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Fetal lung surfactant lipid synthesis from glycogen during organ culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of fetal lung glycogen as a precursor for lipids during late gestational development was explored by a combination of in vivo labeling with [U-14C]glucose, administered directly to rat fetuses at 18.5 days, and in vitro assessment using an organ explant culture system. Our major objectives were to demonstrate that radioactivity was transferred specifically and preferentially to surfactant lipids, as glycogenolysis occurred, and to determine the molecular distribution of 14C labeling in newly synthesized phosphatidylcholine (PC). Surfactant and residual (non-surfactant) lipids were separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and other subcellular fractions such as microsomes were isolated by subsequent centrifugations. After 72 h of culture, there was a 5.7-fold increase in the concentration of PC in the surfactant fraction, which contributed 8.8% of total PC at the beginning and 29.6% (P less than 0.001) at the end of the 72 h period. The labeling of PC in the surfactant fraction increased markedly during culture, but there was no significant change in the residual fraction or microsomal PC. Hydrolysis of surfactant PC indicated that the radioactivity was predominantly located in the fatty acyl portion of the molecule, both before and after culture; however, PC glycerol labeling also increased significantly during culture. The distribution of PC radioactivity was similar in the residual fraction and microsomes, with the majority of 14C in the fatty acids. Neutral lipid radioactivity also increased significantly in both the surfactant (240%) and residual (136%) fractions. Quantitation of the changes in radioactivity among subcellular components during lung explant culture indicated that the greatest decrease occurred in glycogen, whereas only lipids, particularly those of the surfactant fraction, were found to show significant increases. These results support the hypothesis that glycogen, which accumulates in fetal lung prior to augmented surfactant production, can supply precursors for synthesis of functionally essential pulmonary phospholipids.  相似文献   
A 100 kDa nucleolar protein which is transitorely associated with preribosomes in the nucleoli of Chinese hamster ovary cells has been found to be specifically cleaved by a thiol protease. During an in vitro incubation of nucleoli, the 100 kDa protein is processed into eight different proteins which are detected by immunoreaction with a serum raised against the 100 kDa protein. qualitative and quantitative variations in the maturation products of the 100 kDa protein are obtained by in vitro incubation of the 60S and 80S preribosomes. The 100 kDa protein has been purified to homogeneity with the protease activity still associated. The properties of the enzyme are described and its role in the maturation of preribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and noradrenaline clearance are highly correlated in anesthetized dogs (ratio CNA-3H/GFR approximately 1).  相似文献   
Nucleolin (C23 or 100 kDa) is a major nucleolar phosphoprotein whose primary structure has recently been determined (Lapeyre, B., Bourbon, H., and Amalric, F. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 84, 1472-1476) and found to be associated with preribosomal RNA (Herrera, A. H., and Olson, M. O. J. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 6258-6263). To identify the RNA binding region of the molecule, cyanogen bromide fragments were tested for binding of 18 S and 28 S ribosomal RNA by a "Western blotting" technique. Fragments with apparent molecular masses of 13, 33, and 47 kDa bound RNA with no preference for either 18 S or 28 S RNA. By protein sequencing, these fragments were localized in the carboxyl-terminal two-thirds of the molecule. The nucleolin sequence was searched for the ribonucleoprotein consensus sequence found in other RNA binding proteins. Four copies of a closely related 11-residue sequence were found within 80-90 residue repeats in the RNA binding region between residues 285 and 629. These results suggest that a highly conserved structure for the binding of different classes of RNA is utilized by several proteins.  相似文献   
Little is known about pharmaceutical and personal care products pollutants (PPCPs), but there is a growing interest in how they might impact the environment and microbial communities. The widespread use of Viagra (sildenafil citrate) has attracted great attention because of the high usage rate, the unpredictable disposal and the unknown potential effects on wildlife and the environment. Until now information regarding the impact of Viagra on microbial community in water environment has not been reported. In this research, for the first time, the genetic profile of the microbial community, developing in a Viagra polluted water environment, was evaluated by means of the 16S and 18S rRNA genes, for bacteria and fungi, respectively, amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and separated using the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. The DGGE results revealed a complex microbial community structure with most of the population persisting throughout the experimental period. DNA sequences from bands observed in the different denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles exhibited the highest degree of identity to uncultured bacteria and fungi found previously mainly in polluted environmental and treating bioreactors. Biotransformation ability of sildenafil citrate by the microbial pool was studied and the capability of these microorganisms to detoxify a polluted water ecosystem was assessed. The bacterial and fungal population was able to degrade sildenafil citrate entirely. Additionally, assays conducted on Daphnia magna, algal growth inhibition assay and cell viability determination on HepG2 human cells showed that biotransformation products obtained from the bacterial growth was not toxic. The higher removal efficiency for sildenafil citrate and the lack of toxicity by the biotransformation products obtained showed that the microbial community identified here represented a composite population that might have biotechnological relevance to retrieve sildenafil citrate contaminated sites.  相似文献   
Desulfovibrio species are Gram-negative anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria that colonize the human gut. Recently, Desulfovibrio spp. have been implicated in gastrointestinal diseases and shown to stimulate the epithelial immune response, leading to increased production of inflammatory cytokines by macrophages. Activated macrophages are key cells of the immune system that impose nitrosative stress during phagocytosis. Hence, we have analyzed the in vitro and in vivo responses of Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough to nitric oxide (NO) and the role of the hybrid cluster proteins (HCP1 and HCP2) and rubredoxin oxygen oxidoreductases (ROO1 and ROO2) in NO protection. Among the four genes, hcp2 was the gene most highly induced by NO, and the hcp2 transposon mutant exhibited the lowest viability under conditions of NO stress. Studies in murine macrophages revealed that D. vulgaris survives incubation with these phagocytes and triggers NO production at levels similar to those stimulated by the cytokine gamma interferon (IFN-γ). Furthermore, D. vulgaris hcp and roo mutants exhibited reduced viability when incubated with macrophages, revealing that these gene products contribute to the survival of D. vulgaris during macrophage infection.  相似文献   
Insect cell lines such as Sf9 and High Five™ have been widely used to produce recombinant proteins mostly by the lytic baculovirus vector system. We have recently established an expression platform in Sf9 cells using a fluorescence-based recombinase mediated cassette exchange (RMCE) strategy which has similar development timelines but avoids baculovirus infection. To expedite cell engineering efforts, a robust fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) protocol optimized for insect cells was developed here. The standard sorting conditions used for mammalian cells proved to be unsuitable, resulting in post-sorting viabilities below 10% for both cell lines. We found that the extreme sensitivity to the shear stress displayed by Sf9 and High Five™ cells was the limiting factor, and using Pluronic F-68 in the cell suspension could increase post-sorting viabilities in a dose dependent manner. The newly developed protocol was then used to sort stable populations of both cell lines tagged with a DsRed-expressing cassette. Before sorting, the average fluorescence intensity of the Sf9 cell population was 3-fold higher than that of the High Five™ cell population. By enriching with the 10% strongest DsRed-fluorescent cells, the productivity of both cell populations could be successfully improved. The established sorting protocol potentiates the use of RMCE technology for recombinant protein production in insect cells.  相似文献   
The mechanisms that regulate skin pigmentation have been the subject of intense research in recent decades. In contrast with melanin biogenesis and transport within melanocytes, little is known about how melanin is transferred and processed within keratinocytes. Several models have been proposed for how melanin is transferred, with strong evidence supporting coupled exo/endocytosis. Recently, two reports suggest that upon internalization, melanin is stored within keratinocytes in an arrested compartment, allowing the pigment to persist for long periods. In this commentary, we identify a striking parallelism between melanin processing within keratinocytes and the host‐pathogen interaction with Plasmodium, opening new avenues to understand the complex molecular mechanisms that ensure skin pigmentation and photoprotection.   相似文献   
Efficient regeneration of NAD(P)+ cofactors is essential for large-scale application of alcohol dehydrogenases due to the high cost and chemical instability of these cofactors. NAD(P)+ can be regenerated effectively using NAD(P)H oxidases (NOXs) that require molecular oxygen as a cosubstrate. In large-scale biocatalytic processes, agitation and aeration are needed for sufficient oxygen transfer into the liquid phase, both of which have been shown to significantly increase the rate of enzyme deactivation. As such, the aim of this study was to identify the existence of a correlation between enzyme stability and gas–liquid interfacial area inside the bioreactor. This was done by measuring gas–liquid interfacial areas inside an aerated stirred reactor, using an in situ optical probe, and simultaneously measuring the kinetic stability of NOXs. Following enzyme incubation at various power inputs and gas-phase compositions, the residual activity was assessed and video samples were analyzed through an image processing algorithm. Enzyme deactivation was found to be proportional to an increase in interfacial area up to a certain limit, where power input appears to have a higher impact. Furthermore, the presence of oxygen increased enzyme deactivation rates at low interfacial areas. The areas were validated with defined glass beads and found to be in the range of those in large-scale bioreactors. Finally, a correlation between the enzyme half-life and specific interfacial area was obtained. Therefore, we conclude that the method developed in this contribution can help to predict the behavior of biocatalyst stability under industrially relevant conditions, concerning specific gas–liquid interfacial areas.  相似文献   
The human splicing factor 2, also called human alternative splicing factor (hASF), is the prototype of the highly conserved SR protein family involved in constitutive and regulated splicing of metazoan mRNA precursors. Here we report that the Drosophila homologue of hASF (dASF) lacks eight repeating arginine-serine dipeptides at its carboxyl-terminal region (RS domain), previously shown to be important for both localization and splicing activity of hASF. While this difference has no effect on dASF localization, it impedes its capacity to shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm and abolishes its phosphorylation by SR protein kinase 1 (SRPK1). dASF also has an altered splicing activity. While being competent for the regulation of 5' alternative splice site choice and activation of specific splicing enhancers, dASF fails to complement S100-cytoplasmic splicing-deficient extracts. Moreover, targeted overexpression of dASF in transgenic flies leads to higher deleterious developmental defects than hASF overexpression, supporting the notion that the distinctive structural features at the RS domain between the two proteins are likely to be functionally relevant in vivo.  相似文献   
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