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Twenty-nine (64.4%) of 45 reindeer, Rangifer tarandus, examined over a two-year period were infected with trypanosomes. Trypomastigotes and dividing epimastigotes were found in the blood of fawns, cows, and bulls. Morphometric analysis of bloodstream trypomastigotes from reindeer and comparison of these parasites with similar stages of trypanosomes from elk, mule deer, and white-tailed deer from the contiguous United States proved them conspecific; the trypanosomes from these members of the Cervidae are identified as Trypanosoma cervi Kingston & Morton, 1975. This is the first report of trypanosomes from reindeer. No pathogenic effects are known to be caused by these parasites.  相似文献   
DNA fingerprints of dogs and cats   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Human minisatellite probes consisting of tandem repeats of the 'core' sequence, a putative recombination signal in human DNA, cross-hybridize to multiple polymorphic fragments in dog and cat DNA to produce individual-specific DNA 'fingerprints'. Pedigree analysis shows that most of the DNA fragments detected in an individual are heterozygous, and that these fragments are derived from multiple dispersed autosomal loci. DNA fingerprints of cats and dogs should prove suitable for individual identification and for establishing family relationships. They are also suitable for rapid marker generation in large pedigrees and could be applied to linkage analysis in these animals.  相似文献   
THE carboxy-terminal tetrapeptide of gastrin, Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2, has the same biological activity as the parent hormone1. Morley2,3 showed that certain substitutions in the Trp, Met and Phe positions gave active analogues and concluded that these positions are concerned only with binding at the site of action. In contrast, the only substitution in aspartic acid that gave activity was tetrazolyl for the β-carboxyl, thereby maintaining a proton donor of similar size at this position. Morley concluded that the aspartyl residue has a functional rather than a binding role and presumably is indispensable. The carboxy-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (OP-CCK) contains the carboxy-terminal tetrapeptide of gastrin and has gastrin-like activity4. We report here that the synthetic analogue of OP-CCK, in which alanyl is substituted for aspartyl at the position in question illustration, stimulates gastric acid secretion. In conscious cats with gastric fistulas5, dose-response curves were established for gastric acid response to OP-CCK, 7-Ala OP-CCK and pentagastrin6. The peptides were given by continuous intravenous infusion and response is taken as peak 10 min output during a 30 min infusion at each dose level (Fig. 1). Assigning a potency of 1 to OP-CCK the relative molar potency of 7-Ala OP-CCK is about 1/110 and of pentagastrin is about 1/4. We also tested the analogue of gastrin tetrapeptide in which alanyl is substituted for aspartyl illustration and found no detectable stimulation of acid secretion at doses as high as 15 mg/kg h, confirming similar negative findings by Morley2 in rat. This suggests that the weak action of alanyl substituted analogues cannot readily be detected without the enhancement of potency conferred by the sulphated tyrosyl of OP-CCK7. Ondetti et al.7 showed that 7-Ala OP-CCK contracts guinea-pig gallbladder with a potency about 1/150th that of OP-CCK, comparable with that reported here for acid secretion. This suggests that the same part or parts of the molecule are required for cholecystokinetic action and for gastric secretory action; the aspartyl residue in the penultimate position is dispensable for both of these actions. On the assumption that gastrin and CCK act at the same site8, we propose that the corresponding aspartyl residue of gastrin is similarly dispensable. For a direct test of this hypothesis, studies are needed of the synthetic analogue in which alanyl is substituted for the penultimate aspartyl in gastrin hepta-decapeptide, perferably gastrin II with sulphated tyrosyl because it is more potent than gastrin I in certain species9.
Aedes atropalpus is an autogenous mosquito characterized by a first gonadotropic cycle which results in approximately 200 mature oocytes without a bloodmeal. Ovarian development is completely inhibited if these animals are decapitated or ligated between the thorax and abdomen shortly after adult emergence. Injection of 4.8 ng of 20-hydro- xyecdysone into decapitated females 12 h after eclosion restores ovarian development in all females so treated. However, the same amount of 20-hydroxyecdysone injected into isolated abdomens obtained shortly after adult emergence had no discernible effect on vitellogenesis. In contrast, all abdomens which received 0.5 ng of topically applied JH I followed by the injection of 4.8 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone produced mature oocytes. Isolated abdomens were also capable of oocyte maturation when treated with excess amounts of JH alone; JH I was the most effective followed by JH II and then JH III.

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoretic analysis of vitellin extracted from the ovaries of hormonally-treated animals did not reveal any qualitative differences compared to intact normal controls. However, less yolk protein was present in the former. This was verified by counting the number and measuring the size of ovarian follicles in individual females.  相似文献   
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