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Pigment-lipoprotein B890 complexes containing reaction center and "light-focusing" bacteriochlorophyll a were isolated from photosynthetic membranes of sulfur (Chromatium minutissimum) and non-sulfur (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) purple bacteria after the treatment with Triton X-100. The molecular weights of complexes were evaluated using several methods (200 000-300 000). By means of electron microscopy the sizes of complexes were found to be about 80 A. On the air-water interface hexagonal packing of complexes was observed. The chemical compositions of complexes are very similar except bacteriochlorophyll a whose specific content is somewhat higher in Chromatium minutissimum. The protein composition of complexes was studied and the molecular weights of proteins were estimated by SDS-gel electrophoresis. The results obtained show significant similarities in molecular organization of B890 complexes isolated from sulfur (Chromatium minutissimum) and non-sulfur (Rhodopseudomonas palustris) purple bacteria.  相似文献   
Microbiology - Regardless of cultivation conditions, two types of LH2 complexes are always assembled in photosynthetic membranes of Thiorhodospira (T.) sibirica: short-wave B800?830 and...  相似文献   
Microbiology - The possibility of singlet oxygen generation in five species of photosynthetic bacteria under irradiation with light was studied using the Singlet Oxygen Sensor Green (SOSG) dye...  相似文献   
Oxidation of bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) with potassium ferricyanide in membranes and LH2 complexes (carotenoid-less and control samples) from the purple bacteria Allochromatium minutissimum and Rhodobacter sphaeroides as well as BChl photobleaching in a model system have been studied. The oxidation of BChl depended on the type of bacteria. BChl850 was rapidly oxidized in samples from Alc. minutissimum, and BChl800 and BChl850 were slowly oxidized in samples from Rb. sphaeroides. The carotenoids were not involved in protecting BChl from chemical oxidation in the lightharvesting complexes. The appearance of BChl oxidation product was registered in the absorption spectra (absorption maximum about 700 nm) and by HPLC analysis. The oxidized BChl was identified as 3-acetyl-chlorophyll. It differed from BChl by the presence of a double bond in pyrrole ring II at the 7-8 position. The extinction coefficient of 3-acetyl-chlorophyll was about 10 times less than that of BChl850 in the LH2 complex from Alc. minutissimum. In the BChl → 3-acetylchlorophyll transition, the binding constant of the latter with LH2 complex as compared with that of BChl did not change dramatically, as indicated by: (i) preserved electrophoretic mobility of the complex; (ii) the presence of 3-acetyl-chlorophyll in the complex after separation; (iii) the presence of a 3-acetyl-chlorophyll CD signal that was proportional to its absorption spectrum.  相似文献   
Effect of illumination intensity and inhibition of carotenoid biosynthesis on assemblage of different spectral types of LH2 complexes in a purple sulfur bacterium Allochromatium (Alc.) vinosum ATCC 17899 was studied. Under illumination of 1200 and 500 lx, the complexes B800-850 and B800-840 and B800-820 were assembled. While rhodopine was the major carotenoid in all spectral types of the LH2 complex, a certain increase in the content of carotenoids with higher numbers of conjugated double bonds (anhydrorhodovibrin and didehydrorhodopin) was observed in the B800-820 complex. At 1200 lx, the cells grew slowly at diphenylamine (DPA) concentrations not exceeding 53 μM, while at illumination intensity decreased to 500 lx they could grow at 71 μM DPA (DPA cells). Independent on illumination level, the inhibitor is supposed to impair the functioning of phytoene synthetase (resulting in a decrease in the total carotenoid content) and of phytoene desaturase, which results in formation of neurosporene hydroxy derivatives and ζ-carotene. In the cells grown at 500 lx, small amounts of spheroidene and OH-spheroidene were detected. These carotenoids were originally found under conditions of carotenoid synthesis inhibition in bacteria with spirilloxanthin as the major carotenoid. Carotenoid content in the LH2 complexes isolated from the DPA cells was ~15% of the control (without inhibition) for the B800-850 and ~20% of the control for the B800-820 and B800-840 DPA complexes. Compared to the DPA pigment-containing membranes, the DPA complexes were enriched with carotenoids due to disintegration of some carotenoidless complexes in the course of isolation. These results support the supposition that some of the B800-820, B800-840, and B800-850 complexes may be assembled in the cells of Alc. vinosum ATCC 17899 without carotenoids. Comparison of the characteristics obtained for Alc. vinosum ATCC 17899 and the literature data on strain D of the same bacteria shows that they belong to two different strains, rather than to one as was previously supposed.  相似文献   
Microbiology - The effect of singlet oxygen was studied in the system of Allochromatium (Alc.) vinosum MSU membranes, rose bengal, and light (547?600nm) with and without a quencher. In the...  相似文献   
We studied UV-induced photodestruction of the native forms of bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a) from chromatophores and light harvesting complexes (LHC) of the sulphur photosynthetic bacterium Chromatium minutissimum. Irradiation of chromato- phores with 365-nm light (Soret band) or 280-nm light (absorption region of aromatic amino acids) led to the destruction of all long-wavelength forms of Bchl a. The quantum yields of photodestruction produced by the 280-nm light was higher than that produced by the 365-nm light. For the spectral forms of Bchl a absorbing at 850 nm and 890 nm, the difference was about one order of magnitude, and for the form absorbing at 800 nm the difference was almost two orders of magnitude. Similar UV sensitivity was observed for the Bchl a forms from isolated LHC. As a rule, the quantum yields of photodestruction induced by UV irradiation at 280 nm were about 100-1000 times higher (approximately 10(-3)-10(-4)) than that upon red light irradiation (approximately 10(-6)-10(-7)). We found that irradiation of chromatophores at 280 nm resulted in a crosslink between the core and peripheral LHC.  相似文献   
The effect of diethyl pyrocarbonate on chromatophores and isolated pigment--protein complexes of Chromatium minutissimum was studied. It is shown that modification of histidine residues results in the destruction of the core antenna LHI (B880) and in a spectral shift from 850 to 830 nm in the peripheral antenna LHII (B800-850). In the purple sulfur bacterium Chromatium minutissimum the pigment--protein complexes B800-B850 (peripheral antenna, LHII) and B880 (core antenna, LHI) collect and transmit the absorbed light energy to the reaction centers. The composition of pigments and proteins as well as primary structure of the majority of polypeptides in both types of complexes from various photosynthetic bacteria have been determined.  相似文献   
A novel strain, alga-05, of alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacteria was isolated from sediments of a small saline (60 g/l) soda lake near Lake Algin (Barguzin Valley, Buryat Republic, Russia). These bacteria contain bacteriochlorophyll a and carotenoids of the alternative spirilloxanthin group with predominating demethylspheroidenone. They are facultative anaerobes; their photosynthetic structures are of the vesicular type and arranged along the cell periphery. Growth of this strain is possible in a salinity range of 5–80 g/l NaCl, with an optimum at 20 g/l NaCl. Best growth occurred at 20–35°C. Analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences demonstrated that the studied isolate is closely related to the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis (99% similarity) isolated from soda lakes of the African Rift Zone. According to the results of DNA-DNA hybridization, strain alga-05 has a 52% similarity with the type species of the genus Rhodobaca. On the basis of the obtained genotypic data and some phenotypic properties (dwelling in a hypersaline soda lake of Siberia, moderate halophily, ability to grow at relatively low temperatures, etc.), the isolated strain of purple bacteria was described as a new species of the genus Rhodobaca, Rca. barguzinensis sp. nov.  相似文献   
The effect of light with different spectral composition: white, red and blue-green (the first one is absorbed by all the pigments of the cell, and the second and the third ones are absorbed by bacteriochlorophyll and carotenoids, respectively) on culture growth, carotenoid synthesis, and assembly of the light-harvesting complexes was studied for the purple sulfur bacteria Allochromatium (Alc.) minutissimum MSU and Alc. vinosum ATCC 17899. The working hypothesis on the growth of bacteria under blue-green illumination (absorbed by carotenoids) resulting in the inhibition of cell growth was tested. When equalizing the light by luxes, the intensity of illumination for each luminous flux was 1800 lx (white and red light, 4 W/m2; bluegreen light, 0.4 W/m2). The growth of the cells was recorded in white and red light, while in blue-green light an insignificant increase was observed only for Alc. vinosum at the end of the experiment (7–9 days). Regardless of the spectral composition of the light the B800-850 type LH2 complex was always assembled in Alc. minutissimum membranes, and two short-wave LH2 complexes of В800-820 and В800-840 type were assembled in the membranes of Alc. vinosum. Upon smoothing and increasing the luminous flux up to 6 W/m2 for every illumination mode, both cultures grew with approximately equal rates in blue-green light. In the membranes of Alc. minutissimum and Alc. vinosum the same types of LH2 complexes were assembled as in the case of 1800 lx illumination. It was found that blue-green light did not inhibit cell growth. At illumination of the cells collected at the end of the experiment with blue-green light for 6 h, no photooxidation of BChl850 was registered. However, in the membranes from the cells oxygen-saturated at isolation, ~50% of BChl850 was oxidized after 30 minutes of illumination. In the course of cell growth, oxygen is probably completely consumed and anaerobic conditions develop inside the cell. Under these conditions, formation of reactive oxygen species, BChl photooxidation and inhibition of the cell growth become impossible.  相似文献   
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