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"Viili," a fermented milk product, has a firm but viscous consistency. It is produced with traditional mesophilic mixed-strain starters, which have various stabilities in dairy practice. Thirteen morphologically different types of phages were found in 90 viili samples studied by electron microscopy. Ten of the phage types had isometric heads with long, noncontractile tails, two had elongated heads with long, noncontractile tails, and one had a unique, very long elongated head with a short tail. Further morphological differences were found in the tail size and in the presence or absence of a collar, a baseplate, and a tail fiber. To find hosts for the industrially significant phages, we examined the sensitivities of 500 bacterial isolates from starters of the viili. Seven of the phages attacked Streptococcus cremoris strains, three attacked S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis strains, and four attacked Leuconostoc cremoris strains. Some phages differed only in their host specificity. Hosts were not found for 4 of the 13 morphological types of phages.  相似文献   
The glycans of well characterized, [6-3H]galactose-labelled glycopeptides, GC-4 from bovine IgG1 as well as GP-V-2 and GP-V-5 from α1-acid glycoprotein, were liberated by hydrazinolysis. Molecular weights close to the expected values were observed by gel filtration. Desialated glycans of Semliki Forest virus proteins were likewise liberated by hydrazinolysis and subjected to gel filtration. Metabolically labelled [1-3H]galactose-oligosaccharides of the mixed viral proteins revealed an apparent molecular weight of 1800. The bi-antennary glycan liberated from the reference glycopeptide GC-4 was of 1750 daltons. A mixture of [2-3H]mannose-labelled E1-and E2-proteins of the virus contained L-type glycans of 1800 daltons (formerly called A-type), and M-type glycans of 1200 daltons (formerly called B-type). A fraction of the E3-glycans isolated by affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose showed an average molecular weight of 2150, a value intermediate between the three- and four-antennary glycans liberated from the reference glycopeptides GP-V-5 and GP-V-2. The rest of the E3-glycans were of 1850 daltons, a value close to the bi-antennary GC-4 glycan. We suggest that the comparatively large size of the E3-glycans and the exposed position of E3-proteins on the viral surface may be interrelated.  相似文献   
A total of 179 non-spore-forming bacteria aerobically growing on Nutrient Agar, Plate Count Agar or in specific enrichment conditions for salmonella, campylobacteria, listeria, yersinia or staphylococci, were isolated from 16 untreated paper mill pulps. After phenotypical screening the isolates were characterised by automated ribotyping and partial sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. They could be divided into seven taxonomical classes representing 63 taxa (species): actinobacteria (11 species), bacilli (7), flavobacteria (3) alphaproteobacteria (10), betaproteobacteria (5), gammaproteobacteria (25) and sphingobacteria (2). Most of the gammaproteobacteria were enterobacteria, mainly species of the genera Enterobacter (7 species, 7 samples/3 mills) and Klebsiella (5 species, 6 samples/3 mills). Other commonly occurring bacteria were most closely related to Microbacterium barkeri (7 samples/3 mills), Cloacibacterium normanense (6 samples/2 mills), Pseudoxanthomonas taiwanensis (5 samples/2 mills) and Sphingobacterium composti (5 samples/1 mill). Sporadic isolates of Listeria innocua, L. monocytogenes, Enterococcus casseliflavus and Staphylococcus warneri were detected, from which only L. monocytogenes is considered to be a food pathogen. No isolates of the genera Campylobacter, Salmonella or Yersinia were detected. The detected bacteria may be harmful in process control, but the load of food pathogens with recycled fibres to paper machines is insignificant. Faecal contamination of the pulp samples was not indicated.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to differentiate the impact of lighting conditions and feeding times on the regulation of lipid metabolism of goats under different photoperiods throughout the year. Seven Finnish landrace goats were kept under artificial lighting that simulated the annual changes of photoperiod at 60 degrees N (the longest light period 18 h, the shortest 6 h). Ambient temperature and feeding regime were kept constant. Blood samples were collected six times a year at 2-h intervals for 2 days, first in light/dark (LD) conditions and then after 3 days in constant darkness (DD). Significant daily variations were detected in the concentrations of plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and glycerol throughout the year. The nocturnal decrease and morning rise of FFA levels were related to the photoperiod, while the trough levels of glycerol were associated with the concentrate meal times. In DD conditions, FFA and glycerol rhythms were unstable. A significant seasonal variation was detected in the overall FFA and glycerol levels suggesting decreased lipogenesis in winter, increased lipolysis in spring and high lipogenesis in summer and fall. There was no significant daily rhythm in serum leptin levels, nor did the profiles in LD and DD conditions differ. The leptin level was slightly lower in early fall than in the other seasons, paralleling a small decrease of body mass in the goats after the grazing season. The daily or annual variations of FFA and glycerol levels were not clearly related to leptin concentrations. The results suggest that lipid metabolism of goats is regulated by light even in constant temperature and feeding conditions; however, no significant contribution of leptin levels could be shown.  相似文献   
We studied the sleep-wake behavior of mentally retarded people from late winter to early summer at 60 degrees N. During this time the daylength increased 8 h 51 min. The data were collected by observing the sleep-wake status of 293 subjects at 20-min intervals for five randomized 24h periods (= recording days). The intervals during which the individual recording days of the same order (1st, 2nd, etc.) were carried out, were called recording periods. Consequently, there were five recording periods, each containing 293 individual recording days. Even though there was overlap among the recording periods, the median daylength from one period to another increased approximately by 100 min. In the initial statistical analysis, the number of wake-sleep transitions was found to differ significantly among the five recording periods (Friedman test, p < 0.001). The mean ranks in the Friedman test suggested that the number of wake-sleep transitions was highest during the 1st and lowest during the 5th recording period. In further statistical analyses using a program for mixed effects regression analysis (MIXOR 2.0) it was found that the increase in daylength during the study period was associated with a simultaneous decrease of approximately 0.5 wake-sleep transitions in the whole study population (p < 0.001). The decrease in the number of wake-sleep transitions was significant only in the subgroups of subjects with a daylength change of more than 350 min between the 1st and 5th recording days (Wilcoxon tests, p < 0.005). This suggests that after a marked prolongation of the natural photoperiod, the reduction in sleep episodes was more probable than after smaller changes in daylength. It is concluded that the sleep of mentally retarded people living in a rehabilitation center at a northern latitude is more fragmented in winter than in early summer and that the change is related probably to the simultaneous increase in the length of the natural photoperiod. The sleep quality of persons living in institutional settings might be improved by increasing the intensity and/or duration of daily artificial light exposure during the darker seasons.  相似文献   
Twenty samples were taken from the inner or outer surfaces of stone monuments of six historic Scottish buildings and ruins. Biofilms developing on mineral substrates were analysed by in situ scanning electron microscopy and cultivation. Various methods were used to characterize the isolates including automated ribotyping, RAPD and sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene for bacteria, and stereomicroscopy and sequencing of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) for fungi. Most samples contained microbes between 10(5) and 10(7)cfug(-1) substrate. Actinobacteria belonging to the genus Streptomyces (17 samples/5 monuments) or Arthrobacter (12/3) and Pseudomonas (9/3) were frequently detected. Most streptomycetes were in terms of their 16S rRNA gene sequence most closely related to S. microflavus (10/3) or to the undescribed species S. "vulgaris" (8/3). Indoor and outdoor biofilms exhibited significant differences in their microbiota, as shown by both microscopy and isolation studies. Pigmented coccoid Arthrobacter species were typical for the outdoor samples, whereas Pseudomonas species were common in the indoor samples. Based on the low phylogenetic relationship to a known species (type strain), potential novel pigmented bacterial species belonging to the genera Arthrobacter, Brevundimonas, Cryseobacterium, Deinococcus and Dyadobacter were detected from the outdoor samples and to Pseudomonas from the indoor samples. Hyaline fungal species of Acremonium (10/4) mainly occurred in indoor samples, whereas pigmented species of Cladosporium (8/3), Penicillium (6/3) and Phialophora (6/2) were found outdoors. Using in situ microscopy diatom algae were also detected.  相似文献   
The purpose of the study was to explore parallel and divergent features of the daily rhythms of melatonin and plasma free fatty acids (FFA) in goats exposed to different lighting conditions. From these features, we attempted to analyze whether the endogenous melatonin rhythm plays any role in the maintenance of the FFA rhythm. Seven Finnish landrace goats were kept under artificial lighting that simulated the annual changes of photoperiod at 60°N (longest photoperiod, 18 h; shortest, 6 h). The ambient temperature and feeding regimen were kept constant. Blood samples were collected 6 times a year at 2 h intervals for 2 d, first in the prevailing light-dark (LD) conditions and then after 3 d in constant darkness (DD). In LD conditions, the melatonin levels always increased immediately after lights-off and declined around lights-on, except in winter (18 h darkness), when the low daytime levels were restored clearly before lights-on. The FFA levels also displayed a consistent rhythmicity, with low levels at night and a transient peak around lights-on. In DD conditions, the melatonin profiles were very similar to those found in the habitual LD conditions, but the rhythm tended to advance. The FFA rhythm persisted also in DD, and the morning peak tended to advance. There was an overall parallelism between the two rhythms, with one significant exception. In winter in LD conditions, the morning rise in FFA levels coincided with lights-on and not with the declining phase of melatonin, whereas in DD conditions, the FFA peak advanced several hours and coincided with the declining phase of melatonin. From this finding and comparisons of the calculated rhythm characteristics, i.e., phase-shifts, phase differences, and correlations, we conclude that the daily rhythm of FFA levels is most probably generated by an endogenous oscillator, primarily adjusted by dawn, whereas the melatonin rhythm in this species is regulated by an oscillator primarily adjusted by dusk. The results did not exclude a modulatory effect of melatonin on the daily FFA profiles, but melatonin secretion, alone, does not explain the patterns sufficiently.  相似文献   
Unheated and heat-treated homogenates were separately prepared from candidate probiotic bacteria, including Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. We compared the phytohemagglutinin-induced proliferation of mononuclear cells in the presence of homogenates and in the presence of a control containing no homogenate by assessing thymidine incorporation in cell cultures. All homogenates suppressed proliferation, whether the enzymatic activity was inactivated or not inactivated by heating. When the proliferation assays were repeated with cytoplasmic and cell wall extracts derived from the homogenate of L. rhamnosus GG, the cytoplasmic extract but not the cell wall extract was suppressive. These findings indicate that candidate probiotic bacteria possess a heat-stable antiproliferative component(s). These bacteria may be used to generate microbiologically nonviable yet immunologically active probiotic food products that are easier to store and have a longer shelf life.  相似文献   
Probiotic and other functional microbes: from markets to mechanisms   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Insight into the diversity and function of the human intestinal microbiota has been stimulated by clinical studies with bacteria that exhibit specific functions and which are marketed as probiotics to positively affect our health. Initial efforts concentrated on establishing sound scientific support for the efficacy of these probiotic bacteria, which mainly include Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species. Following these evidence-based functional approaches, considerable research is now focused on the mechanisms of action of probiotic bacteria. The mechanisms identified to date mainly relate to the stimulation of host defence systems, immune modulation and the competitive exclusion of pathogens. Recent efficacy, molecular and genomics-based studies have also been reported for some probiotic strains that have found their position in the market place.  相似文献   
Semliki Forest virus was grown in BHK-21 cells. The major classes of phospho-and glycolipids of the virus were analyzed for the compositions of fatty acids, aldehydes, and sphingosine bases, and the major glycerophospholipids were analyzed for the relative proportions of alkenyl-acyl, alkyl-acyl, and diacyl forms. All viral lipid classes proved to be mixtures of several molecular species. Each class contained a characteristic mixture of fatty chains, which was different in all other classes. All viral lipid classes resembled their counterparts of the host plasma membrane and also those of the endoplasmic reticulum. The gangliosides of the virus and the plasma membrane proved to be similar even at the level of individual molecular species. The number of certain lipid molecules in an average virion was less than the number of the protein molecules.  相似文献   
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