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An apparatus is described by means of which Lemna perpusilla 6746 was grown photoautotrophically at a series of constant concentrations of inorganic sulfate, as low as 0.26 μm. Theoretical considerations relevant to this system are discussed and examples of the operation of the apparatus are presented. The data obtained were used to calculate sulfate uptake by the plant colonies as a function of sulfate concentration. The apparatus should be useful for the production of relatively large quantities of Lemna, grown under highly uniform conditions, with or without limitation of one or more nutrient(s). Other small vegetatively reproducing aquatic plants could be similarly studied. Uptake studies could be carried out on a variety of plant materials.  相似文献   
The effect of neurotensin on submaximally-stimulated hepatobiliary and pancreatic secretion was studied in 6 healthy subjects. An intravenous infusion of neurotensin 1.4 ± 0.3 pmol/kg/min, designed to reproduce plasma neurotensin immunoreactivity levels within the physiological range, produced a significant increase in pancreatic bicarbonate output. Plasma concentrations of pancreatic polypeptide rose by 83 ± 16 pmol/l and were associated with a small reduction in trypsin, but no significant change in bilirubin outputs.  相似文献   
The dark respiration rate of discs from fully expanded tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum) increased linearly with decreasing diameter, the relative increase being independent of leaf age. The wound respiration responsible for this situation reached a plateau within 15 minutes of excision. Metabolite analysis gave evidence for two independent effects, also unrelated to age. The first was a forward crossover between phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate which was found as early as 1 minute after excision and persisted for up to 40 minutes. It was attributed to activation of pyruvate kinase by a changed ionic balance resulting from membrane damage, was accompanied by a reverse crossover between triose phosphates and 3-phosphoglycerate, and was localized in the outer region of the discs. The second effect was a rapid rise in hexose monophosphate and ATP levels throughout the discs. After 1 to 10 minutes the ATP/ADP ratio rose strongly for at least 3 hours; after 20 to 40 minutes there was net synthesis of adenine nucleotide as ATP. These results indicate that extrapolation from leaf discs to intact leaves is highly inadvisable.  相似文献   
A method is presented for determining the levels of S-methylmethionine (MeMet) and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) in the same plant tissue sample, utilizing readily available equipment. The bottom limit of sensitivity, ca. 100 pmol, can be lowered if required. A trichloracetic acid homogenate of the tissue is supplemented with [carboxyl-14C]MeMet and [carboxyl-14C]AdoMet. After separation of MeMet and AdoMet from each other and from endogenous homoserine on a phosphocellulose column, the two fractions are heat treated at appropriate pH values to liberate [14C]homoserine. Quantitation is via the 3H/14C ratio of [3H]dansyl-[14C]homoserine isolated by thin-layer chromatography. The method is validated with pea cotyledon, corn root, and cauliflower leaf.  相似文献   
In a project on the biodiversity of chickens funded by the European Commission (EC), eight laboratories collaborated to assess the genetic variation within and between 52 populations from a wide range of chicken types. Twenty-two di-nucleotide microsatellite markers were used to genotype DNA pools of 50 birds from each population. The polymorphism measures for the average, the least polymorphic population (inbred C line) and the most polymorphic population (Gallus gallus spadiceus) were, respectively, as follows: number of alleles per locus, per population: 3.5, 1.3 and 5.2; average gene diversity across markers: 0.47, 0.05 and 0.64; and proportion of polymorphic markers: 0.91, 0.25 and 1.0. These were in good agreement with the breeding history of the populations. For instance, unselected populations were found to be more polymorphic than selected breeds such as layers. Thus DNA pools are effective in the preliminary assessment of genetic variation of populations and markers. Mean genetic distance indicates the extent to which a given population shares its genetic diversity with that of the whole tested gene pool and is a useful criterion for conservation of diversity. The distribution of population-specific (private) alleles and the amount of genetic variation shared among populations supports the hypothesis that the red jungle fowl is the main progenitor of the domesticated chicken.  相似文献   
The hydrolysis of starch to low-molecular-weight products (normally characterised by their dextrose equivalent (DE), which is directly related to the number-average molecular mass) was studied at different temperatures. Amylopectin potato starch, lacking amylose, was selected because of its low tendency towards retrogradation at lower temperatures. Bacillus licheniformis alpha-amylase was added to 10% [w/w] gelatinised starch solutions. The hydrolysis experiments were done at 50, 70, and 90 degrees C. Samples were taken at defined DE values and these were analysed with respect to their saccharide composition. At the same DE the oligosaccharide composition depended on the hydrolysis temperature. This implies that at the same net number of bonds hydrolysed by the enzyme, the saccharide composition was different. The hydrolysis temperature also influenced the initial overall molecular-weight distribution. Higher temperatures led to a more homogenous molecular weight distribution. Similar effects were observed for alpha-amylases from other microbial sources such as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Bacillus stearothermophilus. Varying the pH (5.1, 6.2, and 7.6) at 70 degrees C did not significantly influence the saccharide composition obtained during B. licheniformis alpha-amylase hydrolysis. The underlying mechanisms for B. licheniformis alpha-amylase were studied using pure linear oligosaccharides, ranging from maltotriose to maltoheptaose as substrates. Activation energies for the hydrolysis of individual oligosaccharides were calculated from Arrhenius plots at 60, 70, 80, and 90 degrees C. Oligosaccharides with a degree of polymerisation exceeding that of the substrate could be detected. The contribution of these oligosaccharides increased as the degree of polymerisation of the substrate decreased and the temperature of hydrolysis increased. The product specificity decreased with increasing temperature of hydrolysis, which led to a more equal distribution between the possible products formed. Calculations with the subsite map as determined for the closely related alpha-amylase from B. amyloliquefaciens reconfirmed this finding of a decreased substrate specificity with increased temperature of hydrolysis. Copyright 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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