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 Cell proliferation is considered a periodic process governed by a relaxation timer. The collective behavior of a system composed of three identical relaxation oscillators in numerically studied under the condition that diffusion of the slow mode dominates. We demonstrate: (1) the existence of three periodic regimes with different periods and phase relations and an unsymmetrical, stable steady-state (USSS); (2) the coexistence of in-phase oscillations and USSS; (3) the coexistence of periodic attractors; and (4) the emergence of a two-loop limit cycle coexisting with both in-phase oscillations and a stable steady-state. The qualitative reasons for such a diversitiy and its possible role in the generation of cell cycle variability are discussed. Received: 18 March 1992/Accepted in revised form: 16 April 1994  相似文献   
Pigment-lipoprotein B890 complexes containing reaction center and "light-focusing" bacteriochlorophyll a were isolated from photosynthetic membranes of sulfur (Chromatium minutissimum) and non-sulfur (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) purple bacteria after the treatment with Triton X-100. The molecular weights of complexes were evaluated using several methods (200 000-300 000). By means of electron microscopy the sizes of complexes were found to be about 80 A. On the air-water interface hexagonal packing of complexes was observed. The chemical compositions of complexes are very similar except bacteriochlorophyll a whose specific content is somewhat higher in Chromatium minutissimum. The protein composition of complexes was studied and the molecular weights of proteins were estimated by SDS-gel electrophoresis. The results obtained show significant similarities in molecular organization of B890 complexes isolated from sulfur (Chromatium minutissimum) and non-sulfur (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) purple bacteria.  相似文献   
In the field of metabolomics, GC-MS has rather established itself as a tool for semi-quantitative strategies like metabolic fingerprinting or metabolic profiling. Absolute quantification of intra- or extracellular metabolites is nowadays mostly accomplished by application of diverse LC-MS techniques. Only few groups have so far adopted GC-MS technology for this exceptionally challenging task. Besides numerous and deeply investigated problems related to sample generation, the pronounced matrix effects in biological samples have led to the almost mandatory application of isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS) for the accurate determination of absolute metabolite concentrations. Nevertheless, access to stable isotope labeled internal standards (ILIS), which are in many cases commercially unavailable, is quite laborious and very expensive. Here we present an improved and simplified gas chromatography-isotope dilution mass spectrometry (GC-IDMS) protocol for the absolute determination of intra- and extracellular metabolite levels. Commercially available (13)C-labeled algal cells were used as a convenient source for the preparation of internal standards. Advantages as well as limitations of the described method are discussed.  相似文献   
New reagents (CPGs and phosphoramidites) for automatic solid phase synthesis of modified oligonucleotides were designed. Three oligonucleotides carrying fluorescent label at the 5′-terminus and an anchor group at the 3′-terminus were prepared and their immobilization in orthogonal conditions on solid supports was studied.  相似文献   
A three-component phenomenological model describing the specific features of the spectrum of cosmic-ray protons and helium nuclei in the rigidity range of 30–2×105 GV is proposed. The first component corresponds to the constant background; the second, to the variable “soft” (30–500 GV) heliospheric source; and the third, to the variable “hard” (0.5–200 TV) source located inside a local bubble. The existence and variability of both sources are provided by the corresponding “surfatron accelerators,” whose operation requires the presence of an extended region with an almost uniform (in both magnitude and direction) magnetic field, orthogonally (or obliquely) to which electromagnetic waves propagate. The maximum energy to which cosmic rays can be accelerated is determined by the source size. The soft source with a size of ~100 AU is located at the periphery of the heliosphere, behind the front of the solar wind shock wave. The hard source with a size of >0.1 pc is located near the boundary of an interstellar cloud at a distance of ~0.01 pc from the Sun. The presence of a kink in the rigidity spectra of p and He near 230 GV is related to the variability of the physical conditions in the acceleration region and depends on the relation between the amplitudes and power-law exponents in the dependences of the background, soft heliospheric source, and hard near galactic source. The ultrarelativistic acceleration of p and He by an electromagnetic wave propagating in space plasma across the external magnetic field is numerically analyzed. Conditions for particle trapping by the wave and the dynamics of the particle velocity and momentum components are considered. The calculations show that, in contrast to electrons and positrons (e +), the trapped protons relatively rapidly escape from the effective potential well and cease to accelerate. Due to this effect, the p and He spectra are softer than that of e +. The possibility that the spectra of accelerated protons deviate from standard power-law dependences due to the surfatron mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   
Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins - A promising approach for slowing down the rate of reproductive aging is the use of probiotic bacteria as a feed additive. In the current study was...  相似文献   

More than 70 cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) types have been identified in Helianthus, but only for less than half of them, research of mitochondrial organization has been conducted. Moreover, complete mitochondrion sequences have only been published for two CMS sources – PET1 and PET2. It has been demonstrated that other sunflower CMS sources like MAX1, significantly differ from the PET1 and PET2 types. However, possible molecular causes for the CMS induction by MAX1 have not yet been proposed. In the present study, we have investigated structural changes in the mitochondrial genome of HA89 (MAX1) CMS sunflower line in comparison to the fertile mitochondrial genome.


Eight significant major reorganization events have been determined in HA89 (MAX1) mtDNA: one 110 kb inverted region, four deletions of 439 bp, 978 bp, 3183 bp and 14,296 bp, respectively, and three insertions of 1999 bp, 5272 bp and 6583 bp. The rearrangements have led to functional changes in the mitochondrial genome of HA89 (MAX1) resulting in the complete elimination of orf777 and the appearance of new ORFs - orf306, orf480, orf645 and orf1287. Aligning the mtDNA of the CMS sources PET1 and PET2 with MAX1 we found some common reorganization features in their mitochondrial genome sequences.


The new open reading frame orf1287, representing a chimeric atp6 gene, may play a key role in MAX1 CMS phenotype formation in sunflower, while the contribution of other mitochondrial reorganizations seems to appear negligible for the CMS development.

Single-molecule manipulation methods provide a powerful means to study protein transitions. Here we combined single-molecule force spectroscopy and steered molecular-dynamics simulations to study the mechanical properties and unfolding behavior of the small enzyme acylphosphatase (AcP). We find that mechanical unfolding of AcP occurs at relatively low forces in an all-or-none fashion and is decelerated in the presence of a ligand, as observed in solution measurements. The prominent energy barrier for the transition is separated from the native state by a distance that is unusually long for α/β proteins. Unfolding is initiated at the C-terminal strand (βT) that lies at one edge of the β-sheet of AcP, followed by unraveling of the strand located at the other. The central strand of the sheet and the two helices in the protein unfold last. Ligand binding counteracts unfolding by stabilizing contacts between an arginine residue (Arg-23) and the catalytic loop, as well as with βT of AcP, which renders the force-bearing units of the protein resistant to force. This stabilizing effect may also account for the decelerated unfolding of ligand-bound AcP in the absence of force.  相似文献   
CD3+ T lymphocytes were isolated by positive magnetic separation from the peripheral blood of healthy donors. In the absence of any additional activating stimuli, interleukin-7 (IL-7) was shown to augment the levels of T cells expressing CD25 activation marker both in CD4-positive and in CD4-negative effector memory (CD45RA-CD197-) T cell subsets, as well as in terminally differentiated (CD45RA+CD197-) T cells, without significantly affecting the activation status of naive (CD45RA+CD197+) and central memory (CD45RA-CD197+) T cells. In addition, IL-7 noticeably enhanced the production of IL-2, interferon-γ (IFN-γ), and IL-10, but not IL-4, in T cells. The direct effects of IL-7 on T cell activation induced in vitro by MACSiBead? particles coated with CD2, CD3, and CD28 antibodies (Abs) were also investigated. Upon cell activation, IL-7 significantly augmented the levels of CD25+ T cells in naive (CD45RA+CD197+), central memory (CD45RA-CD197+), and effector memory (CD45RA-CD197-) T-cell compartments. In addition, IL-7 facilitated activation of CD4- (but not CD4+) terminally differentiated effector (CD45RA+CD197-) T cells. Finally, IL-7 was found to upregulate the production of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-10 by activated T cells. In conclusion, we speculate that IL-7 is capable of enhancing functional T cell activity without causing significant functional inbalance between various T cell subsets.  相似文献   
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