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A monoclonal antibody (MoAb 11-4) was raised against K562, a human erythroleukemia cell line sensitive to natural killer cell-mediated cytotoxicity (NK-CMC). Immunological analysis revealed MoAb to be IgG2b. Alone, the MoAb was not cytotoxic for K562 and did not bind to the effector cells, but the addition of this antibody to macrophage-depleted human peripheral blood lymphocytes increased killing of K562 in a 4-hr NK-CMC assay. The maximum increase in NK-CMC was observed when MoAb 11-4 was added to target cells prior to the formation of effector/target cell conjugates. This effect was dose dependent, was specific for K562, and, contrary to conventional antisera, occurred at very low concentrations of MoAb. When MoAb was added either to Percoll-purified large granular lymphocytes (LGL) or to LGL-depleted lymphocytes, only the latter demonstrated a significant increase in the killing of K562 in a 4-hr chromium release assay. Kinetics studies revealed that although the overall LGL-mediated lysis was only slightly increased at 4 hr, the maximum lytic activity was reached within 2 hr. These studies suggest that (1) human LGL and LGL-depleted cell populations bear Fc receptors for mouse IgG2b and (2) although the cytotoxic activities of both cell populations are increased by treatment with MoAb 11-4, the kinetics of this increase are different.  相似文献   
Alternative metabolic fates of thymine nucleotides in human cells.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three types of experiments have been used to study the metabolism of thymine nucleotides by human cells. (1) Cells were labelled continuously with [3H]thymidine and the incorporation of label into DNA compared with the specific radioactivities of pools of individual thymine nucleotides separated by chromatography on polyethylene-imine-cellulose. (2) Cellular thymine nucleotides were labelled with [3H]thymidine at 13 degrees C, followed by incubation at 37 degrees C in unlabelled medium. Incorporation of label into DNA and loss of label from the nucleotide pools were monitored during the 'chase' period at 37 degrees C. (3) The experiments described in (2) above were repeated in the presence of the DNA-synthesis inhibitor cytosine arabinoside, in order to demonstrate more clearly and to quantify degradative pathways for thymine nucleotides. In phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated lymphocytes and in bone-marrow cells, only a proportion (25-60%) of labelled thymine nucleotide was incorporated into DNA, the rest being rapidly degraded and lost from the cell. In contrast, an established cell line (HPB-ALL) from a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia of thymic origin incorporated 100% of its exogenously labelled thymine nucleotides into DNA. These results indicated that alternative metabolic routes are open to thymine nucleotides in human cells. In lymphocytes from patients with megaloblastic anaemia and in normal lymphocytes treated with methotrexate, the utilization of labelled thymine nucleotides for DNA synthesis was more efficient than in controls. These results offer an explanation for the observation of a normal pool of thymidine triphosphate in the cells of patients with untreated megaloblastic anaemia even though the amount of this compound available for DNA synthesis appears to be decreased.  相似文献   
Different wound dressings with antibacterial property have been surveyed and one among them is bacterial cellulose (BC). Since the BC does not have antibacterial property, the biologically produced silver nanoparticles (SNPs) were impregnated into the BC. For the BC production, Hestrin–Schramm broth was used. Formation of the BC was proven by enzymatic hydrolysis. For SNPs production, the bacterial supernatant was treated with AgNO3 and formation of SNPs was monitored through spectrophotometer, TEM and XRD. For impregnation of SNPs into the BC, the cleaned membrane was placed in the bacterial supernatant that contained 1 mmol of AgNO3. The antibacterial assay was done for the BC/SNPs. Enzymatic hydrolysis proved the presence of the BC. Spectrophotometer and XRD results showed the formation of SNPs. TEM analysis revealed the presence of SNPs with sizes around 5–100 nm. SEM micrographs showed the impregnation of SNPs into the BC. Antibacterial test exhibited the antibacterial activity of the BC/SNPs.  相似文献   
The interaction between bovin β-Lactoglobulin (β-LG) and retinol at two different pH values was investigated by multispectroscopic, zeta potential, molecular modeling, and conductometry measurements. The steady state and polarization fluorescence spectroscopy revealed that complex formation at two different pH values could occur through a remarkable static quenching. According to fluorescence quenching, one set of binding site at pH 2 and two sets of binding sites at pH 7 were introduced for binding of retinol to β-LG that show the enhancement of saturation score of β-LG to retinol in dimmer condition. The polarization fluorescence analysis represented that there is more affinity between β-LG and retinol at pH 7 rather than at pH 2. The effect of retinol on β-LG was studied by UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), and synchronous fluorescence, which indicated that retinol induced more structural changes on β-LG at pH 7. β-LG–retinol complex formation at two different pH values was recorded via applying resonance light scattering (RLS) and zeta potential. Conductometry and RLS showed two different behaviors of interaction between β-LG and retinol at two different pH values; therefore, dimmer formation played important roles in different behaviors of interaction between β-LG and retinol. The zeta potential was the implied combination of electrostatic and hydrophobic forces which are involved in β-LG–retinol complex at two different pH values, and the hydrophobic interactions play a dominant role in complex formation. Molecular modeling was approved by all experimental results. The acquired results suggested that monomer and dimmer states of β-LG can be induced by retinol with different behaviors.  相似文献   
Peristaltic contraction of the embryonic heart tube produces time- and spatial-varying wall shear stress (WSS) and pressure gradients (∇P) across the atrioventricular (AV) canal. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a genetically tractable system to investigate cardiac morphogenesis. The use of Tg(fli1a:EGFP)y1 transgenic embryos allowed for delineation and two-dimensional reconstruction of the endocardium. This time-varying wall motion was then prescribed in a two-dimensional moving domain computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, providing new insights into spatial and temporal variations in WSS and ∇P during cardiac development. The CFD simulations were validated with particle image velocimetry (PIV) across the atrioventricular (AV) canal, revealing an increase in both velocities and heart rates, but a decrease in the duration of atrial systole from early to later stages. At 20-30 hours post fertilization (hpf), simulation results revealed bidirectional WSS across the AV canal in the heart tube in response to peristaltic motion of the wall. At 40-50 hpf, the tube structure undergoes cardiac looping, accompanied by a nearly 3-fold increase in WSS magnitude. At 110-120 hpf, distinct AV valve, atrium, ventricle, and bulbus arteriosus form, accompanied by incremental increases in both WSS magnitude and ∇P, but a decrease in bi-directional flow. Laminar flow develops across the AV canal at 20-30 hpf, and persists at 110-120 hpf. Reynolds numbers at the AV canal increase from 0.07±0.03 at 20-30 hpf to 0.23±0.07 at 110-120 hpf (p< 0.05, n=6), whereas Womersley numbers remain relatively unchanged from 0.11 to 0.13. Our moving domain simulations highlights hemodynamic changes in relation to cardiac morphogenesis; thereby, providing a 2-D quantitative approach to complement imaging analysis.  相似文献   
Sorafenib tosylate (SORt) is an oral multikinase inhibitor used for treatment of advanced renal cell, liver, and thyroid cancers. In this study, this drug was synthesized and its antiproliferative activities against HCT116 and CT26 cells were assessed. The interaction of SORt with β‐lactoglobulin (BLG) was studied using different fluorescence techniques, circular dichroism (CD), zeta potential measurements, and docking simulation. The results of infrared (IR), mass, HNMR, and CNMR spectra demonstrated that the drug was produced with high quality, purity, and efficiency. SORt showed potent cytotoxicity against HCT116 and CT26 cells with IC50 of 8.12 and 5.42 μM, respectively. For BLG binding of SORt, the results showed that static quenching was the cause of the high affinity drug–protein interaction. Three‐dimensional fluorescence and synchronous spectra indicated that SORt conformation was changed at different levels. CD suggested that the α‐helix content remained almost constant in the BLG–SORt complex, whereas random coil content decreased. Zeta potential values of BLG were more positive after binding with SORt, due to electrostatic interactions between BLG and SORt. Thermodynamic parameters confirmed van der Waals and hydrogen bond interactions in the complex formation. Molecular modelling predicted the presence of hydrogen bonds and electrostatic forces in the BLG–SORt system, which was consistent with the experimental results.  相似文献   
Plodia interpunctella and Oryzaephilus surinamensis are found in food storehouses including dates and palm storages. The current study aimed to determine competition and overlap potentials of the two pests of date fruits. Time series models were used to study two species populations and logistic growth model to estimate the effect of density of the species. The results revealed the environmental capacities of O. surinamensis and P. interpunctella were 433 and 1610 (maximum number per 20 g), respectively, and the population growth rates (r) were 1.2 and 1.3, respectively. Ecological balances of the two species were close to each other from the first to the third week. The population of O. surinamensis decreased in the fourth week of the competition. The highest population balance of the two species was in the 14th week. The potential of exploitable ecological niches (eij) and the amount of non-exploited ecological niches by any species (zij) for O. surinamensis was higher than for P. interpunctella from the 8th week untill the end of sampling period. The overlap of ecological niches in the two species (D) ranged from 0.94 to 1, indicating a complete overlap of temporal activity in the two populations on date palm. The current results of this study can be used by integrated pest management specialists. Information over the effects of species competition on population dynamics and their coexistence can be used to predict population status and to adopt simple pest control methods.  相似文献   
A small number of stress-responsive genes, such as those of the mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase complex, are encoded by both the nucleus and mitochondria. The regulatory mechanism of these joint products is mysterious. The expression of 6-kDa subunit (MtATP6), a relatively uncharacterized nucleus-encoded subunit of F0 part, was measured during salinity stress in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive cultivated wheat genotypes, as well as in the wild wheat genotypes, Triticum and Aegilops using qRT-PCR. The MtATP6 expression was suddenly induced 3 h after NaCl treatment in all genotypes, indicating an early inducible stress-responsive behavior. Promoter analysis showed that the MtATP6 promoter includes cis-acting elements such as ABRE, MYC, MYB, GTLs, and W-boxes, suggesting a role for this gene in abscisic acid-mediated signaling, energy metabolism, and stress response. It seems that 6-kDa subunit, as an early response gene and nuclear regulatory factor, translocates to mitochondria and completes the F1F0-ATP synthase complex to enhance ATP production and maintain ion homeostasis under stress conditions. These communications between nucleus and mitochondria are required for inducing mitochondrial responses to stress pathways. Dual targeting of 6-kDa subunit may comprise as a mean of inter-organelle communication and save energy for the cell. Interestingly, MtATP6 showed higher and longer expression in the salt-tolerant wheat and the wild genotypes compared to the salt-sensitive genotype. Apparently, salt-sensitive genotypes have lower ATP production efficiency and weaker energy management than wild genotypes; a stress tolerance mechanism that has not been transferred to cultivated genotypes.  相似文献   
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