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During an ultrastructural study of small-intestinal mucosa from a patient suffering from alpha-chain disease organisms were identified within the epithelial cytoplasm which showed the fine structural features of the coccidian group. Though coccidiosis is well recognized as causing a diarrhoeal and often lethal illness in animals it has been neglected as a cause of disease in man. Thus this finding may be significant and warrants further investigation into its possible role in the pathogenesis of alpha-chain disease.  相似文献   
To determine whether histone genes are coordinately regulated, histone mRNA concentrations were measured in exponentially growing L6 myoblasts, S-phase synchronized myoblasts and in differentiating myoblasts. The levels of various histone mRNA subspecies declined rapidly and coordinately once myoblasts were given the signal to differentiate. mRNA levels were reduced on average to 1-5% of the amount observed in exponentially growing cells by 48 h after the signal to differentiate. The reductions occurred in concert with the cessation of DNA synthesis as the cells differentiated. Inhibition of DNA synthesis by treating myoblasts with Ara-C or hydroxyurea resulted in a histone mRNA half-life of 10-13 min for each of the histones examined. One example of non-coordinate regulation was observed however among the H4 mRNA subspecies in S-phase synchronized cells. The levels of two major subspecies of H4 mRNA increased coordinately in S-phase compared to levels observed in cells growing exponentially. A third subspecies of H4 mRNA on the other hand was found to decline by 50%. These studies suggest that the majority of histone mRNA subspecies are under coordinate control, although one exception has been noted among the subspecies of histone H4.  相似文献   
Threonine is a precursor of glycine in the rat, but the metabolic pathway involved is unclear. To elucidate this pathway, the biosynthesis of glycine, and of aminoacetone, from L-threonine were studied in rat liver mitochondrial preparations of differing integrities. In the absence of added cofactors, intact mitochondria formed glycine and aminoacetone in approximately equal amounts from 20 mM L-threonine, but exogenous NAD+ decreased and CoA increased the ratio of glycine to aminoacetone formed. In intact and freeze-thawed mitochondria, the ratio of glycine to aminoacetone formed was markedly sensitive to the concentration of L-threonine, glycine being the major product at low L-threonine concentrations. Disruption of mitochondrial integrity by sonication (1 min) decreased the ratio of glycine to aminoacetone formed, and in 20000 X g supernatant fractions from sonicated (3 min) mitochondria, aminoacetone was the major product. The main non-nitogenous two-carbon compound detected when intact mitochondria catabolized L-threonine to glycine was acetate, which was probably derived from deacylation of acetyl-CoA. These results suggest that glycine formation from L-threonine in rat liver mitochondria occurred primarily by the coupled activities of threonine dehydrogenase and 2-amino-3-oxobutyrate CoA-ligase, the extent of coupling between the enzymes being dependent upon a close physical relationship and upon the flux through the dehydrogenase reaction. In vivo glycine synthesis would predominate, and aminoacetone would be a minor product.  相似文献   
1. Salix lapponum host plants at an upper altitudinal site differed significantly in size, structural density, phenology, growth performance, and spatial isolation from those growing at a lower site. 2. Plant differences were paralleled by significant differences in psyllid population density and phenology parameters, with psyllid population density, percentage of catkins occupied, and phenological development relatively lower or retarded at the upper site. Population densities at the upper site, nevertheless, remained high. 3. Plant measurements were good predictors of insect density, often explaining up to 73% of the variance in abundance among plants at a given site. 4. Sets of four plant characters identified by best subsets regression were better predictors of psyllid density and development than single factors, although differences were often not great and the combinations of characters selected by multiple regression sometimes differed from the best single predictors. 5. Best single predictors of psyllid density on catkins were measurements of plant size, particularly height, length, and basal stem diameter. Shoot density and catkin phenology were occasionally important but plant isolation and prior growth performance were less important. 6. By contrast with density, age structure of the psyllid population was predicted best from plant phenological measurements, notably catkin phenology.  相似文献   
Localization of two genes for Usher syndrome type I to chromosome 11.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The Usher syndromes (USH) are autosomal recessive diseases characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and progressive pigmentary retinopathy. While relatively rare in the general population, collectively they account for approximately 6% of the congenitally deaf population. Usher syndrome type II (USH2) has been mapped to chromosome 1q (W. J. Kimberling, M. D. Weston, C. M?ller, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 245-249; R. A. Lewis, B. Otterud, D. Stauffer, et al., 1990, Genomics 7: 250-256), and one form of Usher syndrome type I (USH1) has been mapped to chromosome 14q (J. Kaplan, S. Gerber, D. Bonneau, J. Rozet, M. Briord, J. Dufier, A. Munnich, and J. Frezal, 1990. Cytogenet. Cell Genet. 58: 1988). These loci have been excluded as regions of USH genes in our data set, which is composed of 8 French-Acadian USH1 families and 11 British USH1 families. Both of these sets of families show linkage to loci on chromosome 11. Linkage analysis demonstrates locus heterogeneity between these sets of families, with the French-Acadian families showing linkage to D11S419 (Z = 4.20, theta = 0) and the British families showing linkage to D11S527 (Z = 6.03, theta = 0). Genetic heterogeneity of the data set was confirmed using HOMOG and the M test (log likelihood ratio > 10(5)). These results confirm the presence of two distinct USH1 loci on chromosome 11.  相似文献   
Transgenic tomato plants expressing antisense RNA to a ripening-related cDNA clone (pTOM5) had yellow ripening fruit and pale coloured flowers. Carotenoid levels in fruit of these plants were reduced by up to 97%. In order to determine the step of carotenoid biosynthesis which was blocked, a cell-free system active in the synthesis of carotenoid intermediates was prepared. Incubations with radiolabelled carotenoid precursors led to the identification of the block between GGDP and phytoene. Analysis of carotenoids in different tissues of transgenic and control plants indicated that although ripe fruit and flower carotenoid levels were reduced in the modified plants, leaf carotenoid levels were not decreased. This implies that the pTOM5 gene product is not involved in carotenoid synthesis in the leaf.  相似文献   
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