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The serum amyloid A (SAA) superfamily comprises a number of differentially expressed genes with a high degree of homology in mammalian species. SAA4, an apolipoprotein constitutively expressed only in humans and mice, is associated almost entirely with lipoproteins of the high-density range. The presence of SAA4 mRNA and protein in macrophage-derived foam cells of coronary and carotid arteries suggested a specific role of human SAA4 during inflammation including atherosclerosis. Here we underline the importance of ribosome binding site (rbs)-like sequences (also known as Shine-Dalgarno sequences) in the SAA4 cDNA for expression of recombinant SAA4 protein in Escherichia coli. In contrast to rbs sequences coded by the expression vectors, rbs-like sequences in the cDNA of target protein(s) are known to interfere with protein translation via binding to the small 16S ribosome subunit, yielding low or even no expression. Here we show that PCR mutations of two rbs-like sequences in the human SAA4 cDNA promote expression of considerable amounts of recombinant SAA4 in E.coli.  相似文献   
164 taxa were identified in the net zooplankton of the pelagial of L. Peipsi-Pihkva in 1909–1987, including 3 species of protozoans, 74 species of rotifers, 58 species of cladocerans, 28 species of copepods and 1 mollusc. One rotifer species, Ploesoma peipsiense Mäemets et Kutikova, has been described as new for science here. The zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva is remarkably rich in species including rarities in Estonia: Limnosida frontosa, Drepanothrix dentata, Bythotrephes longimanus, B. cederstroemi etc. Due to its large surface area, L. Peipsi-Pihkva provides a large scale of biotopes of a diverse trophic state and humic content, which support species with different ecological requirements. Most of the aquatory of the lake has lately been mesotrophic, favouring the coexistence of indicators of oligo- and mesotrophic state and species preferring a higher trophic state. The occurrece of 10 species of the genus Bosmina including B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi, B. thersites and B. crassicornis, sparse in Estonian lakes, is the most noteworthy feature of the zooplankton of L. Peipsi-Pihkva. The coexistence of B. coregoni and B. berolinensis, B. gibbera, B. lilljeborgi etc. which were earlier regarded as subspecies of B. c. coregoni proves that they are different species producing usually no hybrids. The species composition was subjected to certain changes during the years under consideration. Larvae of Dreissena were first found in zooplankton in 1962. The oligo-mesotrophic indicator Holopedium gibberum occurred in the lake in 1909–1964, but was lacking in later samples.  相似文献   
Isolation of the Hawaiian archipelago produced a highly endemic and unique avifauna. Avian malaria (Plasmodium relictum), an introduced mosquito‐borne pathogen, is a primary cause of extinctions and declines of these endemic honeycreepers. Our research assesses how global climate change will affect future malaria risk and native bird populations. We used an epidemiological model to evaluate future bird–mosquito–malaria dynamics in response to alternative climate projections from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project. Climate changes during the second half of the century accelerate malaria transmission and cause a dramatic decline in bird abundance. Different temperature and precipitation patterns produce divergent trajectories where native birds persist with low malaria infection under a warmer and dryer projection (RCP4.5), but suffer high malaria infection and severe reductions under hot and dry (RCP8.5) or warm and wet (A1B) futures. We conclude that future global climate change will cause significant decreases in the abundance and diversity of remaining Hawaiian bird communities. Because these effects appear unlikely before mid‐century, natural resource managers have time to implement conservation strategies to protect this unique avifauna from further decimation. Similar climatic drivers for avian and human malaria suggest that mitigation strategies for Hawai'i have broad application to human health.  相似文献   
Central American squirrel monkeys (Saimiri oerstedi) appear to recognize the modified leaves that phyllostomid bats utilize for diurnal roost sites. The monkeys visually and manually search these bat tents for both bats and insects. Adult males are the most successful at capturing bats. Nonvolant juvenile bats are more vulnerable to monkey predation than are adults. Bats that escape monkey predation frequently are captured by doubletoothed kites (Harpagus bidentatus) that tend foraging troops of monkeys. Predation by squirrel monkeys, coupled with that of double-toothed kites, may be a significant source of mortality for tent-making bats.  相似文献   
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