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It is established that carboxypeptidase H activity increases as affected by various stress factors in the rat brain departments. The increase of the enzyme activity because of the emotional-pain stress is of continuous character. Possible role of carboxypeptidase H in the development of the stress response is discussed.  相似文献   
The thermotropic properties of multilamellar liposomes from egg yolk lecithin, hydrogenized egg yolk lecithin and several mixtures of these two lipids were studied with the application of excimer--forming optical probe pyrene and microcalorimetry. It was discovered that when the proportion of the egg yolk lecithin in the lipid mixture was raised the temperature of the main phase transition reduced. For all this, independent of the lipid mixture composition when the temperature was raised, apparently, polarity of pyrene microenvironment in the liposomes bilayers decreased. On the basis of the analysis of solidus and liquidus curves obtained from calorimetric studies of the lipid mixtures and bend points of Arrhenius anamorphose obtained during the pyrene excimer formation measurements some conclusions were made about the role of unmodified and hydrogenized egg yolk lecithin cluster formation in the determination of thermotropic properties of the liposomes from the above two lipids mixtures. High temperature phase transition discovered for the egg yolk lecithin while measuring the pyrene excimer formation is proposed to be closely connected with temperature-dependent changes in the organization of phospholipid heads on the interphase bilayer/H2O solution.  相似文献   
A method of rapid freezing in supercooled Freon 22 (monochlorodifluoromethane) followed by cryoultramicrotomy is described and shown to yield ultrathin sections in which both the cellular ultrastructure and the distribution of diffusible ions across the cell membrane are preserved and intracellular compartmentalization of diffusabler ions can be quantitated. Quantitative electron probe analysis (Shuman, H., A.V. Somlyo, and A.P. Somlyo. 1976. Ultramicros. 1:317-339.) of freeze-dried ultrathin cryto sections was found to provide a valid measure of the composition of cells and cellular organelles and was used to determine the ionic composition of the in situ terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), the distribution of CI in skeletal muscle, and the effects of hypertonic solutions on the subcellular composition if striated muscle. There was no evidence of sequestered CI in the terminal cisternae of resting muscles, although calcium (66mmol/kg dry wt +/- 4.6 SE) was detected. The values of [C1](i) determined with small (50-100 nm) diameter probes over cytoplasm excluding organelles over nuclei or terminal cisternae were not significantly different. Mitochondria partially excluded C1, with a cytoplasmic/ mitochondrial Ci ratio of 2.4 +/- 0.88 SD. The elemental concentrations (mmol/kg dry wt +/- SD) of muscle fibers measured with 0.5-9-μm diameter electron probes in normal frog striated muscle were: P, 302 +/- 4.3; S, 189 +/- 2.9;C1, 24 +/- 1.1;K, 404 +/- 4.3, and Mg, 39 +/- 2.1. It is concluded that: (a) in normal muscle the "excess CI" measured with previous bulk chemical analyses and flux studies is not compartmentalized in the SR or in other cellular organelles, and (b) the cytoplasmic C1 in low [K](0) solutions exceeds that predicted by a passive electrochemical distribution. Hypertonic 2.2 X NaCl, 2.5 X sucrose, or 2.2 X Na isethionate produced: (a) swollen vacuoles, frequently paired, adjacent to the Z lines and containing significantly higher than cytoplasmic concentrations of Na and Cl or S (isethionate), but no detectable Ca, and (b) granules of Ca, Mg, and P = approximately (6 Ca + 1 Mg)/6P in the longitudinal SR. It is concluded that hypertonicity produces compartmentalized domains of extracellular solutes within the muscle fibers and translocates Ca into the longitudinal tubules.  相似文献   
A comparative study of structural and functional organization of the polypeptides -- ACTH and wasp kinin was made. The effects of fragments Lys 17, 18-ACTH11(-18)-NH2--(I) and WK4(-12)--(II), possessing "common" fragments and a cluster of basic amino-acids, on the lipolytic and steroidogenic effects of ACTH and myotropic effects of bradykinin were studied. Both fragments I and II potentiate ACTH-induced lipolysis and steroidogenesis in isolated rat fat and adrenal cells but suppress the myotropic effect of bradykinin on guinea pig ileum. The similarity of biological effects of ACTH and WK fragments support our supposition on the similarity in structurally functional organization of these peptides.  相似文献   
A computer system DIROM for oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesisand artificial gene design has been designed for better experimentalplanning and control. DIROM permits searching for optimal oligonucleotideswith respect to certain important parameters, namely sufficientenergy of oligonucleotide-target hybridization, the secondarystructure of oligonuc-tide and target DNA, the presence of alternatebinding sites in the target DNA and terminal G/C pairs. It canalso be used to plan polymerase chain reaction experiments,for optimal primer selection, in sequencing, etc. DIROM enablesone to search for both existing and potential restriction sites,to perform vector + target sequence construction. The systemconsists of a set of original algorithms that formalize theempirical knowledge of oligonucleotide action as primers.  相似文献   
The exudation, composition, and biological activity of the phenolic compounds (PC) of pea (Pisum sativum L.) roots in the light and darkness were studied. The roots of leguminous plants grown for 5 days in darkness exuded a smaller amount of PC that displayed a weaker stimulation of Rhizobium reproduction. Moreover, the root exudates contained antimicrobial compounds, stilbenes. It is assumed that a lower PC exudation by roots and the specific features of PC composition influencing the biological activity are among the reasons causing a delayed nodulation of legumes grown in darkness.  相似文献   
We obtained a recombinant protein encoded by Schistosoma mansoni gene which was able to differentiate acute from chronic schistosomiasis when applied as antigen in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). A cDNA clone encoding a 26 kDa recombinant protein (RP26) was selected by screening of an adult worm S. mansoni λZAP expression library with rabbit sera produced against PIII, an adult worm protein fraction already known to possess protective and immunomodulating effects. The clone cDNA presented 99% identity with S. mansoni Sm22.3 gene. We assayed IgG reactivity of sera from 18 patients with acute, 25 patients with chronic S. mansoni infection and 20 uninfected donors with RP26 in ELISA. Our results showed that 89% of sera were positive in acute schistosomiasis group, and only 26% in chronic group, without false-positive reactions in uninfected group. In mice the immune response to RP26 increased up to week 9 after infection and then diminished. We proposed that production of antibodies binding to RP26 stopped at the chronic stage of disease. The testing of sera from eight other parasitic infections with RP26 revealed no positive reactions in majority of sera. However, we observed low positive reaction in sera from 20% of leishmaniasis patients. Our results indicate that a recombinant protein RP26 can be used as immunodiagnostic reagent for detection of acute phase of schistosomiasis mansoni.  相似文献   
The work was focused on the investigation of possible dependencies between the development of viral infection in plants and the presence of high heavy metal concentrations in soil. Field experiments have been conducted in order to study the development of systemic tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection in Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Miliana plants under effect of separate salts of heavy metals Cu, Zn and Pb deposited in soil. As it is shown, simultaneous effect of viral infection and heavy metals in tenfold maximum permissible concentration leads to decrease of total chlorophyll content in experiment plants mainly due to the degradation of chlorophyll a. The reduction of chlorophyll concentration under the combined influence of both stress factors was more serious comparing to the separate effect of every single factor. Plants' treatment with toxic concentrations of lead and zinc leaded to slight delay in the development of systemic TMV infection together with more than twofold increase of virus content in plants that may be an evidence of synergism between these heavy metal's and virus' effects. Contrary, copper although decreased total chlorophyll content but showed protective properties and significantly reduced amount of virus in plants.  相似文献   
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