkage maps were constructed using 100 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in population 1 and 75 SSR markers in population 2. In all, 21 QTLs were identified in population 1 (43% from O. nivara) and 37 in population 2 (38% QTLs from O. nivara). The location of O. nivara-derived QTLs mp1.2 for milling percent, kw6.1 for kernel width, and klac12.1 for kernel length after cooking coincided in the 2 populations and appear to be useful for Marker Assisted Selection (MAS). Four QTLs for milling percent, 1 QTL each for amylose content, water uptake, elongation ratio, 2 QTLs for kernel width, and 3 QTLs for gel consistency, each explained more than 20% phenotypic variance. Three QTL clusters for grain quality traits were close to the genes/QTLs for shattering and seed dormancy. QTLs for 4 quality traits were associated with 5 of the 7 major yield QTLs reported in the same 2 mapping populations. Useful introgression lines have been developed for several agronomic traits. It emerges that 40% O. nivara alleles were trait enhancing in both populations, and QTLs for grain quality overlapped with yield meta-QTLs and QTLs for dormancy and seed shattering.  相似文献   
Rice (Oryza sativa L.), the major staple food crop of the world, faces a severe threat from widespread drought. The development of drought-tolerant rice varieties is considered a feasible option to counteract drought stress. The screening of rice germplasm under drought and its characterization at the morphological, genetic, and molecular levels revealed the existence of genetic variation for drought tolerance within the rice gene pool. The improvements made in managed drought screening and selection for grain yield under drought have significantly contributed to progress in drought breeding programs. The availability of rice genome sequence information, genome-wide molecular markers, and low-cost genotyping platforms now makes it possible to routinely apply marker-assisted breeding approaches to improve grain yield under drought. Grain yield QTLs with a large and consistent effect under drought have been indentified and successfully pyramided in popular rice mega-varieties. Various rice functional genomics resources, databases, tools, and recent advances in “-omics” are facilitating the characterization of genes and pathways involved in drought tolerance, providing the basis for candidate gene identification and allele mining. The transgenic approach is successful in generating drought tolerance in rice under controlled conditions, but field-level testing is necessary. Genomics-assisted drought breeding approaches hold great promise, but a well-planned integration with standardized phenotyping is highly essential to exploit their full potential.  相似文献   
The eastern Asian and eastern North American disjunction in Juglans offers an opportunity to estimate the time since divergence of the Eurasian and American lineages and to compare it with paleobotanical evidence. Five chloroplast DNA noncoding spacer (NCS) sequences: trnT−trnF, psbA−trnH, atpB−rbcL, trnV-16S rRNA, and trnS-trnfM and data from earlier studies (matK, ITS, and nuclear RFLP) were used to reconstruct phylogeny and to estimate the divergence time of major lineages. Seventeen taxa from four sections of Juglans and two outgroup taxa, Pterocarya stenoptera and Carya illinoiensis were included. NCS data was congruent only with matK data. Both maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood (ML) cladograms were concordant at the sectional level and revealed three well-supported monophyletic clades corresponding to sections Juglans, Cardiocaryon, and Rhysocaryon in both NCS and combined analyses. The single extant American butternut, Juglans cinerea was placed within the poorly resolved, but well-supported Rhysocaryon. Placement of taxa within Rhysocaryon and Cardiocaryon were inconsistent between NCS and combined analyses. Overall, the results suggest that: (1) the NCS sequence divergence observed within and between sections of Juglans is low and the addition of matK data only marginally improved resolution within Rhysocaryon; (2) the early divergence of section Juglans in both MP and ML analyses of NCS and combined data implies its ancient origin in contrast to fossil evidence, which suggests the earliest divergence of sections Rhysocaryon and Cardiocaryon; and (3) the extant taxa may not hold the footprints to unravel the evolutionary history of the genus.  相似文献   
The main goal of this study was to investigate the long-term effect of daily 8-hour mild intermittent hypoxia (14-15% O2) on glucose tolerance and muscle morphology of Sprague-Dawley rats. The involvement of AMPK-PGC-1alpha-VEGF signaling pathways in the skeletal muscle was also determined during the first 8 hours of hypoxia. We found that mRNA levels of VEGF and PGC-1alpha were significantly increased above control after 8-h mild hypoxia without a change in AMPK phosphorylation. After 8 weeks of mild intermittent hypoxia treatment, plasma glucose and insulin levels in oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), epididymal fat mass, and body weight were significantly lower compared to the control group. While soleus muscle weight was not changed, capillary and fiber densities in the hypoxia group were 33% and 35% above the control suggesting reorganization of muscle fibers. In conclusion, our data provide strong evidence that long-term mild intermittent hypoxia decreases the diffusion distance of glucose and insulin across muscle fibers, and decreases adiposity in rats. These changes may account for the improved glucose tolerance observed following the 8-week hypoxia treatment, and provides grounds for investigating the development of a mild non-pharmacological intervention in the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   
This study identified four and five quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for 1,000-grain weight (TGW) and spikelets per panicle (SPP), respectively, using rice recombinant inbred lines. QTLs for the two traits (SPP3a and TGW3a, TGW3b and SPP3b) were simultaneously identified in the two intervals between RM3400 and RM3646 and RM3436 and RM5995 on chromosome 3. To validate QTLs in the interval between RM3436 and RM5995, a BC3F2 population was obtained, in which TGW3b and SPP3b were simultaneously mapped to a 2.6-cM interval between RM15885 and W3D16. TGW3b explained 50.4% of the phenotypic variance with an additive effect of 1.81 g. SPP3b explained 29.1% of the phenotypic variance with an additive effect of 11.89 spikelets. The interval had no effect on grain yield because it increased SPP but decreased TGW and vice versa. Grain shape was strongly associated with TGW and was used for QTL analysis in the BC3F2 population. Grain length, grain width, and grain thickness were also largely controlled by TGW3b. At present, it is not clear whether one pleiotropic QTL or two linked QTLs were located in the interval. However, the conclusion could be made ultimately by isolation of TGW3b. The strategy for TGW3b isolation is discussed.  相似文献   
Aspirin, one of the oldest non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, impedes tissue repair by virtue of retarding inflammation. The present study was undertaken to find out if linking of nitrooxyethyl ester to aspirin reverses its healing-depressant propensity. Nitrooxyethyl ester of aspirin (NOE-Asp) was synthesized in our laboratory through well-established synthetic pathway, starting from aspirin through esterification with ethylene glycol and nitration with a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids at 0 degrees C. The effect of NOE-Asp on phases of healing such as collagenation, wound contraction and epithelialization and on scar size of healed wound was evaluated in three wound models-incision, dead space, and excision wounds. To assess its influence on the oxidative stress, the levels of glutathione (GSH) and thiobarbiturate reactive species (TBARS) were also determined in 10-day-old granulation tissue. NOE-Asp was further screened for its anti-inflammatory activity in rat paw edema model. NOE-Asp promoted collagenation (increase in breaking strength, granulation weight, and collagen content), wound contraction, and epithelialization phases of healing. NOE-Asp also showed a significant antioxidant effect in 10-day-old granulation tissue as compared to aspirin. The results vindicate our assumption that the esterification of aspirin with nirooxyethyl group reverses the healing-suppressant effect of aspirin. The compound also showed equipotent anti-inflammatory activity as aspirin.  相似文献   
Based on the earlier results of our in-house database and compound library, a series of novel clubbed thienyl triazoles was designed which may emerge as potential cdk5/p25 inhibitors, for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. A benign synthesis was planned so as to take an advantage of MAOS (Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis) method. Evaluation of the SAR of this series has allowed the identification of compounds 4, 5, 7 and 8 from series I while 13, 14, 16 and 17 from series II as significant cdk5/p25 inhibitors and thus have potential as possible treatments for Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   
A green approach is described that generates bulk quantities of nanocomposites containing transition metals such as Cu, Ag, In, and Fe at room temperature using a biodegradable polymer, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), by reacting respective metal salts with the sodium salt of CMC in aqueous media. These nanocomposites exhibit broader decomposition temperatures when compared with control CMC, and Ag-based CMC nanocomposites exhibit a luminescent property at longer wavelengths. The noble metals such as Au, Pt, and Pd do not react at room temperature with aqueous solutions of CMC, but do so rapidly under microwave irradiation (MW) conditions at 100 degrees C. This environmentally benign approach, which provides facile entry to the production of multiple shaped noble nanostructures without using any toxic reducing agent such as sodium borohydride (NaBH4), hydroxylamine hydrochloride, and so forth, and/or a capping/surfactant agent, and which uses a benign biodegradable polymer CMC, could find widespread technological and medicinal applications. The ensuing nanocomposites derived at room temperature and MW conditions were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, X-ray mapping, energy-dispersive analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis.  相似文献   
The Ran-binding protein 2 (RanBP2) is a large multimodular and pleiotropic protein. Several molecular partners with distinct functions interacting specifically with selective modules of RanBP2 have been identified. Yet, the significance of these interactions with RanBP2 and the genetic and physiological role(s) of RanBP2 in a whole-animal model remain elusive. Here, we report the identification of two novel partners of RanBP2 and a novel physiological role of RanBP2 in a mouse model. RanBP2 associates in vitro and in vivo and colocalizes with the mitochondrial metallochaperone, Cox11, and the pacemaker of glycolysis, hexokinase type I (HKI) via its leucine-rich domain. The leucine-rich domain of RanBP2 also exhibits strong chaperone activity toward intermediate and mature folding species of Cox11 supporting a chaperone role of RanBP2 in the cytosol during Cox11 biogenesis. Cox11 partially colocalizes with HKI, thus supporting additional and distinct roles in cell function. Cox11 is a strong inhibitor of HKI, and RanBP2 suppresses the inhibitory activity of Cox11 over HKI. To probe the physiological role of RanBP2 and its role in HKI function, a mouse model harboring a genetically disrupted RanBP2 locus was generated. RanBP2−/− are embryonically lethal, and haploinsufficiency of RanBP2 in an inbred strain causes a pronounced decrease of HKI and ATP levels selectively in the central nervous system. Inbred RanBP2+/− mice also exhibit deficits in growth rates and glucose catabolism without impairment of glucose uptake and gluconeogenesis. These phenotypes are accompanied by a decrease in the electrophysiological responses of photosensory and postreceptoral neurons. Hence, RanBP2 and its partners emerge as critical modulators of neuronal HKI, glucose catabolism, energy homeostasis, and targets for metabolic, aging disorders and allied neuropathies.  相似文献   
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