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Bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) blotted to polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranes was detected by a technique adapted from current methodologies used to detect glycoproteins. PVDF-bound LPS was coupled to a hapten and localized on the membrane by Western blotting with an antibody-alkaline phosphatase conjugate specific for the hapten. Immobilon blots could be made reversibly transparent for photography and densitometry.  相似文献   
Space use including territoriality and spatial arrangement within a population can reveal important information on the nature, dynamics, and evolutionary maintenance of alternative strategies in color polymorphic species. Despite the prevalence of color polymorphic species as model systems in evolutionary biology, the interaction between space use and genetic structuring of morphs within populations has rarely been examined. Here, we assess the spatial and genetic structure of male throat color morphs within a population of the tawny dragon lizard, Ctenophorus decresii. Male color morphs do not differ in morphology but differ in aggressive and antipredator behaviors as well as androgen levels. Despite these behavioral and endocrine differences, we find that color morphs do not differ in territory size, with their spatial arrangement being essentially random with respect to each other. There were no differences in genetic diversity or relatedness between morphs; however, there was significant, albeit weak, genetic differentiation between morphs, which was unrelated to geographic distance between individuals. Our results indicate potential weak barriers to gene flow between some morphs, potentially due to nonrandom pre‐ or postcopulatory mate choice or postzygotic genetic incompatibilities. However, space use, spatial structure, and nonrandom mating do not appear to be primary mechanisms maintaining color polymorphism in this system, highlighting the complexity and variation in alternative strategies associated with color polymorphism.  相似文献   
Summary Small plasmids ofClostridium acetobutylicum and related strains were isolated and studied. Their restriction maps were established and different hybrid plasmids were constructed by ligation with plasmid pHV33.  相似文献   
Summary The human genome contains a large number of interspersed simple repeat sequences that are variable in length and can therefore serve as highly informative, polymorphic markers. Typing procedures include conventional multilocus and single locus probing, and polymerase chain reaction aided analysis. We have identified simple sequences in a cosmid clone stemming from the human Y chromosome and consisting of (gata)n repeats. We have compared these with two equivalent simple repeat loci from chromosome 12. After amplifying the tandemly repeated motifs, we detected between four and eight different alleles at each of the three loci. Codominant inheritance of the alleles was established in family studies and the informativity of the simple repeat loci was determined by typing unrelated individuals. The polymorphisms are suitable for application in linkage studies, practical forensic case work, deficiency cases in paternity determination, and for studying ethnological questions. The mutational mechanisms that bring about changes in simple repeats located both on the autosomes and on the sex chromosomes, are discussed.Professor Dr. Otto Prokop (Humboldt-Universität Berlin) on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   
Conclusion La technique à l'hématoxyline au plomb de Mac Conaill permet l'identification d'un type cellulaire situé dans la pars distalis rostrale, en bordure des ramifications de la neurohypophyse dans l'hypophyse de plusieurs Poissons Téléostéens; il est également colorable par le bleu d'alizarine d'Herlant; toutefois, l'intensité de ces deux réactions tinctoriales est très variable selon les espèces. Chez l'Anguille, les Salmonidés et le Cyprin, la nature corticotrope de ces cellules est établie expérimentalement. La colorabilité par l'hématoxyline d'une autre catégorie cellulaire dans la pars intermedia laisse supposer l'existence de constituants communs aux deux types cellulaires, et peut-être même à leurs produits d'élaboration. Cette communauté de certains aminoacides entre l'ACTH et l'intermédine a déjà été démontrée chez divers Mammifères.  相似文献   
Résumé 45 Anguilles sont maintenues (32 h. à 46 jours) en eau déminéralisée (désionisée ou distillée). On note un assombrissement de la pigmentation, une hypertrophie importante de la vésicule biliaire et des modifications du système hypothalamo-hypophysaire.Dans la pars distalis rostrale, les cellules à prolactine subissent une régression, ne semblant plus élaborer de granulations. Les cellules corticotropes sont faiblement stimulées, partiellement dégranulées, en accord avec la légère activation de l'interrénal. Les cellules thyréotropes apparaissent souvent peu actives après 46 jours; cependant, l'examen préliminaire des thyroïdes ne montre pas d'hypoactivité. Dans la pars distalis proximale, les cellules gonadotropes ne sont pas modifiées; les cellules somatotropes sont stimulées: hypertrophie nucléaire et nucléolaire, développement de l'ergastoplasme, sans dégranulation complète. Leur rôle dans l'osmorégulation est discuté. Dans le lobe intermédiaire, les cellules du type 1, hématoxyline au plomb positives, prédominent chez les témoins; elles subissent une stimulation avec dégranulation partielle correspondant peut-être à l'assombrissement de la pigmentation. Le type 2, PAS positif, s'hypertrophie et s'hyperplasie rapidement en eau déminéralisée. Cette hyperactivité indiquerait un rôle dans l'osmorégulation. Le neuroséorétat s'accumule, puis tend à diminuer, la neurohypophyse étant de volume réduit. Le noyau préoptique paraît peu actif. L'hypothèse d'une faible utilisation des produits élaborés par l'axe hypothalamo-neurohypophysaire est envisagée. En plus de l'interrénal et des corpuscules de Stannius, l'hypothalamus et l'hypophyse interviennent donc dans la réponse de l'Anguille à une déminéralisation du milieu ambiant.
Summary 45 male silver eels were kept from 32 hours to 46 days in demineralized (distilled or deionized) water. They show a darkening of the skin, a hypertrophy of the gall-bladder and some modifications of the hypothalamo-neuro-adenohypophysial system.In the rostral pars distalis, the prolactin cells regressed and appeared chromophobic. The corticotrophic cells are slightly stimulated and partly degranulated, in correlation with some activation of the interrenal, previously described. The thyrotrophic cells do not appear active at the end of the experiment, however the thyroid glands are not often inactive.In the proximal pars distalis, the gonadotrophic cells remain undifferentiated. The somatotrophic cells are strongly stimulated: a cellular, nuclear and nucleolar hyperactivity, without degranulation and a development of the ergastoplasm are observed. Their role in osmoregulation and metabolism of potassium is discussed.The pars intermedia is composed of two cell types: one of which is predominant, leadhematoxylin positive. It could elaborate the MSH (intermedin). In demineralized water, it is partly degranulated and progressively stimulated, perhaps in correlation with the darkening of the pigmentation. The other cell type is PAS positive, and not abundant in the control fish. In the treated fish, rapid hyperplasia and hypertrophy occur, with cytoplasmic degranulation and mitotic activity, so that it becomes predominant in this lobe after a month or more in demineralized water. Cytologic criteria indicate a great hyperactivity which seems to play a role in the processes of the osmoregulation; this hypothesis is discussed.The neurosecretory material tends to increase, as a storage, then to decrease in the neurohypophysis which is of a reduced volume. The preoptic nucleus does not appear active. In addition to the modifications of the interrenal and the corpuscles of Stannius previously described, the changes in the hypothalamus and the pituitary constitute evidence of their important role in the reaction of the eel to a demineralized environment.

Ce travail a été réalisé avec la collaboration technique de Mademoiselle Jacqueline Olivereau, du C.N.R.S., que nous remercions bien vivement: elle nous a beaucoup aidée au cours de ces expériences, en particulier lors des changements quotidiens de l'eau distillée ou désionisée, et a réalisé toutes les préparations histologiques et les microphotographies illustrant cet article.  相似文献   
Alu elements are a class of repetitive DNA sequences found throughout the human genome that are thought to be duplicated via an RNA intermediate in a process termed retroposition. Recently inserted Alu elements are closely related, suggesting that they are derived from a single source gene or closely related source genes. Analysis of the type III collagen gene (COL3A1) revealed a polymorphic Alu insertion in intron 8 of the gene. The Alu insertion in the COL3A1 gene had a high degree of nucleotide identity to the Sb family of Alu elements, a family of older Alu elements. The Alu sequence was less similar to the consensus sequence for the PV or Sb2 subfamilies, subfamilies of recently inserted Alu elements. These data support the observations that at least three source genes are active in the human genome, one of which is distinct from the PV and Sb2 subfamilies and predates either of these two subfamilies. Appearance of the Alu insertion in different ethnic populations suggests that the insertion may have occurred in the last 100,000 years. This Alu insert should be a useful marker for population studies and for marking COL3A1 alleles.  相似文献   
The 8-methoxycarbonyloctyl glycosides of GlcNAc, Gal1-4Glc, Fuc1-2Fuc1-3GalNac and Fuc1-2Gal1-3[Fuc1-4]GlcNac were converted to primary amines by reaction with neat ethylenediamine and then coupled to bovine serum albumin (BSA) using diethyl squarate as the connector. The average degree of incorporation of the sugar onto the protein, as well as the molecular weight distribution, could be conveniently determined using matrix assisted laser desorption ionization/time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry thus avoiding cumbersome structure-dependent colour-tests or analysis of cleaved ligand. The present coupling method has the advantages of proceeding under very mild conditions, yielding controlled incorporation values and can reliably be used for the coupling of very small amounts (mg) of oligosaccharide.This paper is dedicated to Sen-itiroh Hakomori on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   
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