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Thirteen species of nematodes from the family Epsilonematidae Steiner, 1927 were found to be associated with a cold-water coral reef in the Porcupine Seabight. Among them, four species were already known from various locations such as Chile and Papua New Guinea. Three new species are described here: Glochinema trispinatumsp. n. is recognized by three dorsal thorns in the pharyngeal region. This species was also recovered from the Antarctic shelf. Epsilonema multispiralumsp. n. is characterised by a multispiral amphid consisting of 3.25 coils. Bathyepsilonema lopheliaesp. n. is characterised by its body length, the position and relative width of the amphids and the nature of the cuticular ornamentation. Within the subfamily Glochinematinae Lorenzen, 1974, the number and arrangement of ambulatory setae is considered not to be of diagnostic importance. The former species Metaglochinema strigosumGourbault & Decraemer, 1993 is therefore classified under the genus GlochinemaLorenzen, 1974. The original genus diagnosis of Metaglochinema, now a monotypic genus, is adjusted. The geographic distribution of epsilonematid nematodes is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Following a single acute exposure to chlorine gas, persistenteffects on epicuticular waxes, cuticular transpiration, treegrowth and mortality were studied in foliage of Pinus ponderosaand Pseudotsuga menziesii for three growing seasons. Chlorinegas exposure caused foliar injury to both exposed foliage andfoliage that flushed after exposure (P < 0.05). The tendencyto form films of water rather than droplets was greater in directlyexposed foliage (P < 0.001). Rates of cuticular transpirationwere higher for directly and indirectly exposed foliage of Pinusponderosa up to 1 year after exposure and up to 6 months afterexposure for directly exposed Pseudotsuga menziesii(P < 0.001),after which P. menziesii needles defoliated. Total water content(TWC) and relative water content were significantly correlatedwith foliar injury (P < 0.05). TWC was lower for directlyexposed foliage up to 1 year after exposure (P < 0.001).There was no persistent negative effect on Fv/Fm ratios after1 year. Exposure to chlorine gas did not affect needle lengthor annual shoot increment growth, but exposure was correlatedwith increased bud production. Needle longevity of foliage thatflushed 2 months after exposure was reduced significantly (P< 0.001). Annual stem increment growth for both species decreasedover at least three growing seasons following chlorine gas exposure(P < 0.001), and depended on distance from the spill site.Cone production was lower for exposed Pinus ponderosa treescompared to controls (P < 0.05), and tree mortality was higherwithin approx. 50 m of the release site forPseudotsuga menziesii. Growth responses for both conifers agreed well with predictedpatterns of carbon allocation after defoliation caused by chlorinegas exposure. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Pinus ponderosa, Pseudotsuga menziesii, conifers, chlorine gas, leaf wettability, cuticular transpiration, water relations, growth, mortality  相似文献   
An antiserum raised against -fructosidase isolated from the cell walls of suspension-cultured carrot cells cross-reacts with many plant proteins and hemocyanin ofHelix pomatia. The shared epitope appears to be a small complex glycan with a (1–2)-linked xylose residue attached to the -linked mannose residue of the core of an asparagine-linked oligosaccharide. There is strong cross-reactivity with the proteins of many seed plants, molluscs and insects, and no cross-reactivity with the proteins of fungi, algae, mosses, ferns, or any of the vertebrates tested. Xylose-containing glycans appear to increase the immunogenicity of the proteins to which they are attached, and we suggest that they may be responsible for some allergic responses of people that are repeatedly exposed to plant or insect proteins.  相似文献   
A dominant allele at the Mi locus on chromosome 6 of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) confers resistance to three species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne). The resistance, which is associated with a localized necrotic response, was originally introduced into tomato from the wild species Lycopersicon peruvianum. As a step towards the molecular cloning of Mi, we have identified closely linked DNA markers from both cDNA and genomic DNA libraries as restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). DNA from tomato populations segregating for nematode resistance was analyzed to generate a high-resolution genetic map of this region. Additional information on gene order was obtained by comparing the size of the introgressed L. peruvianum chromosomal segment within a collection of nematode-resistant tomato lines. Among the four cDNA markers that are tightly linked to Mi, three are dominant, i.e. L. peruvianum-specific. One cDNA marker corresponds to a gene family comprising 20-30 members, one of which is diagnostic for all nematode-resistant genotypes tested. The presence of non-homologous sequences around the Mi gene may contribute to the suppression of recombination in this region of the genome in crosses heterozygous for Mi. The potential of 'walking' from closely linked markers to Mi is discussed.  相似文献   
The imperfect ascomycetous yeastsCandida parapsilosis andArxula adeninivorans degraded 3-hydroxybenzoic acid via gentisate which was the cleavage substrate. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid was metabolized via protocatechuate. No cleavage enzyme for the latter was detected. In stead of this NADH- and NADPH-dependent monooxygenases were present. In cells grown at the expense of hydroquinone and 4-hydroxygenzoic acid, enzymes of the hydroxyhydroquinone variant of the 3-oxoadipate pathway were demonstrated, which also took part in the degradation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid byC. parapsilosis.Abbreviations HHQ Hydroxyhydroquinone (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene) - GSH reduced Glutathione  相似文献   
Abiotic and vegetation data were collected along two altitudinal transects through mature montane Quercus forests on the Pacific and Atlantic slopes of Costa Rica's Chirripó Massif. Between 2000 and 3200 m asl twenty-four 0.05 ha forest plots were selected at altitudinal intervals of 100 m, and eight soil profiles were described at intervals of 200 m. A TWINSPAN classification aided in the determination of eight zonal forest communities on the basis of their floristic composition. They are grouped in two sets of four: (i) the palm-rich lauraceous-fagaceous Lower Montane Mollinedia-Quercus Forests (2000–2600 m asl) and (ii) the bamboo-rich myrsinaceous-fagaceous Upper Montane Schefflera-Quercus Forests (2500–3200 m asl), respectively. Vegetation changes seem correlated with two major climatic gradients: (i) a temperature gradient (altitude), and (ii) a moisture gradient (wet Atlantic vs. moist Pacific slope). Most soils are Andepts, and residual, colluvial or derived from volcanic material. Humus layers are thicker on the wetter Atlantic slope. A total of 431 vascular plant species consisted of 86 pteridophytes, 1 gymnosperm, 296 dicots and 48 monocots. Species richness, canopy height and stem diameter decrease with increasing altitude, while the canopy surface becomes more flattend. A comparison with other studies shows that Chirripó's montane Quercus forests fit within the environmental ranges known from altitudinal zonations elsewhere in the Tropics.Abbreviations asl above sea level - dbh diameter at breast height - LM Lower Montane - Mt. Mountain - TWINSPAN two way indicator species analysis - UM Upper Montane - VU code referring to soil profiles as presented in Van Uffelen (1991) This paper is dedicated to the memory of Alwyn H. Gentry, an outstanding and inspiring tropical botanist who tragically died in a plane crash in the mountains of Ecuador on August 3 1993, when surveying possible boundaries for a new tropical cloud forest reserve.  相似文献   
Wounding of plants by insects is often mimicked in the laboratory by mechanical means such as cutting or crushing, and has not been compared directly with other forms of biotic stress such as virus infection. To compare the response of plants to these types of biotic and abiotic stress, trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity induced locally and systemically in mature tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) plants was followed for 12 days. In tobacco, cutting, crushing and insect feeding all induced comparable levels of TI activity of approx. 5 nmol·(mg leaf protein)?1 in wounded leaves, while tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection of tobacco induced 10-fold lower amounts in the infected leaves. In tomato, feeding by insects also led to the induction of a level of TI activity of 5 nmol·(mg leaf protein)?1. In contrast, both cutting and crushing of tomato leaves induced 10-fold higher amounts. These data show that biotic stress, in the form of insect feeding and TMV infection, and abiotic stress, in the form of wounding, have different effects on local levels of induced TI activity in mature tobacco and tomato plants. Irrespective of the type of wounding, in neither tobacco nor tomato could systemic induction of TI activity be observed in nearby unwounded leaves, which suggests that systemic induction of TI activity in mature tobacco and tomato plants is different from systemic TI induction in seedlings. Wounding of tobacco leaves, however, did increase the responsiveness to wounding elsewhere in the plant, as measured by an increased induction of TI activity.  相似文献   
Late-flowering mutants that have been described in ecotypes other than Landsberg erecta (Ler) have been found to be dominant alleles of the FRI locus located on chromosome 4, which determines lateness in many very late ecotypes. The extreme lateness of dominant FRI alleles depends on dominant alleles at the FLC locus that maps on the top of chromosome 5. FLC alleles with this effect have been found in all ecotypes tested (Col, Ws, S96, Est and Li) except Ler. Most likely the same locus confers lateness to the luminidependens (ld) mutant. Genotypes with a dominant FRI allele and the monogenic recessive ld mutant are only slightly later with recessive Ler alleles at the FLC locus. Genotypes where the dominant FLC alleles are combined with FRI or with the ld mutant, are strongly responsive to vernalization, which is much less effective in the FLC-Ler background.  相似文献   
These recommendations for genes encoding phytochromes were developed independently by Quail et al., but are broadly consistent with the Commission's guidelines. Their original article, kindly provided in advance of publication, appeared as a Letter to the Editor inPlant Cell (6:468–471, 1994) and is published with permission of the American Society of Plant Physiologists.  相似文献   
Abstract: The present study reports the ion dependency of 2β-carbomethoxy-3β-(4-fluorophenyl)[3H]tropane ([3H]- CFT) binding to the dopamine transporter in the rat striaturn. The results indicate that [3H]CFT binding to synaptosomal P2 membranes requires low concentrations of Na+ (peak binding between 20 and 50 m M Na+), is stimulated by phosphate anion or l-, but is unaffected or only slightly affected by F-, Cl-, Br-, NO3-, or SO42-, Concentrations of Na+ of >50 m M become inhibitory except in the presence of l-, which shifts peak binding levels toward higher Na+ concentrations and also elevates the peak binding level. K+ strongly decreased [3H]CFT binding with a shallow inhibition curve, and Na+ could not overcome this effect. Saturation analysis of [3H]CFT binding revealed a single binding site changing its affinity for CFT depending on the concentration of sodium phosphate buffer (6, 10, 30, 50, 130, or 200 m M ; 1 mM plus 49 mM NaCIversus 10 m M plus 40 m M NaCI; or 1 mM plus 129 m M Nal versus 10 m M plus 120 m M Nal). No differences were observed in the density of CFT binding sites between any of the conditions examined.  相似文献   
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